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Confess: Your Secret Weirdness

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I lock my car ---especially in the driveway. Children die by getting into a comfortable warm car and falling asleep, then it gets too hot.



Or little five year old boys climb in and release the parking break and the car rolls back down the driveway....


(thankfully it backed into the tree line and not out onto the highway we live along.....totaled the car though)

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My other quirk is that I don't like it when certain people that live with me sing a song and don't know the words and/or the tune. It drives me bonkers and it happens nearly daily. :tongue_smilie:


You reminded me of another one: Humming. I can't stand to hear someone humming, if it's just the absent-minded, tuneless kind. If someone is humming a tune I can tolerate it, for short periods of time. I do prefer actual singing, you know, with words. :glare:

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Hmmmm I've been told I'm pretty weird so I guess it's not much of a secret :lol:


I tend to do one thousand things at a time. It's like I think I am a professional at everything. I try something and decide I am going to take it up as a full time hobby, with all of my other millions of hobbies.


You live so far....we could conquer the crafting world together.

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I'm enjoying this thread. It's so nice to know that I'm not the only weird one.


Towels must be folded so they fit properly in the cabinet. If the doors don't close flush, the towels must be refolded. (I'm working on learning to ignore this.)


Cabinet doors left open. I constantly go around my house shutting cabinet doors. I swear they leave them open just so I can conk my head on the corners of them DAILY. :glare:


My clothes have to be hung up in rainbow colored order. Tank tops have to be folded a specific way and sorted by style in the dresser. Graphic t-shirts have to be folded with the design facing out.


People getting in my personal space. Doesn't matter if it's DH, DS, or someone at work. If I didn't invite you into my space, get. out. of. it.

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So can you sheet-folding mavens give us a tutorial? I can fold clothes like nobody's business, but fitted sheets confound me. We need a Hive-wide clinic (unless I'm the only one who can't do it, in which case I'll pay extra for a private lesson).


:iagree::iagree: I can't fold one either.

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Things that make me crazy:


People who drag their feet.


Strange mouth noises especially while eating.


Loud sneezes and nose blowing. Gag!


Bad grammar, especially regionally accepted bad grammar.


Grammar and spelling errors in a news article. Professionalism please!


Other people's ill behaving children at the store when I've purposely left mine at home for a sanity break.

Edited by Ruby Sue
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I've got two (and probably more, if I'm honest!):


There are - ahem - three people in my house who are constant nail-chewers and hang-nail chewers. It. makes. me. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of them does it and I swear I can hear it THROUGH THE WALLS. Ergh.


This one's not a crazy thing -but I do this weird thing. Sometimes, I'm just walking down the hall, or to my room, or something, and I get this weird happy shiver. Like, "the-world-is-perfect-I'm-so-happy" feeling. And I either do a little happy jump or flap my hands.


I can't believe I just admitted that!!!!! :tongue_smilie: It's pretty weird.

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i have way too many i'm sure, some of the things are normal though and people that do it differently are the weirdos. here's 3...


i absolutely hate the gulping sound people make when they drink. i fully realize that people can't help it...they are only drinking for goodness sake & i would never say anything...but that sound is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


i also cannot drink after people. it's so gross to me.


lastly, i HATE if someone holds my left pinky. i dislocated it as a child and i hate when it gets touched now. i constantly rearrange my hand when my husband and i are holding hands so my pinky is out of the equation.

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I've got two (and probably more, if I'm honest!):


There are - ahem - three people in my house who are constant nail-chewers and hang-nail chewers. It. makes. me. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of them does it and I swear I can hear it THROUGH THE WALLS. Ergh.


This one's not a crazy thing -but I do this weird thing. Sometimes, I'm just walking down the hall, or to my room, or something, and I get this weird happy shiver. Like, "the-world-is-perfect-I'm-so-happy" feeling. And I either do a little happy jump or flap my hands.


I can't believe I just admitted that!!!!! :tongue_smilie: It's pretty weird.


I actually flap quite a bit. I'm with you on that.

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If you use a glass for milk or in a bowl for cereal, RINSE THE **** BOWL/GLASS before putting it in the sink! I can NOT stand dried, icky milk in a dish.


I can't stand when people whistle. High pitched noises make me very tense.


I can't stand blankets on the floor.


I dip Fritos and Doritos in cottage cheese.


And, I don't care how towels or sheets are folded. :lol:

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Who is Sheldon Cooper? :confused:


From Big Bang Theory. You have to watch it. I think there are quite a few women on this board hiding an inner sheldon. By the way, I am not crazy you know. My mom had me tested. Oh and that is my spot. He is from east Texas as am I and my hubby is trying to figure out if there is any relation.

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I cannot stand when someone is coming up the stairs behind me but I can't see them. If someone is directly behind me, fine. But if they come up the stairs a few seconds behind me and I can't see them around a curve or whatever, I have to run up the stairs and go in the house. Even if I know who it is.


Singing when one doesn't know the words. I am constantly correcting people on lyrics. I try not to because it seems petty and rude, but if they are going to continue to sing the wrong words, I will go nuts if I don't correct them.


