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Did you see these "reviews" of the WTM Forums??

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At some point you have to accept that you are going to disagree with certain posters here about virtually everything they stand for. There are like-minded people and there are polar opposites. That is what I love about it! But at some point (daily, perhaps, for the most sensitive among us :lol:), you have to put on your big girl panties and walk away from a conversation that makes you want to slap people around. :tongue_smilie:

:iagree::D That's quote-worthy right there.

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At some point you have to accept that you are going to disagree with certain posters here about virtually everything they stand for. There are like-minded people and there are polar opposites. That is what I love about it! But at some point (daily, perhaps, for the most sensitive among us :lol:), you have to put on your big girl panties and walk away from a conversation that makes you want to slap people around. :tongue_smilie:


True. But when it comes to things like bigotry, once you've done that over and over and over again, you reach a point where you can't take anymore and you have to say something.

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Well, it just reminds me to stick to my personal rule never to post anything on the internet when I'm feeling upset or angry. I wonder whether, were she to read it again now, might she just not cringe a little.



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May I join your club, please? [/Quote]

The lovely thing is, it's not a club. One of the things I love about this board is that it is a wonderful continuum of beliefs. ;)


I don't get the anger. I don't get the reactionary tone to that post and many of the comments. Look, I've had my challenges on these boards, but only in ways that could reasonably be expected when you pull together such a large group of people who share only one thing (and some not even that)...


I've been around since "the old boards," and I've never seen anything to justify the kind of venom spewed on those pages. It makes me feel equal parts angry at the misrepresentation and so sad for the people who felt wounded enough to write those comments.[/Quote]

I agree. And I've seen some fairly hideous mudslinging over the years, and amazingly uncivil behavior. Injustice makes me angry. Intolerance makes me sad and angry. I'm not seeing that as the overriding theme here, even on the general boards.


My deep, dark secret is that I resigned several years ago from an e-mail group for UU homeschoolers, because the folks on that list were some of the most intolerant people with whom I've ever tried to have a conversation. My experience has been that, for the most part, my heathen-liberal-vegan-pacifist-not-always-WTM-approved self feels much more welcomed and accepted here than among what should be "my people."


I had the same kind of experience on what one would think should be a tolerant, inclusive forum. Nope. I was called a fascist, bent on nothing but furthering the religious, right-wing agenda, on their education forum because we're Classical homeschoolers. At first, I had to :lol: but the slams just continued, got more and more vicious... And so I decided it wasn't worth my sanity. Please note: I did not write a lunatic sounding blog post in response. I just stopped posting/reading there.

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Wow. Some folks got their panties in a wad, eh?



Quite intolerant of others opinions don't ya think? I think they have forgotten that we are all entitled to one and most everyone has a different one. I don't get bent out of shape when someone disagrees with me, especially on the Internet.

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The Smrt Mama post was in response to a particular egregious thread on the general forum, in which a lot of self-righteous victim-blaming was applied to rape and sexual harassment. I think there was some anti-gay stuff going on at about the same time as well, and it got to be too much for her all at once.


GAH!!!!! I don't remember that post....but hope it was deleted! JEESH.....a thread like that would not sit well with me ....and I don't think it would sit well with most people here.


In general, I find, even when we have heated arguments about shopping carts or dress length.....we respect the poster...but can argue our point without getting our bloomers in a twist. If not, we can always just read something else. There is always lots to choose from!



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At first, I had to :lol: but the slams just continued, got more and more vicious... And so I decided it wasn't worth my sanity. Please note: I did not write a lunatic sounding blog post in response. I just stopped posting/reading there.


Exactly. When I left the group I mentioned, I sent a private note to the list owner, letting her know I was taking a break and wished her the best. (She is someone I had met in person and knew casually.) I was invited back any time, but I've never felt the need to return. The group just wasn't for me, and I walked away.

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Yeah thank god I don't believe anything. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, we all believe in something:D.


But, that doesn't mean we can't love each other. My hippie self walks in love.....not judgement.


