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What's on your 6-7 year old girl's wishing list?


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DD7 is asking for a skateboard and a sewing kit. I'm just not sure about either gifts. Last year I gave her a loom and she has been knitting a hat for almost a year, more like an on-and-off project. When DH knits, she takes hers out and they sit together knitting.


Oh another thing I forgot to list is peg people. She spent weeks painting them last year and she will receive another batch of these this year. Maybe this time I'll add a couple of furniture pieces. We bought unfinished wooden door knobs at Home Depot as little tables for her peg people. She tends to build, paint, or draw while listening to audiobooks.

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My 7 year old DD wants Felicity AG doll things - she's obsessed with Felicity right now. Thank goodness for Ebay! She also wants the Invisibility Cape from Harry Potter - yeah, me too kid! She wants art supplies, Harry Potter 4 on audio (she's not allowed to read/listen to it yet), an ice cream popsicle maker, and something she calls Shimmer, I think it must be some kind of body powder that has glitter in it and she saw it at a friend's house.

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That age is when my DD's obsession with stuffed cats began. She dresses them up in doll clothes. The obsession continues to grow and this year she has asked Santa for a cat tree full of kittens.


At six, she was heavily into Schleich, Safari, and Papo fairies. She got the tree and the lily pad boat the Christmas after she turned 7. She uses play silks for scenery for the fairies (blue for a stream for the lily pad, greens for rolling hills, etc.).


Roller skates are one of her all-time favorites and she received them first at age 6.

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Haha! Mine wants a bar too.....at least she knew enough to ask Santa and not Mom!


Well I did get her a beam about a month ago. I somehow missed the part in the description that it is a full 8 feet.


Oh yeah another thing is I am going to get her some "real" jewlery. She would like a necklace. I saw some at Piercing Pagoda that were child sized.


OP are you ok with her having simple make up? Like lip gloss and a blush brush or something. My dd loves stuff like that. You said she has art supplies, whatever starting her with some scrapbooking stuff? Or card making things. My dd loves scrapbooking

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Oops! DD also has a beam that she got from another Hive member.....she loves it, but knows she needs work on bars, so she's insistent that she needs one.


What size is your DD? I have two gym leos that have been worn one time each. One is a size xs and one is a small. They are girly colors and the type that are like the shorts. PM me if you need any!


ETA Obviously this would not work for the oldest if she is the gymnast LOL

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What size is your DD? I have two gym leos that have been worn one time each. One is a size xs and one is a small. They are girly colors and the type that are like the shorts. PM me if you need any!


ETA Obviously this would not work for the oldest if she is the gymnast LOL



You had the right DD....unfortunately, she's just moving into CM :( She's an itty, bitty, skinny little thing (44" and 36lbs), but needs the CM for length.

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Haha! Mine wants a bar too.....at least she knew enough to ask Santa and not Mom!


LOL!!! Mine too! She also wants a vault and a beam! But, the back of our couch will do for a beam for now. I have a few great pictures of her in a handstand on the back of the couch! She's always asking me to spot her on her back walkover on the "beam!!!"

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LOL!!! Mine too! She also wants a vault and a beam! But, the back of our couch will do for a beam for now. I have a few great pictures of her in a handstand on the back of the couch! She's always asking me to spot her on her back walkover on the "beam!!!"


Brave little one, isn't she?? I love it!

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My 7 year old dd, who really is a girlie girl, has a very interesting wish list this year:


A detective coat

An old fashioned type writer (like Kit Kitridge)

A sewing machine

A slingshot

A bow and arrow

And....a horse! LOL


She'll probably get the coat and slingshot. :)


Last Christmas I bought DD then 6 a foam bow and arrow, with extra arrows. We went to the park and adults approached asking about it. It's possible to shoot it far, 100 feet or more, with practice.


I wasn't ready for the real thing, but eventually I will have to when DD is more mature.

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I'm buying a friend's dds a Barbie Ultimate Closet (one for each of them,) and because the girls always play together and share a lot of toys, I'm also getting them the Barbie Sisters Cruise Ship. I'll probably also get them each a Barbie or two, as well. Costco has a cute set that includes 2 Barbies and some clothes, but it's the same two Barbies in every single set, so I won't get those for the girls, because it seems odd to get them the exact same dolls and outfits. It's bad enough that the Ultimate Closets are exactly the same!


They also love anything crafty, but I don't know what they already have, so I decided to go with the Barbie stuff I know they want.

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My dd7 has asked for a cooking set and calico critters. She has an American Girl (Kit) but she doesn't play with her unless she has a friend to play with. She also wants Hobbit legos and a wardrobe that leads to Narnia, but she understands this might be difficult for me to obtain.

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My 7yo loves sewing craft kits. We started her on felt pieces with the holes cut and a plastic needle. She has a loom for making potholders that she has gotten a lot of use out of. My mom gave her a sewing kit last year and I caught her starting a doll sized patchwork quilt a couple of days ago. She's been asking to learn how to use a sewing machine for over a year. Since I don't really know how to use one, I've been dragging my feet. Maybe we'll start learning together over Christmas break. She's also into secret messages and codes. I think I saw a Highlights magazine advertisement for something along those lines.

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My DD"s christmas list this year:


Lalaloopsy dolls - especially the Mermaid - she also loves the babies and the minis


Barbies and clothes

Littlest Pet Shops

Calico Critters

Baby doll clothes (she still loves her baby dolls)

a leapad

Disney princess dolls -the toddler ones

Rainbow Fairy books

Tons of clothes :bored:

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Here is what we have planned this year for around that age...


Jewelry (a necklace with interchangeable charms that have special meaning to her)

A tea set

Child size cooking supplies

A microwavable puppy to take to bed at night

Thinking Putty in a girly color

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My girls are 6 and 8. They are both into American Girl, Littlest Pet Shop, Calico Critters and Playmobil (hospital, school, vet, etc). They also like to get clothes and shoes, art stuff and "big kid" electronics (camera, ipod, camcorder...all are available surprisingly cheap).

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