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Kindergarten Homeschooling Plans


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That was interesting! Thanks for sharing that.


In our house, they just cover CVC words for phonics in Kindergarten, using ETC Book 1. Then, in 1st grade, they are required to work a lot harder and they are reading fluently by the end of the year. Unlike you, we do math in K; my current 5yo is using A Beka K math (he'll move on to CLE 100's after this). He was yelling out answers to his older brother's math, so I knew I needed to give him math of his own to keep him busy!


My 5yo will be official Kindergarten age this coming school year (he has an Oct birthday), but he's been doing K work since shortly after he turned 5. So, he'll be moving on to 1st grade work around the time he turns 6. I have a 3yo who will be 4 in Sept. She loves school so much, and is very bright, so I might go ahead and start K work with her when she's 4. She's already using R&S ABC/GHI workbooks, and will probably move on to ETC Book 1 after that.


I've actually been pondering "content subjects" for these 2 children for next year. I will likely just let them tag along and listen in on what the older children are doing. I do want to schedule more read-aloud time for the youngers though.


So, do you do any "fun stuff" for Kindergarten, like crafts or hands-on activities (like playing with math manipulatives or building things together), or do you let them do that stuff on their own? I'm torn between wanting to schedule the fun stuff (to make sure it gets done) and just focusing on the 3R's and then letting them go play. My 3yo is always asking for more school, so sometimes I feel like I need to have an actual plan in place.

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So, do you do any "fun stuff" for Kindergarten, like crafts or hands-on activities (like playing with math manipulatives or building things together), or do you let them do that stuff on their own? I'm torn between wanting to schedule the fun stuff (to make sure it gets done) and just focusing on the 3R's and then letting them go play. My 3yo is always asking for more school, so sometimes I feel like I need to have an actual plan in place.


We have a backyard with a play set and plenty of interactive imaginative toys in the house that they use. I am a totally left-brained person so crafts are very difficult for me. However, they do lots of painting and coloring on their own, just nothing structured.

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Our plans for K this year:

Dancing Bears book A (we started this late last school year)

Reading Eggs

Singapore Math 1A/1B (we finished the K books)

Handwriting using WRTR (Spalding) instructions, and I may go ahead and start some Spalding with him, as I think it'd work well for him.

Sonlight P4/5


I'm not a crafty person, so I don't worry much about crafts in K. I make some supplies available, but I don't do crafts just for the sake of saying we did crafts in K. I'd rather them "go adventuring" in the pasture with the goats and horses rather than sitting inside learning how to use glitter glue. :tongue_smilie:

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We are starting CC in the fall, so I am "breaking him in" this summer with WRTR and Singapore K essentials. I have been told over and over by other CC moms to stick to the memory work, math and phonics for K, so I'm glad to do that :001_smile:. He loves to read nonfiction so I will be checking out tons of books from the library for science and history, whatever he wants to read. I have one zillion craft ideas pinned on Pinterest, so I'm going to try to do a couple of those each week. We are starting a swim team in the fall, so I'm qualifying that as PE :tongue_smilie:.

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#2 is ready for kindergarten, hard to believe! We are using OPGTR with some ABeka phonics, ETC 1, HWOT K, Right Start A, and tagging along with big sis for some science and history. I have added some fun things mostly for him in our studies of the middle ages this year and he can't wait to study knights and castles! :D

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My ds5 is already reading, so I am going to use Abeka first grade reading with him (he has actually already started this). He loves math (We discovered his mathematical ability when he was 3 by quizzing his older brother at the dinner table. He answered the questions faster than his brother, and we had never worked with him on it). He will be using Singapore 1A/B for math. He will use A Reason for Handwriting K, and maybe get into book A. He wants to learn piano, so I got the Pianimals A book and we will work through that as he wants to. For the other subjects, he will tag along with my 2nd grader and do as much as he wants. We will be working on SOTW1, BFSU, and Song School Latin. We will also do a lot of art projects because he loves art.

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We're planning on 30 minutes per day of OPGTR and HOP 1st Grade, 10 minutes per day of ZB Handwriting Kindergarten, and 30 minutes per day of Saxon Math 1. Our kindergartener will be 5 in August. He's reading pretty well already.


We'll throw in art (Draw Write Now 2), some science lapbooks from In the Hands of a Child, and plenty of classical music. We'll also have regular catechism.

