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Dad kills guy molesting his 4 yr old.

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Have you seen this? I'm trying to find an ounce of pity for the creep in this story....but ummm....nope. Can't find it anywhere.


Good for this little girl. Although the mess might be horribly traumatic, she knows that her DADDY will take care of her.


I think I would try to do the same in the Dad's position.


Can you imaging how scared all of her future dates will be of her Dad?

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Good for him! I know I would do what I had to do to stop an assualt on my child. THis was not a dad that went out searching for the guy after the fact, he caught him in the act. If I caught someone in the act of assaulting my dd4, I sure as heck would kill them.


That little girl will likely suffer less trauma of the assualt because she will grow up with the knowledge that her daddy will always protect her.


I know that each of my older kids has had a traumatic experience occur to them and each of the 3 have told me that it was okay because they always knew mama bear would protect them. In each instance I did what was necessary to protect them, though in my case it was always after the fact.


I hope and pray the law recognizes what the dad did as self defense rather than charging him with manslaughter.

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Can you imaging how scared all of her future dates will be of her Dad?


While I applaud the father's actions, and I think this is a perfect example of a justifiable homicide, I think your last comment is bizarre.


Future dates won't be molesting a child; there is NO comparison between a teenage boy trying to get to second base and an adult male attempting to rape a 4yo. :001_huh:

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While I applaud the father's actions, and I think this is a perfect example of a justifiable homicide, I think your last comment is bizarre.


Future dates won't be molesting a child; there is NO comparison between a teenage boy trying to get to second base and an adult male attempting to rape a 4yo. :001_huh:



that was rather tongue in cheek. Of course, I see your point, and it is valid.

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In the heat of the moment, which from the report it sounds as if it is, yeah, I can totally understand this happening. Frankly, in my world that's akin to self-defense of the family.


Yes, if the story is accurate and the father actually caught him in the act - I totally agree.


While I applaud the father's actions, and I think this is a perfect example of a justifiable homicide, I think your last comment is bizarre.


Future dates won't be molesting a child; there is NO comparison between a teenage boy trying to get to second base and an adult male attempting to rape a 4yo. :001_huh:


I *think* all she meant was future dates would know that this girl has a daddy this isn't ever going to let her be treated badly, so toe the line or be prepared.;)


But really I doubt future dates will know. At least not until they have been dating awhile. This isn't exactly introduction material information.

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Yes, if the story is accurate and the father actually caught him in the act - I totally agree.




I *think* all she meant was future dates would know that this girl has a daddy this isn't ever going to let her be treated badly, so toe the line or be prepared.;)


But really I doubt future dates will know. At least not until they have been dating awhile. This isn't exactly introduction material information.

this made me :lol::lol::lol:

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In the heat of the moment, which from the report it sounds as if it is, yeah, I can totally understand this happening. Frankly, in my world that's akin to self-defense of the family.


:iagree: I hope he's not charge for it. I don't know anyone who wouldn't do the same.

Edited by Jennifer L
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I wish someone had been willing to do that for me. That little girl will have far less damage just knowing that her Daddy will care for her. Although if she witnesses her Daddy killing someone that might cause a little scarring of it's own.

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I wish someone had been willing to do that for me. That little girl will have far less damage just knowing that her Daddy will care for her. Although if she witnesses her Daddy killing someone that might cause a little scarring of it's own.



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I wish someone had been willing to do that for me. That little girl will have far less damage just knowing that her Daddy will care for her. Although if she witnesses her Daddy killing someone that might cause a little scarring of it's own.



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I wish someone had been willing to do that for me. That little girl will have far less damage just knowing that her Daddy will care for her. Although if she witnesses her Daddy killing someone that might cause a little scarring of it's own.



And good for that Dad!

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I detest the way this one calls the perp a "victim." The true victim was the 4 year old. The perp was getting justice done to him (based upon reports being true).


I know! Me, too. When I was reading it to dh a moment ago, I noticed that word and it bothered me.


I did appreciate the few extra details in this one, that helped me "see" what the events surrounding the incident were.

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Wow!! That little girl won't have to worry about that guy again. Of course, it's horrible that she was there for the killing, but it's self defense when you kill someone stealing from you, right? (At least in some states) This is stealing from the child/s*xual assult/and more.... That dad would have the sympathy of every juror... No way they would think a jury would find him guilty. Good thing screams were heard and it was done in "public"...

