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It's OFFICIAL... I am OLD. (Do you remember these sounds?)

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The supersized Bonnie Bell in Bubblegum that came with a white cord to hang around your neck. White painter pants, blue eye shadow cream that was reflective, Sweet Honesty perfume and curls Farrah Fawcett inspired.


Good times.


Remember Tiger Beat Magazine? :)

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I remember all of them. :lol:


What about those scented lip gloss tubes? Rainbow socks with individual toesies stiched in? Donny & Marie? Dorothy Hamill haircut? *SIGH*

I remembered them all, too! Glass, rollerball lip gloss, check! Toe socks, check! Donny and Marie, check! (SO much better than Sonny and Cher) Dorothy Hamill cut, check!


I'm trying to find a sound for a telecopier. The kind that jhoop! sucked the paper in around the roller, then went chka, chka, chka as it went around.




I had those dolls too! And because Tiger Beat said Donny loved purple, I had to also love purple. ;)

I beg your pardon. If you were a REAL fan, you would know that he loved his purple SOCKS. Not just random purple. For pete's sake. :glare:

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Love's Baby Soft, and Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker. :D



Years and years of the Dorothy Hamil haircut.


And, I recently bought a rotary ATT phone, wall mount, blue, and USE IT, because I like to. It confounds the neighborhood kids...


And we still have a VCR, and use it. You should see the awesome movies I can buy for .25 cents.

Edited by justamouse
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The supersized Bonnie Bell in Bubblegum that came with a white cord to hang around your neck. White painter pants, blue eye shadow cream that was reflective, Sweet Honesty perfume and curls Farrah Fawcett inspired.


Good times.


Remember Tiger Beat Magazine? :)


I LOVED my Bonnie Bell and white painter pants!!!!!:D

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Love's Baby Soft, and Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker. :D



Years and years of the Dorothy Hamil haircut.


Oooooh, Love's Baby Soft. It was like training wheels for Jean Nate! (That would be "Nate" w/ an e, accent aigu for the babies)

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Anyone remember the Sunshine family dolls?


I hated those dratted dolls. We had them. Barbies presented an "unrealistic expectation for women".


The sunshine family didn't have any outfits to change into.



I much preferred the Weebles. We had their pop up camper. My sister had the submarine.

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I hated those dratted dolls. We had them. Barbies presented an "unrealistic expectation for women".




I didn't have dolls. Well, that's not true; my mother had an unnatural need for me to love Holly Hobby. I hated Holly Hobby, but I was up to my neck in the things. :glare:

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Combs sticking up out of the back pocket of the jordache and Calvin Klein jeans. Roller Skating with a disco ball hanging in the middle of the roller rink, oxford shirts, Izod LaCoste, hooded college sweatshirts, worn without the hood. "Baseball' shirts and the white nike tennis shoes with a light blue swoosh.


Satin shirts/jackets open to the belt with lots of gold and chest hair, because men were men back then, well, except for the satin pants.


And the Bee Gees.

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Thanks for the trip down memory lane...I remember all of the above!


How about the old memiograph machines that all our school papers were printed on..remember that smell and the purple letters? Mork & Mindy suspenders, Wiggles jeans (they had pictures sewn on the back pockets), Captain and Tenille and the Carol Burnett Show!

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Love's Baby Soft, and Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker. :D



Years and years of the Dorothy Hamil haircut.


And, I recently bought a rotary ATT phone, wall mount, blue, and USE IT, because I like to. It confounds the neighborhood kids...


And we still have a VCR, and use it. You should see the awesome movies I can buy for .25 cents.


Not only do we still have a VCR and use it, I have a spare in my bedroom closet in case this one ever dies. ;)


I have also been on the hunt for a fire engine red old style rotary phone. The one I wanted from the antique shop was $99 and a bit out of my price range.


I realized I was old when I saw my old brownie and girl guide uniforms in the museum in the next town. And a pendant I used to have on my wall in an antique shop. If items I used and wore are in museums and antique shops I must be very very old :001_huh:


Funny aside, I was telling my big kids and their friend yesterday about having internet for the first time when I was pg with my oldest. How the kid's dad and I liked to go onto ICQ and "meet" new people. The sounds from that when you hit the button to randomly connect with someone will always be in my head. There was many nights I remember powering on the computer and listening to dial up connect while fixing a bottle for ds back then.

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Satin shirts/jackets open to the belt with lots of gold and chest hair, because men were men back then, well, except for the satin pants.


And the Bee Gees.

That may be redundant. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the trip down memory lane...I remember all of the above!


How about the old memiograph machines that all our school papers were printed on..remember that smell and the purple letters? Mork & Mindy suspenders, Wiggles jeans (they had pictures sewn on the back pockets), Captain and Tenille and the Carol Burnett Show!

OMG. Carol Burnett! I LOVE the Carol Burnett Show. Oh! The Gone With the Wind skit! :rofl:


And the Tim Conway Show! Must.search.Netflix!

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Anyone remember the Sunshine family dolls?

Why, yes I do. I still have mine, and their clothes and craft sets and farm and animals (including the hen that lays tic tac eggs), all in a box in my closet. My dds were never really interested in playing with them... boo hoo!

