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18 month well visit-not good please help!


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I've been posting alot about my toddler lately because I have terrible anxiety and I just worry about him so much(I don't know why).

Anyway, today I brought him to a new pediatrician for his 18 month well visit. The last pediatrician he saw was at 13 months. At that appointment, they measured him on the white paper and then calculated his height from that. I wasn't paying attention if they were accurate or paying close attention but he was in the 68th percentile for height and 17% percentile for weight. Today, at the new pediatrician they used a board that had two hard ends on it(like he was standing up against the wall-but he was laying down) When his height got calculated today it put him in the 23rd percentile for height and his weight now in the 50% percentile! So, he upped alot in weight, but dropped alot in height!

Why would his height drop so dramatically? Could it have been human error the first time or could their be something wrong with him?

I've been researching and worrying for hours about this! (I'm also pregnant and I get worried generally about everything right now)

Should I be worried?

Please help...

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My DD 'shrank' between her birth length and her first length in the hospital (two weeks, I think). I've always thought laying them on paper and making two pencils marks is a terribly inaccurate way to do things. I never really get worked up about those percentiles anyway. I'm sure he is fine!

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If you look at the growth chart for height (like at http://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set1clinical/cj41c017.pdf), the rough difference between those two percentiles is about an inch or a bit more. I could easily see how there could be a difference in measurement that would put it out of whack—the different measuring system you mentioned, a different nurse than you usually see doing the measurement, your little guy being squirmy that day or maybe in the middle of a growth spurt.


I agree with a pp, just see what it is at his 24 month check-up. You can talk to your doctor then if it seems there's something going on.


Erica in OR

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My first dd was measured at 20.5 inches at birth. A few days later she was measured at 18 inches. I know that newborns seem like they lose height because of the cone head going back to normal but it isn't enough for her to lose 2.5 inches. When you take measurements with paper they are subject to user error and people have different ways of measuring.

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I'm not a fan of the whole percentile obsession, anyway. It seems to give those prone to worry reasons to worry, and is of little benefit to those who approach the height/weight thing differently.


Is he growing and meeting developmental milestones?


I can look around my office and surmise that we are all genetically programmed *differently*. The thing about percentiles is that people have to be on the extremes.

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Seriously, I know exactly how you feel. I worried about EVERYTHING when ds was little, so I can totally relate to your posts... but you really and truly have absolutely nothing to worry about. Even most doctors will tell you that the measurements aren't always accurate -- especially the "stretch the baby and put a couple of pencil marks on the paper" nonsense.


If you're still worried, try it for yourself. Put the baby down on a big sheet of paper and do the measurements. Then get another sheet of paper and have your dh take the measurements. I can pretty much guarantee you that the measurements won't be the same. And that's with you and your dh being extra-careful. Do you really think the nurse at your doctor's office was as precise as you would be if you did it yourself?


I remember when ds was a baby, the nurse measured him, and I knew his legs weren't straight, so I mentioned it to her, and she said it was no big deal -- it was close enough. :rolleyes:


So really, don't worry. He's fine. I'm sure of it. :grouphug:

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Should I be worried that he grew in weight and head measurement,but was slow to grow in height? He kindof flat lined on the paper in height.


My 2 yr old just went and hardly grew in height but gained weight. Other times he's been in a higher percentile for height instead of weight, the other way around. He has spurts and stops and goes up and down in percentiles, his dr has never worried because his over all curve is fine. He's growing overall and meeting all milestones. Heck, when this same ds was in utero, his kidneys supposedly weren't developing right, but by the time I was 36 weeks, his kidneys looked perfectly normal. People just develop differently, and at different rates. I would only worry about his height if you went for many visits and his height never budged. Right now, he sounds fine and I bet you he'll have different measurements the next time he goes. Try not to worry.

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One time, my dd got a head-measurement that was totally off the charts. The pediatrician came in and looked at the chart, told me that didn't look right, remeasured her head, and got a circumference that was a couple centimeters smaller. Wiggly kids don't measure well.


