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Little boy pee . . . tell me all the weird places you've found it at YOUR house. . .

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:glare: To date we've found it down the air vent in the loft, on dd's bedroom carpet, and in a corner in the basement.


Yes, it is little boy pee and not pet pee. Dogs tend to do it in the middle of the room and little boys keep to corners and holes. Plus he confessed.


Keep in mind my house is brand, spanking, new. :banghead:


Is this just my son (5) or is this a stage. Please tell me it's a stage and let me know when they grow out of it.

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Well, when one ds was 5 he used to sleepwalk and try to go the bathroom in the hallway. I'd have to lead him by his shoulders into the bathroom. He never remembered the next day though. Did you ask your son why he's not using the toilet??

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When ds was 4 he apparently had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but didn't want to leave his room so he went to the bathroom in his dresser drawer. I can't imagine why I didn't discover it back then. I cringe to think about the clothing or toys that it got on without me discovering it.

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he says it's because he was upset that his cousin had to go home--after being here for hours!


Personally I think it's just more of the same destructive behaviour he's been exhibiting during our whole move process. We moved in last week so I was hopeful that he'd moved beyond it.

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Changing diapers for my three boys, over the years, I've been peed on so many different ways! But just recently, the one who always has to go in the night, and also has the hardest time waking fully at night, I think used the plastic wastebasket in my bathroom-it smelled funky and I couldn't figure out why.

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In our old house, we had a finished basement which was the family room(it actually was 2 rooms). I remember looking around for a week or so for "that smell" It was bad and getting worse. One evening dh comes upstairs with our change bank. You know, one of those gigantic empty water bottles that we threw change into. I had forgotten that we had it so it didn't have any change in it. However, it did have quite a bit of pee in it. Oh, it was foul. It was tucked behind some boxes in the 2nd room so I didn't see it in the basement. So, ds would climb behind the boxes and pee in this bottle. That was awhile ago so I can laugh about it now:glare: sorta

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:glare: To date we've found it down the air vent in the loft, on dd's bedroom carpet, and in a corner in the basement. Yes, it is little boy pee and not pet pee. Dogs tend to do it in the middle of the room and little boys keep to corners and holes.


Dogs who are engaging in indoor territorial marking will urinate on vertical surfaces such as walls, couches, air vents. Territorial marking is *not* exactly a housebreaking issue but a dominance issue.


We have a dog who has never *accidentally* voided or defecated inside, yet his urine mark is throughout our house. Once this particular dog was standing in bathroom near my husband who was doing what folks do first thing in the morning after waking up. In effort to overmark my husband, this dog hiked his leg to mark the bathroom space as his.


You've heard of The Terminator; we call this dog The Urinator. He singlehandedly put an end to our dog fostering, and he must wear a doggie diaper when we have canine house guests.

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:glare: To date we've found it down the air vent in the loft, on dd's bedroom carpet, and in a corner in the basement.


If you saw him hedged in behind any furniture, you had to act quickly!


But my favorite boy-pee story is this one:


We had just moved into our Forever Home, and our church was an hour from the house, so it was a bit of a drive. The boy in question was about six at the time...


It was a Wednesday, and they had youth group that evening. I'd laid down with the two youngest boys so they'd nap, but as soon as I was out cold, they took the pup outside to play. Naturally, having not napped, they both fell asleep on the drive to church. Ah, well, they're little. It's okay, I thought.


We pulled into the parking lot and DS6 woke immediately, crying. He had to pee. BAD. NOW. I got his older brother out, got him out and gave them instructions to go straight to the bathroom AND DO NOT DAWDLE!! They held hands and headed inside. As I was lifting the then-baby from the pickup, I heard eldest son telling his brother, "No, not there! Come on! THIS way!" I turned around in time to see my son, the fountain of youth, urinating off the front porch of the church! Pants clean down to his boots, nekkid white legs illuminated by the glow of the sanctuary lights. So, being the nurturing, with-it mother that I am, what did I scream across the parking lot?




*sigh* Lovely. And then what did I see? One of the elders walking across the lot, snickering. (This is where I prayed, for the first time since, oh, Junior High, for God to just kill me now and make it end.) Son turned and waddled all the way to the glass front doors before remembering to pull his pants up.


