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Enlighten me - hand gesture

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We had a first playdate with another family yesterday and the mother was asking her 3yo what 1+1+1 was. While she asked, she lifted her index finger on her left hand, her index finger on her right hand and then her pinky on her right hand, holding her middle and ring finger down with her thumb. :001_huh:


I only thought it was so odd because she did it several times out of the blue. I didn't know what to say - it made me feel awkward. I told my husband and he said back in the 80's there was a rock band that used the gesture to say they were satanists.


A few years ago another mother kept telling her 9yo dd to show my son her "bunny", which was the same hand gesture (index and pinky up, thumb holding middle and ring fingers down.) We thought it was odd then too because it was out of the blue. The mother was a self proclaimed pagan and wore a pentagram.


So, some one please enlighten me. Is that weird? What does the hand gesture mean?




Seriously! This board cracks me up. You all are assuming I'm the freak because I asked here.


Okay, here is what happened...we're sitting around chatting, the kids are playing, mom stands up abruptly walks over to her child and does the finger counting thing right in her face. More than once. It was weird. The 1st time was confusing, after the 2nd time, it was really awkward. By the 3rd time, I was thinking it was time to go.


So, um, yeah that is weird. I tell my husband and told him that the little girl had on a skull shirt, but that detail seemed irrelevant to add here asking about the hand gesture. My husband mentioned the satanist thing, especially after the incident that happened several years ago with the self-proclaimed paganist and the 9yo doing it to little kids.


I think one poster mentioned it might've been a hand thing to let the child know she was getting out of control, or to keep her in line. That makes sense. Thanks to you.


But to everyone else, wow, I'm hurt.

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My husband mentioned the satanist thing, especially after the incident that happened several years ago with the self-proclaimed paganist and the 9yo doing it to little kids.



Apples and oranges. This seems to be what got some people riled. Do you realize pagan =/= Satan?

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I think one poster mentioned it might've been a hand thing to let the child know she was getting out of control, or to keep her in line. That makes sense. Thanks to you.


But to everyone else, wow, I'm hurt.


I am sorry that it hurt your feelings when multiple people suggested various innocent explanations. I think in this case, the context mattered more than the particular activity.


Since THIS mother is neither a known pagan or known satanist, I think that did not appear to the rest of us to be satanic.

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Apples and oranges. This seems to be what got some people riled. Do you realize pagan =/= Satan?


I know, I know, I know.

Two different people:

The only reason it was brought up was because the only other time I had EVER seen the hand gesture was with the other woman and her 9yo. The only time my husband had ever seen the gesture was with some satanist 80's rock band.


Apparently if I had ever watched football or baseball, I probably would've seen it there too, unfortunately I haven't.


I never said they were satanists. This is ridiculous. I don't understand why everyone thinks I said that she was a satanist because my husband saw a rock band do it and I saw a pagan do it. I asked here on the board what it meant because neither of us knew....

Edited by jadedone80
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It is "I love you" in sign language - a perfectly wonderful thing for a mother to teach her child.


No, I'm fairly certain that "I love you", in sign language, is on one hand, with the thumb, index finger and pinky finger extended with the ring finger and middle finger down.


What the OP is describing involves two hands and sounds odd. Maybe the lady is just a little eccentric?

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Here's what this makes me think of... A few years ago, on my very diverse local listserv of homeschoolers, a book was proposed for the homeschool book club. One woman posted something that was like, "I just want everyone to know that this author is a Christian. She has published things in Christian magazines. I'm not sure I want to read this book."


And that... rubbed some people the wrong way. She didn't say anything untrue. She said later it was just meant to be informational, which it was, I suppose. But it gave a certain "I'm suspicious of Christians" tone I think.


I think the OP was also just trying to provide more information... but it did come off sounding really suspicious of paganism. Thus, I don't think it was a huge leap that people made, especially when you consider that the "rock and roll" gesture has been called "Satanic" for years (I remember hearing that as a kid myself).

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I know, I know, I know.

Two different people:

The only reason it was brought up was because the only other time I had EVER seen the hand gesture was with the other woman and her 9yo. The only time my husband had ever seen the gesture was with some satanist 80's rock band.


