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Arg...worlds colliding :(

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So tomorrow is the annual used curriculum fair down here, and seriously, it's a good one....things are CHEAP CHEAP and Andrew Pudewa is speaking so I'll get to hear him. A friend and I are going and it's going to be fun to grab some goodies...e


Unfortunately, I just realized younger's final basketball game is tomorrow :( It's just a fun league thing, non-competitive, but it's the very first time younger has shown any interest in playing sports, and he had fun. He'll even get a little trophy. And yes, the curriculum sale runs right in the middle of it :( I thought it wasn't a big deal for me to miss his game, but turns out, he's pretty bummed I won't be there to watch him.


I don't know what to do--I think it's a bit indulgent to cancel my plans, to be honest...I'm on a little bit of a "French-parenting-do-what-you-like-and-the-kids-will-be-fine" kick (which will last all of one more week, when we start school LOL) so I'm tempted to stick to my plans.



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Don't know this Andrew guy but he's probably got a book you could read. The deals for the sale may be great, but in the end it's "only money." I'd go to the game- maybe try to hit the sale before or after if I could.


Andrew Pudewa is the "face" of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and he is an excellent speaker. No book will take the place of hearing him. Since his speaking may have an impact on educational choices she makes in the future, this is not such a cut-and-dry decision.


OP: If you have already seen several basketball games, and if your ds has another close family member there for support, I would go to the sale. It's tough, but sometimes there are legitimate conflicts, and kids have to learn that.

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Andrew Pudewa is the "face" of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and he is an excellent speaker. No book will take the place of hearing him. Since his speaking may have an impact on educational choices she makes in the future, this is not such a cut-and-dry decision.


OP: If you have already seen several basketball games, and if your ds has another close family member there for support, I would go to the sale. It's tough, but sometimes there are legitimate conflicts, and kids have to learn that.


:iagree: He spoke at a conference I went to this summer, and the IEW materials make a lot more sense after hearing him talk about why they teach that way. If this was dc's only game, or no one else was going, that would be different.

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Andrew Pudewa is the "face" of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and he is an excellent speaker. No book will take the place of hearing him. Since his speaking may have an impact on educational choices she makes in the future, this is not such a cut-and-dry decision.


OP: If you have already seen several basketball games, and if your ds has another close family member there for support, I would go to the sale. It's tough, but sometimes there are legitimate conflicts, and kids have to learn that.



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I would go to the game. Even the best speakers I have listened to are nothing compared to being there for my kids when they think it is important. I was sick with the thought I might miss their musical (which I was directing) because I could be having a baby; and I was at all of the rehearsals. They wanted me there to see them.

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Personally, it comes down to do you use his program? Do you honestly expect to use it in the future? If the answers to these questions are no you go go to the game. If yes, you go as long as someone will be there for him and you are OK missing it.

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I'm always trying to go for the third alternative--Could you go for a little while to the sale, buy Pudewa's lectures on cd, and go see the last part of the game and the awards ceremony?


I know kids aren't the center of the universe--it IS good for them to realize that.


But you can buy curriculum cheaply other places, hear AP other places...you can't ever, ever recreate your child's game or his "moment."

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Andrew Pudewa is the "face" of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and he is an excellent speaker. No book will take the place of hearing him. Since his speaking may have an impact on educational choices she makes in the future, this is not such a cut-and-dry decision.


OP: If you have already seen several basketball games, and if your ds has another close family member there for support, I would go to the sale. It's tough, but sometimes there are legitimate conflicts, and kids have to learn that.


My dh is going, as is older brother, grandma and grandma's significant other......i have only missed 2 games all year...

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You have been there all season, right? Yeah, I would go to the sale. Good for kids to learn that they are not, in fact, the center of the universe once in a while. Listen to the details afterwards, but skip the game.




This is how i am leaning right now.we dedicate a huge amount of our down time to the kids, which is woderful. But sometimes (really infrequently, to be honest) i have smething else i need to do (work sometimes causes a change in plans, which the are learning to accept, fwiw).



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I'm always trying to go for the third alternative--Could you go for a little while to the sale, buy Pudewa's lectures on cd, and go see the last part of the game and the awards ceremony?


I know kids aren't the center of the universe--it IS good for them to realize that.


But you can buy curriculum cheaply other places, hear AP other places...you can't ever, ever recreate your child's game or his "moment."


I wish! Undortunatel the fair is 1 hour away, and the speaker is at 12 ( his game doesnt start til 1) i could skip the speaker, but if i wanted to go to the fair i would have to miss the game. Thanks though!

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Go to the curriculum fair and hear AP speak!


Your son has plenty of other family members there for him and he'll be fine. Trust me, I have 11 kids (4 are boys) and the world won't end if Mom isn't there at the game.


Do NOT feel guilty about not being at the game.


:iagree: your ds is being well-supported by family. Go and have fun.:001_smile:

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Go to the curriculum fair. Without guilt. Your dh and other family will be there cheering him on!


As a HS mom, I am 'there' for things WAY more than dh is. He travels a lot for work and has missed birthdays, recitals, lesson, ect. He does come whenever possible, but sometimes, it's just me, grandparents, and aunts/uncles. It's life, ya know? You've been there for most of the games, you are there daily. ;) Have fun! And have Ds tell you all about his game! :001_smile:

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So tomorrow is the annual used curriculum fair down here, and seriously, it's a good one....things are CHEAP CHEAP and Andrew Pudewa is speaking so I'll get to hear him. A friend and I are going and it's going to be fun to grab some goodies...e


Unfortunately, I just realized younger's final basketball game is tomorrow :( It's just a fun league thing, non-competitive, but it's the very first time younger has shown any interest in playing sports, and he had fun. He'll even get a little trophy. And yes, the curriculum sale runs right in the middle of it :( I thought it wasn't a big deal for me to miss his game, but turns out, he's pretty bummed I won't be there to watch him.


I don't know what to do--I think it's a bit indulgent to cancel my plans, to be honest...I'm on a little bit of a "French-parenting-do-what-you-like-and-the-kids-will-be-fine" kick (which will last all of one more week, when we start school LOL) so I'm tempted to stick to my plans.




Honestly, the fact that I made plans with a friend would play into it. I think it shows your son that others are important and we need to keep our word to our friends. I'm not saying you promised her or anything, but it would probably change her day even if she was supportive of you not going. Plus, I think you are right that you have shown your support through the season and he knows that. I would let him know I was sad, too, and definitely ask someone to video it. Also, if it were my child, he would get over it by the next day. (And I have a very sensitive boy that I love dearly.)

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Well, I hope you are headed to the curriculum fair today! Personally, I spend most of my life doing things for and with my kids and sometimes I need to do something fun for just myself (even if it is looking at curriculum for my kids:tongue_smilie:).



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My dh is going, as is older brother, grandma and grandma's significant other......i have only missed 2 games all year...


In this case, I would go to the curriculum fair. I agree with others who posted that it can be a good opportunity to teach him about going through with plans you already made with a friend, even when something else comes up that you would really like to do.

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Is there someone special who can go with him? DD7 and I were the support for a friend of hers at anything during the school day last year, because the friend's older brother is autistic and any time mom/dad can take from work ends up being spent due to those needs. It ended up being a win-win, because the girl had someone there for her, the teacher had an extra pair of adult hands she could call on, and, especially as the year progressed, the 3rd grade class started including DD when she was there, which she loved.

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