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Confess: Your Secret Weirdness

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I'm a bit concerned. To me, none of these are particularly weird. I read the posts thinking, "Oh, that bothers me, too!"


Insert Scooby Doo, "Ruh row."


Maybe I really am Sheldon Cooper. Except not male. And not a theoretical physicist. And real.


I think...

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Do NOT try and tell me how to organize my kitchen 'better'. I don't care how your kitchen is organized. I don't care if Martha Stewart taught you personally how to organize a kitchen. My space. Get out.


FIL gave me the best compliment. The ILs stayed with the kids for a week while DH and I house-hunted. When I got back, he said, "ErinE, your kitchen has a great, logical arrangement. I just walk in and ask myself where I would put something and it's in exactly the same spot."


I tucked that comment away and take it out when I need a smile. It's the little things that make me happy.



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Get. Out. Of. My. Kitchen.


Seriously. I really hate ppl in my kitchen when I'm trying to work. Now, b/c of RSD, I *have* to ask for help w/certain things...and as soon as that's completed, GET. OUT.


Do NOT come for a visit and then try to putter around in my kitchen while I'm trying to cook. When I said, "I've got it, you go visit w/the kids and Wolf" I mean *exactly* that.


Do NOT try and tell me how to organize my kitchen 'better'. I don't care how your kitchen is organized. I don't care if Martha Stewart taught you personally how to organize a kitchen. My space. Get out.

:iagree: My kitchen, to the untrained eye, is horribly disorganized. But I know where everything is. So GET OUT!\


We could so hang out. I'd respect your kitchen space and you'd respect mine. I love it that my kitchen has a long counter in the dining area where people can sit and visit without being in my way.

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I found a new one the other day: eating an ice cream cone. My eldest can never eat a cone without the ice cream falling to the ground. Every time he eats it, it's a haphazard process and every time, he ends up either in tears (when he was younger) or in a bad mood (now) because the ice cream falls off.


Yes, he's nine and I've shown him, multiple times, the most efficient way to eat a cone so as to minimize drip and spillage hazards. Yes, I know; as I mentioned, it's a secret weirdness.



Ask for it in a cup with a cone on top.

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I've found another one...kids (or anyone) who stand behind me and chew their food while reading over my shoulder.


Ooh, you've combined my two frontrunners! I can barely withstand chewing noises or somebody reading over my shoulder; I think somebody doing both would end in ugliness.


I letter-fold my towels, too. That's not weird. :)


While shuffling doesn't especially bug me, it used to drive my grandmother positively doolally. She was a ballet teacher and habitually carried a long pointer. Any student (or mom, or piano player, or delivery guy) caught shuffling would get a smack right on the instep. I know she really wanted to do it to complete strangers as the grocery store, but she managed to control herself. I think.

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Bathroom Rugs. Once a week, People. Wash them once a week. Every two weeks at the bare minimum. Yes, I know the backings disintigrate. That's why you don't put them in the dryer. And, they are not expensive to replace. ONCE A WEEK!


Whew! I feel better. All my secret weirdnesses are job related. Sometimes I really hate cleaning houses.


:lol::lol: We have a small bathroom, the rug takes up a lot of the floor space. I purposely put it slightly askew the other day, you know the edge did not line up quite parallel with the wall. I wanted to see which one of my somewhat picky boys would fix it. It was a week and no one touched it. I finally told them about my experiment. Ds claimed to not notice and dh said he was getting to old to care. :svengo: No one straightened the rug in a week!

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:lol::lol: We have a small bathroom, the rug takes up a lot of the floor space. I purposely put it slightly askew the other day, you know the edge did not line up quite parallel with the wall. I wanted to see which one of my somewhat picky boys would fix it. It was a week and no one touched it. I finally told them about my experiment. Ds claimed to not notice and dh said he was getting to old to care. :svengo: No one straightened the rug in a week!


I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that tries experiments like this. I heard a comedian once say that men really, truly don't see the things that need to be done. They are not just being lazy. After 18 years of marriage, I agree.

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:lol::lol: We have a small bathroom, the rug takes up a lot of the floor space. I purposely put it slightly askew the other day, you know the edge did not line up quite parallel with the wall. I wanted to see which one of my somewhat picky boys would fix it. It was a week and no one touched it. I finally told them about my experiment. Ds claimed to not notice and dh said he was getting to old to care. :svengo: No one straightened the rug in a week!

In my case, I would be the one to not notice. My dh is picky about things like that. Sometimes I do it on purpose to secretly giggle at him when he straightens things up.