...Evidently, in this particular nightmare, he could not hear me, as my screams fell on deaf ears. I think he was still partially asleep, as he doesn't have any recollection of this event. (Lucky kid. *grin*)


Anyway, it sounds like your little guy is having a bit of a rough time w/ the upheaval of the move and all. Love him through it. Let him know the rules are the same, the boundaries are the same, and the love is the same. He'll be okay. In the meantime, it never hurts to pick up a bottle of the enzyme activated odor eliminator. ;)



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He was sleep walking. He walked right past my husband and me. We thought he was going into the bathroom. We heard him going but assumed he was in the bathroom. All of a sudden, he was crying. He couldn't find the sink to wash his hands. It wasn't where it normally was. :) (He washed his hands after going to the bathroom even when he was sleep walking)


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Mine have always made it to the bathroom. My brother..... he got up one night and in his sleepiness walked up to my dad's coffee cup which was on the floor next to his chair and for some reason decided this was the place to "go" my dad was still up watching tv at the time was able to direct him to the bathroom. We still get a good laugh about that one.

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We don't really have any weird places in the house-but when ds was first potty-trained, he loved to go outside. And at first we'd let him (I mean, I'd let him-dh usually would have a fit about it)-I mean, we're talking a 3 yo here, so what's the big deal, right?


But one day, we're out for a walk/bike ride and ds is on his bike-probably 10 houses away, but we can see him. So he stops in front of one house, gets off his bike, and all of a sudden dh and I realize what he's about to do in some stranger's front yard and we're like "NOOOOOO!" and it's like we're running in slow motion because there's no way we'll get to him in time to stop him.


I don't think anyone was home at the house, or saw him, but still. Proud moment, that one.


He also pooped in the backyard, just one time-I don't think he realized peeing was (occasionally) okay, but pooping, not so much. Plus, the dog poops in the yard all the time, right? I put a stop to that one quick.

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If you saw him hedged in behind any furniture, you had to act quickly!


But my favorite boy-pee story is this one:


We had just moved into our Forever Home, and our church was an hour from the house, so it was a bit of a drive. The boy in question was about six at the time...


It was a Wednesday, and they had youth group that evening. I'd laid down with the two youngest boys so they'd nap, but as soon as I was out cold, they took the pup outside to play. Naturally, having not napped, they both fell asleep on the drive to church. Ah, well, they're little. It's okay, I thought.


We pulled into the parking lot and DS6 woke immediately, crying. He had to pee. BAD. NOW. I got his older brother out, got him out and gave them instructions to go straight to the bathroom AND DO NOT DAWDLE!! They held hands and headed inside. As I was lifting the then-baby from the pickup, I heard eldest son telling his brother, "No, not there! Come on! THIS way!" I turned around in time to see my son, the fountain of youth, urinating off the front porch of the church! Pants clean down to his boots, nekkid white legs illuminated by the glow of the sanctuary lights. So, being the nurturing, with-it mother that I am, what did I scream across the parking lot?




*sigh* Lovely. And then what did I see? One of the elders walking across the lot, snickering. (This is where I prayed, for the first time since, oh, Junior High, for God to just kill me now and make it end.) Son turned and waddled all the way to the glass front doors before remembering to pull his pants up.


...Evidently, in this particular nightmare, he could not hear me, as my screams fell on deaf ears. I think he was still partially asleep, as he doesn't have any recollection of this event. (Lucky kid. *grin*)


Anyway, it sounds like your little guy is having a bit of a rough time w/ the upheaval of the move and all. Love him through it. Let him know the rules are the same, the boundaries are the same, and the love is the same. He'll be okay. In the meantime, it never hurts to pick up a bottle of the enzyme activated odor eliminator. ;)



Bac-Out is our new friend. . . . we've gone through several bottles this month due to cracked raw eggs on carpets, pee in the vents, and spit.

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So I read this thread a couple of days ago, but didn't have anything to add. That was before today.


My kids went to VBS last week. The theme was "Power Lab" and they made a lot of sciencey crafts (yes, I made up a word). One of them was a large test tube that they put glitter, water and aloe vera gel in to make some green goop. So this morning my 3 yo walks into my bedroom and says, "Zachary peed in the test tube." Zachary being the 5 year old. So we threw it away, of course. I told him that I know he has a really cool nakey (our name for privates) that can fit into some small spaces, but he should only pee in the toilet. He was mortified. I think part of it IS the age. At 5 years old, they're learning new tricks!


He has also dropped trou on our front lawn (with neighbors all around), but that was when he was 3 and it happened just once.

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Just now we found a puddle on the wood floor by the couch. He'd just been playing over there so when I questioned him, yup he did it. This time his excuse, "I'm tired of using the bathroom." Huh???? !!!!


