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Bahahahaha! I've actually heard of these before. Why? Because the lady I buy my rabbit diapers from also sells them. :tongue_smilie:


Some people keep house chickens and... well... they can't really be litter trained so... diapers. I use a diaper for my rabbit when she's free-roaming through the house just so she doesn't leave little rabbit raisins everywhere.


Okay, go ahead and laugh. I can take it. :D

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


All I can say is that, while chicken diapers make perfect sense, I'm not getting the whole duck diaper thing. :confused:




Oh, please. I can't even post that with a straight face. :tongue_smilie:


I really thought you were making this up!

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Bahahahaha! I've actually heard of these before. Why? Because the lady I buy my rabbit diapers from also sells them. :tongue_smilie:


Some people keep house chickens and... well... they can't really be litter trained so... diapers. I use a diaper for my rabbit when she's free-roaming through the house just so she doesn't leave little rabbit raisins everywhere.


Okay, go ahead and laugh. I can take it. :D


My house mom in college had a dog that wore diapers. We had no yard to walk the dog in. But she just used regular baby diapers. I know people with rabbits in the house, I had just never heard of keeping a chicken in the house.

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Bahahahaha! I've actually heard of these before. Why? Because the lady I buy my rabbit diapers from also sells them. :tongue_smilie:


Some people keep house chickens and... well... they can't really be litter trained so... diapers. I use a diaper for my rabbit when she's free-roaming through the house just so she doesn't leave little rabbit raisins everywhere.


Okay, go ahead and laugh. I can take it. :D


I had free range buns (litter trained, though, so no diapers) and I know if I even THOUGHT about putting diapers on them they would have given me such a kick with those powerful back legs! :lol: I'd give anything to see your bun letting you do that!!! :lol:


As far as the chickens go, the sweaters I get (they're usually for rescued chickens who have lost most of their feathers and need to stay warm), but I don't know that even *I* (Little Miss I Love Every Animal) could seriously put a diaper on a chicken. :lol:

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I just saw a clip on the news about people with chickens as pets.....they were showing a chicken in a $13 diaper!!! Really???




Well, I had to do this over the winter. Did I WANT to? No. But I am an animal lover who had to console a hysterical kid. So I nursed that darned chicken back to health. I had NO IDEA that I would have to syringe feed her for FOUR mo ths. Then it was the dead of winter and too cold to go from a heated house to the barn. So she stayed in a small cage and I made her a diaper to allow her some exercise, without mess, a few times per day. I watched a YOutube video and made the diaper for next to nothing.



Apparently, they also wear sweaters. :lol:



Ok. Here's the thing. I got adorable frizzle chickens NOT KNOWING THEY CAN'T TOLERATE THE COLD WINTERS. I got them at a NH chicken swap. I had them in my baaement last winter with a heat lamp but this year I am hoping to make SOMETHING to keep them warm enough so I don't have to bring them inside.


Honestly I wish the frizzles could be shipped to a home in a warmer climate. I am not cold hearted enough to let the freeze and die, but I really don't want them even though the are sweet.



So, I guess I am an embarrassment to Americans as was stated in another thread. Oh well.

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According to a website called thegoosemother.com:


"Diapering your duck, goose or chicken is the first step to enjoying the rewarding experience of living with one of these amazing creatures."





My dad's cousin grew up on a farm. He had a oet duck which slept in bed with him. :001_huh: i am assuming there was some sort of......... Protection. Anyway, he rolled pver him in his sleep and killed him.


That duck is so cute. It woud be adorable outside with a nice little pond.:tongue_smilie:

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According to a website called thegoosemother.com:


"Diapering your duck, goose or chicken is the first step to enjoying the rewarding experience of living with one of these amazing creatures."





Have the ducks, geese, and chickens been made aware of this? :001_huh:

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My dad's cousin grew up on a farm. He had a oet duck which slept in bed with him. :001_huh: i am assuming there was some sort of......... Protection. Anyway, he rolled pver him in his sleep and killed him.


That duck is so cute. It woud be adorable outside with a nice little pond.:tongue_smilie:


I love ducks, and have always said I'd love to live on a lake or pond someday, and have a bunch of ducks. However, I don't intend to bring them inside, or put diapers on them. Just feed them and enjoy them outside.



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My dad's cousin grew up on a farm. He had a oet duck which slept in bed with him. :001_huh: i am assuming there was some sort of......... Protection. Anyway, he rolled pver him in his sleep and killed him.


That duck is so cute. It woud be adorable outside with a nice little pond.:tongue_smilie:


I think it's looking for a pond right now...:lol:

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I had free range buns (litter trained, though, so no diapers) and I know if I even THOUGHT about putting diapers on them they would have given me such a kick with those powerful back legs! :lol: I'd give anything to see your bun letting you do that!!! :lol:


As far as the chickens go, the sweaters I get (they're usually for rescued chickens who have lost most of their feathers and need to stay warm), but I don't know that even *I* (Little Miss I Love Every Animal) could seriously put a diaper on a chicken. :lol:


My bun gets to free-range on our enclosed back deck 24/7 and she is litter trained out there. When she comes in though, she wants to mark her territory with the little pellets. :glare: The very first time I put the diaper on her I came away with some fun scratches. She had this very OH HELLZ NO attitude about her. Ever since then though, she's been totally fine with it. I sort of put her in a football hold, poke her tail through the hole and strap it on. It takes all of about a minute. She also has a harness and leash so she can get outside. Good grief, why am I volunteering this information. :leaving:


On the other hand, I do not get the fetish with dressing up dogs and cats into cutesy outfits. That makes no sense whatsoever to me.

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My bun gets to free-range on our enclosed back deck 24/7 and she is litter trained out there. When she comes in though, she wants to mark her territory with the little pellets. :glare: The very first time I put the diaper on her I came away with some fun scratches. She had this very OH HELLZ NO attitude about her. Ever since then though, she's been totally fine with it. I sort of put her in a football hold, poke her tail through the hole and strap it on. It takes all of about a minute. She also has a harness and leash so she can get outside. Good grief, why am I volunteering this information. :leaving:


On the other hand, I do not get the fetish with dressing up dogs and cats into cutesy outfits. That makes no sense whatsoever to me.


I can imagine my older bun giving me a "paw thump" right now (what he did when he was mad). Imagining my two with diapers on is just too cute and funny! Since you've already volunteered all this information, I think you should post a pic now. :lol:

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My youngest dd got such a kick out of this that we went to youtube and typed in chicken diapers. I'll have to admit that the ones on youtube are much better looking than the ones at chickendiapers.com. The ones at chickendiapers look like some poop sack hanging there. I could understand it a little better after watching youtube. Funny that some of the poor chickens fall over after there's are on. One little guy, Philip, even wore little baby socks (although that was because of feet problems). The lady on youtube who shows you how to make them (Philip's "mom") puts cut up pantyliners and/or papertowels as liners inside the diapers. Still.....I can't imagine having to take the pads out or wash the diapers. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and I learned something else new watching those videos.....that the..um, well, the part the chicken diaper covers that, um...releases the poopoo...is called a vent. :lol: I'm not sure why that cracked me up....but it did. :blush:

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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