When people with long nails scratch an itch.


Any kind of metal on asphalt or dishes or against teeth.


I kind of do something similar to HeatherH. If I am really excited for something and it is coming up in a few hours or something, I will clench all muscles in my body at once for about a second or two. It is like an excitement release. My sister does this too and we both have since we can remember.


I cannot sleep with any body part hanging off my bed or else something will get me :tongue_smilie:

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From Big Bang Theory. You have to watch it. I think there are quite a few women on this board hiding an inner sheldon. By the way, I am not crazy you know. My mom had me tested. Oh and that is my spot. He is from east Texas as am I and my hubby is trying to figure out if there is any relation.


LOL, I have diagnosed OCD and Sheldon reminds me a little bit too much of myself.

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I have many. Where things go in the cupboards and fridge. Loading the dishwasher--if someone else has done it, I have to not look inside until they're clean, because I'll rearrange it. Laundry. Recycling. Some of these, I've had to learn some tolerance because DW#2 has opposing hang-ups. For example, I want to hang as much to dry as possible, but she can't stand the feel of line-dried clothes and towels; DH the same. So, I hang just my stuff and the kids', and grumble when someone else puts them in the dryer. With recycling, DW#2 thinks it's a waste of water to wash garbage so will throw away recyclables like yogurt cups and fast food cups that had shake in them. I'd rather rinse and recycle.

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Someone out there has a ton of pictures of all the kids in the family with Mamie Eisenhower bangs.


Walk into Grandma's on the first day of summer, we'd line up and HACK...off all our hair would go - she could not STAND hair in the eyes.


Second thing she'd do is take our shoes and put them up. Barefoot all summer long.


Good times. Good times.

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:iagree::iagree: I can't fold one either.


1. You require a clean floor to help, or a large bed.


2. Spread out the sheet. Bring the fitted corners to meet; tuck one of the corners into the other like a pocket. At this point, the sheet should somewhat resemble a flat sheet folded in half, not a ball of elastic.


3. Turn your attention to the short ends, which are most likely not level. Fold them in towards the center of the sheet just enough to make a straight line on each end. Now, it should be a long rectangle that resembles a folded flat sheet.


4. Fold the outside long edges towards the center; usually if you fold it into thirds, it will look very neat.


5. Fold up the short edges as you would normally fold flat sheets.


6. Admire the most beautifully folded fitted sheets you have witnessed since they came out of the original package. :D

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1. You require a clean floor to help, or a large bed.


2. Spread out the sheet. Bring the fitted corners to meet; tuck one of the corners into the other like a pocket. At this point, the sheet should somewhat resemble a flat sheet folded in half, not a ball of elastic.


3. Turn your attention to the short ends, which are most likely not level. Fold them in towards the center of the sheet just enough to make a straight line on each end. Now, it should be a long rectangle that resembles a folded flat sheet.


4. Fold the outside long edges towards the center; usually if you fold it into thirds, it will look very neat.


5. Fold up the short edges as you would normally fold flat sheets.


6. Admire the most beautifully folded fitted sheets you have witnessed since they came out of the original package. :D



hehehehe Thanks. I'll give it a try. :)

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Here's mine: I sometimes get scared on escalators. If I'm going up, and there is no one behind me, I get this terrified feeling that I am going to fall backward down the escalator. If there is a crowd of people, I don't worry. If there is one person behind me, I am extra nervous. If the escalator is especially steep, or goes deep underground, this feeling is awful. That is why if you ever see me on an escalator going up, you will see me clutching the railing with both hands like a maniac and pretending desperately that nothing is wrong. ;)

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Here's mine: I sometimes get scared on escalators. If I'm going up, and there is no one behind me, I get this terrified feeling that I am going to fall backward down the escalator. If there is a crowd of people, I don't worry. If there is one person behind me, I am extra nervous. If the escalator is especially steep, or goes deep underground, this feeling is awful. That is why if you ever see me on an escalator going up, you will see me clutching the railing with both hands like a maniac and pretending desperately that nothing is wrong. ;)




I used to be scared of escalators too when I was a kid, but I was afraid of them cutting my feet off when you reach the top. Darn you Mr. Bill! :glare:

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Here's mine: I sometimes get scared on escalators. If I'm going up, and there is no one behind me, I get this terrified feeling that I am going to fall backward down the escalator. If there is a crowd of people, I don't worry. If there is one person behind me, I am extra nervous. If the escalator is especially steep, or goes deep underground, this feeling is awful. That is why if you ever see me on an escalator going up, you will see me clutching the railing with both hands like a maniac and pretending desperately that nothing is wrong. ;)


My grandmother told me the true story of when her daughter (my aunt) had loose laces on boots while going on an escalator and they got stuck on the very end and it trapped her feet. Ever since then I checked my laces before I got on one and I hop over the last part.

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I'm skeered of escalators. When I was expecting my first, I misstepped onto one, and almost pitched down it. I did the same when pregnant w/Diva.


