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How much do you spend on home schooling

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Some might find this too personal, but I'm wondering. Please tell us how many children you are schooling, and if what you're including


I do my best to buy used and save. I am schooling 5 children (grades 7, 6, 5, 3, 1)


I would spend just under $2500 when it's all said and done, but I trade with a couple of friends, and I already own some things, so I think it will be more like $2000 by the time I'm finished.


TOG/SOTW/MOH, Rosetta Stone, MUS/Singapore, RS4K/Apologia Gen Sci/Zoo 3, Latin Road, Phonics Road/Bible/Piano


I'm not outsourcing anything this year.


Thanks for the info.

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I have no idea. Isn't that awful? I have to shop year round and buy it a bit a a time and I don't know what it adds up to. Also, I have been homeschooling since '91 so I have a lot of stuff, though it seems like I am constantly buying more.


I'm with Kelli I don't keep track of everything.


It probably would come out to be $1000 I think for 3 kids, if I had to guess.

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This year I spent about $1200 for 2 kids, I'm really picky about things so I only buy used if I can see it first, I need to know it will make it through to my younger kids.


Once my youngest gets into official schooling we'll most likely increase that total to around 1500-2000.


My kids don't take outside classes so this total is strictly for curriculum and supplies.

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I'm not completely sure, but I'd guess around $600 for curriculum for two kids. This will include Prima Latina, Classical Writing, Singapore Math (I already have Miquon), two books of myths for literature, a science experiment kit, a cursive copybook, SOTW, possibly religious studies, and probably artistic pursuits for my dd. We already have resources for music appreciation, grammar/spelling, and geography. We will be using library resources to supplement for science, geography, and free reading. I thnk I will just need to purchase math curr. for ds, as I already have a phonics program and handwriting curr.


I might have to spend another $100-$200 throughout the year if dd flies through her spelling book, as she did last year, or ds needs a different approach to phonics than dd did, or we need more science experiments, etc.


I'm not including piano lessons, art classes, sports, etc. in this total.

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I spend between $500-$600 in a calendar year, usually.


We're using Saxon, Singapore CWP, Latin for Children, Song School Latin (& Greek when it comes out), Rod & Staff Grammar, SOTW & Activity Book, Spelling Workout, Explode the Code, Classical Writing, Harp & Laurel Wreath, StartWrite, miscellaneous workbooks for geography, states, & presidents, Science Detectives Beginnings, various assigned reading books, and a few things I'm sure I'm forgetting.


I don't include our Family Read Alouds, Judo, or Piano.


This is for a 4th, 3rd, 1st, and K4er.

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It varies from year to year. There have been years when I spent what you are spending and there have been years when I spent $300. or less. It just all depends. Some big ticket items last for more than one school year so one year might be high in cost and the next year lower. For example the year a high quality microscope is bought might be a high end year and the next year might be lower because no high end item is bought and what is on hand stretched for more than one year. Sonlight cores often can be stretched due to rabbit trails.


Another plus is in No. IL there is public library that has a homeschool room with a huge amount of items that can be checked out for 6 weeks or more. The Library has all of the Sonlight cores, Konos levels, IEW videos, ect.. A lot of folks use this library and don't spend a huge amount from their budget.


I have been hsing since March of 96 and every year we have spent a different amount. Some years we had more money that we could spend and other years I needed to make the little go a long way. EBay and used curriculum boards have been a Huge blessing. The WTM book has also been a great help in putting together my own lesson plans for a year.

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Some might find this too personal, but I'm wondering. Please tell us how many children you are schooling, and if what you're including


I do my best to buy used and save. I am schooling 5 children (grades 7, 6, 5, 3, 1)


I would spend just under $2500 when it's all said and done, but I trade with a couple of friends, and I already own some things, so I think it will be more like $2000 by the time I'm finished.


TOG/SOTW/MOH, Rosetta Stone, MUS/Singapore, RS4K/Apologia Gen Sci/Zoo 3, Latin Road, Phonics Road/Bible/Piano


I'm not outsourcing anything this year.


Thanks for the info.



This year I'm probably spending $2400 for 4 kids. I've never spent this much but that includes 2 kids in an online writing class at almost $800 - money well spent. Most of the money is going to the 6th & 9th grader but I have a 5th (more like 4th) grader that has multiple LDs as well as ADHD and I'm having to really buy materials that will fit him and help with his learning and retention.


I normally reuse a lot of things but I bought some new materials for LA because we were all burnt out on the old stuff. I'm frugal in so many areas of my life and I still consider this a savings over private school at almost $20,000 a year.

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I had some big 1-timers too: microscope, we added MUS for an older child, so I had to buy all the block sets at once (got them used) and a few of the MUS books. Total, I spent about $275 just on MUS!


Then there's TOG, which is a long time investment cuz we'll use that forever...about 11 years...can you imagine, that's like $27ish/year! I do get most books from the library


I also made an expensive decision to change to the Phonics Road for the last 2 dc. That meant I have to buy 3 years worth (at $200/each) b/c you can't pick up in the middle. I also got that a bit used, but it was pricely.


Sounds like I am doing alright considering I have 5 kids and for all purposes, 3-different schools right now (LG, UG, D)


I could go lower, if I had to, but I'm pushing the luck this year. After this year, I should be only buying for the oldest ones, cuz I'll have everything else, save a few consumable w/b and 2 more years of TOG!


Thanks to all for sharing

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After this year, I should be only buying for the oldest ones, cuz I'll have everything else,



My husband thought we were done school shopping when my oldest graduated.


We could have been. But they keep making new stuff! And who doesn't like new stuff?


It is an addiction. We need a 12 step program, I'm tellin' ya'.