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My DD turns 5 in September, but we will probably just continue on as we have been adding things as she is ready for them. I suspect we will finish OPGTR during her kindergarten year (or possibly just before it starts) and move on to Singapore 1b and continue with MEP 1 and Horizons K/1. She is already reading quite fluently so we will continue to read a lot gradually increasing her stamina for reading longer passages and possibly start chapter books (she is reading normal picture books now because of their more manageable length and interest for her) We have done some handwriting already so will continue with that working on capital letters (she knows about half of them now) and then moving to proper lines as she has not had the fine motor skills to write in lines yet but her handwriting is getting more controlled now so it shouldn't be too long. The rest we will play games and read a lot on anything she is interested in.

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My younger is doing K this year. He will be doing:


Finishing First Start Reading (then OPGTR)

SRA Phonics 1


Miquon Math - Red, Blue, Green?


Intellego Astronomy, Earth Science, & Weather


2nd half of the year he will also start:




WWE 1?


He is my curriculum jumper, he will just randomly teach himself things and suddenly not need lessons on a concept, so this could all change very rapidly.

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I'm doing K-light with my young 5 ADHD oldest. I'm not sure how much he's ready for, honestly, so I'm playing it all by ear, and will not be surprised if we do a second year of K when he's 6. I would hold him back if he were going to school elsewhere, so I'm comfortable either way.


We plan to use FIAR, HWT, finishing AAR pre-1 and then starting PP, and MEP reception.

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Here is what I'm currently doing with my little ones (especially dd(5)):


Done on a regular (more or less) basis-




MEP, pre-Miquon, math games

Latin, ASL, Hebrew, French (rotated)



Plus tons of readalouds/books on tape, as well as tagging along with olders.


I realize this looks like a lot. However, it ends up not taking up much time at all. I also don't force any lessons... anything we do, it's done willingly by the child. And a lot of this is done informally, e.g. foreign language stuff, which is just part of life.

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Fun thread! This my my first year homeschooling after planning for 6 months or so. We are starting K gently now and then getting into the full schedule in August or Sept. Currently we are working through Singapore Essential Math, A Reason For Handwriting K, and a weird combination of OPGTR, Progressive Phonics, and just working on CVC fluency. We are adding in Elemental Science Intro 2 days a week and something for geography 2 days a week in the fall, with the last day of the week being library day. I am very ADD and it's been quite the challenge to get all my plans organized and make it become a reality.

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Math – Singapore Essentials B and Singapore Standard Edition 1A

Language Arts – Steck-Vaughn Phonics A and B, Sonlight K and 1 readers, Startwrite software for handwriting

Bible – Jesus Storybook Bible, Bible story DVDs

Literature – Picture book and classic read alouds

Foreign Language –exposure, My First Chinese Reader 1 (first couple lessons), Arabian Sinbad and learn the Arabic alphabet.

Science: Magic School Bus DVDs and joining in with older siblings as desired.

Social Studies: Holiday unit study with crafts, cooking and other projects.

Geography: Virtual trip around USA and Canada with older siblings

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Kindergarten with my boys was very, very light. My oldest did math and learned to read fluently, and my second did math and learned some very basic reading.


But, my daughter is totally different. She won't be 5 until December, but has been begging to start kindergarten since she was 2 and has been demanding workbooks and schoolwork since then. She's not reading yet, but we'll start working on that with 100 Easy Lessons and when her brothers go to camp. In September, we'll start with Singapore Essential Math B and SOTW. We'll continue with Explode the Code and handwriting.

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We are doing a *very* full schedule for Kindy (see signature). Kiddos need a lot of structure and LOVE to learn. They beg for more and we have, thankfully, lots of supplements. We keep it fun :)


Level is based on individual kiddo.


one was about a 4th grade level at 3

next wasn't a 4th grade level til around 11

one is almost there at 6

next one is just learning to read but is taking off

next one is sounding out cvc words only

baby is trying to say "more" without sounding like she's from NJ :)

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For kinder this year, we did:


ABC Reading Eggs

Bob Books

Singapore Earlybird Mathematics A & B Textbooks

Nancy Larson Homeschool Science K

Handwriting without Tears

Beginning Geography by Evan Moore.


We have loved every item this year! Everything worked great for my daugher.


