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PSA For Dhs

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If you call home, can hear 2 kids squabbling, baby crying and teen yapping, WARNING

If The Wife asks you to pick up earplugs, duct tape, and knock out gas, WARNING #2

If, when you get home, you discover The Wife has locked herself in the van, music blaring, MAYDAY!


And, ftr, a proper response to MAYDAY can include: hustling kids inside, away from mom. Getting Wife's indulgence of choice (be it chocolate, ice cream, or a strong drink) and bringing it out to the van.


It never, EVER includes attempting to yell over the blaring music, and the words, "What's for supper?"

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I'm sure it'll be funny.


Tomorrow. Or a month from now.


Don't get me wrong, I tried to present it so others could laugh, b/c I know that if it was someone else's life, I'd be wetting my pants. :D


Right now, I'm tired, sore, hormonal, and ready to cry.

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I live with my in-laws. What gets me is when my FIL walks into the house while I've got screaming kids and asks what I'm making for dinner and when it will be ready, then leaves his dirty dishes on the counter.

I hope your evening has settled down and you can start fresh and feeling healthier in the morning!

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I'm sure it'll be funny.


Tomorrow. Or a month from now.


Don't get me wrong, I tried to present it so others could laugh, b/c I know that if it was someone else's life, I'd be wetting my pants. :D


Right now, I'm tired, sore, hormonal, and ready to cry.



:grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry it's been such a sh*ty day for you. I didn't mean to laugh at you like that. I've been having those sorts of days the last month too and I guess I come at it from a better to laugh than cry type of mind set. Sometimes I need to remember to just send a hug.

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:grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry it's been such a sh*ty day for you. I didn't mean to laugh at you like that. I've been having those sorts of days the last month too and I guess I come at it from a better to laugh than cry type of mind set. Sometimes I need to remember to just send a hug.

No, don't worry! As I said, I posted knowing that others would find it funny! I'm just not there yet :tongue_smilie:

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Reminds me of a great cartoon I saw years ago in a book called "We Should Do This More Often"


Worn out new mom is sitting in a chair, holding baby, still in nightgown, house is a wreck. She is fantasizing that hubby is coming up the walk with pizza, flowers and chocolate.


Exhausted looking hubby is coming up the walk. He is fantasizing that wife has a lovely candlelite dinner for two ready, she is wearing a slinky something and baby is contentedly sleeping.


If you ever get a chance to see the book it is very funny.


Hope you get your chocolate!

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If you call home, can hear 2 kids squabbling, baby crying and teen yapping, WARNING

If The Wife asks you to pick up earplugs, duct tape, and knock out gas, WARNING #2

If, when you get home, you discover The Wife has locked herself in the van, music blaring, MAYDAY!


And, ftr, a proper response to MAYDAY can include: hustling kids inside, away from mom. Getting Wife's indulgence of choice (be it chocolate, ice cream, or a strong drink) and bringing it out to the van.


It never, EVER includes attempting to yell over the blaring music, and the words, "What's for supper?"


You forgot vodka.

Earplugs, duct tape, knockout gas and vodka. That way when dh asks you what's for supper, you have something immediately available to calm yourself. ;)

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You forgot vodka.

Earplugs, duct tape, knockout gas and vodka. That way when dh asks you what's for supper, you have something immediately available to calm yourself. ;)


I thought you were going to say, "you have something immediately available for dinner." :lol:

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"Whatever the heck you make!" Silly, silly man. :tongue_smilie:


Heck is not the word I would choose at that moment, though. It would be a much stronger, more base *I have an IQ barely above a slug and a vocabulary of 100, mostly curse words* type of moment.


ETA: I hope your day goes better tomorrow.

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If you call home, can hear 2 kids squabbling, baby crying and teen yapping, WARNING

If The Wife asks you to pick up earplugs, duct tape, and knock out gas, WARNING #2

If, when you get home, you discover The Wife has locked herself in the van, music blaring, MAYDAY!


And, ftr, a proper response to MAYDAY can include: hustling kids inside, away from mom. Getting Wife's indulgence of choice (be it chocolate, ice cream, or a strong drink) and bringing it out to the van.


It never, EVER includes attempting to yell over the blaring music, and the words, "What's for supper?"


I would be tempted to yell back "Tongue!"

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Imp, is this what prompted the comment on the other thread about the way to a man's heart being through his ribcage?? :D Just curious...


My standard answer to that question is: would you rather call Domino's or Papa John's?? :lol:


My DH had the nerve to finish my rum the other night before he asked what's for dinner. I still haven't bought more. NOW I know what I forgot at the grocery store... :tongue_smilie:


Sorry you had a rough day, Imp. Hope you're getting some rest...

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Reminds me of a great cartoon I saw years ago in a book called "We Should Do This More Often"


Worn out new mom is sitting in a chair, holding baby, still in nightgown, house is a wreck. She is fantasizing that hubby is coming up the walk with pizza, flowers and chocolate.


Exhausted looking hubby is coming up the walk. He is fantasizing that wife has a lovely candlelite dinner for two ready, she is wearing a slinky something and baby is contentedly sleeping.


If you ever get a chance to see the book it is very funny.


Hope you get your chocolate!



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First off, no bloodshed occurred. Head is still attached to his neck. He slept indoors last night. In his usual side of the bed even.


I ended up w/a brewing migraine, took meds, and headed to bed, leaving him up w/Boo and Bazinga. I've been informed that they didn't go to sleep til 11 pm.


And yes, that's why I made the comment about the way to a man's heart being through the ribcage.


Moments like this are why he no longer has the need to pursue adrenaline sports. All the has to do is say something out of whack, and he gets a surge of adrenaline and worries about severe physical injury :lol:

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My response has always been "I don't know. What are you making?" :glare:






First off, no bloodshed occurred. Head is still attached to his neck. He slept indoors last night. In his usual side of the bed even.


I ended up w/a brewing migraine, took meds, and headed to bed, leaving him up w/Boo and Bazinga. I've been informed that they didn't go to sleep til 11 pm.


And yes, that's why I made the comment about the way to a man's heart being through the ribcage.


Moments like this are why he no longer has the need to pursue adrenaline sports. All the has to do is say something out of whack, and he gets a surge of adrenaline and worries about severe physical injury :lol:


Glad to hear he is still in one piece! :tongue_smilie:

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