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Prayers for one of our young football players please.

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One of the players on our middle school team suffered a major injury at the game tonight. It was the very end of the third quarter when he had a collision with another player. He said his neck hurt and then passed out. They took him to the hospital by ambulance and he had not regained conciousness by then. At this point we do not know what his status is. He was a close friend of my dd's, in all of her classes and they interacted daily because of dance, cheer and yearbook. She is very upset right now as are most of the people involved with the middle school or the family. I will post an update as soon as we know something.

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Something similar happened last week-end at the game my daughter was cheering in. With 4 minutes left in the game, a player on the other team was hurt. He tried to sit up and passed out. He was taken away in an ambulance. He left the hospital the next morning and was just fine. :)


I hope things work out similarly well in your situation. Prayers being sent. :)

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All we know so far is that they transferred him from the local hospital to Vandy in Nashville. That worries me some because it means it is serious but on the other hand Vandy is a great hospital. I was expecting an email or call or something this morning but nothing yet. I will text my dd at school if we don't hear something soon.

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