My daughter officially enters kinder in the fall. However, we've been working ahead of schedule. She'll be on first grade level in the fall.


Hope this helps! :)

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This is the plan. At the moment :D


Math - RightStart A

Reading - Sing, Spell, Read, and Write (or maybe PAL reading)

Handwriting - HWT

Lit - lots of read alouds and audiobooks

Science - BFSU 1

Social Studies - tag along ancients with HO

PE - co-op at YMCA

Fine Art - Meet the Masters and flute lessons


I am on the fence about reading program. I used 100Ez with others, but she balks at it.

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DS is in 5th, and we are going to do SOTW ancients with the activity book. I figure dd will do the coloring page, use the map as another coloring page and take part in the activities.


A friend gave us saxon math, so we are going to try that along with Right start A. She loves math and thinks it is a game, so we are just going to see where that takes us.


She wants to learn Latin, so I was thinking of trying Song School Latin with her.


She seems to be progressing well with reading. We aren't doing it as a subject, dh and her take turns reading bedtime stories. Seems to be working.


We are going to use Handwriting without Tears for the handwriting. I am a little worried about this as she seems to be a lefty, and no one else in the family is.


She likes to cut paper and glue things onto paper, so I am just going to provide her an area to do that in as well as color.


Oh, and we got the Big bag of science from Timberdoodle.


That's about it at the moment. I look at anything she accomplishes in kindergarten makes first grade more relaxing. If all she does is color and dance all year, that will be fine too.:lol::lol:

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My K-er turns 5 next month. We've been working on some things already, so our plans are to keep going with what we've already been doing.


We are going to keep reading lessons from the McGuffey readers, plus our normal read-alouds and endless free reading time.


I'm going to keep letting her select sentences from books she is reading for handwriting.


Math will be a continuation of the MEP and SRA we've been doing, plus some of CNED's program. We also have lots of fun add-ons like Zaccaro and mountains of manipulatives.


For French, we are going through some of CNED's first available level very slowly. It's actually for slightly older children, so I'm also adding in a lot of maternelle material like fairy tales. It is fascinating for me to read education forums and blogs from France to find activities. It's like the socialization argument against homeschooling on steroids.


Everything else is mostly student-led at this point. I try to find reading material and answer questions as they come up. Most of our planned noisy and messy activities are in French. Sometimes I feel like we are doing Kindergarten in French and all of the other subjects are our add-ons, instead of the other way around. We are having lots of fun! :D

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I'm doing the following with a Ker and Pre Ker:


All About Reading/Phonics Road

MUS Primer (started this year so we'll move on to Alpha when finished)

Memoria Press Jr K with their Supplemental Reading List

and various Montessori type activities

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this year is the second half of our 2 years of kindy :tongue_smilie: our plans thus far are:


Finish up rightstart B ( with mix of montessori ) then move onto C with TT combo

Finish up saxon phonics 1 then move onto 2

mama made pre-history

NL science 1

Nature notebooking outside w/ brothers

Zaner blosser handwriting

Atelier 1

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These are my Kinder plans. My ds will be 5 next month. A continuation of some stuff in my siggy.


He's already completed HWT pre-K and K book so I may just have him practice handwriting in other less formal ways. Possibly those workbooks from the dept store and just let him work in it at his pace when he wants.


ETC and OPGTR--he's completed the three get ready books so we'll start with the first ones and we've done several lessons from OPGTR already so continue with that. He's starting to attempt sounding out words on his own. That's my focus. Getting them reading trumps everything else in the early years.


I am planning other stuff though. Mainly because he's an active, busy kid and I'm going to include him in some of my older son's stuff.


We've been working through Peak With Books and we're going to go through it a second time in more depth using the plans for it from Moving Beyond the Page. I also have a book called Caldecott Across the Curriculum. I'm going to attempt a FIAR type method/plan without actually using FIAR. I've printed off some of Baltimore's lesson plans for extra enrichment type fun.


For math he's started working his way through SM essential math K already. Finish that up and possibly some MEP reception year.


I've also planned ScienceWorks K-1 level and Mudpies to Magnets for him. He loves science. I plan on letting his big brother do some of this with him. He also will likely do some of my older ds' science as well like he did this year. But he's really happy that I'm planning his very own science lessons...just for him.


