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NO SPEND September Thread

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I used to participate over at MDC and there was always a nice support thread for No Spending for each month. Basically, you subscribe to the thread, tell a bit about yourself and your financial goals and then each day log in and track what you've spent. It is really a nice way to get support and hold yourself accountable.


Join me!

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I'm notorious at overspending on food. I am poor at meal-planning and grocery budgeting. My goal for September is to spend $150 per week on groceries for our family of 5. My goal is to have no trips through a drive through due to poor planning. I also need to stay away from Target, Amazon and the For Sale boards.

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Thank goodness school has started or it would feel impossible not buying curricula or school supplies. :tongue_smilie:


I'm with you on spending too much on food - specifically eating out. We are allowing $200 for the month for eating out expenses. It will be in cash and when it's gone, no more eating out for the month. We've done this before and it really helps the budget.

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I may have a no spend September because I am broke!


I just spent $200 at Staples on school supplies for 2 kids. :confused:


Extracurricular activities, new backpack, new sneakers, clothes, the list goes on and on.


I'm done. I have enough money for food and not much else.

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I would love to, this month is bone dry as far as budget anyway, but I am in the middle of a reno and will be buying supplies this month still to work on it, plus birthdays for 3 of my kids. Ask me again in January after I get through birthdays, thanksgiving, halloween, christmas and renos lol

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Hubby has a business trip to new york-- so will be spending $$$$$$$$$$$$$ on that. :(

Then I need to buy oldest son some fall/winter clothing. More $$$$$$$$$$$$

Then I need to start Christmas shopping, kids' birthday shopping. $$$$$$$$$$$

Then I need to pay for 2 boys at winter camp.

Then I need to pay for 2 boys supplies for winter camp (new cots, trunks, sleeping bags, and other junk!)


Sometime in there I really need new tires on my truck too.


And hubby is OCD about watch shopping right now, and he has expensive taste. uugh.

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You're talking about extras, right? Not mortgage, rent, basic food supplies? I might be able to try in Oct, but I have two kids starting college next week, and I have ballet & music tuition (which wouldn't count either, correct?, and new pointe shoes to purchase in Sept.


I could buy Halloween candy at the end of Sept, and hide it! :)


But I'll probably start Christmas shopping in Oct. plus, pointe shoes. (About once a month now.)



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Then I need to buy oldest son some fall/winter clothing. More $$$$$$$$$$$$



OMW, I completely forgot about fall/winter clothes :( We are in so much trouble this month. How is it possible that my DH makes as much as he does and we are still struggling so much??? :banghead:


You're talking about extras, right? Not mortgage, rent, basic food supplies? I might be able to try in Oct, but I have two kids starting college next week, and I have ballet & music tuition (which wouldn't count either, correct?, and new pointe shoes to purchase in Sept.


I could buy Halloween candy at the end of Sept, and hide it! :)


But I'll probably start Christmas shopping in Oct. plus, pointe shoes. (About once a month now.)




I participated at MDC too way back when the boards were actually active *sigh* The way I've always done it was that bills and necessary outlay (class payments, mortgage, gas for car, food, etc.) were not counted, but that anything unnecessary or unexpected (bottle of water while grocery shopping, new lamps for bedroom, trip to the fair, and so on) were the kinds of expenditures you were trying to avoid. Each person kind of set their own parameters though--it's a self-monitoring sort of thing.

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You're talking about extras, right? Not mortgage, rent, basic food supplies?


Yes, one can spend money on needs, charity, etc. It can be personalized. If Halloween candy purchases are necessary as part of your holiday celebration than it is fine. This is about accountability. Not stopping by the dollar bin at Target. Not pulling through Chick Fil A because you are tired and don't want to cook dinner. Not buying a book on your Kindle if you can borrow it from the library.


For me, it isn't about deprivation, it is about being sensible and more disciplined.

