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NO SPEND September Thread

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I'm in....I paid all the bills. The grand-babies are coming for 2 1/2 months..they arrive on Wednesday. I spent all my extra money on toys, a bed frame, and formula, wipes and diapers, play yards. We went from a family of 3...to a family of 8. It's killing my budget as we are paying for all the grand-babies (3) 18 months and under. On the other hand...I feel really rich being able to spend this time with all of them. I have $50 for milk and produce the rest of the month...but I spent 500 in healthy foods for all of us. All the bills are paid, so we will just hangout and spend time with each other and go for long walks..which is just fine by me.

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Ds' birthday is tomorrow and I still have to go get a card and some iTunes gift cards today. I already spent money on his other present. Next week he wants to invite some friends to play laser tag as a sort of birthday celebration, even though he's too old for a party. On top of that, he'll be taking his Learner's Permit test this week, which involves fees for both the test and the permit. All of that translates to spending.


I always try not to spend frivolously, but have never tried a full no spend month. I just can't see that happening for the rest of this year though. Next month is Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas in our first year as grandparents.


Maybe in January. sigh.gif

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Yes, one can spend money on needs, charity, etc. It can be personalized. If Halloween candy purchases are necessary as part of your holiday celebration than it is fine. This is about accountability. Not stopping by the dollar bin at Target. Not pulling through Chick Fil A because you are tired and don't want to cook dinner. Not buying a book on your Kindle if you can borrow it from the library.


For me, it isn't about deprivation, it is about being sensible and more disciplined.


Well that I can do, so I think I'm in. I'll post my details later, but it's mostly about staying within our grocery budget and curbing outside drinks (especially Starbucks).


Everything I mentioned below is actually stuff we knew was coming and is in our budget. They aren't unplanned expenses so I suppose they don't count against not spending.


Ds' birthday is tomorrow and I still have to go get a card and some iTunes gift cards today. I already spent money on his other present. Next week he wants to invite some friends to play laser tag as a sort of birthday celebration, even though he's too old for a party. On top of that, he'll be taking his Learner's Permit test this week, which involves fees for both the test and the permit. All of that translates to spending.


I always try not to spend frivolously, but have never tried a full no spend month. I just can't see that happening for the rest of this year though. Next month is Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas in our first year as grandparents.



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I want to do no-spend September also.

Will try to make cocoa at home before leaving the house

so I don't have to spend the $2 something at Panera every day.



DC14 has plenty of clothes.

BUT at least half are *sort of* old-ish; not frayed or with holes, and no actual pilling, but sort of tired-looking. All his polos (which I bought from the big supermarket place here so they are generic brand) look like that. He has about 5 Tshirts that are nice and brand new. Then about 10 Tshirts that are very, very old. Maybe 3 good long-sleeved shirts.

He has 2 good pairs of jeans that fit and 2 good pairs of jeans that don't fit :P

In the context of saving money, would buying 5 new polos and 5 new long-sleeved shirts count as non-necessaries?

I want to do the no-spend thing too for September.

My real problem is the Great Courses has a sale right now (not the fake sales, but a real one) and I

want courses. If I do this thread I am pretty sure Great Courses don't count as necessaries.

Sorry to ramble--do I sign up somewhere or just follow this thread?

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Oh, what a great accountability thread! Thanks for starting it!


1. I am desperately trying to stay away from drive-thrus and dollar menus because of poor planning and lack of motivation (i.e. laziness). I realized last month that we were doing this about once a week, at a cost of at least $50/month, probably more if I really analyzed it.


2. I also am trying to cut our food budget by cutting down on meat and not buying junk (no pop, little junk food).


3. I will be more mindful of the food we do have. We waste far too much food around here. :tongue_smilie:


That's all I can think of at the moment, although I know there are many other ways we can cut back.

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Maybe psting my resolutions would be smart, since all you smart ladies are doing it :001_smile:


1 grocery budget, meal plan using fresh 20 and pantry items.

2 dont buy off amazon except neccesities

3 stay home 2 days a week (save gas, less temptation to st for "stuff")

4 only charge groceries and gas, pay for all else with cash.