He'll also work with Artistic Pursuits and HFA with my older ds as well. I think he and my younger dd will enjoy ChildSized Masterpieces more than my older ds.


He'll probably be involved in any projects my ds does for SOTW and geography and science. He helped and listened to read alouds where he wanted to this year and I expect he'll do it again this year. I've also set up some toddler busy bag type activities for my dd (2 next month) and I'm hoping he'll be content to interact and play with her some while I do lessons with my older ds.


So learn to read and do some math and lots of literature and science and art projects. It remains to be seen how this will all fit together! :D

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DD5 is my school-lovin' kindy girl, starting in fall...

Miquon & MEP math (finishing Singapore 1B in summer)

Phonics Pathways w/ ETC 7&8


VP First Favorites 1, 2, and more

FLL w/ Montessori Grammar Farm

Intellego Human Body Unit w/ Montessori materials and a few Delta Science Kits (health)

Beautiful Feet American History Primary

Geopuzzles, EM geography workbooks, Montessori geography

Science ?? Interest-led w strewing, probably.

kinderbach/"Mommy, its a Renoir"/Composer Study/artistic pursuits for arts

gymnastics and soccer classes

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My little K'er isn't quite ready to read yet, so I'm slowing down our pre-K stuff a bit until she gets a little more time under her belt. She's a young Kindy kid, turning 5 in July, but here is her line up once we get going full steam:


Phonics: PAL Reading/Happy Phonics/ETC (I have it all, so I'm using it all!)


Math: Singapore Essentials/MUS Primer/free pre-Miquon book from the web


Handwriting: Getty-Dubay Italics Book A


Science: Elemental Science's Exploring Science


Literature: Peak with Books


Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages


Extras: Salsa Spanish and Lollipop Logic


If she's interested, I plan on letting her jump into Expedition Earth with her big sister, but it's not on her list of things to do.

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My 5 yo ds will be officially in Kindergarten this year, though we started with a lot of Kindergarten stuff last year after he turned 5 in Nov.


Phonics/Spelling - WRTR mastering the phonograms and writing words in the A-G list.


Handwriting - Italic Handwriting (Getty-Dubay) Book A - I am using Penny Gardner's italics book for my older dc, and I plan to move him into that after he finishes this book.


Reading - Bob Books and Catholic National Readers Primer (sort of a Catholic McGuffey's)


Math - Miquon Math Orange/Red


Science - TWTM method (First Grade-Life Science) - my 3rd and 6th graders are doing Life Science as well at their own levels.


History - He will follow along with his older sisters doing "The Story of America" from the Catholic Textbook project. I am making him a timeline out of sentence strips taped together and he will add events as they come up. He loves to draw so I expect this to work well for him.


Art - Drawing With Children with his older sisters.


Latin - Getting Started With Latin as a family read aloud.


I may add FLL and WWE if I think he is ready.

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We have been working through Phonics Pathways, ETC, and Singapore Essential math, so we'll keep doing that. DD's fine motor skills have always seen a strong point, so we are doing copywork for handwriting.


In the fall, we are adding Adventures in America for history, Elemental Science, Beginning Geography, and Lollipop Logic.


OP, I watched your video and I'm terribly curious about your plans to start college at the age of 12. How does that work? Do you mean that you do college level work at home or you actually intend to enroll a 12-year-old in college? It's not a goal I can say I share, but your mention of it did pique my interest.

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My son will be officially a kindergartener this fall. Here are our plans, unless our Summer doesn't play out as expected.



  • Finish up Phonics Pathways
  • Continue reading to Mommy daily
  • ETC 4, 5, 6.. however far he goes this year
  • AAS 2 & 3 (again, we'll just keep going)
  • Singapore 1B, 2A with all the fixins
  • Continue D'Nealian handwriting through copywork
  • First Language Lessons
  • Geography intro (continents, oceans , landforms, etc) & World Cultures
  • Science - overview of various concepts and hands-on fun
  • Character/Virtues
  • Lots and lots of read-alouds
  • Weekly artist study and project
  • Music - listening to a genre/artist/composer as we work and play until we feel like moving to a new one.



Most of this is a continuation of PK here. It looks like a lot, but it doesn't really take him long to complete his work.