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I'll play. We have had a jump in expenses that we expect to last a while, so we're cutting back. Our goal is (gulp) $75 per week for groceries, and no eating out. I think we'll be eating out of the pantry a lot--at least we have plenty of rices, beans, grains, etc.


Does anybody else participate in Bountiful Baskets? It's a co-op, run by volunteers, that organizes produce/bread/miscellaneous foods drop-offs at various locations. Participants make a contribution on the bb website and pick up their basket on Saturdays. Volunteering periodically is strongly encouraged. The volunteer tasks are easy--I just arrive an hour early to the site and help distribute the produce among the baskets. It has been a big help to our grocery budget--we get enough fruit/veg for the week for $16.50.

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The MDC boards are no longer very active? That's surprising.


Admittedly, they lost me when they said HIV doesn't cause AIDS.


I left when I read a post about a woman who was asking for advice on where and how to deliver her baby in the ocean surrounded by dolphins. I couldn't tell if it was a genuine post or trolling but I realized that I didn't belong on a board in which I couldn't figure that out AND when I saw multiple support posts in the thread. :ack2:

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I left when I read a post about a woman who was asking for advice on where and how to deliver her baby in the ocean surrounded by dolphins. I couldn't tell if it was a genuine post or trolling but I realized that I didn't belong on a board in which I couldn't figure that out AND when I saw multiple support posts in the thread. :ack2:


:001_huh::001_huh: I just can't help it...:lol::lol::lol:


ETA: I fixed the multi quote. I promise I was not laughing about how much was spent at Staples! I've BTDT.

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I left when I read a post about a woman who was asking for advice on where and how to deliver her baby in the ocean surrounded by dolphins. I couldn't tell if it was a genuine post or trolling but I realized that I didn't belong on a board in which I couldn't figure that out AND when I saw multiple support posts in the thread. :ack2:



Are we supposed to talk about other sites, I can delete if not.


There was once a long thread about 'non- coercive' parenting, and one woman said she would not physically try to stop her child from running into the street if he still wanted to after discussing the dangers with him. She said trusted him, and if he was hit by a truck, she would understand that it was his time. Something to that effect. It was insane, and yes, many agreed.

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Are we supposed to talk about other sites, I can delete if not.


There was once a long thread about 'non coercive' parenting, and one woman said she would not physically try to stop her child from running into the street if he still wanted to after discussing the dangers with him. She said trusted him, and if he was hit by a truck, she would understand that it was his time. Something to that effect. It was insane, and yes, many agreed.


It was the non-coercive parenting and radical unschooling stuff that finally drove me off the board. I ended up here, so that should say something :lol:


I'm :lol: about the dolphins too!


I think the MDC boards aren't as active because they redesigned the site drastically, and a lot of people had trouble with the site load times after that. Then they made some changes that involved threads being promoted in emails and on Facebook to the general public, and people felt that was an invasion of some kind of privacy, etc. I used to post regularly on the HSing and Frugality boards, and they were so busy that threads dropped off the front pages within hours. Now threads sit there for days.


Actually, now that I really think about it, I think the first nail in the coffin was the closing of their very active Trading Post. They eventually reopened it, but it was too late.


It's kind of a bummer :(


Anyway, I'm sorry drexel, I don't want to derail your thread!

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I left when I read a post about a woman who was asking for advice on where and how to deliver her baby in the ocean surrounded by dolphins. I couldn't tell if it was a genuine post or trolling but I realized that I didn't belong on a board in which I couldn't figure that out AND when I saw multiple support posts in the thread. :ack2:


:lol::lol::lol:Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't laugh...but funny...


I will play, too! My goal is to keep to my cash system and spend only what's in the budget. So I guess instead of No-Spend September I will be playing No OVERspend September.


I was doing well most of this summer but fell off the boat in August when some planned (very necessary) spending turned out to cost more than we anticipated.