Even if I were to assume the height measurement is accurate, I would chalk it up to him gaining weight just before a big growth spurt. Kids don't grow in a nice, linear fashion like the charts show,

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He is my 3rd and I'm pregnant with my 4th now. He got really ,really sick at 5 months and was in the hospital for while. Then, he had to be monitored for 6 weeks afterwards by a cardiologist. When he was in the hospital, I called a priest to have him come and pray over him. When the priest asked if he was in danger of dying(at the time I didn't know) I broke down and had a panic/anxiety attack in the hospital where they almost admitted me as well. To be honest, I've never fully recovered since then. I have MAJOR anxiety issues regarding health(especially with him) and can't cope. I went to numerous doctors afterwards convinced I had everything from thyroid disease to cancer and then I got pregnant again. I have been anxious this entire time and really should be on something, but being pregnant, I'm just trying to manage. My husband is very supportive and understands how I get about this(he's out of town right now and I've been on the computer for 6 hours researching all of this). I got worried again tonight because he had a diaper full of undigested beans and corn and I ran write back onto the computer for answers.

I know I have issues with this, but please understand I'm just scared something is wrong with my baby....

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I'm sharing too much now, but have no one else to talk to. I called my husband tonight in tears because I feel like I can't do this again. I'm going to have another baby and I'm so scared something is going to be wrong with her too...I told him I wish we didn't even do this because I feel like I can't cope.

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Okay first of all, I don't think it's possible for someone to lose bone inches unless they are hunched over or have osteoporosis so I would chalk it up to human error.


On the beans and corn thing, that is VERY normal for them to pass through intact, up until they are a few years old.


I would look into getting on some medication. Hugs!!

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i realize that but don't know what to do....

I've tried to see a therapist that specialized in pre and postnatal depression(I have more anxiety than depression) and they couldn't fit me in.

I'm not comfortable taking anything while I'm pregnant...so I kindof just suffer and pray nothing goes wrong(esp. with one of my children.)

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blessedwinter..he didn't actually get shorter. At 13 months, they said he was measuring at 30 3/4 inches(using the paper method) The doctor today used the board method and got between 31 3/4-32 inches at almost 19 months. So, if both those measurements were accurate, he only grew 1-1/4 inches in 6 months.

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blessedwinter..he didn't actually get shorter. At 13 months, they said he was measuring at 30 3/4 inches(using the paper method) The doctor today used the board method and got between 31 3/4-32 inches at almost 19 months. So, if both those measurements were accurate, he only grew 1-1/4 inches in 6 months.


That's okay, right? It's okay, don't worry! My kids are always low on the growth charts (well, esp. for weight) for the first 18 months or so and then they catch up. He'll be fine! I just found out my 15 month old is not only short, but he hasn't progressed any on the weight chart (he's gained, but hasn't gone up in percentage) AND he has a really big head! One of our children has already had to have 2 CT scans for his head size. :(


It's okay, I'm sure your baby is fine! Don't worry about it! Now if he was *acting* lethargic, not eating, lips turning colors, wheezing, showing any real signs of illness I would worry, but not for what you mentioned. It sounds like you do have an anxiety disorder and depending on how severely it's affecting you and the family, I would really look into getting on something. I take Zoloft throughout pregnancies and breastfeeding...there are lots of drugs that are safe to take, esp. if you are really, really struggling.

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On the beans and corn thing, that is VERY normal for them to pass through intact, up until they are a few years old.

I would look into getting on some medication. Hugs!!



Yes, and even after. My 5 year old still loves to eat corn because it gives him "poop nuts."


Please talk to your doctor about getting something for your anxiety. This is not healthy for you, your son, or the baby you are carrying now.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I wish your dh was there to give you a big hug, because it sounds like you're caught in a loop of panic and anxiety, and you're honestly not being rational right now.


And everyone feels that way sometimes, so you're not crazy!


The thing is, you need to find a way to distract yourself for a little while, so your mind can calm down a bit. It's always worse at night, because it's dark and you feel sort of trapped in the house with no one to talk to and no one to call for some normal conversation.


I wish we could convince you that everything you have posted about your little guy is perfectly normal, but I honestly don't think that's going to happen tonight. I'll bet you will start to feel calmer and better in the morning, or if you can manage to get some sleep, because it will help break the cycle for you.


I'm so sorry you're so anxious and upset. I wish there was something I could do to help you. If you pray or meditate, maybe you should see if either of those things would help you calm down. It's horrible to worry about things that you can't control, and I wish I could tell you what you could do to distract yourself so you can ease your way out of the anxiety. Does it help you to watch something funny on TV or read a book? Can you do some exercise? (Sometimes a workout can really do wonders for calming you down!)


I'll be thinking of you tonight and hoping you feel better. :grouphug:

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I understand. I went through a spell of nightly panic attacks when dd was a baby. Pregnancy and post pregnancy hormones can really mess you up!