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Doing okay so far.


I updated the freezer and pantry inventory (because SOME people don't scratch off when they use stuff :glare:). Then, I menu-planned the month of dinners and suppers from that. I won't need to buy anything more than butter, milk and coffee. (ETA: and fruit. I'll have to buy fruit.)


For breakfasts, I'll have plenty of eggs and dh took down a hog and smoked most of it in August, so there is a ton of sausages, bacon, ham and side pork. Plus, I am pretty sure I've got plenty of oatmeal and farina.


I have plenty of flour for baking, but no gf flour for me. That's probably a good thing. It's not like I needed the extra calories or the sweets.


I went to a kids clothing swap yesterday. It didn't turn out so well for me. I did get rid of a lot of ds's old clothes, but there wasn't much in his size to be had. I have quite a few credits left, so I can apply them to next month's swap, but I doubt it'll be any better. The Labour Day weekend swap is the biggest one. I managed just 2 pairs of jeans, a tee shirt, a button down shirt, a sweatshirt/hoodie and a denim jacket. He needs more than that. I could tell that he doesn't really like the shirts I got either, which was disappointing, but I kind of understand they're not really his style. I am going to have to find some money and take him to the big city to Old Navy. At least I know I can stretch a hard pretty far there.


I forgot to tell dh that I was doing a no-spend (probably for next month, too), and he bought me flowers yesterday for no reason. It was really lovely, but then I felt kind of guilty about the expense. :001_unsure:

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I didn't post my actual goal either. It is mostly to spend less than we make this month. I'm so bad about spending every last dime each payday. I really need to start putting some back.


So my goals for September and beyond...

Little to no eating out. (after this payday, I'll make exceptions for dh and I to have a date night ;))

Carefully planning my grocery shopping so I don't make multiple trips (I always spend more than I intend when I just run out to buy something I need)

No book or magazine purchases for a while.

No crazy Christmas shopping.

Minimize driving around. Gas is too expensive!

Minimize my "ooh shiny" buying (you know, that stuff you buy on impulse :lol:)

Spend $200 or less a week on groceries. (this is the worst for me! I spend SO much on food!!)

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Y'all keep on posting. This is a good accountability thread.


I'm doing a no book buying September. I've got a stack of non fiction I haven't gotten to this summer, plus shelves of well read and much loved fiction. I can survive without a new book this month, right? Right?


Limit eating out and fast food. Bad habit budget wise and health wise. I will make a menu each week and keep it posted on my fridge.


No starting new projects that require money around the house this month.


Think! before I spend.

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Can I join late?


The only thing we have bought that wasn't a necessity, was a Lego toy for DS that I used to bribe him for family pictures. :blush:


We have a huge grocery bill every month, my DS is allergic to lots of things, it's usually around 1k for 5 of us, I'm going to try to get it down to 800.



So for me,


Sept 2, lasha's bite cycle. $20.

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My goals:


1. Plan 15 meals and shop for it. Done. I have everything thing we need for 15 great dinners with lunch the next day being leftovers. I have enough stuff for 10 cooked breakfasts and 5 days of cereal or pop tarts. Eating out isn't even in the plan. ;)


2. I've been selling off the babies stuff that we can't use to differences in season and such...Once upon a child is my new BFF. I took in some nice items and come out with 8 outfits for our growing babe...very pleased and will continue to do this as long as they keep excellent stuff in stock that I can trade for.


3. We will have 5 field trips the last week of the month...I plan on paying cash for everything..so I'm saving for that week.


4. I'm saving for Christmas...it's going to be a cash only year. There will be a no regret January.


5. Household things...lights off when not in use. All the normal things...run dishwasher when full. Laundry when load is full..etc.


Basically...I'm getting back to super frugal Tammy.;)

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I am so in on this. WE have had a seriously rough financial year and suddenly this month had to reroof the house. We were blessed to have family and friends help with the labor but had to put the supplies on the horrid Visa. So we will be having no frill spending/very tight spending the rest of the year.