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I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that tries experiments like this. I heard a comedian once say that men really, truly don't see the things that need to be done. They are not just being lazy. After 18 years of marriage, I agree.


In my case, I would be the one to not notice. My dh is picky about things like that. Sometimes I do it on purpose to secretly giggle at him when he straightens things up.


It surprised me because dh is such a neat freak. He gets edgy if the house is messy, which to him means dishes are on the counter. Ds is overly anal about his desk, he straightens everything.

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There is a man who works at the counter at my local post office. Every time I go in there I seem to always get him to help me which is fine, he's a nice guy, been there forever, knows everything there is to know about shipping anything, BUT whenever he puts stickers on the package (postage sticker, delivery confirmation stickers) he never smooths it down. He'll just stick it on there and leave the edges up so that they're not stuck down. IT DRIVES ME BATTY!! I always reach over and smooth the sticker down after he sticks it on. I just can't let it go off like that. You just know that sticker edge is going to stick itself to something else and get taken off right? Right? Somebody tell me I'm right! lol


He used to make a face at first when I did it, but now he's used to it and it's become kind of a joke between us. He sticks the sticker on and I smooth it down saying, "you know I have to do it!" and he laughs.


Seriously, I'm getting twitchy just writing about it! :blink:

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Others may think it's trivial but I don't.....use your utensils properly. Please learn the proper way to use a knife and fork. One holds the fork in the left hand while cutting with knife in the right hand then, please, you do NOT switch the fork to the right hand to take the bite. You KEEP the fork in the left and put food into the mouth.


Ugh. Thanks for letting me say that.

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Others may think it's trivial but I don't.....use your utensils properly. Please learn the proper way to use a knife and fork. One holds the fork in the left hand while cutting with knife in the right hand then, please, you do NOT switch the fork to the right hand to take the bite. You KEEP the fork in the left and put food into the mouth.


Ugh. Thanks for letting me say that.


Sorry. No can do. :)


Many have tried to make me do it that way, and I just end up with food down my front. I appreciate the elegance of your way, but I'm quite incapable.

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Sorry. No can do. :)


Many have tried to make me do it that way, and I just end up with food down my front. I appreciate the elegance of your way, but I'm quite incapable.


Then if we ever eat together I will cut up your food for you and you won't need a knife. :D



I've told dh I would not have dated him if he didn't know how to use his utensils. He's left handed so it comes easy for him. I was taught by my mom. That's just how everyone in Europe eats.

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I hate thinking about the movie Mommy Dearest about Joan Crawford, but I can't stand wire hangers! We keep a couple in the coat closet for those times when they come in handy, but that is it. All others must be plastic (with the exception of dh's thick metal pant hangers) and WHITE!


There are too many more to list. That is scary. :lol:



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Others may think it's trivial but I don't.....use your utensils properly. Please learn the proper way to use a knife and fork. One holds the fork in the left hand while cutting with knife in the right hand then, please, you do NOT switch the fork to the right hand to take the bite. You KEEP the fork in the left and put food into the mouth.


Ugh. Thanks for letting me say that.


I would annoy you.:D I cut with my left hand, for some reason I have better cutting control with my left hand, even though I'm right handed.

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Nothing. I'm one of those "no method, no logic, nothing bothers me" people. It drives my dh absolutely UP THE WALL. Everything he does is methodical and purposeful. Honestly, I do most of the things in this thread that drive people crazy. I am really bothered by a person chewing with his or her mouth open, but that's the only thing I can think of that bothers me.

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Another one. Don't use my sewing scissors for paper, duct tape, or anything I have not pre-approved. Sewing scissors are for fabric!


This isn't a quirk, it's just a matter of taking care of your possessions. Cutting paper dulls the blades. Whoever does that sort of thing needs to be responsible for having them cleaned and sharpened. Or else buying you a new pair -- you get to specify the exact model, of course ;)

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Do NOT try and tell me how to organize my kitchen 'better'. I don't care how your kitchen is organized. I don't care if Martha Stewart taught you personally how to organize a kitchen. My space. Get out.


This reminds me about one time when my Mom and Aunt were visiting. My aunt was cooking and told me I needed to organize my kitchen when she was looking for a knife.