I think I really try to stay FAR away from the religious posts. They do not represent what I believe......but, I also believe people have a right to believe what they believe and reject what they wish to reject.....everyone...not just Heathens, Feminists, Christian conservatives, Gays, etc.


I firmly believe in freedom of thought, freedom of religion and freedom of the press (Internet). Spouting hate....is spouting hate, no matter who is doing the spouting.


Stating your opinion on your own blog.....well, that is also your own freedom. I may not agree with SmrtMamma's post, but I do not have a problem with her writing it....and I send :grouphug: that she had such a bad experience here amongst people I consider mostly open minded, loving, caring, educated and fair in their dealings with each other.




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I believe there are bigots in every belief system.




My mother in law is politically conservative and a fundamentalist Christian who is a racist. I lean conservative and am not so much a fundamentalist Christian who is about as far from a racist as you can get. My mother was a fundamentalist Christian who was politically liberal but was a racist. Both of these women had said that if their children married a person from another race they would disown them and said degrading words about other races. Our children are taught that all people are what they are inside and not the outside. My mother is dead now and we limited contact and we limit their contact with my MIL because of the racist talk. We just don't tolerate it.


The older I get the less I am one thing or another. I'm just a person who likes being around people different from myself because I learn from them and they are interesting.

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Oh, we all believe in something:D.


But, that doesn't mean we can't love each other. My hippie self walks in love.....not judgement.


I think I really try to stay FAR away from the religious posts. They do not represent what I believe......but, I also believe people have a right to believe what they believe and reject what they wish to reject.....everyone...not just Heathens, Feminists, Christian conservatives, Gays, etc.


I firmly believe in freedom of thought, freedom of religion and freedom of the press (Internet). Spouting hate....is spouting hate, no matter who is doing the spouting.


Stating your opinion on your own blog.....well, that is also your own freedom. I may not agree with SmrtMamma's post, but I do not have a problem with her writing it....and I send :grouphug: that she had such a bad experience here amongst people I consider mostly open minded, loving, caring, educated and fair in their dealings with each other.





Other than not being a hippie... I agree with you 100%. I read the blog and shrugged. I've read the urban dictionary long ago.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion as far as I'm concerned and I LIKE that this board has varying opinions on it. It helps me look at everything, then I can learn something new, keep or modify my thoughts as I want.


But if there are folks who can't stand when others post opinions 180 degrees opposite of theirs, then by all means, leave if it's that upsetting to you. It's a personal choice. (I think the board overall is worse off when people leave, but if it's affecting someone's life/mental well-being, etc, then it's probably better.)

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I've been a member here for several years now. Over the course of that time, I've made no secret of the fact that I was raised Jewish, homeschool secularly, and am personally agnostic leaning toward atheist. And that I am pro-choice, anti-spanking, and support gay rights. And that I homeschool in a very relaxed eclectic manner rather than in the classical/WTM way.


And yet, for the most part, I've made nothing but friends here (even a couple that I exchange private emails and texts with are Christian and still great friends despite our inherent differences in beliefs and lifestyle). And, for the most part, I've seen nothing but accepting posts here. Okay have I seen a few where people did make anti-inclusive, anti-gay, pro-Pearl type comments that really put me off? Sure. But honestly those have been way more few and far between than all the friendly, welcoming, inclusive, accepting posts where people who might never be great friends in real life can still chat about the things we do have in common (parenting, homeschooling) in a friendly, adult way. And can still joke around with each other. And can still celebrate many of our differences rather than hating them.


And I've found plenty of like-minded people, too, not just people nothing like me who accept me anyway. We're a more diverse group and a more inclusive group than we are given credit for, apparently!


I don't know what thread SmrtLrnin's (sp?) post was referring to. I didn't realize she ever left and wrote a post like that. I liked her. The other one I've seen before and laughed off.


But in my experience, as a whole, and speaking as someone who spends most of her time on the general board and should be one of those hated and different outsiders, it's just not like that here. And the ones that are "like that" are easy enough to disassociate yourself with.


Just my two cents!


