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Book a Week in 2013 - Year 5 and we are doing it again!

Robin M

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OK, I am going to join you all! One of my goals for this year is to spend less time on FB and here (altho, I learn *so* much here). I've got so many books on my Kindle that are just sitting there waiting...


My first book is going to be Les Mis.


Now, how strict are the rules? There may be some weeks that I may not be able to finish the entire book in that week. So, can I make my goal "52 books a year" -- and not 100% 52 books in 52 weeks? Did that make sense?



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The rules are listed on the 52 Books blog. We are very casual about the actual rules regarding the book a week and the goal is 52 books. How you get there is up to you. I'll repost the rules here when the first thread of the year goes up on January 1st.


@Myblessings3 We decided that everyone can list their books on their posts showing what they read. Out of courtesy I would suggest not including the list with every single post in one thread. The first time you post in the weekly thread you can include your list. After that, when responding to comments, don't include the list. Make sense?


:hurray:I am finally done setting up all the mini challenges and updating the blog so we are ready to party come January 1st, so be sure to drop by and check out the various links. And yes folks - we are doing the continental and reading around the world. Be sure to check out the various links. I had some down time nursing a hurt knee and i've worn my poor fingers to the nubs. But it's done. :coolgleamA:

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I'd love to join in! I used to do this, but dropped out last year because I was so sick when I was pregnant with Lily. And then this year I discovered it's practically impossible to read with a baby. But, I'm really really psyched about doing the 52 in 52 next year!!


(I thought I'd already posted on this, but I don't see my post so consider a double post proof of my excitement. :D )

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I wasn't really interested in the Continental thing until I saw the booklists. Sooooo coool!! Are we going to stay together as we read through the continents (January: Canada; February: U.S.; etc), or is it a free-for-all ?




Good question - presented it to the group in week 52 thread to discuss.

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Question on what constitutes a dusty book... Do dusty books need to be ones that you physically (or electronically) own or can they be books that you have intended to check out from the library and read for months (or years) but haven't quite gotten around to yet? I very rarely actually buy a book anymore and most of my reading is from the library...

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It's been a long time coming. I graudated a year ago, so before that reading on top of reading for teaching (homeschool), teaching (cottage school) and being a full time master's student was too much.


This last year has been consumed with career and medical.


Now? I think I am ready. I am contemplating my 5/5/5 challenge.


I've joined many challenges here over the years and soon ditched each one. But since I love reading and don't love exercise or eating well or not spending money, maybe this one will stick.


I'm also thinking of a personal writing challenge for my book.

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Question on what constitutes a dusty book... Do dusty books need to be ones that you physically (or electronically) own or can they be books that you have intended to check out from the library and read for months (or years) but haven't quite gotten around to yet? I very rarely actually buy a book anymore and most of my reading is from the library...


Dusty Books are ones you actually own and have been gathering dust on the shelf. Library books don't count. However, they count for so many different other things. Check out Gina of Book Dragon's Lair. She is doing a LIbrary reading Challenge.

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I'm in for sure. I'll be keeping track on my GoodReads page and hope to do reviews so I can remember later what I thought about each one. Quick question: do people usually make a list of books they want to get through or just read what sounds good and list it?


The answer is both which probably isn't helpful. Which ever helps for you.


It's been a long time coming. I graudated a year ago, so before that reading on top of reading for teaching (homeschool), teaching (cottage school) and being a full time master's student was too much. This last year has been consumed with career and medical. Now? I think I am ready. I am contemplating my 5/5/5 challenge. I've joined many challenges here over the years and soon ditched each one. But since I love reading and don't love exercise or eating well or not spending money, maybe this one will stick. I'm also thinking of a personal writing challenge for my book.


A personal writing challenge is wonderful. Check out ROW80 which will start Jan 7 and is great for helping set personal goals. I also came up with annual goals which I posted on my personal blog



I'm in! And I think this just might be the push I need to start a blog. It sounds like Blogger is a good popular one...is that one easy enough for a beginner?


Blogger is wonderfully easy. I didn't know a thing about blogs when I started and have learned quite a bit in the past 5 years. Give it a try and see what happens.

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I started an account with Blogger last year just to keep up with my reading challenges. No lie :D


I used the templates to set up my blog and believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. I don't know how to make all the neat buttons and banners, but I am fierce with the copy and paste function! :ph34r:

Thanks! I'm going to set one up today...just as soon as I can figure out a name...

