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What are you most excited about for next year?

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There is so much! I feel like next year is a well planned year since it is the first in a while without a new baby or a move:) We are starting with MFW and are very excited about that! We are also taking a new approach to grammar (we'll do a trial run over the summer) and I am very excited about that! Every new year is exciting to me, though!

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I started Queen's LLLOs this past month and it is perfectly sweet for my 4yo so I'm tempted to pick up LLVY for my 6yo. I'm trying to resist, though.


As for what I'm excited about for next year .. um .. I think I'm just excited to try out LBC again this year.


I see you are starting in just one month?! That makes me want to start in a month. :lol:

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I am so excited to officially start dds K year! We started last year when she was 4 and it only lasted from Sept.-Nov. due to crazy circumstances. Since she was only four we decided to start officially this year at 5. I only schooled for a short time but I already learned a lot of lessons I will put into use this year. I can't wait!


Plus we will have our newborn boy by then. Can't wait!

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Next year will be our 3rd year homeschooling. I'm excited to move into MFW's CtG and AHL, and I'm excited that we are set with a math and grammar that works and we like, and i'm pleased with the lapbooking that we found to go along with our studies next year.


But honestly, I'm most excited that I feel like we are finally finding our groove with homeschooling. We didn't start at the "beginning", my kids were schooled for the first few years, so that was hard. The first year was difficult to find what curriculum works for our family. This year was better, as we found the core program we like.


The real challenge was figuring out how to get it all done: the school, the housework, the shopping, the extra-curriculars. I think that will be a struggle as long as I have kids living at home, but i'm more relaxed about it. I'm finding my mindset as a homeschool mom settle in, and that feels pretty good. :)

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We school from January to December, but we school heavy through the summer and I always switch things up then.


New programs I am most excited about... (Hm. Just realized two are art programs. :001_huh:)

Simply Charlotte Mason picture study (will start in the fall)

Handle on the Arts Time Traveler (will use daily through summer, with review through fall)

First Form Latin


I haven't bought yet, but I am planning on getting Hands on Equations for this fall and am very excited about it.


More than anything, we are revisiting our physics program and we are going to finish it once and for all!! :hurray:

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Omnibus! I've been waiting to do it since I read about it in a VP catalog way back when my oldest was just starting out, and now my oldest 2 are finally old enough :D.


My younger 3 will be doing VP self-paced history, and I look forward to that. I plan on adding some hands on for them, and I think they'll have fun.


The older 4 boys and I are all going to read through the Narnia series next year, too, using Omnibus and the VP lit guide. That should be fun.


My youngest will be a full-fledged reader by then, so it will be nice to not have to teach anyone to read for a change.

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I'm excited to hopefully do Sonlight for an entire year. We tried it for the first twelve weeks of this year, switched to something else, then came back. Next year I am looking forward to just going straight through with it.

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I'm extremely (too?) excited about the possibility of homeschooling all of my children next year. I've decided to wait a while and see if this enthusiasm lasts before making any decisions.


In terms of an actual subject/ curriculum, I'm excited that my oldest actually asked me to teach him French. :)

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I am most excited about the fact that this will be our second year and it is no longer uncharted territory for me. It is a relief to know what to expect and that we can make this work. I love the freedom that homeschooling has given our family and that I no longer have to justify our reason for homeschooling to the grandparents or close friends.

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We are doing a second year of kindergarten, and I'm really excited that I feel we're on track with the reading/writing/math stuff and so we can concentrate on the extras. I was overly worried, I think, about the core subjects so this year we've just been fiddling with all those and finding a groove we like. I think we've found it!


So next year we're just going to keep puttering along in the core subjects, and we're going to really concentrate on science (BFSU and Science Fusion), history (Elemental History's Adventures in America), geography, art, and music.

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This July will be my first homeschooling experience. I've been afterschooling for 2 years but now I'll be on my own! I'm excited to try everything! I am also nervous to be responsible for everything ;).