(Now, did any of you NOT know that stuff about me and want to commence hating me now?) :lol:

Edited by NanceXToo
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Wow, interesting. I've seen the urban dictionary one before, but the first... and I was here during that time but I don't remember the thread.

:iagree:I don't either. All I can think is "I hope I didn't post something offensive enough to cause that kind of hatred."

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Haven't we all been there? Haven't we all been so incredibly riled up and offended by a thread? But then we act like adults, put down the mouse, walk away, make a cup of tea, take a walk...


I saw her post shortly after it was written and I was disgusted, partially because we were all lumped together, partially because of the excessive vitriol, partially because this was not her first time posting on these forums and then turning around and bashing us on her blog. Bow out, by all means. If this forum is not for you and provokes such venom, just bow out. Obviously, she did but for me it was too late for her to keep any respect I ever had for her.


At some point you have to accept that you are going to disagree with certain posters here about virtually everything they stand for. There are like-minded people and there are polar opposites. That is what I love about it! But at some point (daily, perhaps, for the most sensitive among us :lol:), you have to put on your big girl panties and walk away from a conversation that makes you want to slap people around. :tongue_smilie:




I have been here for 9 years and I have had threads where people gave me loads of support and I have had threads where I was absolutely slammed.


I am pretty conservative both politically and religiously and there have been times where I felt like the majority and there have been times where I felt like I was one of the few left here. It happens or will happen to all of us.


Her post was over the top and honestly made her seem very childish.



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But honestly those have been way more few and far between than all the friendly, welcoming, inclusive, accepting posts where people who might never be great friends in real life can still chat about the things we do have in common (parenting, homeschooling) in a friendly, adult way. And can still joke around with each other. And can still celebrate many of our differences rather than hating them.


And I've found plenty of like-minded people, too, not just people nothing like me who accept me anyway. We're a more diverse group and a more inclusive group than we are given credit for, apparently!




What I also like is that I can count on the Hive for answers.


When I wanted links to help youngest learn about a potential future in the Congo - I found it here.


When I wanted recipe suggestions for beef brisket - I found it here (and I've gleaned many other recipes too).


When I needed assistance and support understanding new medical issues arising - I found it here.


And these are just a few (non-homeschooling) examples.


It doesn't matter what people believe (far one end to far the other on any issue). There are plenty of people who have been there, done that who are willing to share in order to help each other when in need or just plain wanting something. We all benefit.


Then there are the humor-in-real-life posts (Crazy Dinner Lady and Crazy Stroller Lady come to mind) and countless funnies or jokes or cute videos, etc. Laughter is the best medicine and I'm thankful for those who share.


I'm about to end homeschooling very soon. I'm not sure I'm willing to give up my time on this forum...

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The problem with tolerance is that is goes both ways.


It's very easy for us to ask for our beliefs to be tolerated (even accepted and endorsed), but much more difficult to offer the same in return. THe true test of tolerance does not come from those who disagree a little bit, but share a good deal of common ground, but rather from those who's views are in direct contrast to ours.


WHile there will always be others who don't agree with me, I have not run into any problems of acceptance here like those mentioned in the reviews. In general, I have found the board to be rather inclusive. I have been pretty much called out as a troll for questioning some religious stuff, but you know, whatever. If asking my questions makes me a trouble maker, so be it. Walk on by if it bothers you. I have never been intentionally disrespectful and have not been openly disrespected. That's all I can ask.


The last homeschooling board I joined stated in the TOS that religious content would not be tolerated. Any post I made which mentioned my religion was deleted. My introduction post which simply stated that we were a Buddhist family disappeared. Yet, almost every siggie and post made obvious reference to Christianity.


Apparently, religious content was ok, just not MY religion. I was never contacted about my posts. I enquired about the discrepancy, but received no response. I left quietly.

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What I also like is that I can count on the Hive for answers.


When I wanted links to help youngest learn about a potential future in the Congo - I found it here.


When I wanted recipe suggestions for beef brisket - I found it here (and I've gleaned many other recipes too).


When I needed assistance and support understanding new medical issues arising - I found it here.


And these are just a few (non-homeschooling) examples.