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I was doing great up until September....and then, I lost count...and interest( how bad is that???)

I haven't really been reading anything except Facebook and Pinterest and related blogs for myself. I have also been reading a ton of books on my health issues, nutrition, exercise and auto immune problems. I tend to firget that they count in the final count.....so, didn't list them. Add in books on home organization and minimalism, de-cluttering, de-junking, decorating and other "make my life better and not about homescooling" books. I have been reading to my kids....hard books like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Beowulf .....and easier ones like Harry Potter and short stories like Rip Van Winkle.....but, I have fallen off the book wagon.....and need to get back on.


So, if you guys will have me back, I think I will buy myself a new fun book to read....nothing too hoity toity, or academic, or deep.....and jump in for 2013.





I want to know the names of those health books, decluttering, minimalism etc. books. I've started reading in the same vein recently.


I joined the challenge last year at some point and then stopped posting (of course, I did not stop reading). Hoping to stick with the posting this year.


Thanks for re-posting the 'rules' Robin!

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OK, as I said, I am in. My personal challenge is to read some of Classics that somehow I've never read: Les Mis will be my first, but my list includes stuff like Frankenstein, The Three Musketeers, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, etc., etc.


I hope that's OK; like, we don't *have to* to join any of the challenges, right?


Oh, and idk if this is just a problem of the computer I am currently on, but I can't get to the 52 Weeks Blog.


Oh, and one more question: can I just put reviews/thoughts/my list on my own blog?


Thanks for being patient with all my questions!



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OK, as I said, I am in. My personal challenge is to read some of Classics that somehow I've never read: Les Mis will be my first, but my list includes stuff like Frankenstein, The Three Musketeers, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, etc., etc.


I hope that's OK; like, we don't *have to* to join any of the challenges, right?


No, you don't.



Oh, and one more question: can I just put reviews/thoughts/my list on my own blog?


Sure. I don't list books anywhere but on this thread.



There aren't many rules around here, so you don't have to go looking for them. :p

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Back with a question. Do most of you only post about a book after you have finished, or do you post about books in progress too?


Both actually. Some may get excited about a book they are reading and want to share it. Others wait until they are done.


OK, as I said, I am in. My personal challenge is to read some of Classics that somehow I've never read: Les Mis will be my first, but my list includes stuff like Frankenstein, The Three Musketeers, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, etc., etc. I hope that's OK; like, we don't *have to* to join any of the challenges, right? Oh, and idk if this is just a problem of the computer I am currently on, but I can't get to the 52 Weeks Blog. Oh, and one more question: can I just put reviews/thoughts/my list on my own blog? Thanks for being patient with all my questions! ~coffee~


No you don't have to join any of the mini challenges. They are there for fun and inspiration. Don't know why you can't get to the 52 weeks blog. You should be able to click on my link in signature and go right there. And last but not least, yes you can do reviews, etc on your own blog and post about it in the thread so folks will go read. Also link from the 52 books blog for those who aren't part of WTM. We have quite a few people involved beside WTMer's .



I will read 26 books because I read very slowly and English is my foreign language.


That's great - look forward to hearing about your reads.


I tried this last year or the year before and didn't make it very far. Got a kindle fire for Christmas and have read several books over the past week so I think it might be more doable this year. I'm excited to give it a try and see what I can get done!


I am joining again this year. I am afraid to go back to check how early I stopped posting last year. Always reading, just slowly. :)


Sorry you both stopped posting but the joy of the challenge is we will always be there when you want to talk about books. It's all very relaxed and some folks like to share their reads and others just want to read. Hope you stick around for 2013 so we get to hear about your progress and what you are reading.

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I want to join! I don't know how far I will get but I have been trying to get more reading into my life again! I am currently a quarter of the way through Les Mis. I I am trying to finish it before it leaves theaters, but I might just have to watch the latest movie version first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all!


I'm late to sign up, but I've been working on my reading lists. I have so many good ideas from reading the three threads so far---thanks!


Categories I plan to incorporate into my 52 books:

  • Children's Classics I Never Read
  • A to Z Challenge
  • Continental Challenge
  • 5/5/5 Challenge (still working on these categories)
  • Well-Educated Mind List
  • Dewey Decimal Challenge


This is my first year participating, and I'm really looking forward to it! Now, I just need to set up a reading blog . . . .


Books I am reading now:




Looking forward to a great year of reading!

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