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How long are your days for high school?

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About 25 hours per day? Which is bad 'cause I think the Earth only takes 24 to turn about once. DD just asked if I could come up with an eighth day in the week.




I have felt this way ever since the 20th of August when we started school.... sigh.

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It's too early to say for sure yet here. Essentially, as justamouse said, it takes until it's done.


We're only on our fourth day of school today and still finding our feet in terms of schedule. Today, the first normal day of the year, we started reading aloud over breakfast a little after 8:00 and he finished the last thing on his list a little before 4:00. He took about an hour for lunch and a couple of short breaks to shake off drowsiness and re-focus. Adding it up, it looks like a little under seven hours.

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We go from 10-4 with about an hour of break. Sometimes we stop early, like if his brain falls out. He does reading in the evenings. He has a definite overdone point, which has increased about an hour for each year of school.


I'm finding this to be the case with my Ds also (may be true of me, too).

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About 25 hours per day?


LOL!! I know we're doing too much this year... DS has two major science projects, plus other outside commitments... and then we do about 2 hours per subject for math, science, history + literature (together) and foreign languages. So about eight hours a day, 8am to 4pm or so, and a few more (2-3?) on average for projects. So really it's like 10 hours. But if he keeps up the pace during the day, he rarely has weekend homework other than reading.

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He does school work from 8-3 with a brief lunch break in there. He has cross country from 3:30-5, after practice he finishes up whatever he did not get done earlier. He is also working as a plumber's apprentice. If he works during the day, he does some school before leaving for work and then finishes up at night after practice.

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Guest hsmomforlife
:iagree: And dd isn't a dawdler either! It just takes forever to get it all done! :willy_nilly:


I'm not sure who would be suicidal first...dd or me if it felt like that on a daily basis.:eek: I DO know that he would never get out of bed in the morning if that's the feeling he had to face, and I wouldn't blame him.

We would be :driving: for an outdoor :chillpill: to avoid the :banghead: !! :lol:

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Till the work gets done. ;) They can make that happen fast, they can make it take forever. Their choice. 6 hrs sounds about right.


Yes :iagree:


It varies from child to child. My 10th grader is frequently finished way before lunch - sometimes even mid-morning. She is very focussed and organized and she just gets the work done. My 11th grader, however, can just potter along all day working on things. She's happy doing it that way, whereas that would drive my 10th grader batty. They're sooooooo different ;)

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It takes all day all week!

M-R we're at it 8-12, 1-4, and about 1-1.5 hr in the evening (algebra with dad).

Fridays about 8.30 to 11.

Several hours on the weekend.


Why? Because we study three, Three, THREE, languages: latin, Greek, and German plus all the other wonderful things we do (writing, math, science, la, history, logic).

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I teach 4 girls, ranging from 8th-12th grades, and we have school for 5.5 hours, 4 days per week. I usually feel like we're rushing through some things, and an additional 30-45 minutes (or maybe an hour) would be better. I do assign homework, which brings the total work time to between 6 & 6.5 hours per day for the 4 days.

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My 10th grader has about 6 hr/day of schooling, not including her music, which is another 2 hrs.


My 8th grader has a very similar schedule.


Add on a couple extra hours each week of extra studying for tests or projects that are more time consuming than typical.


They each routinely work at school 7 AM - 5 PM with an hour lunch and an hour or so of goofing off mixed in. If they goof off more, then they end up schooling LATE in the evening and/or on the weekends.

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Yes :iagree:


It varies from child to child. My 10th grader is frequently finished way before lunch - sometimes even mid-morning. She is very focussed and organized and she just gets the work done. My 11th grader, however, can just potter along all day working on things. She's happy doing it that way, whereas that would drive my 10th grader batty. They're sooooooo different ;)


What subjects and material is your 10th grader using? What time does she start?

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What subjects and material is your 10th grader using? What time does she start?


She is using:

Math: nearing the end of Algebra 1 and then moving on to Algebra 2

LA: Our Mother Tongue, English From the Roots Up and SL LA. This usually requires a writing assignment each week. She is also working on writing a novel. I require at least an hour a day of assigned literature reading most of which comes from her SL LA work. I've also recently added Abeka's World Literature for a different perspective.

History: SL Core 200. She writes about the history readings in her journal - sometimes this is more than one written report a day.

Science: Building Blocks of Science

Music: Violin and piano

Art: Artistic Pursuits


We have an hour quiet time in the afternoons which is mainly for reading, but as she sometimes finishes her assigned reading in the morning she will use this time for sewing projects or other things she wants to do. She does usuallly start early (about 6:30) because she likes to have her math done before breakfast and she doesn't like to hang around waiting for everyone. After that she comes up for breakfast, morning jobs, and our together morning time, then goes back to work at about 9ish. I've sometimes wondered if I should give her more work, but then I decide that I shouldn't penalize her for being extremely organised and focussed (and maybe driven...) so I encourage her to do other projects instead. She loves to cook and sew so she gets to do more of that.

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What subjects and material is your 10th grader using? What time does she start?
She is using:


Math: nearing the end of Algebra 1 and then moving on to Algebra 2

LA: Our Mother Tongue, English From the Roots Up and SL LA. This usually requires a writing assignment each week. She is also working on writing a novel. I require at least an hour a day of assigned literature reading most of which comes from her SL LA work. I've also recently added Abeka's World Literature for a different perspective.

History: SL Core 200. She writes about the history readings in her journal - sometimes this is more than one written report a day.

Science: Building Blocks of Science

Music: Violin and piano

Art: Artistic Pursuits


We have an hour quiet time in the afternoons which is mainly for reading, but as she sometimes finishes her assigned reading in the morning she will use this time for sewing projects or other things she wants to do. She does usuallly start early (about 6:30) because she likes to have her math done before breakfast and she doesn't like to hang around waiting for everyone. After that she comes up for breakfast, morning jobs, and our together morning time, then goes back to work at about 9ish. I've sometimes wondered if I should give her more work, but then I decide that I shouldn't penalize her for being extremely organised and focussed (and maybe driven...) so I encourage her to do other projects instead. She loves to cook and sew so she gets to do more of that. She runs a kid's group at our church as well and she puts a fair amount of time in prep for that.

Edited by LindaOz
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I'm teaching 10th graders and using TOG, and our days are lasting between 5 and 6 hours. Does that seem like too much? I'm not getting any complaints or anything, but it does seem like a long haul :tongue_smilie: Just wanted to compare....not that I should be comparing :D


I just started using TOG with my 10th grader this year and we are finding it takes us 6-7 hours each day to complete work using TOG for history and Lit. The reading required is substantial. I would say you are on track for the grade she is at and the curriculum you are using. Especially when you add in Math. DD has Pre Cal this year and is finding it takes 1-2 hours for the math alone.

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We will definitely be at 5-6 hours for my 9th grader, and it's looking like it will be 6 more often than 5.


We school August through May, but take a fair amount of time off throughout the school year, so we probably wind up with just a couple of weeks above the standard 180 days of school. Otherwise, the days would be even longer!


dd does math at night with her dad, but generally no other homework other than the occasional history video and such.

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Ds takes Russian and band at the ps, block schedule so some days home at 830, some at 1030. Finishing keystone algebra, my own lit and a keystone creative writing class, my own us history (maybe ap test this year, still thinking), life science via keystone, home school band. Usually working until 3-4 and maybe "homework" too. He writes a paper a week for history and English, and it's been tough going, but the year just started so hopefully he will tighten up his skills and need to spend less time on this!

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