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Anyone have any recent psycho dinner guests? Crazy stroller ladies? Nutty neighbors?

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Hmmmmm....I don't have anything particularly crazy. The neighbor did come over and ask if he could shoot a squirrel that's been terrorizing the neighborhood and has been seen trying to get down our chimney and into our house (we have a protective flashing, however he is really working hard at removing it!). He's a great shot, practically sniper quality, so I said that as long as the boys were not outside and that he HAS TO CHECK FIRST to make sure they aren't out there, to go ahead and kill it. I don't need a squirrel making it indoors and this one is acting really nutsy cuckoo.


Sorry. That's all I have to offer today. I suppose I could go a couple blocks over and rile up my sil. She can usually come up with some dooseys, but frankly, I'm enjoying the peace and don't want the "entertainment". :tongue_smilie:



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Soccer practice last night was interesting. A lady was rushing down the hill with her daughter sprinting ahead and the mom yells, "Hurry up our I'll knock you out." Wow! Someone was having a bad day! And the soccer park qas full!

Another lady was gabbing in the phone while her daughter was on all fours straining at her LEASH. I tried to get a pic of that one but she was too far away.

Oh, and I got stink-eyes from the two ladies sitting on the sidelines smoking ciggies. I had the audacity to ask them o move. I must have interupted their conversation. LOL


How are those?

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Well, not exactly.


But a few days ago, when I was walking to my car from the grocery store, there was this guy walking sort of alongside me on my right, and he had his cart angled in such a way that I became convinced we would collide eventually. I kept cutting my glance to the right, to keep an eye on him, thinking "is his car RIGHT NEXT TO MINE or something????"


I'm sure he wasn't aiming for me. It was just One Of Those Things.


But it reminded me of Crazy Stroller Lady. Maybe she has family here in the States? :)

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We've had some excitement around here that leaves us shaking our heads. Apparently someone is renting out their home and potential renters keep coming to my house. The address is South Center St for the rental. We finally had to put up a sign on our home stating that this is North Center St.

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well, I have a crazy story.....does "firing the crazy house keeper" qualify???


My best (local) friend and I use the same lady for house cleaning. She works for my friend one day a week, me another day, and so on (I assume she has the other 3 days filled with other clients).


Well, a little over a year ago, my friend's daughter "lost" a pair of tennis shoes. They thought she left them in a hotel on vacation.


A month or so later, the same daughter "lost" her cell phone, a pay-as-you-go phone. They thought maybe she lost it at school, or something.


Until. A month ago, the house keeper showed up at my house wearing the missing shoes. I asked my friend, wondering if these were the same pair that went missing, or her daughter outgrew the shoes and passed them to the house keeper. Nope, these were the missing shoes. Huh.


Last week, the house keeper called my friend to report she couldn't come to work that day, due to a bus strike. Except, she called from the daughter's phone number. It showed up in my friend's caller ID, which still had the number listed with her daughter's name.


So on the day she came to my house, my friend had a 2nd friend call the house keeper. On the missing cell phone. House Keeper didn't answer, but did go and return the missed call. Gave her name, "no, no, this phone does not belong to SR, it belongs to AM..."


We aren't sure why she A) wore the shoes to my house, knowing that I am friends with the previous owner, or especially B) why she didn't toss the SIM card from the phone and buy a new one. SIM cards are only around $5 here, she could have easily replaced the card, had a new number, and we would never have known she had the missing phone.


and she's worn the shoes a few times since that first time, too.


She will no longer be working for either of us, sadly. I hate to do it, but I'd hate it worse if she stole from my kids after I kept her on, knowing she has tendencies towards thievery.


Odd enough? I can think up more, I'm sure....

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Daycare mom told me this morning as she dropped of 2 yr old that father gave little girl the belt last night for getting out of bed repeatedly again. Little girl told me daddy hit her with mommy's stick but she is all better now. I have to have the fun job of dealing with mom tonight and finding out exactly what they used to spank this child. Using implements is illegal here. I am waiting until end of the day because today is payday and I need my money, then I have to decide report and accept that I will no longer have the income that I desperately need, not not report and see if they ever do anything like that again (this is the first time I have ever heard of them using an item to spank her, previously it was always an open hand, they don't hide the fact, they let me know in the am so that if little girl tells me, which she always does, I am already aware of it).