Ever since then, my heart starts to race, I taste metal in my mouth when I have to go down one. Up is ok, down terrifies me.

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So can you sheet-folding mavens give us a tutorial? I can fold clothes like nobody's business, but fitted sheets confound me. We need a Hive-wide clinic (unless I'm the only one who can't do it, in which case I'll pay extra for a private lesson).


You fold the fitted sheet in HALF, right? Then you put the corners of one side INTO the corners of the other side. Okay...


Then you fold the sheet in HALF again, and put all four corners INTO the same corner. Then you lay the whole thing down on the table, so the "tuck-in part" is shaped like an L on top of the rest of the sheet. Clear as mud so far?


THEN you fold in HALF, lengthwise. Then in thirds, so it's a nice, neat little package that fits in the linen closet with the flat top sheet on top and the pillow cases in the middle.


Sane? :D

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You fold the fitted sheet in HALF, right? Then you put the corners of one side INTO the corners of the other side. Okay...


Then you fold the sheet in HALF again, and put all four corners INTO the same corner. Then you lay the whole thing down on the table, so the "tuck-in part" is shaped like an L on top of the rest of the sheet. Clear as mud so far?


THEN you fold in HALF, lengthwise. Then in thirds, so it's a nice, neat little package that fits in the linen closet with the flat top sheet on top and the pillow cases in the middle.


Sane? :D


Makes sense. But what about that part when the cat pushes the door open (as the door is warped and doesn't shut properly) and insists upon jumping in the middle of the sheet?


So...Step 1a: Put cat in bathroom until folding is complete.


I'm inordinately excited about trying this. We're doing laundry tomorrow, so I can make my first attempt at this technique. I'm sure you're all waiting with almost unbearable anticipation to find out how I do. :)

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Here's mine: I sometimes get scared on escalators. If the escalator is especially steep, or goes deep underground, this feeling is awful. That is why if you ever see me on an escalator going up, you will see me clutching the railing with both hands like a maniac and pretending desperately that nothing is wrong. ;)




We vacationed to Washington DC once and stayed at a hotel near the Roslyn Metro station in Arlington, VA. I'd wait on the elevator rather than go down that sucker. And I insisted that my kids go down with me (my dh thought I was nuts). Up was okay though. The elevator was broken down one day and I had to go down the escalator and I had to close my eyes and hold on tight.




I'm also one who must fold the towels seams in. And after I fold it in thirds at the end, it must be put away without the side with the ends facing out. It's very important.


Another weird thing I do like to do...peel dried glue. When I'm sitting there waiting for my kids to finish an assignment, I'll squeeze the glue bottle just enough to let some run down the sides. The next day I get to peel it off. :D


I also HATE driving through long tunnels. I think my spacial vision or whatever gets messed up because I feel like I'm not moving but the tunnel walls are. If you've been on the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disney, the end where all the stars looks like they are moving at you really fast...that's how I feel when I drive through tunnels. I have to count to keep myself calm and really focus on driving. I really really try to avoid long tunnels.


I can't stand when people don't line glasses up in nice rows in their cupboard. If I am ever staying over at a family member's house and help with the dishes, I'll straighten their glasses. I just can not leave them misaligned.


I'm sure there are more but that's enough for now. :)

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I used to be scared of escalators too when I was a kid, but I was afraid of them cutting my feet off when you reach the top. Darn you Mr. Bill! :glare:


It pays to be cautious. I was riding up on an escalator with a friend once long, long ago and at the top of the escalator the front of her shoe (she was wearing Keds or something similar) went into the top of the escalator...she thought that she would just be slid forward off the top step of the escalator so she was keeping her feet still. Nope, the front of her shoe went into the top and her shoe was torn up pretty good (our next stop was the shoe store, her shoe was unwearable). Her foot was fine, but since then I always hop off the end of an escalator, I don't wait for my feet to slide forward.

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i absolutely hate the gulping sound people make when they drink. i fully realize that people can't help it...they are only drinking for goodness sake & i would never say anything...but that sound is like nails on a chalkboard to me.



I HATE when people gulp while drinking. My mom and one of my sons makes a terrible loud gulp every time they drink anything.

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I cannot, cannot, cannot stand the feel of condensation on the outside of a glass or cup. If I touch it, I have to immediately dry my hands on a napkin. I wrap my cups in napkins because it is somehow okay to touch a wet napkin but not a wet glass.


As a corollary, I cannot stand sticky fingers or food on my fingers. I have to wipe or wash my hands off if the fork handle gets a bit of gravy or potato on it, for example.


Thus, I use a ton of napkins at every meal. I get nervous at McD's if I don't get 5-6 napkins for myself, plus one for each kid.


And, in proof that God has a sense of humor, my darling MIL never uses napkins and so she never places them by the plates. Napkins, to her, are condiments like pepper or ketchup. I get nervous if I'm not sitting near the stack of napkins placed next to the pepper or ketchup.


Finally, when you put your straw into the lid on a pop, the triangle points should be pointed DOWN only! Don't you people know you could stab your eyes out with those pointy things otherwise!! LOL

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