It doesn't matter what people believe (far one end to far the other on any issue). There are plenty of people who have been there, done that who are willing to share in order to help each other when in need or just plain wanting something. We all benefit.


Then there are the humor-in-real-life posts (Crazy Dinner Lady and Crazy Stroller Lady come to mind) and countless funnies or jokes or cute videos, etc. Laughter is the best medicine and I'm thankful for those who share.


I'm about to end homeschooling very soon. I'm not sure I'm willing to give up my time on this forum...


:iagree: I can always find answers, support, advice, encouragement, ideas, and humor here, whether related to homeschooling or not!

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Doesn't it seem that this all just boils down to having manners toward each other? "Treat others as you would want to be treated?" I think I read that somewhere... ;)

But seriously, I have not had any trouble. (Not that I have been here very long.) I have seen things get heated up, but like some of the above posts said, I just choose to not get involved. And I think the majority on here behave the same way. We are all different, but that's where some great ideas come from! And we all have the love of teaching our kids at the forefront. I would think that is a basis of a deeper connection immediately than a forum that likes to talk only about, say, Chevy car parts.

But as long as we can remain mannerly, I think the forum will be alive and well for years to come! At least I hope so, or else I am sunk on support in this adventure!!! :grouphug:

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I remember the thread and found it had all kinds of hate, ugly, mean and nasty. I actually found her blog post last week as I was trying to find wtm on my phone, I read it and remember exactly why she felt that way. IIRC it wasn't about religion, it was more about blaming a victim for a crime. It turned ugly and there were all kinds of lines in the sand drawn.


I do think before we judge her "judgment" it would be wise to read the thread that caused it all. I'm not going to look at it or link it, it was an emotional read and I don't have the mental fortitude to sludge through it again.

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It bothers me when anyone tries to paint this board with a broad brush too. There are a lot of us liberal types here. And one of the things I appreciate most about this board is that the religious homeschoolers are not a single bloc - there are Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical Protestants here - there are YEC and OEC posters - there are people on the Christian left and the Christian right - not to mention plenty of Jews, Muslims, and even Hindus and Pagans. And the thing they all have in common is wanting to teach their children to think critically. I don't always agree with many people here and surely some are close minded bigots... but that's not the majority here by a long shot.



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Sorry. I only read what was posted. She just seemed really super angry. I judged it off of that. I won't be reading the other stuff, though. Sounds like discouraging things, anyway. And I need as much happiness in my life as I can get! :)


Well, angry, yes, but I felt a deep hurt underlying her very strong words and I think that's very sad.


Sometimes people arrive on these boards with a chip on their shoulder; in those cases I am not surprised when they leave in a huff, sort of the same way they came in. But if someone comes in here and just takes a beating... I feel bad about that. I have seen very hot topics discussed with true civility here. But I've seen many more threads go south. I didn't read the one in question. But I can guess which sort of thread it was...


I do also think that a lot of times people want to have their positions aired and tolerated, but then refuse to honor that same thing for those with diametrically opposed views. When participating here, one must truly determine not to take things as a personal attack. By the same token, we all stand challenged as writers to frame our statements in such a way that we express our sentiments without hurting others. That can be tricky, can't it?

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I remember the thread and found it had all kinds of hate, ugly, mean and nasty. I actually found her blog post last week as I was trying to find wtm on my phone, I read it and remember exactly why she felt that way. IIRC it wasn't about religion, it was more about blaming a victim for a crime. It turned ugly and there were all kinds of lines in the sand drawn.


I do think before we judge her "judgment" it would be wise to read the thread that caused it all. I'm not going to look at it or link it, it was an emotional read and I don't have the mental fortitude to sludge through it again.



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By the same token, we all stand challenged as writers to frame our statements in such a way that we express our sentiments without hurting others. That can be tricky, can't it?


I have been making comments about a person I don't know, and about a thread I haven't (and won't) read. I feel bad about it.

There is a Proverb that says, "In the abundance of words there does not fail to be transgression...." :leaving: Sorry to anyone if my choice of words did more damage than good. On that note, I need to start being quiet and start teaching my kids today. I think I have done more than enough damage for one day! :p Ya'll have a good one!