I guess I am most excited about MCT and TOG. I've used many of the other curriculum (in my plan) over the past 2 years, but that will be new to us. Hoping I've chosen the right level!

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After pulling my from PS son half way through this school year, I'm looking forward to having an entire year with him to work through a curriculum at a normal pace and not feeling like we're constantly trying to undo the damage done the first half of this year.

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We'll be starting our 4th yr of HS in July...can't believe it!


My son was jumping on his bed with excitement over our new CKE Earth and Space book. He asked if we could start during our summer break. :001_smile:

I am most excited to plan some field trips to local caves and hope to make it to Mammoth Cave as well.


I'm also looking forward to (finally) starting SOTW 1 and plan field trips to correspond. A local museum has a replica of the Rosetta Stone and other artifacts that will tie in nicely to our studies.


I'm also thrilled to dig into some of our read-alouds! Got great deals on used books last month...our shelves are stocked with lots of good reading material.


My preK daughter has started to read a few words, and I am excited to see her progress in learning to read. So much fun! I printed out 1+1+1=1's "You Can Read" material to use with her. I would love to use AAR's Pre-level 1 program but it's not in the budget at this time.


Love reading all the replies. :001_smile:

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I'm excited about our literature plan (I've spent going on two months putting it together now - based on AO, HUFI and various others), everything else is still kind of up in the air, but I am looking forward to doing MCT Island, though it may be later in the year, rather than sooner. Ariel is looking forward to doing WP's equine science. I'm also excited about starting Latin. I really liked studying the language, so I'm looking forward to picking it up again.

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Peterson Directed Handwriting (after much research I settled on this approach and I am very excited about it)


Story of the World


Science Experiments (right now particularly psyched about magnets and electricity)


Maybe BFSU -- ordered book but it hasn't arrived yet--I'll have a better feel after I get the book


Continuing to read a million books from our excellent local libraries. (we are blessed with our local libraries)

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Let's see...almost everything!


I'm most excited about moving away from history driving our literature and writing. We will still follow a 4 year cycle, but history won't come at the expense of science, art and music studies. Next on the list would be approaching language arts through an applied and integrated method...no more separate program for grammar, spelling, vocab, comprehension, reading, and writing. Our language arts studies will come together through rigorous Latin studies, a focus on quality literature, and daily composition practice. Along with these two changes also comes the added benefit of being able to have enough time to focus more attention on my 1st grader and my preK'er next year.


As for specific programs...PAL from IEW, Visual Latin, Lively Latin, Windows to the World and Teaching the Classics, Irasshai Japanese, a study of the Earth's biomes that I'm designing myself, and working through VideoText Algebra I and II with my oldest.


Fun thread!

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Oh, and I am super excited to make new reading lists for my 2nd and 4th graders. I had a blast pulling together lists from the 1000 Good Books, ambleside, etc - and getting books from the library this year. I'm excited to clear it out and start again. :)

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I'm most excited about moving away from history driving our literature and writing. We will still follow a 4 year cycle, but history won't come at the expense of science, art and music studies. Next on the list would be approaching language arts through an applied and integrated method



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I loved using those with our youngest, they are lovely aren't they?

I am really looking forward to using Notgrass for 6th and 11th.

I picked it up for a song at a CBD warehouse sale, I had always wanted to use it but it was too expensive and now I own the whole series!!

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Let's see.. What am I not excited about? :D


I'm excited about


  • Going deeper into Charlotte Mason methodology
  • Having Ambleside Schools videos and resources at my fingertips
  • Having dd4 back home with me next year, after having been a year at VPK 3 hours a day
  • Starting Kindergarten with dd :)
  • Using Peak With Books after 4 years again
  • History Odyssey Level 1, done CM style
  • Artistic Pursuits K-3
  • SOTW again - this time Volume 3, Early Modern
  • BFSU again - both 3-5 as well as K-2 for dd
  • Handcrafts - sewing first term

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What I'm most excited about is our schedule. We're going to try a modified block schedule. Math and Foreign language will be done every day all year, but other classes will be done 2 hours/day for one semester. We are all looking forward to having fewer classes per day and digging into each one deeply.