:001_huh::001_huh: It WAS organized. Very precisely. As a matter of fact, any and all sharp instruments - knives, pizza cutter, kitchen shears, vegetable peeler, grater and anything else you can slice yourself with - were all in one large drawer, arranged neatly for safety and ease. All other cooking utensils were in the next drawer so I could just reach in and grab. I thought it was a very logic arrangement - only needing to be extra careful when in the one drawer but apparently to her, it wasn't. :lol:

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Others may think it's trivial but I don't.....use your utensils properly. Please learn the proper way to use a knife and fork. One holds the fork in the left hand while cutting with knife in the right hand then, please, you do NOT switch the fork to the right hand to take the bite. You KEEP the fork in the left and put food into the mouth.


I hear ya! When I was younger, my family ate switching hands when cutting up and eating food. As I grew older, I decided it was more efficient to cut with ONE hand only and EAT with one hand only. Logic and efficiency! Bliss...


I hate thinking about the movie Mommy Dearest about Joan Crawford, but I can't stand wire hangers! We keep a couple in the coat closet for those times when they come in handy, but that is it. All others must be plastic (with the exception of dh's thick metal pant hangers) and WHITE!


I'm picturing Joan in the closet muttering to herself, "No wire hangers! No wire hangers!"

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People who crack and snap their gum. Makes me NUTS.


Oh dear Lord, yes. Gum smacking. And chewing with your mouth or talking while eating. And crunching food (instead of putting just enough in your mouth so you can chew quietly). I get this weirdness from my dad. Remember the 70s Doritos' commercial? (

) It. Drove. Him. NUTS.


Oh, and you know the sound on a soda or beer commercial, where they pour the liquid? ("Glugg, glugg, glugg, fizzzzzz"). It sets my teeth on edge. Can't stand to listen!


I'm SO weird. ;-)



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I have to leave the room when my child plays with play-dough because I lose my mind when the colors get mixed together.


I must have been a very boring child. :tongue_smilie:


That is not weird. If the colors were meant to be mixed they would come mixed. Each color has its own little container for a reason. The colors don't like each other and should not be forced to be near each other. That's just plain common sense.

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I'm another one who doesn't like chewing near me - at all. I have to leave the room. It doesn't matter if the person is chewing with their mouth closed or open. Also, don't breathe over my shoulder in my ear!


My other quirk is that I don't like it when certain people that live with me sing a song and don't know the words and/or the tune. It drives me bonkers and it happens nearly daily. :tongue_smilie:

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Nothing. I'm one of those "no method, no logic, nothing bothers me" people. It drives my dh absolutely UP THE WALL. Everything he does is methodical and purposeful. Honestly, I do most of the things in this thread that drive people crazy. I am really bothered by a person chewing with his or her mouth open, but that's the only thing I can think of that bothers me.


:iagree::iagree: And, I married Monk, who turns the toaster knobs to 4 every morning, if they need it or not. Because 4 is a good number...it's nice and even...:svengo:


Yup, I'm with element, that's my only thing. Please, do not exhale like a bull when you are eating at the table. Do not hum while you chew. (I Have two frequent guests who do this and I crawl out of my skin). Even if it's a Mmmm hum, no. ANd keep your mouth *closed*, for heaven's sake.


That's it.

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I'm another one who doesn't like chewing near me - at all. I have to leave the room. It doesn't matter if the person is chewing with their mouth closed or open. Also, don't breathe over my shoulder in my ear!


My other quirk is that I don't like it when certain people that live with me sing a song and don't know the words and/or the tune. It drives me bonkers and it happens nearly daily. :tongue_smilie:


I make up songs and sing them to my parrot. take me out to the ballgame? On top of spaghetti, all turn into something about Bird




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Hmmmm I've been told I'm pretty weird so I guess it's not much of a secret :lol:


I tend to do one thousand things at a time. It's like I think I am a professional at everything. I try something and decide I am going to take it up as a full time hobby, with all of my other millions of hobbies.

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I'm OCD - but most people never notice. I have to do everything in even numbers. Chewing, swallowing, number of pieces of candy eaten evenly on each side of my mouth, etc. Eating supreme nachos for me is a nightmare :)

I'm getting better with age, and am able to forcibly stop myself from the even-ness - but I still usually just cave :)

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My mother told me the other day that she only signed (ASL finger-spelling) or wrote sentences with an even number of letters. If it was odd she would add an old numbered "and, the" etc. so it would be even. I can't imagine counting every single letter!


I have my weird things, and so does dh. We kid each other about it.


Among other things I arrive extra early to the movie theater and count the seats in a row so I can have the exact center seat in the third row back. Our usual theater has an aisle/entry ramp only on one side so I have to compensate. We went to a different theater last Sunday and it had a ramp on each side and an odd number of seats. I was in heaven. :001_wub:

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I lock my car ---especially in the driveway. Children die by getting into a comfortable warm car and falling asleep, then it gets too hot.