Girl is mostly good, family pays on time, refers my name to others etc until this incident I figured I would have little girl until she hit school age. But I can not condone illegal behaviours particularily towards children.


That said I already called CPS on one family and the police on another this week. THe thought of a 3rd one in the same week is making my stomach ache

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Well not as of lately but...I once had a boyfriend who always complained about how my pictures were on the wall in my living room. One day while I was at work he rearranged the whole living room and the pictures. While he did this he also broke my glass coffee table by trying to use it as a step stool

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Mine's not super crazy, but it has made me :001_huh:?


We have a new neighbor friend with a little girl whose age is right between my two kids. Our neighborhood is not super-friendly and there aren't many young kids, so she's really latched onto us. We've been receptive- we like friends! The issue- she DEFINES helicopter parenting. And I'm pretty controlling myself (I mean, I home-school, haha) so for me to feel this way says something.


Any time we're outside, the girl asks to come play. Her mom will not say yes unless she can come, too. So if she has to make dinner, nope, the girl cannot come over. Not even to the front year- and we live across the street from one another! My kids started talking about sleep-overs- she said maybe after another YEAR. We've known them six months- you want a YEAR and a HALF before you let your kids sleep in a house across the street?


So yesterday, the grandma (dad's mom) brought the little girl over and asked if she could play and left her. !!! After 20 minutes, the kids came inside, so I called over to let them know. I didn't want anyone to freak out. The dad answered and said that he would come get the girl in 20 minutes when their dinner was ready. When he came by, turns out he's been in the hospital and his wife has had to work full time running the store they own. A-HA, so that's why the little girl got to play. Anyhow, I told him to encourage his wife to call me if I could help, we're home all day, etc. We made tentative plans for the girl to come for one afternoon when the wife wants to go to the husband's doc appt and the MIL will run the store.


So, i get a call at 10pm last night- it's the mom. She's FURIOUS. Apparently, there is absolutely NO WAY the daughter will be allowed to play here without the mom, and she's "already spoken to husband about his poor decisions." Then she tried to make a play-date, as "we are really enjoying getting to know you and I'm so glad we're finally making such good friends we trust in the neighborhood."




I just don't get it. I promise you, we're nice people, my kids are nice kids, we have friends over ALL THE TIME because kids and their moms love to play here. I don't neglect the kids, I don't let my son go in closed rooms with girls (they're six, they don't want to!) we don't swear or preach our beliefs... ??? I think it's not personal, but now I don't know how to respond. It's not a big deal, but it's just WEIRD. And she always makes me feel like I'm auditioning to be her friend. I can sing and act okay, but my dancing is weak, so I'm hoping I'll at least get to be understudy in her kooky show.


Okay, well, there, I typed it out to distract myself from my dreaded trip to the grocery store on a sprained ankle. Even if it's not interesting, reading this could take up five minutes of your time. You're welcome!! ;)

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Our rental property continues to be a source of shock for us.


Renter that was evicted turned out to be a tresspasser. No clue where the real tenant is.

Tresspasser was seen at the house two times after he was evicted. Final trip was to jail. No word from him since, and yes, he has possessions in the house. Our PM met him at the door the first time when he/PM was there to check on the property. He reinformed him all he had to do was call and ask to get in. He didn't seem to want to retrieve those important belongings with anybody watching, so he was asked to leave. 2nd time he showed up the neighbors called the police and he was hauled off to jail. His belongings are still there. PM thinks he has somthing hidden he doens't want anyone to find, or infact he dones't actually care about his belongings that are locked in the house and he in fact has no place to sleep, so he keeps sleeping in the porch.


I will be so glad when this house is cleaned up and done with.

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well, I have a crazy story.....does "firing the crazy house keeper" qualify???


My best (local) friend and I use the same lady for house cleaning. She works for my friend one day a week, me another day, and so on (I assume she has the other 3 days filled with other clients).


Well, a little over a year ago, my friend's daughter "lost" a pair of tennis shoes. They thought she left them in a hotel on vacation.


A month or so later, the same daughter "lost" her cell phone, a pay-as-you-go phone. They thought maybe she lost it at school, or something.


Until. A month ago, the house keeper showed up at my house wearing the missing shoes. I asked my friend, wondering if these were the same pair that went missing, or her daughter outgrew the shoes and passed them to the house keeper. Nope, these were the missing shoes. Huh.