Apparently if I had ever watched football or baseball, I probably would've seen it there too, unfortunately I haven't.


I never said they were satanists. This is ridiculous. I don't understand why everyone thinks I said that she was a satanist because my husband saw a rock band do it and I saw a pagan do it. I asked here on the board what it meant because neither of us knew....


I'm terribly curious about the "satanist" rock band. When I was a Christian, tons of stuff was considered to be "satanic" by my group. When I began learning more, I found that nearly everything I was told was satanic wasn't satanic at all. (I remember one Christian documentary "Hells Bells" in particular.)


If you're curious about the response to your OP, you might want to follow up with your hubby, see if he remembers the name of the "satanist" rock band and go research it a little.


Much of what was once accepted by Christians over the past 40 years as being "satanic" has faded away into obscurity and wasn't satanic to begin with. A lot of Christians, and former Christians (such as myself) can look back and remember those times and can recognize the "satanic panic" (and the mostly debunked examples of Satanic ritual abuse -- see Wikipedia) as mostly fabricated. . . by Christians.


Not to criticize you, truly. But it's an interesting social study if you're interested in pursuing it.

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Ozzy, baby! Ozzy!


I think it was Dio or Kiss that used that sign. For Dio it was 'I Love You' in sign language I believe. Kiss copied it from Dio I think.


But the only message I could ever make out from Kiss songs was 'PARTY!' nothing satanic in the least. :lol:

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I think it was Dio or Kiss that used that sign. For Dio it was 'I Love You' in sign language I believe. Kiss copied it from Dio I think.


But the only message I could ever make out from Kiss songs was 'PARTY!' nothing satanic in the least. :lol:


It was Dio, I gave a quote from him upthread. It was a sign his grandmother used to ward off the evil eye.

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I think it was Dio or Kiss that used that sign. For Dio it was 'I Love You' in sign language I believe. Kiss copied it from Dio I think.


But the only message I could ever make out from Kiss songs was 'PARTY!' nothing satanic in the least. :lol:


And the message from the tv show? Moneymoneymoneymoney!

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I think it was Dio or Kiss that used that sign. For Dio it was 'I Love You' in sign language I believe. Kiss copied it from Dio I think.


But the only message I could ever make out from Kiss songs was 'PARTY!' nothing satanic in the least. :lol:


But don't you know that "PARTY" is some kind of satanic ritual? it is now a universal symbol for Rock 'n Roll.

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You should copyright that idea, just in case he decides to try it.


Now that's a thought...But I'd wager Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue has beaten him to it already.


Come to think of it I think Motley used that hand sign too. There wasn't much they didn't do.

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Two threads about the Hook 'em Horns sign! A clear portent that we are to defeat West Virginia tonight! Texas Fight!


See how all parties unite to support the Longhorns.


Ah, but you forgot to mention that it requires having one's mouth hang open while making the gesture!

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My husband mentioned the satanist thing, especially after the incident that happened several years ago with the self-proclaimed paganist and the 9yo doing it to little kids.


Self-proclaimed paganist? Really? Do you refer to yourself as a "self-proclaimed Christianist?"

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Ah, but you forgot to mention that it requires having one's mouth hang open while making the gesture!


Well, they're politicians, having their mouths open is how you know they're ly.... never mind, don't want to run afoul of moderator rules. :D


Dang, we lost 48-45. Oh well.


Cupcakes, anyone?

Edited by Sharon in Austin
cupcake improvement
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I find the mother repeatedly asking the 3yo what 1+1+1 is even weirder than the hand signs. Is it really important to her that the child understand one-to-one correspondence for his age? Is it a Glenn Doman thing for 3yo math? These are things I'd like to know!


While I'm all for Amy Chua, drilling a 3yo on triplicate addition seems a little rushed. Jmho, and I hope I'd be able to hold my tongue during the playdate :lol:, but yeah it would strike me as a little weird. :001_huh:

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I find the mother repeatedly asking the 3yo what 1+1+1 is even weirder than the hand signs. Is it really important to her that the child understand one-to-one correspondence for his age? Is it a Glenn Doman thing for 3yo math? These are things I'd like to know!