Edited by kalliemorgan
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Me too. Please pm.


I know that there have been threads that have gotten ugly. However, I really enjoy the board and the diversity of ideas/thoughts. It really has helped me think through some things in ways I wouldn't have. Sometimes I am shocked at how narrow minded or entrenched I have become in my own way of thinking. For me, that is the beauty of this board, being challenged to stretch and grow.

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I remember the thread and found it had all kinds of hate, ugly, mean and nasty. I actually found her blog post last week as I was trying to find wtm on my phone, I read it and remember exactly why she felt that way. IIRC it wasn't about religion, it was more about blaming a victim for a crime. It turned ugly and there were all kinds of lines in the sand drawn.


I do think before we judge her "judgment" it would be wise to read the thread that caused it all. I'm not going to look at it or link it, it was an emotional read and I don't have the mental fortitude to sludge through it again.

But my problem with it is that she lumps us ALL into the same category even when most posters here disagree with the hateful things said in that thread.

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I remember the thread and found it had all kinds of hate, ugly, mean and nasty. I actually found her blog post last week as I was trying to find wtm on my phone, I read it and remember exactly why she felt that way. IIRC it wasn't about religion, it was more about blaming a victim for a crime. It turned ugly and there were all kinds of lines in the sand drawn.


I do think before we judge her "judgment" it would be wise to read the thread that caused it all. I'm not going to look at it or link it, it was an emotional read and I don't have the mental fortitude to sludge through it again.


I remember the thread too. But it was not the only thread on the board that day. And what percentage of posters here took part in it?


I understand how and why she got so angry. I just wish she would have taken time to calm down and take her blinders off before writing her blog post in such a way that lumped together the innocent with all those with whom she disagreed. Yes, she had the right to say all those things about the forums, and I respect that right. But we also have the right to be offended by it. Honestly, if she wanted to, she could have edited it or taken it down by now if she felt her words had come out wrong, if she recognized that she had painted with too broad a brush. But she hasn't. In some of her other posts in which she bashed us on her blog, she wrote about being frustrated by a specific thread or topic here (although I didn't have much respect for that either, honestly...I mean, just calm down and state your case here, for Pete's sake...). She should have done the same in this case.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Don't click if you don't want to read it. It's ugly. I don't blame the blogger in question for being angry. I was too. But she did seem to have a huge chip on her shoulder, which can be seen if you read more of her blog (particularly some her Secular Thursday posts, which bothered even me, and I'm an atheist).


I agree with the disappointment and irritation over the broad brush. There are plenty of posts here that annoy me, from both ends of the political/social spectrum. I just keep on walking, just like I do in real life. Some people just can't, I guess.

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:iagree: I can always find answers, support, advice, encouragement, ideas, and humor here, whether related to homeschooling or not!


:iagree::iagree: Hence my crock pot questions this morning :D


and my housekeeping query this weekend.....:D


Oh, and I still need a lit based independent history program with notebook pages....and no other subjects included....any ideas???



Oh, sorry...I went off topius.


I love you guys!!!! :grouphug:

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Oh, and I still need a lit based independent history program with notebook pages....and no other subjects included....any ideas???


Hey, maybe this could be the new alternative to kilts?! :w00t:


OK, no, probably not...

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Don't click if you don't want to read it. It's ugly. I don't blame the blogger in question for being angry. I was too. But she did seem to have a huge chip on her shoulder, which can be seen if you read more of her blog (particularly some her Secular Thursday posts, which bothered even me, and I'm an atheist).


I agree with the disappointment and irritation over the broad brush. There are plenty of posts here that annoy me, from both ends of the political/social spectrum. I just keep on walking, just like I do in real life. Some people just can't, I guess.

It can be seen if you just read her posts to the General Board. She never seemed to come in looking for a fight, but often times she ended up leaving angry.

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I was curious and searched for the thread and read it last night. The thing is, MOST, in fact the vast majority of posters in that thread agreed with Smrtmama. There were a few statements that were shocking- but most countered the shocking and said (I thought in a remarkably civil way considering the volatile subject matter) that those shocking statements were WRONG. Many provided very solid arguments and may have made people rethink some things.