Last week, the house keeper called my friend to report she couldn't come to work that day, due to a bus strike. Except, she called from the daughter's phone number. It showed up in my friend's caller ID, which still had the number listed with her daughter's name.


So on the day she came to my house, my friend had a 2nd friend call the house keeper. On the missing cell phone. House Keeper didn't answer, but did go and return the missed call. Gave her name, "no, no, this phone does not belong to SR, it belongs to AM..."


We aren't sure why she A) wore the shoes to my house, knowing that I am friends with the previous owner, or especially B) why she didn't toss the SIM card from the phone and buy a new one. SIM cards are only around $5 here, she could have easily replaced the card, had a new number, and we would never have known she had the missing phone.


and she's worn the shoes a few times since that first time, too.


She will no longer be working for either of us, sadly. I hate to do it, but I'd hate it worse if she stole from my kids after I kept her on, knowing she has tendencies towards thievery.


Odd enough? I can think up more, I'm sure....


That's nutso! Can I ask- what kind of shoes were they? I have a thing for shoes. ;)

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Yesterday I was at park day for our local support group. One of the other moms had her well-behaved dog on a leash in accordance with local regulations. All of a sudden, an unleashed dog came over and attacked the HS mom's dog, biting it on the foreleg. The HS mom was obviously very upset and demanded the information from the owner of the unleashed dog in case vet treatment turned out to be needed. The nutjob owner tried claiming that her unleashed dog was provoked to attack because the HS mom had her dog on a leash. :blink:

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During a recent conversation with a relative (F) about shopping for cosmetics, I mentioned that I buy my cosmetics online. Upon F's confirming that I purchase lipstick online, F asked, "Aren't you afraid that someone has put your lipstick in their buttcrack?"


To put the comment in perspective, F has a permanent disabling mental illness. One of its many manifestations is an irrational fear of germs.


I responded that I exercised reasonable caution and did not fret over things beyond my control. F proceeded to describe various instances of angry customers sabotaging lipsticks. I have no doubt that intentional product tampering occurs, but the logistics of the particular act relative described seem very difficult to pull off in a store with security cameras and personnel.

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That's nutso! Can I ask- what kind of shoes were they? I have a thing for shoes. ;)


LOL, sure!


They were black slip on tennis-shoes/sneakers with neon colored straps going in different directions over the top of the foot...I'm trying to find a picture, but basically a black Keds or Converse style slip-on (not lace-up) and then over the foot, where laces would be, criss-crossing neon strips instead.

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Well not as of lately but...I once had a boyfriend who always complained about how my pictures were on the wall in my living room. One day while I was at work he rearranged the whole living room and the pictures. While he did this he also broke my glass coffee table by trying to use it as a step stool


How odd!


That reminds me of one, too -- when DH and I were married, for various reasons we had a friend take our baby DS home and babysit him rather than stay at the reception (long story).


Sometime between DH leaving the house that morning, and us getting home that night, someone completely rearranged *the furniture!* in our room/mini-apartment.


We lived in a one-room "apartment" in his parent's house, just all one big room. That we had set up one way. But when we came home from our post-wedding, post-reception "dinner date/honeymoon" (ha!), all the furniture was rearranged.


We ended up liking it and kept it that way it was just strange. I assume his parents did it after the reception, or maybe before they left for the wedding; I don't think my friend's did it.

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This is not really crazy, but about a former crazy neighbor. I could spot this woman's shrilly voice anywhere. My dad and I shop at Costco together often on Saturdays, because my mom and DH hate shopping, and my dad and I love to hang out and he drives me around :D


So, we see crazy lady, and spent a half an hour hiding from her. He was laughing at me but I could not imagine how I would tell her no way you cannot have my phone number and no I never want to see you again! And your kids are crazy and your husband is crazy and you need to go ride off on your broom!

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During a recent conversation with a relative (F) about shopping for cosmetics, I mentioned that I buy my cosmetics online. Upon F's confirming that I purchase lipstick online, F asked, "Aren't you afraid that someone has put your lipstick in their buttcrack?"



:001_huh: :lol:


That is both crazy hilarious and crazy disturbing at the same time. :D

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Mine's not super crazy, but it has made me :001_huh:?


We have a new neighbor friend with a little girl whose age is right between my two kids. Our neighborhood is not super-friendly and there aren't many young kids, so she's really latched onto us. We've been receptive- we like friends! The issue- she DEFINES helicopter parenting. And I'm pretty controlling myself (I mean, I home-school, haha) so for me to feel this way says something.