Specifically this month I plan on,

-No eating out (which we have gotten bad about)

-No Drive through coffee on the way to work

-I need to pack lunch for my husband, or he ends up buying something out

-Make and stay in the grocery budget,

-Make and freeze simple foods for the kids breakfast since they are home with Daddy and he has to feed and start school before I get home from work each morning.

- No online curriculum shopping or buying, we still need tons for this year but it is all for later and I can wait until at least Jan to even start looking.

- Make A Christmas gift budget and list and start saving and searching. This will be very tight this year

- Pay all extra money toward the Visa so we can get it paid off before Jan.


Phew okay I feel better just typing that out.

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I really need to have a mindful month of spending. I hope this will help.


Sept 1 I picked up a Rx at Rite Aid that was needed, but I also grabbed a butterfly sandwich cutter that was $1, the Mad Gab game that was on clearance for $9.99, and both girls got a lollipop that was 2 for $1.


Sept 2 We stayed home so $0 was spent.



My goal is to only by what is needed.

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Subscribing to this thread. :) I have a terrible problem of grabbing convenience foods when we're out of the house instead of cooking at home, and until this past week, I didn't realize just how much money I've been wasting. Our finances are really bad right now, so my no-spend challenge is a necessity. The only things I truly need to spend money on are shoes and maybe some clothing for my daughters, and I'm putting those purchases off for as long as possible.


Good luck to everyone who is trying to spend less or not spend at all.

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I'd be embarrassed to post how much we spend eating out each month. It's insane.


DH and I have a two night getaway planned in Chicago the first week in October. I want to save in September so we don't need to take anything from saving for the trip.


My goals: $100 for restaurants (and I'm not counting what we've already spent this weekend)

$800 for groceries

Keep up with YNAB and stay within budget in all areas

and I have no idea if this is possible but I'd like to kick at least $500 to savings

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Well, I'm trying to decide what to do here. My kids need pants for fall, and it seems like everything is on sale today. :lol:



They don't *need* them, they each have 1 or 2 pairs that fit, and really it will be shorts weather for another couple of weeks, but I despise paying full price for anything. If I wait til October, I'm just going to have to buy what I find, pretty quickly.



I think I will just buy them, I had known they needed them, I was just waiting for sales. Of course they are all during a no spend month. :D

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Well, I'm trying to decide what to do here. My kids need pants for fall, and it seems like everything is on sale today. :lol:



They don't *need* them, they each have 1 or 2 pairs that fit, and really it will be shorts weather for another couple of weeks, but I despise paying full price for anything. If I wait til October, I'm just going to have to buy what I find, pretty quickly.



I think I will just buy them, I had known they needed them, I was just waiting for sales. Of course they are all during a no spend month. :D


I run nto this problem too. I know that so ething willbe needed down the line and i find a greAt price on it now, when i am supposed to not buy anything. :confused::confused:

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I'm in! We have slipped this past year (Sept 2011 to Aug 2012) from our Dave Ramsey budget goals. We had our first big family vacation (Universal Orlando), spent too much on Christmas, dh qualified for the Boston Marathon so we had another big vacation to Boston in April plus physical therapy for an injury, and it was dd17's graduation year. Our emergency fund is very low and our credit card is very high. Certainly not where we wanted to be! Sept and Oct are dh's slow months at work so we have to tighten the belt anyway.


I want to work on getting our groceries under control.

I want to get our emergency fund back to $1000.


We have a birthday on Thursday, but dd knows it will be a small birthday this year and we will cook her favorite dinner at home instead of going out. Still have to buy a cake, though.


We have a field trip the end of this month that I hope will come out of my education fund and will prob make dd take her own money for extras.


My biggest areas of concern are 1)my dd grew out of all of her clothes! She is one size away from wearing her sister's clothes (she has a closet full from her aunt) but just not close enough to make it work. She has very little clothes. Eek!