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OMW, I completely forgot about fall/winter clothes :( We are in so much trouble this month. How is it possible that my DH makes as much as he does and we are still struggling so much??? :banghead:




I participated at MDC too way back when the boards were actually active *sigh* The way I've always done it was that bills and necessary outlay (class payments, mortgage, gas for car, food, etc.) were not counted, but that anything unnecessary or unexpected (bottle of water while grocery shopping, new lamps for bedroom, trip to the fair, and so on) were the kinds of expenditures you were trying to avoid. Each person kind of set their own parameters though--it's a self-monitoring sort of thing.


Because the cost of food, clothing and gasoline has sharply risen and continues to escalate. My dh also makes a wonderful salary, but it has not risen commensurately with the cost of commodities.

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:lol::lol::lol:Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't laugh...but funny...


I will play, too! My goal is to keep to my cash system and spend only what's in the budget. So I guess instead of No-Spend September I will be playing No OVERspend September.


I was doing well most of this summer but fell off the boat in August when some planned (very necessary) spending turned out to cost more than we anticipated.


This is my plan as well. I have put together a budget for September (using cash in as many categories as possible) and my goal is to actually stick to it! It will be fun having some accountability here. :)

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I will join. While it will not be a no-spend month, i have to cut our expenses by about half right now. Luckily, the school room is done- that was a fair amou t of money, despite doing it ourselves. And tha ks to this board, i am using EEBA which is wonderful.


My goals are 500 for groceries, 120 for gas, and a bunch of others. I will post what i spend daily. Or weekly?

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Actually, now that I really think about it, I think the first nail in the coffin was the closing of their very active Trading Post. They eventually reopened it, but it was too late.


It's kind of a bummer :(




I wish we could have a non-curric trading post here.

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I'll join for groceries. I'm trying to average $700 per month this year (which is already $50 per month more than last year). I go to Costco every six weeks, which is 2 out of 3 months. September is the month I don't go to Costco, so I need it be lower to help balance out the Costco months. I'll aim for $600 for groceries.

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I issued a challenge something like this to DH a couple weeks back. July was a huge spending month because my family was in town visiting so we did the tourist thing. August was a huge spending month for DD's birthday and curriculum shopping, plus we had to replace the dishwasher in our rental house. My challenge to us for Sept-Nov is to live completely off of ONE of the two paychecks per month.


Benefits that I can think of:

~ replace the emergency savings

~ more Christmas cash

~ clean out the fridge/freezer/pantry and eat healthier instead of eating out

~ learn some more financial self-discipline



~ ??? I'll let you know if there is any.

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I'm in. I've gotten in a VERY bad habit of spending money we don't have. This month has been crazy and I've justified every purchase. Looking back, I realize that we really didn't need to buy some of that stuff. Our grocery bill is up because we stopped even trying to save money. I'm going to make an effort to buy only needed items and stay within what we see as a decent budget. I will not buy clothing, something I've done every month this year. We will eat out only on our regular once a week take-out night and plan meals for the rest of the time. I will stick to my cash allowance for extras and I will not use the debit card except for groceries and gas. I will use the library and not buy new Kindle books. It all sounds like a good plan. I will be impressed if I can stick with this plan. Hopefully the month of behaving will become a habit and October will be easier.

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How is it possible that my DH makes as much as he does and we are still struggling so much??? :banghead:




This. Most people would think that we should be swimming in money. Yeah, not so much.


We are working very hard to pay down debt, *and* my dh is back in school. We just had to pay for two classes and books. Ouch. Then the brakes had to be replaced on dh's car. Cha-ching. I actually had to PM a mom here that I couldn't buy books from her that I need because we had to pay for the car repair. :( I hope she wasn't annoyed with me.


No spending month? That's my life every month. I don't spend extra.


I always meal plan and stick to the plan. We run out of food because I don't buy any extras. I cook everything from scratch. Everything. We don't eat out or pick up dinner ever. Haven't in a year because I can't. A "splurge" for us is to buy a bag of pretzels.....at $7 (actually now priced at $7.65 up from $6.99) for a 14 oz bag. Yeah, gluten free snack foods are so so expensive. Pretzels are a big time treat for my kids that they don't get often. They have been asking for bagels lately. It's been a long time since we've had any because a bag of 4 bagels costs over $6. So, I'm going to attempt my first try at making bagels. The cost of produce is insane!