Any time we're outside, the girl asks to come play. Her mom will not say yes unless she can come, too. So if she has to make dinner, nope, the girl cannot come over. Not even to the front year- and we live across the street from one another! My kids started talking about sleep-overs- she said maybe after another YEAR. We've known them six months- you want a YEAR and a HALF before you let your kids sleep in a house across the street?


So yesterday, the grandma (dad's mom) brought the little girl over and asked if she could play and left her. !!! After 20 minutes, the kids came inside, so I called over to let them know. I didn't want anyone to freak out. The dad answered and said that he would come get the girl in 20 minutes when their dinner was ready. When he came by, turns out he's been in the hospital and his wife has had to work full time running the store they own. A-HA, so that's why the little girl got to play. Anyhow, I told him to encourage his wife to call me if I could help, we're home all day, etc. We made tentative plans for the girl to come for one afternoon when the wife wants to go to the husband's doc appt and the MIL will run the store.


So, i get a call at 10pm last night- it's the mom. She's FURIOUS. Apparently, there is absolutely NO WAY the daughter will be allowed to play here without the mom, and she's "already spoken to husband about his poor decisions." Then she tried to make a play-date, as "we are really enjoying getting to know you and I'm so glad we're finally making such good friends we trust in the neighborhood."




I just don't get it. I promise you, we're nice people, my kids are nice kids, we have friends over ALL THE TIME because kids and their moms love to play here. I don't neglect the kids, I don't let my son go in closed rooms with girls (they're six, they don't want to!) we don't swear or preach our beliefs... ??? I think it's not personal, but now I don't know how to respond. It's not a big deal, but it's just WEIRD. And she always makes me feel like I'm auditioning to be her friend. I can sing and act okay, but my dancing is weak, so I'm hoping I'll at least get to be understudy in her kooky show.


Okay, well, there, I typed it out to distract myself from my dreaded trip to the grocery store on a sprained ankle. Even if it's not interesting, reading this could take up five minutes of your time. You're welcome!! ;)

Wow That is weird.

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:001_huh: :lol:


That is both crazy hilarious and crazy disturbing at the same time. :D



...not to mention...completely irrational. :blink: I'll never be able to buy lipstick without snickering to myself, again. :D

Edited by Geo
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I had two days of seeing random boobs. Both were of the "Oh, my boobs are just so big, I can't keep track of them, they have minds of their own!" sorts of things.


Wednesday, one lady had a boob all flopped out of her bikini top at the water park.


Thursday, a lady had her boob flopped out of her dress walking down the street. I had my husband pull over and back up so I could let her know. :D


I can only imagine what I will see today!


I think I will stay in the house. :tongue_smilie:

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Last night, both of our cars were broken into. The thieves stole an iPod, our insurance cards, vehicle registration cards, and Legoland/Seaworld passes. I've spent the morning on the phone trying to get replacements and to protect us from misuse of these items. Not what I had planned for the day!


However, I did have a good conversation with the police officer regarding homeschooling. We may have a convert!

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Two weeks ago someone in my Bible study yelled at me for sharing that the way we have decided to handle Mothers/Fathers day in the future is to not go to church IF it's what the person who's "day" it is wants to stay home. She said I was giving the enemy a foothold into our lives by staying home 1-2 days out of the year.


The highschool's Thespian banquet is this weekend so I will probably have something new after that.


Oh..I do have something but I didn't see it. My husband (ps teacher) and the theater kids told me about it. Last week the high school had a poetry slam. One of the theater girls wrote a poem about how much she loves theater and drama. Her mom is a total germaphobe and imo goes way overboard. Anyway, when the girl was done with her poem she got on the floor and licked the stage.


The post about the car being broken into reminded me of something. Last fall my husband gave me a kiss goodbye and went out to drive to work. He came back in a few seconds later and asked, "Didn't we drive home last night?" I remembered coming home with him and getting out of the van so I said yes. He said the van was gone. I looked outside to make sure that the van was indeed gone and it was. He started walking to work and turned back to say, "Call the cops and the insurance today!" Duh. Anyway, I went inside and decided to have a shower and a cup of tea before making phone calls. A few minutes after I got out of the shower my husband called, "Um, I think I know what happened." He had brought me home in the van the day before because I had been working at the school all day. Then he drove back to the school to get his stuff together and come home for dinner. He forgot he had the van because on normal days he would walk to and from work. So he walked home. The van had stayed in the parking lot all night.

