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Yep, now I'm gonna whine.

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My mother texted me at 6:30 this morning to tell me to call my dad. Dad's unhappy because they moved him to a new room in the hospital that made him feel claustrophobic.


She also texted me two other times today.


I talked to my dad on the phone today.


Neither one of them wished me happy birthday.


Yep. My birthday is today, and both of my parents forgot.


Now my dad gets a free pass, seeing as he's in the hospital. :tongue_smilie: But it still kinda hurts.


Mom's birthday was last month, and I got her a gift as WELL as conspiring with my dad to buy her flowers "from him".


It's not about my birthday; I'm not a big 'celeberate me' sort of person. It's about the fact that I spoke with both of my parents today and they both FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY.




Ah, whine over.

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I'm so sorry :grouphug:


I totally get it. This was the first year that I wasn't hurt by my mother not calling...and that was b/c I quit talking to her in the spring!


ETA: I'd end up calling her, and wait, and wait, and wait for her to mention it...and then after I gave in and reminded her, she'd claim she was just about to say happy birthday...20 mins into the convo. Uh huh.


Heaven help you if you didn't call as soon as she thought you should (as in, first thing in the am) for her birthday though. I shudder to think what would have happened if I'd ever forgotten...

Edited by Impish
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Can we adopt you???




Happy Birthday to a wonderful Sister!!!!


:cheers2: (<- that's root beer. Or hot chocolate with marshmallow on top:D)


Yes please! :D


Thanks everybody. I realize it's small potatoes. And at now (gulp) 35 years old, I should know what to expect from my parents. It's just harder some days than others.

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My mother texted me at 6:30 this morning to tell me to call my dad. Dad's unhappy because they moved him to a new room in the hospital that made him feel claustrophobic.


She also texted me two other times today.


I talked to my dad on the phone today.


Neither one of them wished me happy birthday.


Yep. My birthday is today, and both of my parents forgot.


Now my dad gets a free pass, seeing as he's in the hospital. :tongue_smilie: But it still kinda hurts.


Mom's birthday was last month, and I got her a gift as WELL as conspiring with my dad to buy her flowers "from him".


It's not about my birthday; I'm not a big 'celeberate me' sort of person. It's about the fact that I spoke with both of my parents today and they both FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY.




Ah, whine over.


It is not a solution for everyone, but long ago I decided to be proactive about this issue. There were a couple people in my life who needed to be reminded. I would tell, call, U.S. mail, or email them about 2 months prior, 1 month prior, 2 weeks prior, and with one of them the day before. Eventually they remembered without prompting. If they were irritated by me, they had the grace to not be obvious about it.

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:grouphug::grouphug: Your parents forgetting your birthday reminds me of Samantha from Sixteen Candles. (This is my terrible attempt at making you smile.) Big hugs to you, Bethany. I'm glad to hear your dad is ornery. When my dad was ornery, I knew he was okay. ;) I'm just a ray of sunshine today, aren't I? Sorry. It's been a rough day for me and my usual reaction to rough days is to be overly positive. Please, excuse me. :)

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