I see why she was upset- BUT I think she was so blinded by a few posters that she couldn't see that most people agreed with her. I certainly agree with her.

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Haven't we all been there? Haven't we all been so incredibly riled up and offended by a thread? But then we act like adults, put down the mouse, walk away, make a cup of tea, take a walk...


I saw her post shortly after it was written and I was disgusted, partially because we were all lumped together, partially because of the excessive vitriol, partially because this was not her first time posting on these forums and then turning around and bashing us on her blog. Bow out, by all means. If this forum is not for you and provokes such venom, just bow out. Obviously, she did but for me it was too late for her to keep any respect I ever had for her.


At some point you have to accept that you are going to disagree with certain posters here about virtually everything they stand for. There are like-minded people and there are polar opposites. That is what I love about it! But at some point (daily, perhaps, for the most sensitive among us :lol:), you have to put on your big girl panties and walk away from a conversation that makes you want to slap people around. :tongue_smilie:


I agree. The really crazy thing is, I found her blog post to be as bigoted as the bigotry she was railing about. I felt physically ill after reading it. So, whose bigotry gets to be right, kwim?

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Seriously thought WTM was the liberal non-religious board. :001_huh: I must not read the right posts.


It bothers me when anyone tries to paint this board with a broad brush too. There are a lot of us liberal types here. And one of the things I appreciate most about this board is that the religious homeschoolers are not a single bloc - there are Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical Protestants here - there are YEC and OEC posters - there are people on the Christian left and the Christian right - not to mention plenty of Jews, Muslims, and even Hindus and Pagans. And the thing they all have in common is wanting to teach their children to think critically. I don't always agree with many people here and surely some are close minded bigots... but that's not the majority here by a long shot.


Wow, I really do miss all the good stuff. Whoever said they're not reading the right threads.... right there with ya, sister! ;)


Interestingly, I joined this board for two main reasons. First, the terrific wealth of knowledge and terrific curricula suggestions. (Maybe that's two, but I'm counting it as one.) And second... I wanted a board that wasn't based on religion, that was more broad based, and where people value academics.


I am Christian, but homeschool in at least a somewhat secular manner, and we're not homeschooling *for* religious reasons. Anyway, the WTM boards that woman describes are just NOT the WTM boards I've grown to know and love. Strange.




I'm off to read the thread in question, but what comes across in that blog post is someone not in control of their own emotions.

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I was curious and searched for the thread and read it last night. The thing is' date=' MOST, in fact the vast majority of posters in that thread agreed with Smrtmama. There were a few statements that were shocking- but most countered the shocking and said (I thought in a remarkably civil way considering the volatile subject matter) that those shocking statements were WRONG. Many provided very solid arguments and may have made people rethink some things.


I see why she was upset- BUT I think she was so blinded by a few posters that she couldn't see that most people agreed with her. I certainly agree with her.[/quote']




I think it was her blog where I once read that she likes to see the different searches that bring people to her blog. Although her blog is no longer active, I wonder if she'll see this. Who knows. Maybe she still lurks to get her blood pumping every day. :lol: At any rate, it's too small a world to think someone isn't going to e-mail her and direct her to this thread.


I agree. The really crazy thing is, I found her blog post to be as bigoted as the bigotry she was railing about. I felt physically ill after reading it. So, whose bigotry gets to be right, kwim?


I thought the same thing. She was basically accusing WTM forum members of acting holier than thou while she was acting...I don't know...unholier than thou?

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I was curious and searched for the thread and read it last night. The thing is' date=' MOST, in fact the vast majority of posters in that thread agreed with Smrtmama. There were a few statements that were shocking- but most countered the shocking and said (I thought in a remarkably civil way considering the volatile subject matter) that those shocking statements were WRONG. Many provided very solid arguments and may have made people rethink some things.


I see why she was upset- BUT I think she was so blinded by a few posters that she couldn't see that most people agreed with her. I certainly agree with her.[/quote']


:iagree: The thread wasn't all that bad. The vast majority of the people pointed out that the OP had been misguided.