Edited by Henriettakittycat
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Our previous neighbor (six years ago!) shot a confetti rocket into his yard. He didn't take into account the wind and it covered our house/yard. DH went to complain to him and he brought his shop-vac over and vacuumed our yard. We still find confetti, after six years.

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The post about the car being broken into reminded me of something. Last fall my husband gave me a kiss goodbye and went out to drive to work. He came back in a few seconds later and asked, "Didn't we drive home last night?" I remembered coming home with him and getting out of the van so I said yes. He said the van was gone. I looked outside to make sure that the van was indeed gone and it was. He started walking to work and turned back to say, "Call the cops and the insurance today!" Duh. Anyway, I went inside and decided to have a shower and a cup of tea before making phone calls. A few minutes after I got out of the shower my husband called, "Um, I think I know what happened." He had brought me home in the van the day before because I had been working at the school all day. Then he drove back to the school to get his stuff together and come home for dinner. He forgot he had the van because on normal days he would walk to and from work. So he walked home. The van had stayed in the parking lot all night.


:lol: That is really funny!

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Oh my, thanks for all the great stories! It would take me forever to respond to every single one of them, but I did read every single one of them! Some highlights:


Well, not exactly.


But a few days ago, when I was walking to my car from the grocery store, there was this guy walking sort of alongside me on my right, and he had his cart angled in such a way that I became convinced we would collide eventually. I kept cutting my glance to the right, to keep an eye on him, thinking "is his car RIGHT NEXT TO MINE or something????"


I'm sure he wasn't aiming for me. It was just One Of Those Things.


But it reminded me of Crazy Stroller Lady. Maybe she has family here in the States? :)


That's funny, definitely reminds me of crazy stroller lady! lol.


well, I have a crazy story.....does "firing the crazy house keeper" qualify???


My best (local) friend and I use the same lady for house cleaning. She works for my friend one day a week, me another day, and so on (I assume she has the other 3 days filled with other clients).


Well, a little over a year ago, my friend's daughter "lost" a pair of tennis shoes. They thought she left them in a hotel on vacation.


A month or so later, the same daughter "lost" her cell phone, a pay-as-you-go phone. They thought maybe she lost it at school, or something.


Until. A month ago, the house keeper showed up at my house wearing the missing shoes. I asked my friend, wondering if these were the same pair that went missing, or her daughter outgrew the shoes and passed them to the house keeper. Nope, these were the missing shoes. Huh.


Last week, the house keeper called my friend to report she couldn't come to work that day, due to a bus strike. Except, she called from the daughter's phone number. It showed up in my friend's caller ID, which still had the number listed with her daughter's name.


So on the day she came to my house, my friend had a 2nd friend call the house keeper. On the missing cell phone. House Keeper didn't answer, but did go and return the missed call. Gave her name, "no, no, this phone does not belong to SR, it belongs to AM..."


We aren't sure why she A) wore the shoes to my house, knowing that I am friends with the previous owner, or especially B) why she didn't toss the SIM card from the phone and buy a new one. SIM cards are only around $5 here, she could have easily replaced the card, had a new number, and we would never have known she had the missing phone.


and she's worn the shoes a few times since that first time, too.


She will no longer be working for either of us, sadly. I hate to do it, but I'd hate it worse if she stole from my kids after I kept her on, knowing she has tendencies towards thievery.


Odd enough? I can think up more, I'm sure....


Wow!! Yeah, I'd have fired her, too, and called her out on it. That's crazy!


Daycare mom told me this morning as she dropped of 2 yr old that father gave little girl the belt last night for getting out of bed repeatedly again. Little girl told me daddy hit her with mommy's stick but she is all better now. I have to have the fun job of dealing with mom tonight and finding out exactly what they used to spank this child. Using implements is illegal here. I am waiting until end of the day because today is payday and I need my money, then I have to decide report and accept that I will no longer have the income that I desperately need, not not report and see if they ever do anything like that again (this is the first time I have ever heard of them using an item to spank her, previously it was always an open hand, they don't hide the fact, they let me know in the am so that if little girl tells me, which she always does, I am already aware of it).