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Last year at work, I let a young man of about 22 use my desk phone. He dialed, listened, and confusedly asked me what the noise was. It was a busy signal--he had never heard one before. :svengo:


I heard one the other day and it took me a minute to register what it was. (And I'm 40.)

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Yeah, we're pretty familiar with Donny and Marie around these parts. :lol:


And I had the Sunshine Family, too. I also did all the little granola-ish crafts that came with them. My Sunshine family had living room chairs made from the lid of an aerosol can of Windex (remember those), stuffed with cottonballs and covered with fabric held in place with a rubber band. :D

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I remember all of them. :lol:


What about those scented lip gloss tubes? Rainbow socks with individual toesies stiched in? Donny & Marie? Dorothy Hamill haircut? *SIGH*


I knew them all too and know exactly what you're talking about above as well. I guess I'll join you in the "old" club. :p Remember pet rocks? What about pop rocks? hehehehe

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I remember thinking that I would never be the sort to say, "I remember when..." but then I was talking with my husband and...


I remember when...

...cars were made out of metal (I learned to drive on a 77 Chevy - that sucker was a BOAT)

...you only watched live TV

...if you wanted to rewatch a movie, you had to wait for them to rerelease it

...you'd let the phone ring 8 times before hanging up... and you'd tell everyone to stay off the line if you were waiting for a call

...push button phones were the new phones (ugh...rotary)

...I took typing lessons - not keyboarding... and we started out with manual typewriters. We got lucky and got electric typewriters midway through the course.

.... you had to get up to change the channel...and you had to turn the dial.


I do still have a record player, so my son has seen that. It really is wild looking back at old movies and seeing how technology in particular has changed. I'm reading a book that was written in the mid-90s and one character told another to "get a beeper and get into the 20th century" for keeping in touch. I'm quite sure my son wouldn't know what a beeper was.


Yup... old here.

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I remember thinking that I would never be the sort to say, "I remember when..." but then I was talking with my husband and...


I remember when...

...cars were made out of metal (I learned to drive on a 77 Chevy - that sucker was a BOAT)

...you only watched live TV

...if you wanted to rewatch a movie, you had to wait for them to rerelease it

...you'd let the phone ring 8 times before hanging up... and you'd tell everyone to stay off the line if you were waiting for a call

...push button phones were the new phones (ugh...rotary)

...I took typing lessons - not keyboarding... and we started out with manual typewriters. We got lucky and got electric typewriters midway through the course.

.... you had to get up to change the channel...and you had to turn the dial.


LOL Yep. I remember that too, the only difference was I learned to type on an electric typewriter, but we owned a manual one in our house. I used that for anything that had to be typed and had the correcting strips to go over typos. :p


I do still have a record player, so my son has seen that. It really is wild looking back at old movies and seeing how technology in particular has changed. I'm reading a book that was written in the mid-90s and one character told another to "get a beeper and get into the 20th century" for keeping in touch. I'm quite sure my son wouldn't know what a beeper was.


Yup... old here.


yep, we still have a record player too and tons of old records. LOL love the bolded part about the beeper. hehehe :p

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I forgot to mention that I knew most of those sounds. I never owned a Mac so hadn't heard the uh-oh sound. And the Windows 95 didn't sound familiar--maybe because we always had the volume off.


But I'm so old I remember when floppy disks were advanced technology. I recorded my first ever computer program on a cassette tape. Yeah, seriously. Then when I went to college the school was just transitioning from punch cards to The Mainframe. I didn't use a floppy disk until I started working--about 7 years after the cassette tape era.


Yeah, I'm old.

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I remember all the sounds, and most everything else that was mentioned. I'm so old my dh had an 8-track player in his car (1976 Impala :001_smile:) when we were dating.


:) I remember 8 tracks. We had an 8 track player when I was growing up. I used to listen to Bye Bye Miss American Pie on it. :)

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We have 2 too! :) One is one of those all in one TV/VCR thingies. It's in the kids' room. My son loves playing his Veggie tales vhs in there. :)


We still have Veggie Tales tapes, too! And . . . we have the original version of Rack, Shack and Benny with the Very Bad Bunny Song. :D

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:) I remember 8 tracks. We had an 8 track player when I was growing up. I used to listen to Bye Bye Miss American Pie on it. :)


My parents had 8 tracks.




I get it, girls. :glare: So, I am much older than you.

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We still have Veggie Tales tapes, too! And . . . we have the original version of Rack, Shack and Benny with the Very Bad Bunny Song. :D


LOL We had that one too, but it got ruined now. :( It was actually the first Veggie Tales that I bought. It was the one that was playing in (the then) Baptist Book Store and I got that one for my dd when she was little. :)


I get it, girls. :glare: So, I am much older than you.


Sowweeeee. I wasn't trying to make you feel old, just saying I remember them because we had them to. :p


Well, you've been married almost as long as I've been alive...



LOL Them's fightin words Imp! hehehehe

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I had Donny and Marie dolls when I was little.


Course, I also thought they were married. :001_huh::lol:


I still have Donny! I have no idea what happened to Marie, lol. I also loved Shawn Cassidy! Does anyone remember HR puf n stuff? Sigmund the sea monster?? Theyre on netflix right now! So fun to watch with my kids! :)

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