Please note, my kids will be in 8th & 10th grade. This isn't a plan I would suggest for elementary age kids :).

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There is so much! I feel like next year is a well planned year since it is the first in a while without a new baby or a move:) We are starting with MFW and are very excited about that! We are also taking a new approach to grammar (we'll do a trial run over the summer) and I am very excited about that! Every new year is exciting to me, though!


This is me too. This is the first year that I haven't been pg or have a newborn. I think it's funny our dc are the sames ages :D. My 3yo is becoming less distracting and more interested. The baby will be tough during school but the big boys can take turns entertaining him.


I'm excited for another year of Sonlight. DS8 is scheduled to read Misty of Chincoteague which was one of my favorite books growing up. I'm also excited to continue with WWE. I'm seeing great progress in his writing. DS6 is looking forward to tagging along on PL. He loves Latin. Overall, it's going to be another good year.

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What is BFSU? I couldn't find it in the abbreviations sticky.


I'm not sure why I'm not excited about much for next year. I guess its b/c I've decided on curriculum that will lay the foundation for the following year which I am more excited about but won't start until 2013-2014.


What makes us excited anyway? I think its the fact that I will also be learning something of interest to me. Studying Ancient History in 2 years will fit that bill b/c I don't know a lot about the Ancients. If you are wondering next year we will be doing a Countries & Cultures study.

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Let's see...almost everything!


I'm most excited about moving away from history driving our literature and writing. We will still follow a 4 year cycle, but history won't come at the expense of science, art and music studies. Next on the list would be approaching language arts through an applied and integrated method...no more separate program for grammar, spelling, vocab, comprehension, reading, and writing. Our language arts studies will come together through rigorous Latin studies, a focus on quality literature, and daily composition practice. Along with these two changes also comes the added benefit of being able to have enough time to focus more attention on my 1st grader and my preK'er next year.


As for specific programs...PAL from IEW, Visual Latin, Lively Latin, Windows to the World and Teaching the Classics, Irasshai Japanese, a study of the Earth's biomes that I'm designing myself, and working through VideoText Algebra I and II with my oldest.


Fun thread!



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Hi OhmomJacquie! Nice to see you here.


I am excited to hit the logic stage and start to switch things up after 4 years of just moving up to the next level.


Curriculum wise I am most excited about Memoria Press 5th grade science. In particular we have been excited about starting the bird study. I am not sure we will be able to wait until Aug. for that. I picked up one of the books for it yesterday and we have all been bird watching a lot more lately. But I also think having the T.M's after doing WTM science on my own for 4 yrs will be nice though I will still be doing grammar stage work w/my younger from WTM recs. But that will be not so all consuming because I have done it before and know what I have and like to do with it.


I am also excited about Memoria Press' Christian Studies. We haven't used a very formal Bible study for the past year, besides different small things here and there, and dd7 asked for more. I just like MP products so much. I have high hopes for it.


And I am looking forward to teaching Memoria Press First Form Latin in co-op. I had a really good time doing LCI with the group.


And I am happy about getting back to SOTW 1with my younger and ancients in general. I was going through our bookshelves yesterday finding all of the good picture books from the first time through it and the more grown up ones I have picked up over the years getting ready for logic ancients. Lots of good stuff there.


And I am REALLY excited about CHOLL logic ancients for my older. I can't wait to print that baby out and hand it to her, no planning from me.


So no planning on Bible, Science, and 5th Grade Lit since I will have programs for these is hopefully going to ease some of my work! YAY.

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I'm excited that my boys will be back home with me, after enrolling them in a private Christian school this past January (we ALL want to be back home!!!) and doing Preparing Hearts for His Glory thru Heart of Dakota!!! We did LHFHG, Beyond and Bigger and am so excited to get back to the heart of why we choose to homeschool in the first place!!!

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