Do some deep breathing. Look up some if you need to. Try some meditation. Are you a person of faith? My faith helped me sooo much through my time of anxiety.


I have said a prayer for you. I hope you feel more at peace and rest soon.

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Anxiety to this level is NOT healthy while you are pregnant.


Yes, human error could be responsible for the "lack" of growth. My daughter can get weighed/measured at 2-3 different places a day and still get different measurements. And for her, every ounce/pound is important.... so I understand how frustrating and anxious these type of situations can make a mom. Since this is a new pediatrician, you need to wait until your *next* appointment to notice if it is a trend. YKWIM? This is also someplace where you have to trust your pediatrician. FWIW: a drop from 68% to 23% in height is not medically significant by itself. If the trend continues, then yes, I would feel it would be something to discuss. IMHO, the growth in weight from 17% to 50% is a lot more significant. Everything on the growth curve is a "trend" - my daughter is in the <3% for her weight (she hasn't been on the chart for 18 months now....) and about 7% in height...


I suffer MAJOR anxiety. PLEASE do not use the pregnancy as an excuse- you can still see a therapist. Self-diagnosis/management is not good treatment option and it's not taking good care of yourself - I don't mean this harshly.... I mean this as a mom, we need to take care of ourselves (especially when we are pregnant) so we can be there for our littles.... I know there are also natural remedies to relieve stress - one big thing is to not focus on it. This is me.... what I did with my pregnancy with my DD and it was horrific for me. I was literally trapped within my anxiety unable to do anything. Focus on breathing, try to journal and write about what stresses you out, and please, accept and acknowledge your own limitations. I know this might be hard to focus on, but time for "me" is also important - whether it's putting your feet up and reading in bed, or a shower without any interruptions...


For what it's worth, I would generally say that the measurement you got at the new pediatrician would be more accurate than the old measurement. IMO, there's a huge margin of error there.


I hope that tomorrow is a new day and you wake up feeling refreshed and less anxious. Best of luck to you.

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I have had a few times when anxiety about a child's health was making it very hard to function. At that point I made the very difficult decision to temporarily delegate the responsibility of taking children to doctor's appointments to my husband. It has only happened a few times, but it was sanity saving for me to just stay home and bake some cookies while Dh went to the apt. He and I process information differently and he does not dwell on the negative.

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((hugs)) researching everything on the computer is only going to make things worse--gently said, please stop. My 2 year old almost always has interesting diapers--definitely know when he's had blueberries ;) Corn is not easily digested even by adults.

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Thanks for asking Cat...I'm doing o.k. now...I know you are going to think I'm even more crazy, but I brought him back to the doctor this morning to check his iron. He was a little low (11.2..she said normal is between 12-14) and prescribed iron drops. She assured me it's completely normal and even her sons had to take them for a period of time. I was on the computer until 1am last night researching and thought he had everything from low iron to cystic fibrosis. Thankfully, Icalled this morning and I'm not a carrier of the gene(I was tested this pregnancy...y'all know I'm panicky about everything so it should be a suprise I asked to be tested for everything under the son) I also called his ped this morning before the appt and his newborn screening came back negative for cf, so I was comforted by that.

I also had Early Development specialists come to my house after the doctor(this was already scheduled) to assess him. He was a little behind in speech(by 1 month...maybe a bit more) but was 4-6 months ahead in other areas. They said he was very, very smart(with puzzles, fine motor,etc) and said that children develop stronger in some areas and then catch up areas and not to worry. ..It did make me feel a bit better, but I do still worry about the little guy.

I know I need help with my anxiety, I just don't feel comfortable taking anything while I'm pregnant. I was prescribed Zoloft a couple of months ago, but never took it because I googled and things like heart defects, etc. came up so I've been just suffering through it.


I feel so much stress with Christmas and now we are pulling our bigger boys out of school(another story..we homeschooled for 4 years but after my anxiety became unbearable in my first trimester, we put them in school...it hasn't been going great, so end of this week we are back to homeschooling...)

I just want everything to be o.k. and to be happy...I don't understand why I'm like this.

