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Only because I know the hive likes Crazy people stories.


A lady who lost a carseat cover is selling the infant seat and base with no cover for $5. http://killeen.craigslist.org/bab/3188191131.html



I recently crashed my car and want it solely to use with my stroller, not as a carseat.


Below it the email exchange for the hives benefit.


Me: Do you still have the carseat for $5? I could pick it up on sat. My car was in an accident and I just want an infant seat to use with my stroller and since I am replacing it with a convertible seat.




Her:yes i still have the carseat


Me:Great can I arrange to pick it up Saturday early morning or late afternoon?



Her:give me a time frame so i know that we need to be at our house


Me:Around 7:45 Sat morning. I need your addy. Thanks.



Her:would you be able to come get it today


Me:No I live 30 minutes away. ;)


Her:were do you live


Me:In the country, in the middle of nowhere, near ...


Her:k i guess im not understanding why ya cant come today to get the carseat if you need it for the stroller its 1300hrs on a thursday


Me:Because I am not spending and hour in the car plus gas to pick up something for $5. I combine my errands to save on gas, judging from your ad you understand gas costs money. I already will be in town Saturday and that is when I could get it. If you have somebody who can come get it ASAP by all means sell it to them.


Her:its not the factor of gas its the fact that its a weekday today and tomorrow i dont get to spend much time with my husband during the weekdays cause of him being on post so the only time we get together is on the weekends thats y i say to come today or tomorrow and no offices are open on the weekends im a military wife not a dumb aXX so ya


Me:Thank you for your kind words. I believe I will shop elsewhere.


Her:it would be like if you dont get to spend or see your husband much and the only time you have is on the weekend than you would know what i mean and you could do those errands you need to today or tomorrow but no ya know what go buy one from someone else who is gonna charge ya more than what mine is for sale for a new car seat and base you cant beat what i am selling my for it dont hurt me none




I chose early morning as I have to be at church from 8:30-12:30. Then lunch and over to volunteer at Bountiful Baskets from 1:30-3 if things go well. Sometimes I don't get out of their by 5 and really the morning time was more reliable as I know I could be there when I said I would.


So hive am I being unreasonable? I thought I stated pretty well from the get go when I could pick it up. I understand about husbands working mine works too. A 5 minute if that craigslist exchange will not damper your whole weekned.

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Wow! Talk about a bee in her bonnet over nothing.


It kind of makes me wish you had responded with this Jack Nicholson quote:


"Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all full up here!"


But, that wouldn't be very nice now would it? :D No, I wouldn't have emailed that to her either, but temptation...not saying there would be some temptation!


Why she couldn't have just said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I am not available on Saturday" and just left it at that, well, it kind of makes one go :001_huh:.


Hope you do find your car seat and from a more even-keel person too!



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No, you aren't being unreasonable. Either that time works for her or it doesn't. If it doesn't, and you can't come at another time, she should just relist it and move on, not berate you for not coming to pick it up at her convenience. :glare:

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She sounds like a nut. :willy_nilly:


And a potentially hostile nut, to boot.


I would forget about buying anything from her. What if you do arrange a meeting, and then when you get there, the item is trashed? If you don't buy it, she sounds like the kind of woman who might get more than a little upset about it.


And FWIW, why anyone would go to the trouble of selling a $5 item on Craigslist is absolutely baffling to me. I mean, why go to all that nuisance for 5 bucks?

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All that over $5? That is crazy. I'm a military wife and have picked up/handed over plenty of craigslist items on a Saturday morning. Aren't most people busy during the week? Like it's going to take a significant time commitment away from her husband to hand over the car seat? :confused:

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TBH, I wouldn't want anyone coming to my house at 7:45 in the morning, weekend or not. She got a little ridiculous, though, just say its too early and suggest another time. Who gets that defensive over the loss of a five dollar sale?

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It seems like for a $5 item she could just leave it on the front porch and you could leave the $5 in an envelope. Then she wouldn't have to worry about when you are coming.




Exactly what I was thinking. I have done the very same thing and have yet to be stiffed.

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TBH, I wouldn't want anyone coming to my house at 7:45 in the morning, weekend or not. She got a little ridiculous, though, just say its too early and suggest another time. Who gets that defensive over the loss of a five dollar sale?


