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We were in an car accident today

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Ouch! We were in a car accident on the way home from our field trip. We are all okay but the car is totalled. I have some really bad bruising on my stomach, ds13 has a fat lip from teh air bags, dd13 had a bunch of xrays due to arma nd back pain, ds8 has an abrasion across his neck from the seat belt and dd4 was perfectly safe and sound in her 5 pt harness. We spent a couple hours at the hospital being checked out but are all home now.


Woman in front of me sped up like she was going to run the yellow light and then hit the brakes instead and we wound up slamming right into her. So given the traffic laws in alberta even though 3 different passersby stopped to leave statements with the police that there was nothing I could do to prevent the accident I will be held 100% at fault since I rear ended her. She was fine. EMTs checked her at scene and she signed off that she was declining transport. SHe walked into the hospital as we were waiting for the taxi to drive us the 1 hour home. I assume like us just to get checked out, she was walking just fine.


And less than 5 minutes after getting home Onyx was picked up by his new family so it has been a rough evening here.


Sorry for the bolding, I C/P it from my FB and I can not make the bold turn off.

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I am so sorry. 2.5 years ago, I hit a patch of ice on a turn less than a block from our house. I was going less than 10 mph but lost control. A car came right around the corner and we hit head-on. It was scary and I was at fault since, in the state of Colorado, anytime you lose control of your vehicle it is considered reckless driving. Two of the emergency vehicles at the scene went off the road and the emergency personnal were falling on the ice but I was still listed at fault. It is frustrating because you know that you did everything you were supposed to do but you are still told that you are at fault. I will be praying for you and your family. It takes awhile to calm your nerves and feel at ease again. Glad that no one was seriously injured.

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Gentle :grouphug:. I do hate that rear end law. As a CPS tech I've studied many crashes when it was in no way the person in the rear's fault. :glare:


So thankful everyone was buckled correctly!! Make sure to replace all car seats/boosters. Insurance should pay for them (at least in the US they do).


Praying for your quick healing!

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I wonder if there is any chance she was trying to get rear ended? :glare: It happens where people will drive like that specifically to cause an accident where the "at fault" is almost guaranteed to be the other driver, then they collect insurance money.


I'm sorry. What a lousy day. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone.


Stiff today but otherwise okay. Kids still sleeping. I am only up because I was supposed to work but daycare girl never showed up.


Talked to my mom last night about it, since my sister texted her while we were at the hospital. Mom claimed I was lieing about how the accident happened, that I *must* have been too close or speeding. Then she started harping about how I still have to pay for the car(I have to pay them since this is the one my dad got me last december when the van broke down), and pay my sister for teh taxi(which my sister said I didn't)


I love that she never once asked if we were okay, she just started harping as soon as she answered the phone.


Oh and now saying it was good dd4's car seat has to be replaced because now I will have to move her into a booster (they all thought I was nuts for keeping her in a 5 pt harness after she hit 40lbs). Umm no I will buy another 5 pt harness one, that seat is what kept her from having a single mark on her.


I should be hearing from the police today (they took my information at the hospital but I have not filled out a statement yet). And I need to call the insurance company and find out where my car was towed.


I am not holding out hope it is fixable, but maybe, who knows. Front end smashed up, hood bent in half, windshield broken on passenger side from books that were on the dash and air bags went off. We will see.


Can't wait for the kids birthday parties to be done next weekend so that I can cut off contact with my folks. I would do so right now but youngers are leaving on sept 2 for disney and all family members are giving money for them to spend there. The kids are counting on it from teh grandparents.

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Well still no report from the police and no contact from them today to file my statement but I have been on the phone with insurance. They are sending someone to get my car from the towing yard to make sure it is not incruing fines. If it is fixable it will be, but they are going on the assumption it is a write off. Thankful that my coverage provides for a rental until I either get a new one or it is fixed. Now trying to figure out how to get to the location my car is at before insurance takes it anywhere so I can get all my stuff out of it.

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