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I just want to share a story.....cc

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Last week I felt a very strange compulsion. We are really broke right now, but I could not get it out of my head to give some money to my friends' daughter. The friends are the pastor at church and his wife, and the daughter is a young adult who lives overseas. I have met the daughter, once or twice, but if anything, it was simply an introduction....we have never had a conversation and I wouldn't recognize her if I saw her. I do not attend church service at this church (that I why I call them friends) but my kids do a lot with their youth group and my son attends there.


It was the oddest thing. I was out doing errands and just had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to get this money to the family. I left my errands, came home, got the cash (literally my last $100 of spending money for the next two months) and drove to the church. The wife works in the office and the pastor is also the principal of the school. I knew one of them would be there. When I got there, there was no one in sight. Both the church office and school office were empty. I decided I was being silly and was going to leave. Anther person came in who I didn't know and that delayed me a bit longer. (I still have no idea who this person was) I finally drove away. As I was leaving, I passed the wife in an intersection. I turned around and followed her back to the church. I talked to her for a few moments with idle chit chat and then asked about her oldest daughter. She said that they hadn't talked in a while but as far as she knew everything was fine. I got so choked up, I just gave her the money, told her it was for he oldest and that I couldn't explain why. I had to leave, I was so choked up. Seriously, I was so completely overwhelmed with emotion, that I could hardly speak! Later, I finally regained my ability to talk (LOL) and I called the wife to tell her that I just had this overwhelming feeling that her daughter needed the money. I told her that I had no idea if it was for a basic like food, or if it was for a luxury that would lead her on her walk in life. All I knew was that it was very important for her journey with Christ. And I was certain that the mom would know when the daughter needed it.


FFWD to today. The wife called me. The same night that I gave the wife the money, the dd called her out of the blue. Over the course of the conversation the mom found out that the dd was short on the money to pay for paperwork, to stay in the country she is visiting. :001_smile:


The wife said that the daughter couldn't believe that the mom had the money for her. The dd kept saying "but I don't even know her, I don't even know her!" Over and over. LOL


No one knew that the daughter needed the money and there is no way the daughter knew about $100.


I really felt so strongly that the mom would know when the daughter would need the money..... but I didn't expect that it would be less than 6 hours later!



The funny thing for me, is that I haven't even missed the money. I would normally be so worried about not having the cash set aside...but for some reason...I just feel a huge sense of peace, knowing this girl will be safe to continue on her path.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Last week I felt a very strange compulsion. We are really broke right now, but I could not get it out of my head to give some money to my friends' daughter. The friends are the pastor at church and his wife, and the daughter is a young adult who lives overseas. I have met the daughter, once or twice, but if anything, it was simply an introduction....we have never had a conversation and I wouldn't recognize her if I saw her. I do not attend church service at this church (that I why I call them friends) but my kids do a lot with their youth group and my son attends there.


It was the oddest thing. I was out doing errands and just had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to get this money to the family. I left my errands, came home, got the cash (literally my last $100 of spending money for the next two months) and drove to the church. The wife works in the office and the pastor is also the principal of the school. I knew one of them would be there. When I got there, there was no one in sight. Both the church office and school office were empty. I decided I was being silly and was going to leave. Anther person came in who I didn't know and that delayed me a bit longer. (I still have no idea who this person was) I finally drove away. As I was leaving, I passed the wife in an intersection. I turned around and followed her back to the church. I talked to her for a few moments with idle chit chat and then asked about her oldest daughter. She said that they hadn't talked in a while but as far as she knew everything was fine. I got so choked up, I just gave her the money, told her it was for he oldest and that I couldn't explain why. I had to leave, I was so choked up. Seriously, I was so completely overwhelmed with emotion, that I could hardly speak! Later, I finally regained my ability to talk (LOL) and I called the wife to tell her that I just had this overwhelming feeling that her daughter needed the money. I told her that I had no idea if it was for a basic like food, or if it was for a luxury that would lead her on her walk in life. All I knew was that it was very important for her journey with Christ. And I was certain that the mom would know when the daughter needed it.


FFWD to today. The wife called me. The same night that I gave the wife the money, the dd called her out of the blue. Over the course of the conversation the mom found out that the dd was short on the money to pay for paperwork, to stay in the country she is visiting. :001_smile:


The wife said that the daughter couldn't believe that the mom had the money for her. The dd kept saying "but I don't even know her, I don't even know her!" Over and over. LOL


No one knew that the daughter needed the money and there is no way the daughter knew about $100.


I really felt so strongly that the mom would know when the daughter would need the money..... but I didn't expect that it would be less than 6 hours later!



The funny thing for me, is that I haven't even missed the money. I would normally be so worried about not having the cash set aside...but for some reason...I just feel a huge sense of peace, knowing this girl will be safe to continue on her path.


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