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Mostly to buy materials for my older child.I try to re-use as much as possible for my younger.That doesn't count outside classes.At this point I am figuring they will each be able to take one outside class that involves physical activity of some sort.If we can find some classes at the nature center we would like to do those again too.

I'd like to get the children a microscope this year but that may be a Christmas gift.

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I'm not much for budgeting or keeping track of spending. I would guess that I spend about $500 for curriculum for my 3 school aged kids. We spend about $2800 for tuition at our study center. We also do piano which is about $1000 per year, although it will be more if I decide to start my first grader this fall.

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Factoring in everything such as:

art supplies


school supplies such as pencils, pens, etc.

'outsourced' art class, one semester

3 semesters of karate classes

1 semester of soccer


supplemental books

supplemental teaching/learning materials (globe, educational games)

free reading books




reference materials

science materials (microscope, etc)

field trips


But allowing that some materials will be used for more than one grade and splitting that cost across it's useful life.... can you tell I have a spreadsheet and love data?.... $1,072 for this coming year (Grade 4).

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I will probably spend around $1200 for 3 kids. The bulk of that will probably be going to eldest, the youngers it's more student workbooks and such. That only includes curricula, manipulatives and the like. I would do sports and classes and art supplies whether we were homeschooling or not.

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piano lessons at $30 per month per child x 10 months per year = $300 per child. Dues for clubs or other organizations, fees for field trips or other activities, testing fees (ITBS, PSAT, SAT, ACT, etc.) add to our total expenditure. However, our level of involvement (& therefore the amount we spend) in these things varies widely from year to year, and I've never kept close track of the exact amount. It's usually a case of "if we can afford it this time, we'll do it, and if not, we won't" -- except for the testing, of course, which is a necessity (required by our state), and even if we have to scrape up the money and forego purchasing something else, we do.

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I spent less than $500 this year on curriculum and I'm homeschooling four children (grades 12th, 9th, 4th, and 1st) -- BUT -- and this is important! -- I've been homeschooling since my oldest reached preschool age -- 13 years this month! -- so I have a lot of curriculum on hand! Even if I bought something that didn't work out for one child, I kept it because, as my hubby says all the time, "It may work for the next child coming up in the ranks"


So of that $500, I would say 75% of it was for my oldest .. and then it dwindles down from there.


For example, I *know* I spent less than $50 putting together my youngest child's 1st grade program (basically, just a few workbooks were needed)


It DOES become less expensive over time!!


Now...that price doesn't include what I spend on the extras - $120 a month on Tae Kwon Do lessons .. and my oldest takes classes at the community college at $85 a credit hour! AND her books usually cost as much as the tuition!!

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I budget 1,800 (I actually put it in a separate account every September). I put the selling of any used books into that account (deposit via paypal).

Some years I have used it ALL up and some not :). I would guess on actual curriculum purchases it would be about 1,300, the rest goes to co-op classes & field trips.

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It will probably end up being around 2500 for two but they are both older. The actual books I will end up buying will probably not be too much. What is costing me is the classes both will take. The 10th grader will probably only end up doing math and maybe English with me and maybe later economics. None of those will be much money but her other classes will cost. The younger one will also be doing most of her work in classes. She will be going to Homeschool academy like her older sister but also taking homeschool co-op classes (about 30 a month) and once a month drop off day (25).

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DH budgeted $40 per paycheck for homeschooling. He's paid every other week so that pans out to $1040. I don't think I "need" this much because I know last year I used some of it to buy educational Christmas gifts for the kids and I also just got a printer with it. I just finished ordering most of my hs stuff so when the dust clears, I need to see what's left for some wish list items.


We usually do not use this money for field trips unless we have to.

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This is the year we spent the most, so far (because I decided to take $ with me to the CHAP convention!). So far we've spent about $600. I typically try to budget $100/mo in addition to whatever I save for major curriculum purchases. This also included piano, tae kwan do, etc. So it could go as high as $1800 for the year. I could probably do it for much less, but I'm definitely a curriculum junkie, and have a tendency to use any money gifted to me, or my spending money on curricula!

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Let's see


I teach two kids who will be 10 and 8 in a couple of weeks. I'm including everything academic, but not extracurriculars, because we would do that whether we were in PS or homeschool, so I don't it.


Probably around $600, plus I'll purchase a lot of the literature and extra reading as we go along. It might total $750 by the time we get to the end of the school year and I've purchased all of the literature I want to have and not borrow from the library.

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It will probably come out to at least a grand for this year, and I just have the one kid. But that's supplemental materials and everything, not just curriculum. If you factor dance and piano into that, well over 2k.


Last year was a bit cheaper as far as educational materials. I expect next year will be too. But as dd gets into higher level materials, I notice the general costs are going up - so who knows.


When I think about it, though- there would be additional costs in even sending her to public school. The simple fact she would need more clothes would run us at least 2k per year. She can do school in her playclothes at home, and $5 shorts from Wal Mart are a good thing. Lunches would be more expensive too. So, I don't mind purchasing the little extras for homeschooling.

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I think I spent around $1200 on curriculum for 5 kids. This is the most I've ever spent. We can't affor any extra-curricular classes, so this is only for curricula. I usually order all of our stuff when we get our tax return so I don't have to think about it again for the rest of the year. ;-)

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I've spent about $700 since I started homeschooling about a year ago. A lot of that includes books to build up our library, math and science manipulatives that will last a long time, and several texts that I won't have to buy again.


I try to purchase as much that is non-consummable or with copyrights allowing me to photocopy as I can.


Reading this thread inspired me to actually sit down and add up what I've spent on DD1's curriculum for the coming year: $325. But a lot of that I'll be able to use with the younger children when they're old enough.

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