:iagree: A little 4 year playing tag, in our neighborhood, crawled in the car and died from heat stroke. We have locked our cars ever since.

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I have to leave the room when my child plays with play-dough because I lose my mind when the colors get mixed together.


I must have been a very boring child. :tongue_smilie:


I only made one color of play-dough at a time. Never had to worry about mixed colors.:lol:

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I may be the female sheldon cooper....


I can not stand pruney fingers. Hair must be washed immediately on getting in the shower, before they even THINK about starting to prune. If they ever become pruney, no one is to touch me until they stop. I can't touch anything until the prune goes away. This goes for feet too..... And my kids pruney hands. Keep it away.


I can not function without a blue pen and a yellow highlighter. Doesn't matter when I am doing. And no, a black pen won't work. Blue and yellow. (Black pens make it so you can't tell the original from a good black and white copy, and yellow highlighter doesn't show when you copy it. It's important.


You mean, I'm NOT the only one?! Yay! I hate getting my hands wet b/c of the pruney fingers...hate it. I carry lotion in my purse b/c it seems to get rid of any pruneyness quicker lol.

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Okay, this is about my dad. He used to go bonkers if my brother or I peeled hard boiled eggs in a way he thought was incorrect. He was anal about a lot of things, but that's what comes to mind. He had a whole process and he'd lecture us about it angrily. And we would sit there, innocently peeling our eggs the wrong. ****. Way!!!! :lol:

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Well, I get all superior when I see how others "fold" fitted sheets. They might as well just chuck them into the closet all willy-nilly. ;)


DD has a dear, sweet friend who, bless her heart, says, "like" about 472 times per minute. It, like, DRIVES ME BONKERS! She went with us on a 2hr car drive and I kept hearing "like" ad nauseum, until it was the loudest sound in the world.

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Also, don't breathe over my shoulder in my ear!


My other quirk is that I don't like it when certain people that live with me sing a song and don't know the words and/or the tune. It drives me bonkers and it happens nearly daily. :tongue_smilie:


ACK! I had forgotten about having people breathe on me! It's horrifying! Any hugs or snuggles have to be choreographed to prevent breath on skin. Ick ick ick.


And the singing thing, oh yeah :rolleyes: Also, when you only know one line or phrase of a song (or only want to make up your rendition of that line) I do NOT care to hear it over and over and over for the next hour. Really. Why do people do this? My mom once spent an entire afternoon singing a line from Blues in the Night (this was around 1980, and I'm still annoyed). Now, years later, dh will pick a single line of a random song and do the exact same thing.

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Anything dead... We cannot buy mousetraps (any kind that kills or is supposed to kill the mouse) because I freak out. I freak out even when I hear the snap of a trap but nothing was caught in it. We had a hamster that was so still and unresponsive to my voice one morning I thought it had died. I wouldn't go upstairs (where the cage was located) until someone went up and poked at the hamster to determine he was alive and well... Just sleeping soundly. I haven't gone into the backyard in over a week because something killed a bird on the patio and I was the one who discovered the feathery remains (it's been cleaned up, but not by me!).


It's weird because I'm not really squeamish. I accompanied my mom to the doctor today and sat in the room as the doctor was examining a horrid looking bruise on her arm and pulling gunk out of her ear. I cut open a... not even sure what to call it. My fiance was bit by a spider and I cut open the bite area to drain it of this silvery black pussy stuff. Smelled horrible.


Go figure... but keep anything even possibly dead far, far away.



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I have to leave the room when my child plays with play-dough because I lose my mind when the colors get mixed together.


I must have been a very boring child. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: My mother once leaned down and said to me: You are an old maid aunt at at SEVEN! She almost never said anything negative to me, so I must have been really trying her. I do recall coming back in the door over and over in kindergarten because my shoelaces were tied with differing tightness.

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I can't stand people standing behind me at all. I will back into a corner to prevent it.


I also hate it when ADULTS don't know when to use their "inside voices". I don't have a hearing problem. Yet. :tongue_smilie:


Stepping in water on the floor. There is a towel in plain sight. Look for it before washing your hands to be sure you can reach it. :glare:


Oh, and if the kitchen implement you just used is the only thing out on the kitchen counter, why on earth not take two seconds and put it back? You can't claim that's not noticeable, or that the kitchen is messy anyway.


So many things that have already been mentioned also bug me, but those are the big ones.

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