Well one of the outcomes of the original incident in the loft, the one that we didn't discover til it reeked, is that the cat has decided to start peeing in that corner too. :001_huh: The kitty is locked in the laundry room until the floor dries. Hopefully she'll move back to the litter box or she's going to be homeless.


What to do about this young man. Personally I'd rather be still scrubbing permanent marker off of walls than cleaning up hidden pee spots. But pee isn't too much less yucky or stinky than raw eggs cracked on the floor. This behaviour started the week before our giant move and has continued through the transition and the final move into the new house. I don't want to over react but this is getting very very very old.


Pro-actively I've been engaging him in conversations, spending time & attention on him. And I do think he's getting tons of affirmation and love despite his behaviour.


I'm am at my wits end though. How to communicate to him the importance of making it to the toilet and to keep him from moving onto another destructive behaviour. I'm asking for your wisdom as a hive mind.


Currently he's in the bathroom. Like the kitty, if he can't make it the toilet from anywhere in the house then he needs to stay near the toilet. (BTW his clothing is always dry after such an incident)


despairing that this lovely new house will be soon more than broken in.

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Personally I think it's just more of the same destructive behaviour he's been exhibiting during our whole move process. We moved in last week so I was hopeful that he'd moved beyond it.


My youngest was 4-5 when we moved into this house, after 7 months separated from his Dad, from Phoenix to Houston. He started peeing in the closet and other corners upstairs. :confused: He was never able to articulate why, but I'm certain it was related to moving.


What to do about this young man. Personally I'd rather be still scrubbing permanent marker off of walls than cleaning up hidden pee spots. But pee isn't too much less yucky or stinky than raw eggs cracked on the floor. This behaviour started the week before our giant move and has continued through the transition and the final move into the new house. I don't want to over react but this is getting very very very old.


Pro-actively I've been engaging him in conversations, spending time & attention on him. And I do think he's getting tons of affirmation and love despite his behaviour.


I'm am at my wits end though. How to communicate to him the importance of making it to the toilet and to keep him from moving onto another destructive behaviour. I'm asking for your wisdom as a hive mind.


As empathetic as I was that it was a major move after a difficult time and he's "only 4 -5", I made him assist with clean up and odor removal and with any clothes or items in addition to carpet that was effected.


More recently, he peed in the closet at night because he "was scared to use the bathroom". I had him clean up then as well.

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My brother, the country boy, used to get in trouble at daycare all the time for peeing on the playground.


My sons frequently forget that yes, they may be outside behind a tree, but if the tree is in front of a window, you are NOT hidden from view. The four year old peed in the yard of a friend's house right in front of a huge picture window, thinking no one could see him, because he was next to a tree. Everyone got to watch.:lol:


My oldest daughter was the one who would sleepwalk while needing to go to the bathroom. Once I found her fixing to pee on the bookshelf in the living room, and once in her closet. Thankfully I caught her in time in both instances!

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My youngest was 4-5 when we moved into this house, after 7 months separated from his Dad, from Phoenix to Houston. He started peeing in the closet and other corners upstairs. :confused: He was never able to articulate why, but I'm certain it was related to moving.




As empathetic as I was that it was a major move after a difficult time and he's "only 4 -5", I made him assist with clean up and odor removal and with any clothes or items in addition to carpet that was effected.


More recently, he peed in the closet at night because he "was scared to use the bathroom". I had him clean up then as well.


Thank you for sharing. I'm relieved that it's not just my son. I do hope he moves beyond this point. . ..

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I just got an email from ds's birthmom. I wrote to her 2 months ago giving her an update on the move etc. I mentioned that ds was having a difficult time emtionally with the move.


. . . . her oldest ds, just 9 months older than my kiddo, did the EXACT SAME THINGS! Cracking eggs and peeing in corners. :001_huh:



They've never met.


They're half brothers so it's not really all that surprising. It is reassuring to know that it's not completely out of character, genetically speaking.


Another common interest, reading cookbooks. Not your usual boy stuff.

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We were in the living room one night when my son was 6 and he started walked right past us and into the kitchen and tried to pee in the trash can. We were laushing so hard. We tried to tell him that he wsnot at the toilet, and he got very mad at us saying that YES HE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!


On another note.... when he was 3 and 4 he had to take ALL his clothes off to go #2!! We were at a homegroup for church one evening and he came walking out of the bathroom butt naked because he had to go poop! We still tease him about this. Too funny!

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Mine did it while we lived at my parents house at night sleep walking! All bedrooms and bathrroms on one side so he'd just choose the wrong door for the bathroom and he'd never remember it in the morn even though I'd totally scream at him to get to the bathroom!!!

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