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Poor little girl. :crying:


I know. Though, I am just a bit disturbed by the hurrays and hurrahs over someone's life being over. Yes the man deserves to be imprisoned. Yes the family deserves justice. I guess I'm not the one jumping up and down when I hear of death penalty trials either. I mean, ya it's justice, but I can't be clapping and cheering about it. Violence is disturbing, there is NOTHING about this case that makes me feel like giving dad a high five.


If it is ok to KILL someone without so much as an explanation, then we have gone back to barbarianism (is that a word?).


And before I'm labeled as the crazy evil one, I do NOT think the man deserves his freedom, and I do NOT defend the crime. It's just all the applause that bothers me.


That little girl will never be the same. She will forever have to live with what was done to her, and that her father killed a man.

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I know. Though, I am just a bit disturbed by the hurrays and hurrahs over someone's life being over. Yes the man deserves to be imprisoned. Yes the family deserves justice. I guess I'm not the one jumping up and down when I hear of death penalty trials either. I mean, ya it's justice, but I can't be clapping and cheering about it. Violence is disturbing, there is NOTHING about this case that makes me feel like giving dad a high five.


If it is ok to KILL someone without so much as an explanation, then we have gone back to barbarianism (is that a word?).


And before I'm labeled as the crazy evil one, I do NOT think the man deserves his freedom, and I do NOT defend the crime. It's just all the applause that bothers me.


That little girl will never be the same. She will forever have to live with what was done to her, and that her father killed a man.


I agree. I don't feel anything at all good about the situation, other than relief that the dad stopped it from continuing. She was subjected to sexual violence, and then witnessed violence. I'm sure she loves her dad, and I'm glad he protected her. I just can't find any pleasure in what he did to defend her.


Which brings me back to that little girl. I feel so badly for her. :(

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I know. Though, I am just a bit disturbed by the hurrays and hurrahs over someone's life being over. Yes the man deserves to be imprisoned. Yes the family deserves justice. I guess I'm not the one jumping up and down when I hear of death penalty trials either. I mean, ya it's justice, but I can't be clapping and cheering about it. Violence is disturbing, there is NOTHING about this case that makes me feel like giving dad a high five.


If it is ok to KILL someone without so much as an explanation, then we have gone back to barbarianism (is that a word?).


And before I'm labeled as the crazy evil one, I do NOT think the man deserves his freedom, and I do NOT defend the crime. It's just all the applause that bothers me.


That little girl will never be the same. She will forever have to live with what was done to her, and that her father killed a man.


i agree it is nothing to cheer over. the entire situation is an awful one for sure. but i think the explanation of why he beat the man is obvious. i am not a violent person at all, but i imagine my reaction if i walked in on my child with a predator would also seem barbaric.

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I know. Though, I am just a bit disturbed by the hurrays and hurrahs over someone's life being over. Yes the man deserves to be imprisoned. Yes the family deserves justice. I guess I'm not the one jumping up and down when I hear of death penalty trials either. I mean, ya it's justice, but I can't be clapping and cheering about it. Violence is disturbing, there is NOTHING about this case that makes me feel like giving dad a high five.


If it is ok to KILL someone without so much as an explanation, then we have gone back to barbarianism (is that a word?).


And before I'm labeled as the crazy evil one, I do NOT think the man deserves his freedom, and I do NOT defend the crime. It's just all the applause that bothers me.


That little girl will never be the same. She will forever have to live with what was done to her, and that her father killed a man.


And now, if her father goes to jail, she won't have him.


Now she'll be dealing with repercussions from both the molestation AND her father's act. I would really hope my husband (or I for that matter) would not do the same thing.

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I know. Though, I am just a bit disturbed by the hurrays and hurrahs over someone's life being over. Yes the man deserves to be imprisoned. Yes the family deserves justice. I guess I'm not the one jumping up and down when I hear of death penalty trials either. I mean, ya it's justice, but I can't be clapping and cheering about it. Violence is disturbing, there is NOTHING about this case that makes me feel like giving dad a high five.


If it is ok to KILL someone without so much as an explanation, then we have gone back to barbarianism (is that a word?).


And before I'm labeled as the crazy evil one, I do NOT think the man deserves his freedom, and I do NOT defend the crime. It's just all the applause that bothers me.


That little girl will never be the same. She will forever have to live with what was done to her, and that her father killed a man.


