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Over the past 6 months or so - there have been a few times that I would love to get advice from the Hive on how to handle some crazy out-of-the-norm situations. But......I know there is someone who knows me IRL who lurks around this board (even though she doesn't homeschool and has no reason to be here) and watches to see what I post.


So annoying that people don't have enough to do in their own lives :glare:

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Or you could call her out at the top of the post.


"Susan, I know you know who I am and that you're reading. I'm going to be posting something that I don't want to discuss with you. I don't want it all over town, either. I can't stop you from reading here but if I catch one hint that you've gossiped about me I will be shoveling horse manure onto your front porch and letting the air out of your car tires. If you think you won't be able to restrain yourself, please consider looking away now."


What do you think?

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Or you could call her out at the top of the post.


"Susan, I know you know who I am and that you're reading. I'm going to be posting something that I don't want to discuss with you. I don't want it all over town, either. I can't stop you from reading here but if I catch one hint that you've gossiped about me I will be shoveling horse manure onto your front porch and letting the air out of your car tires. If you think you won't be able to restrain yourself, please consider looking away now."


What do you think?


:iagree: That's a great idea! OR... alternatively, you could come up with something really zany and wild to post that's a total and complete fabrication, and see how long it takes to get back to you. Then you could call her out in person! :D

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You could post a vague something about the situation and people can pm you.


I'd love to but I'd need to give more details in order for everyone to understand. I mean I think I know what you would all say about this one situation that is driving me crazy right now - but somehow, the validation would make me feel a whole lot better about it.

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:iagree: That's a great idea! OR... alternatively, you could come up with something really zany and wild to post that's a total and complete fabrication, and see how long it takes to get back to you. Then you could call her out in person! :D


oooh .... I like this. Not saying you should do it, but ....

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On the Sonlight boards of old we had a wonderful feature: Ask MamaJo.


(You SL'ers know who I mean. I miss that gal!!!)


Anyway, anyone could pm her with their story, she would post an Ask MamaJo thread on their behalf, and then everyone could chip in their two cents while the actual user retained her anonymity.


Then the person in question would pm the inevitable clarifications and updates to MamaJo to post for her.


We need such a service because this board is even more public than the old Sonlight boards were.

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I'd love to but I'd need to give more details in order for everyone to understand. I mean I think I know what you would all say about this one situation that is driving me crazy right now - but somehow, the validation would make me feel a whole lot better about it.


Maybe you could pm someone on the board and they could post it for you as if it was their own post? Not someone who's already posted here--that would be too obvious for your irl person.


I think it's very creepy and stalker-ish that an irl "friend" is following you here.


ETA: I see Tibbie and I were thinking about the same thing. I forgot about the AskMamaJo on the SL boards, though.

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How does she know to find you here??


I shared my blog with her (which I intentionally keep pretty bland - although hasn't been updated in a while) and she asked about all of the WTM references. And never thinking she would be reading all of this - I told her about this forum. Well, didn't she then start browsing it to see what it was all about and mentioned some of my posts.......she is family.

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On the Sonlight boards of old we had a wonderful feature: Ask MamaJo.


(You SL'ers know who I mean. I miss that gal!!!)


Anyway, anyone could pm her with their story, she would post an Ask MamaJo thread on their behalf, and then everyone could chip in their two cents while the actual user retained her anonymity.


Then the person in question would pm the inevitable clarifications and updates to MamaJo to post for her.


We need such a service because this board is even more public than the old Sonlight boards were.


Oh my gosh - that would be perfect!

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Or you could remove all identifying info in your signature and request a username change. Then don't advertise the new you. You could become completely anonymous again.


:iagree: I think I would do this. That is really creepy. Someone needs to find a new hobby.


I keep my user anonymous very much on purpose.


ETA - I love the MamaJo idea. Nice!

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I bet this happens more often than people realize. I keep my blog and other accounts completely separate from my WTM account. I just want to come here and be anonymous and once I mention one thing on the other, I just feel like I become so much more accessible on the great WWW.


I also think there are plenty of people who do not homeschool who can learn a lot from visiting here (and there is the afterschool board here as well). So not to defend a lurker but maybe she is genuinely interested in what the smart folks have to say on the boards, even if she did get here through questionable means.

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I bet this happens more often than people realize. I keep my blog and other accounts completely separate from my WTM account. I just want to come here and be anonymous and once I mention one thing on the other, I just feel like I become so much more accessible on the great WWW.


I also think there are plenty of people who do not homeschool who can learn a lot from visiting here (and there is the afterschool board here as well). So not to defend a lurker but maybe she is genuinely interested in what the smart folks have to say on the boards, even if she did get here through questionable means.


Onthe bold part - yes, I would definitely agree with you....IF she had kids!!!!! But she doesn't!

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Being the sick person that I am, I'd probably post some really crazy stuff just to get a reaction from her..........:D


:iagree: And implicate her in all teh crazy stuff. Soon enough she will eitehr run for the hills or jump in to defend herself at which time she will face teh wrath of the hive. Sounds like a win-win to me :lol:

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Or you could call her out at the top of the post.


"Susan, I know you know who I am and that you're reading. I'm going to be posting something that I don't want to discuss with you. I don't want it all over town, either. I can't stop you from reading here but if I catch one hint that you've gossiped about me I will be shoveling horse manure onto your front porch and letting the air out of your car tires. If you think you won't be able to restrain yourself, please consider looking away now."