I can understand that. She could have just said that time doesn't work and I would have tried to work out a better time with my commitments I already had.

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I can understand that. She could have just said that time doesn't work and I would have tried to work out a better time with my commitments I already had.


Oh I know. I just meant that, while I didn't think she was being ridiculous in not wanting to meet so early, she went over the edge with the comebacks. Just say, "I prefer to meet after lunch" or something. I don't get why she took it as a personal attack.

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I think she could have said it in a more eloquant way, but the time you wanted didn't work for her. It doesn't matter if you think her reasons were important enough or not. It was important to her. I would have just said that I wasn't available at that time and asked if there was another time that worked for you. She tried to offer another time that worked for her and I didn't see any flexibility on your part.


I think you both made mistakes in this exchange.

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I think she could have said it in a more eloquant way, but the time you wanted didn't work for her. It doesn't matter if you think her reasons were important enough or not. It was important to her. I would have just said that I wasn't available at that time and asked if there was another time that worked for you. She tried to offer another time that worked for her and I didn't see any flexibility on your part.


I think you both made mistakes in this exchange.


Thank you for your perspective Cindy.


What should I have done different? I stated from the first email I was available on Saturday to pick up the item.

Edited by jennsmile
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I think she could have said it in a more eloquant way, but the time you wanted didn't work for her. It doesn't matter if you think her reasons were important enough or not. It was important to her. I would have just said that I wasn't available at that time and asked if there was another time that worked for you. She tried to offer another time that worked for her and I didn't see any flexibility on your part.


I think you both made mistakes in this exchange.


It may be there was no time other than some time on Saturday that worked for the OP and that's okay too.


*sigh* Wish I was done with my infant car seat. It expires Dec but i wouldn't mind giving it to someone that was going to use it in just a stroller. But we just this weekend decided we aren't quite ready to get rid of it yet. That seat in the stroller thing is just too convenient


signed, near killeen.

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Like it's going to take a significant time commitment away from her husband to hand over the car seat? :confused:


That's what made me scratch my head.....how slow does she move??? :lol:


I can't help but think it must be interrupting their tEa time. Ya know, she hardly sees dh so they have to make up for lost time. That could take all weekend right? ;)

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She was absolutely beyond rude. That was a crazy exchange.


It's likely she was planning on sleeping late Saturday and didn't want to get up at 7:45 for a $5 sale. I don't fault her that. Nor do I fault you for asking. Unfortunately she did not know how to say...


"I'm sorry 7:45 am will not work for me. How about _________?"


That was way too much drama on her end. Bummer.

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She was absolutely beyond rude. That was a crazy exchange.


It's likely she was planning on sleeping late Saturday and didn't want to get up at 7:45 for a $5 sale. I don't fault her that. Nor do I fault you for asking. Unfortunately she did not know how to say...


"I'm sorry 7:45 am will not work for me. How about _________?"


That was way too much drama on her end. Bummer.



See I could have handled a nice reply like that or even arranged another day when I am in town. I have been burned by craiglisters before where I travel 2 hours to pick up a stroller, spoke to them before I got in the car to head there and they stood me up. So yeah I don't just go into town for craiglist stuff unless it is something that I can't pass up like a long sought after IKEA wardrobe.

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Actually, I was thinking that early in the morning shouldn't interfere with any other weekend plans but I didn't think about it being too early (despite that I will usually still be in bed at that time). If it was too early, she should have just said so. Saying it's about spending time with her dh is kind of wacko since we're talking maybe 5 minutes.




I also agree that Craigslist seems like a lot of hassle for $5.

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That is hilarious.


Too bad you don't live near me. I have a barely used baby bucket sitting in my garage that you could have for free. But I don't want to list it on craiglist because, well, too many crazies. And IME the percentage of crazies is even higher on freecycle.

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So hive am I being unreasonable? I thought I stated pretty well from the get go when I could pick it up. I understand about husbands working mine works too. A 5 minute if that craigslist exchange will not damper your whole weekned.


Exactly. I don't know how someone picking up a car seat will ruin time with a husband.


What I really want to know: Is this the same woman who has been writing newsletters for Mommie_Jen's local co-op?

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