Girl is mostly good, family pays on time, refers my name to others etc until this incident I figured I would have little girl until she hit school age. But I can not condone illegal behaviours particularily towards children.


That said I already called CPS on one family and the police on another this week. THe thought of a 3rd one in the same week is making my stomach ache


That is just ridiculously depressing. Poor little girl. :(


Mine's not super crazy, but it has made me :001_huh:?


We have a new neighbor friend with a little girl whose age is right between my two kids. Our neighborhood is not super-friendly and there aren't many young kids, so she's really latched onto us. We've been receptive- we like friends! The issue- she DEFINES helicopter parenting. And I'm pretty controlling myself (I mean, I home-school, haha) so for me to feel this way says something.


Any time we're outside, the girl asks to come play. Her mom will not say yes unless she can come, too. So if she has to make dinner, nope, the girl cannot come over. Not even to the front year- and we live across the street from one another! My kids started talking about sleep-overs- she said maybe after another YEAR. We've known them six months- you want a YEAR and a HALF before you let your kids sleep in a house across the street?


So yesterday, the grandma (dad's mom) brought the little girl over and asked if she could play and left her. !!! After 20 minutes, the kids came inside, so I called over to let them know. I didn't want anyone to freak out. The dad answered and said that he would come get the girl in 20 minutes when their dinner was ready. When he came by, turns out he's been in the hospital and his wife has had to work full time running the store they own. A-HA, so that's why the little girl got to play. Anyhow, I told him to encourage his wife to call me if I could help, we're home all day, etc. We made tentative plans for the girl to come for one afternoon when the wife wants to go to the husband's doc appt and the MIL will run the store.


So, i get a call at 10pm last night- it's the mom. She's FURIOUS. Apparently, there is absolutely NO WAY the daughter will be allowed to play here without the mom, and she's "already spoken to husband about his poor decisions." Then she tried to make a play-date, as "we are really enjoying getting to know you and I'm so glad we're finally making such good friends we trust in the neighborhood."




I just don't get it. I promise you, we're nice people, my kids are nice kids, we have friends over ALL THE TIME because kids and their moms love to play here. I don't neglect the kids, I don't let my son go in closed rooms with girls (they're six, they don't want to!) we don't swear or preach our beliefs... ??? I think it's not personal, but now I don't know how to respond. It's not a big deal, but it's just WEIRD. And she always makes me feel like I'm auditioning to be her friend. I can sing and act okay, but my dancing is weak, so I'm hoping I'll at least get to be understudy in her kooky show.


Okay, well, there, I typed it out to distract myself from my dreaded trip to the grocery store on a sprained ankle. Even if it's not interesting, reading this could take up five minutes of your time. You're welcome!! ;)


I'm a little on the over-protective side, too, but, yeah, that's taking it a bit far!!


Last night, both of our cars were broken into. The thieves stole an iPod, our insurance cards, vehicle registration cards, and Legoland/Seaworld passes. I've spent the morning on the phone trying to get replacements and to protect us from misuse of these items. Not what I had planned for the day!


However, I did have a good conversation with the police officer regarding homeschooling. We may have a convert!


Ouch, sorry to hear that! I hope you get your stuff back! Maybe you'll end up homeschool buddies with the cop, though! :D

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Wow!! Yeah, I'd have fired her, too, and called her out on it. That's crazy!



we were going to call her on it, BUT local friends told us that is a very bad idea, as unless you have "stand up in a court of law, iron clad, no question, no doubt about it" kind of proof, the fired person can actually turn it around so that YOU are the bad guy for firing them and falsely accusing them.


Since the maid could claim, however unlikely, that the phone number was recycled and she just happened to get that number......or that she just so happened to have bought the same shoes after seeing them.......we were advised to just very non-committal "we no longer need your services, thank you" as far as the firing goes.


Which is crazy in and of itself, but such is life adjusting to a foreign culture.


(((hugs/glad we could be a distraction to you today))))

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In our old neighborhood our neighbors moved and rented out the house. I swear 20 people were living in that house. They used to hang their clothes off the deck balcony to dry and they used their clothes line to HANG MEAT TO DRY (like beef jerky, I guess)! They had like 5 cars parked in the yard, and this was a nice neighborhood. These people drove me crazy as they had no curtains in the kitchen and I would see their shirtless bodies standing at the refrigerator. I was so glad when we sold that house. I had to always pray that the chain gang was always at work when we had showings. It was a selling nightmare!