2) I want to Christmas shop early this year and buy when I find something on sale. I really HATE when I have to be stingy for Christmas. I love buying or making the perfect gift. But I need to be very, very, frugal if we are going to be able to buy/make for all those I want to. :glare:

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My September no-spend goals -


  • Stay within my grocery budget. Dh gets paid bi-weekly and that's how I budget. His most recent paycheck covered the last week of August and first week of September, but as long as I stay on or under budget I'll count it towards September..
  • No magazines. None.
  • Put $10 on my Starbucks card. When it's gone, it's gone. No more Starbucks for the month.
  • No buying books.
  • No drive through lunches simply because of poor planning. I will plan to either be home at lunchtime, eat an early lunch/late breakfast, or pack lunch when applicable.
  • No buying yarn. My stash is large enough that no matter what I want to knit or crochet, I already have the yarn I need.

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I posted early on in this thread that my plan is to stick to our budget for September. I am really trying to get back to $0 balance budgeting with envelopes per the Dave Ramsey plan.


I have $140 budgeted for food for the week and when I went to the store yesterday I went over! Luckily I have my weekly "blow money" with me, so I just took the cash from there, but now I don't have any blow money for the week. :glare:


I just can't seem to get this food thing figured out. Dh works out of town (15 days gone, 6 days at home), so some of my weeks are just the kids and me. Dh gets his own money for food when he is out of town (which is A LOT because he often has to eat out!). I know that I shouldn't be spending this kind of money on just the kids and me, but I think my problem is that I am bad at planning. Any suggestions?


Otherwise, we are on track for the month. But then again, it is only September 2. Yikes, 28 more days to go!!! :eek:

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We REALLY need a no-spend month, but I fear it will have to be Oct. All the kids' sports/activities have fees this month, plus I have a conference out of town, and we have a birthday and anniversary.


Sigh. After the wedding last week we feel so broke. And after I wrote the previous paragraph, even broker :blink:


Maybe I can purpose not to spend extra on eating out when it's just me and the kids, and no buying extra books/fun stuff/entertainment.

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My September no-spend goals -


  • Stay within my grocery budget. Dh gets paid bi-weekly and that's how I budget. His most recent paycheck covered the last week of August and first week of September, but as long as I stay on or under budget I'll count it towards September..
  • No magazines. None.
  • Put $10 on my Starbucks card. When it's gone, it's gone. No more Starbucks for the month.
  • No buying books.
  • No drive through lunches simply because of poor planning. I will plan to either be home at lunchtime, eat an early lunch/late breakfast, or pack lunch when applicable.
  • No buying yarn. My stash is large enough that no matter what I want to knit or crochet, I already have the yarn I need.


I like your goals. I think I'm going to work out something like this.

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I don't know if this would be helpful at all but . . . when I participated in a goal thread like this before, each month everyone posted to the "I'm in" thread and listed her goals. Then each day she'd update her original post. Comments and chatter were separate threads.


So, how it worked was that the person doing it posted for new goals in September.


Everyone wanting to participated just replied and posted her goals. Several people posted all the days of the month under that.


Each day or every few days or whatever, each person would update/edit her original goal and write a brief sentence re how she's doing.


If someone wanted to comment, it would be a new thread with the goal thread in the subject line. something like this:


No-Spend Sept: Broomhilda, I can't believe you did that!




No-Spend Sept: Hey, guys, Starbucks is calling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




you know . . . what ever.


The only reason I mention that is that it made everyone's goals easy to see and keep up with.

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I don't know if this would be helpful at all but . . . when I participated in a goal thread like this before, each month everyone posted to the "I'm in" thread and listed her goals. Then each day she'd update her original post. Comments and chatter were separate threads.


So, how it worked was that the person doing it posted for new goals in September.


Everyone wanting to participated just replied and posted her goals. Several people posted all the days of the month under that.


Each day or every few days or whatever, each person would update/edit her original goal and write a brief sentence re how she's doing.


If someone wanted to comment, it would be a new thread with the goal thread in the subject line. something like this:


No-Spend Sept: Broomhilda, I can't believe you did that!




No-Spend Sept: Hey, guys, Starbucks is calling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




you know . . . what ever.


The only reason I mention that is that it made everyone's goals easy to see and keep up with.


Great ideas! I'll start updating my original post. I do think this is how they did it at MDC too, it has been a few years so I didn't remember.

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Well, I've already failed miserably. I forgot about DS' kindercone, since we start school officially tomorrow, I also needed a few more things, binders, art supplies, etc.