What do you think?




Yes, people really should get a life.

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:iagree: That's a great idea! OR... alternatively, you could come up with something really zany and wild to post that's a total and complete fabrication, and see how long it takes to get back to you. Then you could call her out in person! :D


This would be the fun route.


I do believe you can change your user name. Doesn't hurt to ask.



I've considered it because I have a few people from my past that know my user name.

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Over the past 6 months or so - there have been a few times that I would love to get advice from the Hive on how to handle some crazy out-of-the-norm situations. But......I know there is someone who knows me IRL who lurks around this board (even though she doesn't homeschool and has no reason to be here) and watches to see what I post.


So annoying that people don't have enough to do in their own lives :glare:


Yes, absolutely. You're not alone with this problem. I eventually decided that I was so annoyed I really didn't care what they thought, or who they told what about me. There are some things I won't post here that I'd like to, but on the whole I say it as it is, and would say it to their face, and to those they like to stir trouble with.



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I would be happy to be a MamaJo. ;)

I was thinking about something I was posting the other day because I think it is possible a former friend is stalking me online, but I decided to heck with it! Whatever she thinks is what she thinks!

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Hold on, folks! You can't draft me through the use of tags! :lol:


Seriously, I can't do the MamaJo thing. The very idea stresses me out no end, because I'd feel like I had to live on the internet to represent the advice-seeker properly. Besides, Other People's Problems (or OPPS) tie my stomach up in knots. I'm not placid enough for this position.


I nominate MissMoe, who has expressed some interest in holding the post.


Does anyone second?

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Hold on, folks! You can't draft me through the use of tags! :lol:


Seriously, I can't do the MamaJo thing. The very idea stresses me out no end, because I'd feel like I had to live on the internet to represent the advice-seeker properly. Besides, Other People's Problems (or OPPS) tie my stomach up in knots. I'm not placid enough for this position.


I nominate MissMoe, who has expressed some interest in holding the post.


Does anyone second?


I second! I also volunteer to be the sub when she goes on vacation. I am too nosy not to want to know everyone's dirt :lol:

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Or you could call her out at the top of the post.


"Susan, I know you know who I am and that you're reading. I'm going to be posting something that I don't want to discuss with you. I don't want it all over town, either. I can't stop you from reading here but if I catch one hint that you've gossiped about me I will be shoveling horse manure onto your front porch and letting the air out of your car tires. If you think you won't be able to restrain yourself, please consider looking away now."


What do you think?



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Nomination seconded, motion carried.


"Ask Miss Moe" is officially an institution. Swellmomma is an alternate in case of missmoe's absence (or perhaps if missmoe is the one with the problem!).


It's up to missmoe and Swellmomma to announce the service to the group on the General Board.


Thank you for your service! May you go forth with wisdom, diligence, and (above all) discretion!

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Nomination seconded, motion carried.


"Ask Miss Moe" is officially an institution. Swellmomma is an alternate in case of missmoe's absence (or perhaps if missmoe is the one with the problem!).


It's up to missmoe and Swellmomma to announce the service to the group on the General Board.


Thank you for your service! May you go forth with wisdom, diligence, and (above all) discretion!


Well I made the mistake of logging off I see! Seriously I don't mind passing on messages to the general public. Can't speak for Swellmomma, but I would love for you, Tibbie Dunbar, to make the announcement for me! :D

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Can't you use that ignore thing? Isn't that like blocking someone? Maybe I am wrong I don't know how it works. Couldn't you report her maybe?


I lurked here for maybe 2+ years. (I was avoiding signing up because I thought it would take up too much time. But here I am anyway.) The only thing I couldn't see as an unregistered lurker was certain photographs in threads. But blogs, location, everything else? Yep.


So really I just signed up and because official because I felt creepy know ing so much about everyone here and nobody knew about me.

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On the Sonlight boards of old we had a wonderful feature: Ask MamaJo.


(You SL'ers know who I mean. I miss that gal!!!)


Anyway, anyone could pm her with their story, she would post an Ask MamaJo thread on their behalf, and then everyone could chip in their two cents while the actual user retained her anonymity.


Then the person in question would pm the inevitable clarifications and updates to MamaJo to post for her.


We need such a service because this board is even more public than the old Sonlight boards were.


I miss her too.

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Or you could remove all identifying info in your signature and request a username change. Then don't advertise the new you. You could become completely anonymous again.


Hmmm, not necessarily. Don't want to say anymore 'out in the open' here. :001_smile:

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On the Sonlight boards of old we had a wonderful feature: Ask MamaJo.


(You SL'ers know who I mean. I miss that gal!!!)


Anyway, anyone could pm her with their story, she would post an Ask MamaJo thread on their behalf, and then everyone could chip in their two cents while the actual user retained her anonymity.


Then the person in question would pm the inevitable clarifications and updates to MamaJo to post for her.


We need such a service because this board is even more public than the old Sonlight boards were.


That would be great! I've wished several times there were a way to post anonymous questions here, but be able to get responses from the people we know and respect. Of course, it would totally be a troll attraction, but I do think there are some really legitimate reasons for wanted anonymity.

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