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Someone must have someone crazy in their life to complain about!
Plenty of nutters, but nothing to complain about. Except MIL, but that would be starting the weekend off on the wrong foot.
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Yesterday when dh and I arrived home from a bike ride, our next door neighbor came over and asked if he can plant something against a fence between our yard and another yard. He says he's tired of looking at the fence. It's between MY yard and ANOTHER yard, not his at all. And he can't see it unless he's in MY yard.

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Re helicopter mom--I agree that she is waaay overprotective, which makes her overreaction in character. It's weird that she would call *you* about it, though. You'd think she'd just chew her dh out at home!! Unless maybe she thought her dh was imposing on you?? Clearly grandma and dh weren't quite aware of how overprotective she is!

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well, I have a crazy story.....does "firing the crazy house keeper" qualify???


My best (local) friend and I use the same lady for house cleaning. She works for my friend one day a week, me another day, and so on (I assume she has the other 3 days filled with other clients).


Well, a little over a year ago, my friend's daughter "lost" a pair of tennis shoes. They thought she left them in a hotel on vacation.


A month or so later, the same daughter "lost" her cell phone, a pay-as-you-go phone. They thought maybe she lost it at school, or something.


Until. A month ago, the house keeper showed up at my house wearing the missing shoes. I asked my friend, wondering if these were the same pair that went missing, or her daughter outgrew the shoes and passed them to the house keeper. Nope, these were the missing shoes. Huh.


Last week, the house keeper called my friend to report she couldn't come to work that day, due to a bus strike. Except, she called from the daughter's phone number. It showed up in my friend's caller ID, which still had the number listed with her daughter's name.


So on the day she came to my house, my friend had a 2nd friend call the house keeper. On the missing cell phone. House Keeper didn't answer, but did go and return the missed call. Gave her name, "no, no, this phone does not belong to SR, it belongs to AM..."


We aren't sure why she A) wore the shoes to my house, knowing that I am friends with the previous owner, or especially B) why she didn't toss the SIM card from the phone and buy a new one. SIM cards are only around $5 here, she could have easily replaced the card, had a new number, and we would never have known she had the missing phone.


and she's worn the shoes a few times since that first time, too.


She will no longer be working for either of us, sadly. I hate to do it, but I'd hate it worse if she stole from my kids after I kept her on, knowing she has tendencies towards thievery.


Odd enough? I can think up more, I'm sure....

Similar happened to a friend of mine here in the states. She first began noticing that groceries would disappear - like entire cases of drinks bought for a party or boxes of cereal or special things she bought for lunch. Then the laundry detergent. Then the cat food. After the son of the housekeeper came to school carrying a bag clearly marked with my friend's name ( I taught at the school) my friend had video survelience put in. This lady was taking pretty much everything that was loose, a piece at a time. The housekeeper fell and broke her leg while camping and couldn't report to work for 6 weeks. My friend told her she couldn't live that long without a housekeeper and told her to not come back.
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Well, my adult kids have a bad habit of trying to get me to babysit all the time (I homeschool, you know, so I have nothing better to do :001_smile:). I've become pretty resistant, mainly because though I do enjoy my grandkids 1) enough is enough 2) they never seem to bring a diaper bag or a means to feed the baby along with the baby and 3) they never come back when they say they will. Or within twenty-four hours of when they say they will......


A few days ago my step-daughter called (you may recall this is the one who dropped off her kids one time with a smile, saying breezily on her way out the door "oh, by the way, his father didn't get around to changing him yet this morning!" :001_huh:) and asked if I could babysit for her two youngest kids that day since she suddenly had 'emergency marriage counseling'.


:confused: I was afraid to say no to THAT one.......

Edited by Rainefox
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Rainefox, probably good thing you didn't say no that time. wow. ((hugs))



And, Nance, another dose of crazy, just for you: DH was just allowed to check in for a flight *that had already been cancelled* by the time he checked in. Yet the airline let him check in anyway.


And, while in line to get a different flight, a couple with three -- yes, THREE -- dog carriers to take on board was in an argument with the airline about whether they could do that or not. Seems the limit is two carriers. The airline went ahead and let them take all three.


Because we live in a crazy country. Although "crazy" is not the only adjective I'd use just now, it is the nicest.

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