While I'm all for Amy Chua, drilling a 3yo on triplicate addition seems a little rushed. Jmho, and I hope I'd be able to hold my tongue during the playdate :lol:, but yeah it would strike me as a little weird. :001_huh:


Could it be a hand sign for 3-2-1 magic? Like a coded reminder?

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I think its weird that the mom got up abruptly while conversing and went over to the child to do this three times. I don't know if the sign had any meaning or not, but the behavior is odd and would freak me out. However, I usually can't contain it when I'm freaked out and probably would have asked her why she kept doing it.


Maybe they are doing some math memory thing and it has to be reinforced all through the day? No other ideas, but I don't see any problem with you asking here.

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I find the mother repeatedly asking the 3yo what 1+1+1 is even weirder than the hand signs.


The only people I have seen who are very interested in what 1+1+1 is, are not satanists. The people I see who have bumper stickers or blogs about 1+1+1, are Christians. I just thought I'd mention that this is the only "association" I have with 1+1+1 being anything other than a simple arithmetic question.

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Seriously! This board cracks me up. You all are assuming I'm the freak because I asked here.


Okay, here is what happened...we're sitting around chatting, the kids are playing, mom stands up abruptly walks over to her child and does the finger counting thing right in her face. More than once. It was weird. The 1st time was confusing, after the 2nd time, it was really awkward. By the 3rd time, I was thinking it was time to go.


So, um, yeah that is weird. I tell my husband and told him that the little girl had on a skull shirt, but that detail seemed irrelevant to add here asking about the hand gesture. My husband mentioned the satanist thing, especially after the incident that happened several years ago with the self-proclaimed paganist and the 9yo doing it to little kids.


I think one poster mentioned it might've been a hand thing to let the child know she was getting out of control, or to keep her in line. That makes sense. Thanks to you.


But to everyone else, wow, I'm hurt.


Reread your OP. You're the one that mentioned satanism and added "supporting" details like the pagan wearing the pentagram and now the skull t-shirt. I think youprobably phrased things in a rather unfortunate way.


Doubly unfortunate in fact as the OP seemed to imply some untrue things about pagans.

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I think you are reading *way* too much into this. Very, very few people actually worship Satan, even if they look a little scary. Most moms are just moms. If someone uses a symbol you don't recognize, ask *them* what they mean by it. All kinds of symbols have different meanings when used by different people in different contexts.


[ETA: Oops! thumb and pinky for "Y", index and pinky for Texas. - That's what I get for posting while sewing! Thanks Chris in Va for correcting me!]


:iagree: Also, hand motions & signs also vary by country, so it's good to study up ahead of time. I still remember being accused of giving a girl the finger when I was 10 (I didn't) because I did something when my hand was flat. It turned out that in San Francisco at that time (not sure if it's still the same) they did something with their index & ring fingers to indicate the 2 things located behind what the middle fingers represent. As a foreigner there with my parents, I didn't know that. At any rate, whatever I did must have been vague, and they were mad at me & trying to get me in trouble even though I was doing what I was supposed to be doing (I was in the library, probably volunteering, & wouldn't let them in because it was closed). Here they do it the same way as they do in Canada, and it's still rude!


I loved the 80s. :D I remember people claiming it was Satanic back then, but then again, they thought everything rock and roll/ heavy metal was Satanic.


It was popular to think many things were Satanic in the 1980s as well as before that. The rumour I'm going to mention started in the 1960s. Since it was often Christians I heard repeat that, here's a group that points out that it was false that is also Christian, but it's on Snopes, Urban Legends & other sites. http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-r012.html . I'm not sure why Snopes has this report as being from 1994, because I heard this story in the 1980s http://www.snopes.com/business/alliance/procter.asp http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/520/is-procter-gamble-run-by-satanists .


Two threads about the Hook 'em Horns sign! A clear portent that we are to defeat West Virginia tonight! Texas Fight!


See how all parties unite to support the Longhorns.






This is the sign for the Longhorns, of course, and it's obviously supposed to be the horns of the Texas Longhorn. However, my two acquaintances who support the New World order conspiracy theory believe that both of those presidents are some kind of Luciferians, &, therefore, some kind of Satanists. :confused1: many people are said to be this, but how many of them actually are?

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