I agree to a point. That little girl will never be the same, and hurraying over someone's death isn't really right. I have seen enough situations where nothing gets done though because the family is unsure how to approach it or just wants to 'put it behind' them. I would prefer to see a dad be protective over his little girl. Somewhere in the middle would be ideal. They have shown that in instances of childhood sexual abuse, that the long term affects are less severe when the child is protected by a parent. I wish that someone else had gotten to the little girl first in this instance and maybe the dad would've been kept from adding to the violence.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.

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i agree it is nothing to cheer over. the entire situation is an awful one for sure. but i think the explanation of why he beat the man is obvious. i am not a violent person at all, but i imagine my reaction if i walked in on my child with a predator would also seem barbaric.


:iagree: I don't believe in the death penalty and generally believe in non-violence. But, if I caught someone harming my child or any other defenseless person, I think I'd be capable of killing them.

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I agree to a point. That little girl will never be the same, and hurraying over someone's death isn't really right. I have seen enough situations where nothing gets done though because the family is unsure how to approach it or just wants to 'put it behind' them. I would prefer to see a dad be protective over his little girl. Somewhere in the middle would be ideal. They have shown that in instances of childhood sexual abuse, that the long term affects are less severe when the child is protected by a parent. I wish that someone else had gotten to the little girl first in this instance and maybe the dad would've been kept from adding to the violence.


I agree. I am not jumping up and down but I totally understand why the man reacted the way he did. I have also seen where nothing is done by the family and where nothing is done by the law for whatever reason and both situations are hard to deal with. At least this person will never do this again. Something has to be done to stop all these people from doing stuff like this. My SIL wanted to prosecute her molester and the cops told no because as a young adult she had went back to him so he couldn't be charged for having a relationship with her from 12-17. It is very sad. She wrote a book about it called Preacher's Pet, he was the preacher at her church and maybe that is part of the reason they didn't want to prosecute I don't know but if the law doesn't get stiffer on molesters then parents are going to start protecting their children like this more. Maybe someone else who wants to do this will read this article and think twice.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.




It's like saying that the bath salts face eater shouldn't have been shot. I think it's fair to say that the face eater (stoned) and the molester were of unsound mind. Normal people don't molest children.

Edited by justamouse
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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.


Well said.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.


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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.


Yeah. What she said.


I doubt the father was trying to kill the man but I can certainly see how it could happen while defending your child.

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I know. Though, I am just a bit disturbed by the hurrays and hurrahs over someone's life being over. Yes the man deserves to be imprisoned. Yes the family deserves justice. I guess I'm not the one jumping up and down when I hear of death penalty trials either. I mean, ya it's justice, but I can't be clapping and cheering about it. Violence is disturbing, there is NOTHING about this case that makes me feel like giving dad a high five.


If it is ok to KILL someone without so much as an explanation, then we have gone back to barbarianism (is that a word?).


And before I'm labeled as the crazy evil one, I do NOT think the man deserves his freedom, and I do NOT defend the crime. It's just all the applause that bothers me.


That little girl will never be the same. She will forever have to live with what was done to her, and that her father killed a man.


I'm with you!


And I'm a man who knows I have it in me to act the same way this father did in this situation. It is understandable, and maybe justifiable, but killing another human being (in front of ones child no less) is hardly an act that is cause for celebration and cheering. This is a tragedy that should be treated with sobriety and a sense of compassion and understanding and not with applause.


Good grief.



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I'm with you!


And I'm a man who knows I have it in me to act the same way this father did in this situation. It is understandable, and maybe justifiable, but killing another human being (in front of ones child no less) is hardly an act that is cause for celebration and cheering. This is a tragedy that should be treated with sobriety and a sense of compassion and understanding and not with applause.


Good grief.




But that is just it.. I don't believe anyone here is cheering that this father was put in such a situation. I think we can safely assume that this wasn't the first time the molester molested a child and wouldn't have been the last. They don't keep these guys in jail. So the "cheering" if you want to call it that is because he won't be able to hurt anyone else. Also those that were molested or have kids that have been molested might have stronger feelings on this subject.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.


:iagree: I'm not for the death penalty but I can see that even a normally logical, civil and sane person might not be able to stop themselves in the heat of the moment of seeing your child violated in such a way. Knowing my dh I wouldn't be surprised if that would be his reaction in the same situation. I can see that others would likely have to pull him off anyone who would dare to do the same.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.



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