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Math: Cuisenaire rods & abacus - I may use some Saxon too, but I love Cuisenaire rods and you can do all sorts of math with them...will use Life of Fred as well...maybe Family Math too. Lots of manipulative playing with math.


Writing: Handwriting w/o Tears


Reading/Phonics: Ordinary Parents guide to Reading


Science...whatever older brother is doing

History...see above statement

Art & Music: Co-op classes


My daughter begs to do lessons and she is only 4.5, but she is ready, so I oblige :) K is easy.

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This is my 4th kindergartener (and my last K-er).


My Father's World K

Explode the Code workbooks

Singapore Earlybird

Getty-Dubay Handwriting A


I have to mention that this kid is my Perfect Paula. My oldest and youngest daughters are Perfect Paulas. Hand 'em a workbook and they're in heaven.

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We do things a bit differently in our home. We are a combination of classical and accelerated. I made a video of our plans -

I would love to know what your plans are for Kindergarten. :)


Although my son will only be PreK, his schedule is about at the K level.


The only change I may make for my PreK/K son is to add in some more math. He's finished his Singapore EM KB early, so that gives us some extra time to play with Miquon math. I already bought him some C rods last year.

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We're doing "official" K this year. Last year was a mishmash of Pre-K/K plus her play preschool. We keep doing math & phonics during the summer but I think we'll still be in these in the fall. Plans are AAR 1 (already started), MEP Y1 (already started), Lollipop Logic 3 (finished the first 2 already) and then First-time Analogies, Salsa Spanish, tagging along on The Sponge's science, and doing a world countries/cultures unit study together. We also do a circle time every morning with scripture, poetry, and song, and next year I'll add a bit of kid yoga.

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This is my DD5's K5 year coming up. She was 5 as of March, so I'm treating her as an older kindy ...


Math: Miquon (Blue? Green?); Singapore 1B/2A; MEP 1A/1B supplements


Spelling: AAS 2


Reading: Read from this list


Handwriting: Getty-Dubay B & start C


Grammar: FLL 1 & start FLL 2


Writing: start WWE1 partway through the year


Fun Stuff: SOTW 2, BFSU 1, SSL 1, Artistic Pursuits, Evan Moor Beginning Geography


And play, play, play.

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We have been working through Phonics Pathways, ETC, and Singapore Essential math, so we'll keep doing that. DD's fine motor skills have always seen a strong point, so we are doing copywork for handwriting.


In the fall, we are adding Adventures in America for history, Elemental Science, Beginning Geography, and Lollipop Logic.


Our plans are quite similar! OPG, Singapore, handwriting, then Elemental Science, Beginning Geography, and Lollipop Logic in the fall! I think it will be a great year for us

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Stupid iPad typos
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We start our first official day of kindergarten with my oldest tomorrow!


(Please pray for us if you're the praying type.)


We're using Sonlight core and science A, memory work, MM3, BA3, italic handwriting, GSWL, Artistic Pursuits, Sequential Spelling, and a logic puzzles book. Extra activities will be chess, piano, and gymnastics, but piano and gymnastics won't start until the fall.

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My 4.5 yr old will be doing AAS, Singapore, and ZB. We are gently beginning things over the summer, because the timing just feels right. I'm not planning anything beyond the 3R's, but science, history, etc find their way in through the constant reading for which my boys ask. Zoobooks and The Way Things Work make daily appearances. Shorter Chatechism for Children, Child's Story Bible, and Big Picture Bible Timeline make up our "Bible Study" time, as the boys call it.

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I'd love to hear more about the "acceleration" part of your homeschool. Is there a blog post or something you can link me to?


My boys will be in "Senior Kindergarten" and "Junior Kindergarten" this year. :D


Both will do -




Either Lightning Literature 1 or Galore Park Junior English 1


Prehistory and ancient history to Greece with SOTW, Galore Park Junior History, etc.

Lots of reading and fun stuff for science


Older will do

Beast Academy, Math Mammoth, Primary Challenge Math, etc. (my math nerd :))

Logic Safari 2


Younger will do

Singapore Essential B, Math Mammoth 1A

Lollipop Logic 2


That looks like a lot, but I swear they like schoolwork. :tongue_smilie:

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  • 2 months later...

Here is what we are doing. Last year we kind of did K so this year is kind of k/1st


Reading - We will be finishing OPG some time in the next few months and then starting AAS 1. He is not doing anything else with reading besides this but reads on his own alot.