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Thanks for asking Cat...I'm doing o.k. now...I know you are going to think I'm even more crazy, but I brought him back to the doctor this morning to check his iron. He was a little low (11.2..she said normal is between 12-14) and prescribed iron drops. She assured me it's completely normal and even her sons had to take them for a period of time. I was on the computer until 1am last night researching and thought he had everything from low iron to cystic fibrosis. Thankfully, Icalled this morning and I'm not a carrier of the gene(I was tested this pregnancy...y'all know I'm panicky about everything so it should be a suprise I asked to be tested for everything under the son) I also called his ped this morning before the appt and his newborn screening came back negative for cf, so I was comforted by that.

I also had Early Development specialists come to my house after the doctor(this was already scheduled) to assess him. He was a little behind in speech(by 1 month...maybe a bit more) but was 4-6 months ahead in other areas. They said he was very, very smart(with puzzles, fine motor,etc) and said that children develop stronger in some areas and then catch up areas and not to worry. ..It did make me feel a bit better, but I do still worry about the little guy.

I know I need help with my anxiety, I just don't feel comfortable taking anything while I'm pregnant. I was prescribed Zoloft a couple of months ago, but never took it because I googled and things like heart defects, etc. came up so I've been just suffering through it.


I feel so much stress with Christmas and now we are pulling our bigger boys out of school(another story..we homeschooled for 4 years but after my anxiety became unbearable in my first trimester, we put them in school...it hasn't been going great, so end of this week we are back to homeschooling...)

I just want everything to be o.k. and to be happy...I don't understand why I'm like this.


Every drug and even vitamin can have side effects but what your anxiety is doing to your own health ( and baby's) is not ok. Medicines are there to help and combined with therapy can help you deal with it or overcome it in the long run. PLEASE CALL YOUR DOCTOR TODAY. Do it for your baby's health if you can't do it for your own. I am very holistic but if my anxiety was ever as heavy on me as your seems, I would be taking something and getting help.



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Thanks for posting the update. I wish you could find a way to not worry so much. It could end up being very psychologically stressful for your baby if you're constantly taking him to the doctor or having him evaluated by specialists for everything under the sun. You could also eventually have a reputation for crying wolf, and then if your baby truly does catch the flu (or whatever,) the doctors may not take you seriously.


I'm very worried about you. The things you're doing aren't rational. And I know you're doing them out of fear and out of all the love you have for your little guy. I know you only want what's best for him. But if you continue to follow your current path, by the time he's old enough to realize what you're doing, he will become very fearful of doctors and may also be a raging hypochondriac. I am sure you don't want that for him. Every single thing you have posted about your ds is perfectly normal for kids his age, yet you're unable to see that.


I truly think you need to find a way out of this cycle of fear, whether through medication or therapy or both. There's nothing worse than walking around all day with a knot in your stomach because you're scared and worried. It is absolutely horrible. And I want you to feel better. I know you're in the middle of it right now, so you can't see an escape from it, but there are ways of dealing with it -- and think about it, would you rather wake up in the morning a month from now and feel exactly as you're feeling today, or would you rather wake up and look forward to spending a nice day with your kids? Because if you get the help you need, it really can happen.


But please keep posting here when you're worried and scared. If there's anything we can do to help alleviate your fears, we'll be here for you. :grouphug:

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I would second or third the recommendation to find a therapist. It doesn't have to be someone who specializes in prenatal and pregnancy issues--any good therapist would be able to offer you suggestions for your anxiety.


You shouldn't have to feel this way--you can get better with some qualified help!

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Anxiety and depression are no good for pregnant moms. And I'm saying this gently, but don't Google symptoms. It's just bad news. :grouphug:



No kidding!


I have suffered from anxiety for years, but just tried to "deal with it" because the thought of making an appointment with a doctor made me feel...anxious. ;)


This last spring, I was sick for a couple of months. One day I started googling symptoms, and ended up having a full-blown panic attack. I really thought I was dying. I called 911 and got an ambulance ride to the hospital. Everything turned out to be fine, but that scared me enough that I finally sought help for the anxiety.


It's been amazing how much better I feel. I didn't know how bad it was until I started to be free from some of the anxiety symptoms. I also didn't realize that some of the personality traits I've had since I was a teenager are the anxiety--not me. I've become a much better mom since I've gotten my anxiety under control. I used to think I was just a bad person and a bad mommy, but now I can see that was the illness manifesting itself. I wish I had sought treatment years ago.


It sounds like you need help. Please don't put it off. The sooner you seek treatment for yourself, the sooner you will be able to be there in a healthy way for your kids. Even if you don't want to take drugs during the pregnancy, you can still meet with a therapist. They won't judge you for needing help--that's what they are there for. ((Hugs))

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