I still haven't gotten all the books I need for school. I'm hoping to do that this month.


I am lucky in that I really don't buy clothes for my boys. Well, the younger ones are covered with hand me downs. My mom is more than happy to buy clothes for her grandkids. Plus, we don't need a lot of seasonal clothes. Summer clothes with one jacket and one coat for each. :001_smile:


Actually, I'd like to have a "Spend" month cause I never get any. ;)

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I will join you. I need to save as much money as possible. My kid needs fall clothes, but I'm planning a trip to a clothing swap this weekend, and hoping that may give him a few things that will actually fit.


I need to spend no money on food. I need to figure out how to get by on what we have without buying anything except coffee and milk. Lucikly for me, I have a goodly amount still in the garden and have canned a lot and frozen a lot so far. I think I can do it. It will at least be interesting to try.

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I will join you. I need to save as much money as possible. My kid needs fall clothes, but I'm planning a trip to a clothing swap this weekend, and hoping that may give him a few things that will actually fit.


I need to spend no money on food. I need to figure out how to get by on what we have without buying anything except coffee and milk. Lucikly for me, I have a goodly amount still in the garden and have canned a lot and frozen a lot so far. I think I can do it. It will at least be interesting to try.


Oh, Audrey, I wish you still blogged some. This would make for an interesting read for the late summer/fall.

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I need to do this so much. We break ground on our house build in a week or two, and I know we will be hemorrhaging money for the next year. :glare:


My biggest issue is food! I spend way too much on groceries, and we STILL run out of stuff before my next planned trip. I cook from scratch and plan, but still can't seem to make it work out :lol:


But maybe I'll try this for a month. I'll have to figure out a realistic goal for stuff..

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I'm in! We have had some medical expenses come up, so it would be really nice to get those paid off.


What do you think a fair food budget for a family of seven would be? I can usually stay on track. Dh is the budget killer.


We have a birthday mid-month, but have already planned for that.


Clothes are fine (we are the recipients of many hand me downs and I can sew anything else we might need).


Curriculum and school supplies are fine. We don't do extra curriculars, so no worries there.


My main concern is our sheep and goats. Since it is impossible to buy hay because of the drought, we are going to have to supplement with feed, which will be getting expensive very quickly.


I'm trying to sell some curriculum online to help out and will hopefully be organized enough for a garage sale mid month.


Do not let me buy any more books! :lol:

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DH has requested no-spend months for the rest of the year. I am not sure how that is going to work. Between the new braces (and no dental) the one who just started college and the massive # of "emergencies" that have appeared over the Summer. It has been:



College tuition/ housing/ meal plan (required)

Health insurance required for college student (family plan not good enough)

Car repair

Car repair

Family emergency that required travel

Other car repair

Surprise medical cost

Planned family trip that cost 2X as much as expected

Doubling of health insurance

Problem that necessitated gutting one bathroom

Books, supplies, computer for college student (animation major)


It just seems to go on & on & on.


So I am in! No Spend September; bring it!


Amber in SJ

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Sept 1:


The first day of the month and we spent! Yikes! I'd forgotten we'd invited people over for a cook out so we bought beer and food that we otherwise wouldn't have purchased. I also bought a Great Course off the For Sale board here that I've been wanting for a while and not successfully finding used.




Great Course: $50


Cook Out food: $35



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Sept 1:


The first day of the month and we spent! Yikes!


How is it that things just come up? Ugh. My ds16 has absolutely no social life and no friends, so today I invited another teen his age from his Aspie teen group to go to the movies with us. I didn't even check to see if ds wants to go but he'll be okay with it. But do you know how expensive the movies are? Egads! And now I'm trying to figure out how to tell the other mom that I meant to invite him to come along but I wasn't intending to pay for him. I mean, I know that people who invite usually pay. I agree with that myself. But I know this young man goes to the movies a lot so I just figured he'd be going anyway. And oh what a mess. There goes my entire allowance for this pay period.