Math - Last year our focus was reading so this year our focus is math. We are doing Right Start Math and I am also doing McRuffy Math. I also got alot of manipulative that we have been playing with and games. We are also reading a variety of living books.


Evan Moor Beginning geography - would like to add another geography book when we finish this one but not sure what. Also have some living books to go along with this.


Science - we are doing McRuffy Sciene plus doing a few different units I have planned including plants, human body, space, and electricity. We also will be taking a lego wedo robotics class at co-op and doing his snap circuit kit. Also have some living books on a variety of science subjects and themes.


Art - we are doing Home School Art Studio and Atelier. So far we have done 2 of the Home School Art Studio lessons and we have been really pleased. I am totally not an arts and crafts person so art just doesn't get done and now it does. I ordered all the supplies both programs said I needed so I have anything in the house. Then we just pop in the dvd and do what they say. My son is enjoying it and I love how easy it is. I am also ordering some how to draw books and was going to try and teach him some basic things.


Handwriting - we are doing handwriting with out tears. This is not a strong point for him but we are pushing ahead and are working on the K level stuff.


PE - Probably swim lessons once a week


Read Alouds - I got alot of the Sonlight Level A read alouds but we are going through them really fast so after that we will just read what ever interests him.

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This year we are doing:


Reading through Reading Eggs, a set of Harcourt textbooks I scored for 50Ă‚Â¢, and basically just practice. For every 10 books she reads to me, she gets a treat of her choosing.


Writing, spelling, grammar: I like the Zaner Bloser workbooks, and she's almost done with the K level of all of them, so then I'll move on to 1st grade. If they're too complicated for her and require too much eye/hand coordination, I'll back off. She loves writing, so she gets plenty of practice writing cards, letters, journal entries, etc. We work on spelling as she goes.


Math: Math Mammoth, MEP, and Dreambox. She's working on Dreakbox right now, and loves it. We were doing MEP for a while, and now we're on MM, and she's almost done with the first workbook so I think we'll go back to MEP.


Science: I got the K Science Fusion level, and I don't love it, but she does. It's very, very basic. So we'll get through that, and do various different themes over the year.


Social Studies: Not sure yet. I got Adventures in America, and don't love it. It's very presents-American-mythology-as-truth, and I get that it's only for kindergarten, but I still have a hard time teaching all the "happy Indians/happy pilgrims" stuff. I tend to over think, LOL. We might pull together a pre-history unit.


Art: Atelier, and she LOVES art projects so we do those pretty much every day.


Phys Ed: Tap, Ballet, Gymnastics, and Soccer.

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We are using:

MFW K: Bible, Character, Math, Language, Literature, Art, Science, Music, History, Social Studies

Early Bird Math Book B: for more math practice

Hand Writing Without Tears K: more handwriting practice, we are using the book, wooden letters, roll-a-dough, chalk board, and cd, 1 item on the first 5 days of each unit (MFW K has 26 6-day units)

La Clase Divertida Level 1: We do the DVD, cd, and art / crafts projects but don't bother with the work book since they are too young, but it's fun


Because my ds is 3 and tags along, my dd, 5, will often participate in his activities such as the MFW preschool toys and the Before Five In a Row book we row for each unit and the activities we do to accompany it. But only if she feel like it. The Rod & Staff book, About Three, we are using, he will do while she is doing her math or language work. I tell him what to do and than after he'll quietly color the page.


I like that MFW K schedules in the "fluff" fun activities like art, music, science, history, and social studies because I might not bother to think of fun stuff to do on my own and these extras are what motivates my dd to push through math and language which she is less enthusiastic about. I also like that we complete school in about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours. We can have time to do other fun stuff because of this!

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My 3rd child will be staring K...She's thrilled! :D Here's our plans:


Math: Miquon, Funtastic Frogs, lots of free play with C-rods

Phonics: ETC A,B,C and playing with Reading Rods

FIAR and maybe some B4FIAR books with little sis


She'll join in with her siblings for Charlotte Mason family subjects: art, music, poetry, Bible, Apologia Zoo 2, etc.


We'll also be using some of the Wee Folk curriculum on the weekends. I'm planning on reading some of the books, doing some crafts, and taking some of the field trips.

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