Then fabricworm.com had a labor day sale, so I bought the fabric for my kids christmas PJ pants, and the fabric to make my sister's baby shower gifts.



No spend October anyone? :auto:

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Joining in really late!


My goals for September:


Make a thrifty and healthy menu plan and really stick to it. Come in under budget for the month.


Use my spending tracker to track every penny, every day.


Make my Christmas list and begin to make purchases with cash. Plan any homemade gifts. We have a line in our budget for Christmas so I know exactly how much I can spend. This year I want shopping and sending done by the end of November.


Pull out Christmas crafts, fabric, etc. Get to work on using supplies we have already for decorations, cards, and so on.


Plan Halloween costumes and see if we can use fabric we already have.


Keep lunch out to 1x a week, pay for date night dinner 2x this month. (We have developed very cheap ways to do this.)


Go through fall/winter clothes for all of us and make lists of what we'll need, if anything.


Stay out of stores!!!! Use up what we have first!

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Hm, how about if I just start a new thread at the beginning of each new week. So, this thread will run through this coming Saturday and then I'll start a Sept. Week 2: No Spend thread on Sunday.


We can just update as we like in the weekly thread and if we begin again each week it won't get too unwieldy to read through and keep up with.


Does that sound OK?

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Hm, how about if I just start a new thread at the beginning of each new week. So, this thread will run through this coming Saturday and then I'll start a Sept. Week 2: No Spend thread on Sunday.


We can just update as we like in the weekly thread and if we begin again each week it won't get too unwieldy to read through and keep up with.


Does that sound OK?


Or that! :D

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I"m thinking about committing.


I really have to consider what goals I'll commit to, et c.


My understanding is that if you "need" it and plan for it, it doesn't count, right?


So, if I plan for my much needed post-Adoration coffee, that wouldn't be a breach but if I were running around town and drove by that cute little coffee shop and succumbed . . . that would be a breach.


Is that right?


So groceries, planned expenditures . . . ok. Impulse purchases, no. yes?


The idea of an absolute spend free month is just too foreign to me. Groceries, gas, bills, et c. but if I could narrow it down to a figure and then narrow that figure down to something even tighter . . .


I'll be thinking.

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Joining in really late!


My goals for September:


Make a thrifty and healthy menu plan and really stick to it. Come in under budget for the month.


Use my spending tracker to track every penny, every day.


Make my Christmas list and begin to make purchases with cash. Plan any homemade gifts. We have a line in our budget for Christmas so I know exactly how much I can spend. This year I want shopping and sending done by the end of November.


Pull out Christmas crafts, fabric, etc. Get to work on using supplies we have already for decorations, cards, and so on.


Plan Halloween costumes and see if we can use fabric we already have.


Keep lunch out to 1x a week, pay for date night dinner 2x this month. (We have developed very cheap ways to do this.)


Go through fall/winter clothes for all of us and make lists of what we'll need, if anything.


Stay out of stores!!!! Use up what we have first!



I'm good with this!

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I"m thinking about committing.


I really have to consider what goals I'll commit to, et c.


My understanding is that if you "need" it and plan for it, it doesn't count, right?


So, if I plan for my much needed post-Adoration coffee, that wouldn't be a breach but if I were running around town and drove by that cute little coffee shop and succumbed . . . that would be a breach.


Is that right?


So groceries, planned expenditures . . . ok. Impulse purchases, no. yes?


The idea of an absolute spend free month is just too foreign to me. Groceries, gas, bills, et c. but if I could narrow it down to a figure and then narrow that figure down to something even tighter . . .


I'll be thinking.



This is how I'm approaching it! I'm going to try to do this for the rest of the year. Only planned purchases!

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So groceries, planned expenditures . . . ok. Impulse purchases, no. yes?


The idea of an absolute spend free month is just too foreign to me. Groceries, gas, bills, et c. but if I could narrow it down to a figure and then narrow that figure down to something even tighter . . .


I'll be thinking.


Yes. For me at least, this is a way to curb unplanned, un-necessary spending. It is also a way for me to rein in grocery spending due to poor planning before I go shopping.

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