Those types of threads are my favorite. It goes like this: Someone posts something that is off kilter. The other WTMers chime in and (usually respectfully) provide information that provides a more reasonable way of thought.


Those sorts of threads aren't something to become angry over. Those sorts of threads broaden minds.


I've been changed by many of the threads I've read. Since I've joined WTM, I've become more compassionate and slow to judge people, and I've learned that there's always more to the story than you first think there is.

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:iagree: The thread wasn't all that bad. The vast majority of the people pointed out that the OP had been misguided.


Those types of threads are my favorite. It goes like this: Someone posts something that is off kilter. The other WTMers chime in and (usually respectfully) provide information that provides a more reasonable way of thought.


Those sorts of threads aren't something to become angry over. Those sorts of threads broaden minds.


I've been changed by many of the threads I've read. Since I've joined WTM, I've become more compassionate and slow to judge people, and I've learned that there's always more to the story than you first think there is.


Regarding the bolded... Boy, isn't that the truth?!!


I agree with all that you said above.

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Someone posted later in the thread that they just visited her blog and loved her post. It appears that Patchfire referred her to a thread that she knew would ruffle her feathers (why? seriously, why? :confused:), then she came here and read the beginning of the thread, got infuriated and self-righteous right off the bat, started working on her super-duper hate-filled post and lost track of the thread in which the vast majority of people agreed with her. :huh:


I think it was her blog where I once read that she likes to see the different searches that bring people to her blog. Although her blog is no longer active, I wonder if she'll see this. Who knows. Maybe she still lurks to get her blood pumping every day. :lol: At any rate, it's too small a world to think someone isn't going to e-mail her and direct her to this thread.


I thought the same thing. She was basically accusing WTM forum members of acting holier than thou while she was acting...I don't know...unholier than thou?


:iagree: The thread wasn't all that bad. The vast majority of the people pointed out that the OP had been misguided.




I've now read the thread. I don't see a problem AT ALL that would reflect on the boards as a whole or even close to a majority. I've been a victim of rape and have very close family members and friends who have been raped and/or molested. I just don't see any need at all for outrage on that thread.

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Don't click if you don't want to read it. It's ugly. I don't blame the blogger in question for being angry. I was too. But she did seem to have a huge chip on her shoulder, which can be seen if you read more of her blog (particularly some her Secular Thursday posts, which bothered even me, and I'm an atheist).


I agree with the disappointment and irritation over the broad brush. There are plenty of posts here that annoy me, from both ends of the political/social spectrum. I just keep on walking, just like I do in real life. Some people just can't, I guess.

Oops. Sorry folks. I had the wrong thread. The one I linked to a couple people was very similar. Sorry.

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I am really sad right now.


I shouldn't care, but I do.


There are some very good people here, and I feel sad she is in pain, and I feel sad there is so much anger 'out there' and here.


Most of us are just talking about hsing and trying to connect a little. Even when we help folks try to figure out what to make for dinner after a long day :) It's just so much chit chat.


Sure there are bigots. There are bigots everywhere, but when you come here with questions about hsing, you get answers. All kinds of answers-- some I don't like-- but there are so many gems.


Even SWB has said there is no one program that will work for all children. She allows discussion about all sorts of programming here. It's not just a big advert for PHP.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I was curious and searched for the thread and read it last night. The thing is' date=' MOST, in fact the vast majority of posters in that thread agreed with Smrtmama. There were a few statements that were shocking- but most countered the shocking and said (I thought in a remarkably civil way considering the volatile subject matter) that those shocking statements were WRONG. Many provided very solid arguments and may have made people rethink some things.


I see why she was upset- BUT I think she was so blinded by a few posters that she couldn't see that most people agreed with her. I certainly agree with her.[/quote']



Now that I think about it, I am not sure it was the victimology thread that was linked that made her snap. My guess is the Black Swan thread. She didn't participate much as far as I could tell, but summed up her feelings about board members in one broad statement, then left the conversation.

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