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I think I will join...:D


We've cut back highly but our "vice" is going out to eat. We have been firm on only once a week for that past two weeks. Another goal we've been working on is eating as much from the cupboards before having to go out and buy stuff (minus milk, fruit, etc). So food is easily where the money goes.


I also am cleaning once a month for my MIL. DH is going to do another cleaning job for her once a month.


Sunday is our going out to eat day but we don't have the girls right now. One thing we started was more diners and local burger joints (no tipping yet there's good vegetarian options and some fried-food less options).


We also starting tent camping for our family vacations. We DO have a week long trip planned mid-Sept but that was arranged months ago. My parents own 82 acres and a lot of it is wooded so we are going to set up in the woods shortly for a week, then we can kind of come and go between the camp and home.


I've also been shopping at Save A Lot way more often and very much like their stuff. Aldi's is next. We bought a few things there last night and it was cheap for the amount we bought.


So, I will do the best I can minus the week long vacation! Awesome thread!

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I think we are doing OK for day one of September.


Yesterday we ran errands. Free ones for the most part:


Dropped off a box of books to donate for the library (check)

Picked apples off a tree belonging to an elderly couple. (check)

Picked up the 20# box of pears we ordered last month. (check)

Bought new ballet shoes (not free, but necessary)

Dropped off the bags of outgrown children's clothing (check)

Returned the 2 boxes of hair color my teenager thought she would experiment with but has since changed her mind (check)

Used the gift card from the hair color return to buy the few groceries I can't make from scratch (milk & produce)


Normally I would get the littles a treat for being dragged all over on a sunny, Saturday AM, but in the spirit of no-spend month we came home & made smoothies out of the fruit in the freezer.


The question now is what do I do with the 20# of pears & 20# of apples?


Amber in SJ

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Our payday was the 31st, so I counted that as part of September on our budget. It didn't start off so great...:lol:


I did our bills and had about $450 left for the next two weeks for groceries, gas and misc. Then the lady from a jewelry party I went to last week called to tell me my debit card had expired (oops) and got the right date for it. Thing is, I had forgotten about it altogether and didn't count that $100 in my budget. So now...$350.


Then, I walk outside and our cat had yakked up a furball that was wormy. :001_huh: So...I call the vet and they say I can just pick up a dewormer, if I know how much she weighs. I go find her papers from her last vet visit and realize that her rabies vax expired on 8-12. Have to take her in, and there goes another $60.


Now I'm down to $290.


Then, my dh goes to look at a tractor (which is budgeted for out of our housebuilding money) and takes his dad and uncle with him. While he's out, he fills up his truck with gas (which only happens once in a blue moon since he works from home and doesn't drive it much). $65 for gas, and $14 for dinner at Wendy's. (In his defense, I hadn't told him about no spend Sept. yet, nor that we were tight this week...because he never goes anywhere!! lol.)


Now I'm at $211.


Then, I remember that we are supposed to make the homemade ice cream for dinner with the inlaws on Monday. I had to go get whipping cream and half & half for that. $12!!




I spent $50 on groceries. I'm hoping it will last the week. (I have a lot of stuff in our freezer/pantry)




I know that I will have to fill up the van at least once more before next payday. That's about $65.


$84 left until 9/14. Here's hoping that nothing else comes up!!

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Okay here is what we've spent so far:


groceries $190/500 (dh, unfortunately, seems to rebel against my budget and went out AFTER i bought geoceries and spent 40 more :glare: it is going to be tough to get to the end of the month on 310 dollars.


Gift for dh's bday: $39. Again, i should have bought this last week online, and i would have saved 10 dollars. This comes out of Other spending category of 300. (because i havent tracked our budget in a while, i have this catch all category until i figure out how to be more specific).

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