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Who wants a scoodie?

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These are the hot topic of conversation amongst the homeschool moms in my area. It's almost at the collect and trade level ;) I never heard of them before, but tried to look in the know all the same. Are they new this year? The one I saw was fabric and very plush inside.

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I was given one for a gift when I was in high school (more than 20 years ago) Dark green knit but not homemade - it was from a dept. store. At first I thought is was dorky looking :tongue_smilie:but I learned to love it. Kept it for years. I should have kept it longer - I'd be right in style :lol:

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I was given one for a gift when I was in high school (more than 20 years ago) Dark green knit but not homemade - it was from a dept. store. At first I thought is was dorky looking :tongue_smilie:but I learned to love it. Kept it for years. I should have kept it longer - I'd be right in style :lol:


I have a blue knitted one that is that old! I don't like it. The hood part is way too big for me and so it doesn't fit right. Being a pack rat, though, I have to admit that I still have it. Maybe I should donate it!

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The hood part is way too big for me and so it doesn't fit right.


I'll bet they were made by the same company. The hood part on mine was way too big - hence the dorky part. :lol: The loving part for me came in during college. It was nice for walking around a snow covered campus in New York.

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I had to look them up too. Here's a link in case you don't want to google it.


I bet they'd be easy to make.


Hey, that's not the original! I have the original in my closet, from oh, 25 years ago! I still wear it in the winter sometimes.


I guess I'm cool again.:confused::tongue_smilie:


If you just wait long enough, your clothes are in style again.

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Hey, that's not the original! I have the original in my closet, from oh, 25 years ago! I still wear it in the winter sometimes.


I guess I'm cool again.:confused::tongue_smilie:


If you just wait long enough, your clothes are in style again.



That's what my dad said in the 80's about his old bellbottom jeans. When we were all rolling our jeans tight at the ankles, I thought he was nuts. :lol:


Never heard of a scoodie... interesting.

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These are the hot topic of conversation amongst the homeschool moms in my area. It's almost at the collect and trade level ;) I never heard of them before, but tried to look in the know all the same. Are they new this year? The one I saw was fabric and very plush inside.


EWWW!! Collect and TRADE??!! COOTIES! (or would that be "scooties?")


sorry--- I live in fear of lice and bedbugs. I've never had either but I fear the clock is ticking.



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I thought your post said scoodle. I figured it must be a cross between a poodle and ??? Maybe some new hypo-allergenic breed. But then I read the part about fabric and plush insides!


I did, too!


My 11yo made a horrible face and shook her head vehemently. I think she shares my distaste for "combo" things.

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