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Just for fun: Pictures of us in middle/high school? Anyone brave enough?

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I'll do it if anyone else will. I just love pictures and I thought it would be fun. And mood-lightening, if necessary. :D


All right, I went for it (before even seeing if anyone else would... I'm brave tonight lol). Middle School (I even picked a TOTALLY terrible one with a perm!), High School, and College.



ETA: I forgot to put years for them. 1993 (age 10), 1998 I think? (age 15), and 2001 (age 18).

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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lost my computer last month so not sure if this will work but it is myself after a very long shift at work, over 14 hours! I had not actually slept but went right to my friends party. I am the one in a pony tail in the back.



https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1654336526827.118789.1489475392&type=3&l=d279e11aa5 and this was second grade

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I'll do it if anyone else will. I just love pictures and I thought it would be fun. And mood-lightening, if necessary. :D


All right, I went for it (before even seeing if anyone else would... I'm brave tonight lol). Middle School (I even picked a TOTALLY terrible one with a perm!), High School, and College.



ETA: I forgot to put years for them. 1993 (age 10), 1998 I think? (age 15), and 2001 (age 18).


What a cutie!

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My senior picture. I graduated in 2002. Sorry it's so blurry. I don't feel like dragging the scanner out and hooking it up, so I took a picture of the picture :tongue_smilie: Gah! I looked so young. I thought I was still that young and skinny. Whoops :lol:

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I don't have any pics of me in the computer either, but does this look like the same spot as your first photo to you?




That's my dh and dd (9 - now 12) and ds (12 - now 15).


That's hysterical! Yep!


Oh, and Barb... I LOVE the blue eyeliner and mall bangs. :D It's totally what I idolized in the older teen girls when I was younger. :lol: Seriously, though, it's a great picture. (And your friend on the right reminds me of my cousin. :) )

I love seeing all these photos of everyone! It's so much fun! :)

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I didn't mean it as an insult! I still sort of glamorize the look (not that I'll be trying to pull it off nowadays or anything) because it was what all the pretty teenagers did when I was a pre-teen. :)


Lol, just kidding :D I've earned every laugh line as well as those tiny little frownies between my eyes.


ETA: You must be about my cousin's age. I only had one I was close to during my teens and she was 9 years younger. I used to babysit her. She was pretty gaga over my friends and me, even though I didn't realize it at the time.

Edited by Barb F. PA in AZ
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Here is a picture of me and my mother. I am in the 9th grade. We were in a play at our local theater. The play was "Guys and Dolls" We needed a bag lady so my mom stepped in at the last minute. I don't have a great relationship with my mom but this is one of my best memories of her and I.


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This is my senior picture. I don't have a lot of pictures of myself before that. After my mother died, my sister took all the photo albums and would never share them...even for me to just make copies.


I graduated in '89, which explains the big hair.



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It was pretty big (and I hate to think what I single-handedly did to the ozone layer).... :D


Before I had my short haircut, I had Farah Fawcett wings. I sprayed my hair before and after having the curling iron in my hair. My wings didn't move! With my short cut, I had to use a lot of hairspray to get it to stand up straight but at least I wasn't frying it at the same time!

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Before I had my short haircut, I had Farah Fawcett wings. I sprayed my hair before and after having the curling iron in my hair. My wings didn't move! With my short cut, I had to use a lot of hairspray to get it to stand up straight but at least I wasn't frying it at the same time!


I loved those Farah Fawcett wings!! Do you have a picture? :D

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My mom has all the pics of me when I was young at her house. These are the only ones I have on my computer. The first one is my Highschool senior yearbook pic (1989) the second is from when I was in college sometime in the early 90's.





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