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What do you think of Mediums and/or the TV Show "Long Isl. Medium"

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I'm just curious what others think about what is depicted in the TV show "Long Island Medium." Do you believe in this? Have you ever experienced a reading or something similar?


Sidebar: The Medium cracks me up! If I ever stumble across a Medium who has something to say from my sister or daughter or both, I hope it's Theresa Caputo. :D

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As a Christian I believe the spirit world is very real. I believe some people access something. Wether or not it is the actual person/"ghost" I have no idea. I also believe that not all people claiming to have this power actually do. I would guess more are fakes/good body language readers than actual "mediums." Personally, I would not believe any "message" offered to me, because no one I know that is dead would want to contact me (like that.)


ETA: I have never seen the show you are referring to, so I can't say if I think she's a fake or the real, scary deal.

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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My sister has worked as a paid psychic/medium. I do think there are times when she has more information about someone than is just good guessing, but she has also been wrong soooo many times. LOL


I used to let her do readings for me, but I don't anymore.


What I have came to realize is that while yes, I do believe that sometimes messages are passed through....it is not on the mediums command and I think that sometimes psychic/mediums get an overinflated ego and start filling in the blanks with what ever general ideas come to mind or hunches they get. I don't think patrons want to go to a psychic/medium and pay to get "hmmm, nothing is coming through about you this time" so it is filled in with things that the psychic/medium feels strongly about for you.My sister and one of her other friends (a well-regarded, well-known in our area paid psychic) both insist that I have the 'gift' and should be doing readings. LOL I laugh, because you would think if I was getting messages from the otherside...I would be the first to know...not them. :lol:


My sister believes that all of her messages are 100% from divine intervention/the other side. She and her friend, are absolutely honest about where they think they get their messages from....I just have my own opinion.

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As a Christian I believe the spirit world is very real. I believe some people access something. Wether or not it is the actual person/"ghost" I have no idea. I also believe that not all people claiming to have this power actually do. I would guess more are fakes/good body language readers than actual "mediums." Personally, I would not believe any "message" offered to me, because no one I know that is dead would want to contact me (like that.)


ETA: I have never seen the show you are referring to, so I can't say if I think she's a fake or the real, scary deal.



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I've only see the show once and seen several ads. I think she's hilarious and appears pretty darn convincing on the show. I also know, though, how edited and faked "reality" shows can be, so I'm definitely not convinced she's the real deal. I do think people can be sensitive to the spirit world, but I'm not sure it's manifest the way people like her claim.

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As a Christian I believe the spirit world is very real. I believe some people access something. Wether or not it is the actual person/"ghost" I have no idea. I also believe that not all people claiming to have this power actually do. I would guess more are fakes/good body language readers than actual "mediums." Personally, I would not believe any "message" offered to me, because no one I know that is dead would want to contact me (like that.)


I tend to agree with this.

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I'm just curious what others think about what is depicted in the TV show "Long Island Medium." Do you believe in this? Have you ever experienced a reading or something similar?


Sidebar: The Medium cracks me up! If I ever stumble across a Medium who has something to say from my sister or daughter or both, I hope it's Theresa Caputo. :D


I absolutely love Theresa. I believe they are real. I believed BEFORE my son passed away and now even more than ever I would love to do a reading with somebody reputable. I just told my husband that I wanted to go see Theresa for my 40th birthday present! He was like, ummm... could you pick something I might be able to pull off? I have had some friends get angry with me for wanting to do this. I simply will leave it as unless you have lost your child - you have no idea how hard it is to still worry if they are okay. I see you have lost your daughter - so I know you understand.

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As a Christian I believe the spirit world is very real. I believe some people access something. Wether or not it is the actual person/"ghost" I have no idea. I also believe that not all people claiming to have this power actually do. I would guess more are fakes/good body language readers than actual "mediums." ETA: I have never seen the show you are referring to, so I can't say if I think she's a fake or the real, scary deal.


:iagree: with you mostly. I was very skeptical forever, my sister openly claims to everyone she's a "medium". It wasn't until my own daughter had some experiences and my mom told me about her experiences that I ever thought it was real.

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I'm just curious what others think about what is depicted in the TV show "Long Island Medium." Do you believe in this? Have you ever experienced a reading or something similar?


Sidebar: The Medium cracks me up! If I ever stumble across a Medium who has something to say from my sister or daughter or both, I hope it's Theresa Caputo. :D

My 2 cents, as a christian, is to say stay away from this. I cannot make comments on the show itself because I have not seen it. But on the idea of speaking to a medium, no can do. :tongue_smilie:

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I think it is ridiculous.


I would be offended if someone approached me with a "message"


I would not be polite.


Really? You would actually be offended and impolite? I don't understand that. If they said something that would be hard for them to know unless they have some divine intervention, you would really be offended? I'm surprised.


My sister has worked as a paid psychic/medium. I do think there are times when she has more information about someone than is just good guessing, but she has also been wrong soooo many times. LOL


I used to let her do readings for me, but I don't anymore.


What I have came to realize is that while yes, I do believe that sometimes messages are passed through....it is not on the mediums command and I think that sometimes psychic/mediums get an overinflated ego and start filling in the blanks with what ever general ideas come to mind or hunches they get. I don't think patrons want to go to a psychic/medium and pay to get "hmmm, nothing is coming through about you this time" so it is filled in with things that the psychic/medium feels strongly about for you.My sister and one of her other friends (a well-regarded, well-known in our area paid psychic) both insist that I have the 'gift' and should be doing readings. LOL I laugh, because you would think if I was getting messages from the otherside...I would be the first to know...not them. :lol:


My sister believes that all of her messages are 100% from divine intervention/the other side. She and her friend, are absolutely honest about where they think they get their messages from....I just have my own opinion.


What does it look like when she is wrong? Does she move along matter-of-fact like, "Oh well, sometimes I'm wrong," or does she back-peddle and try to revise as she goes?


I've only see the show once and seen several ads. I think she's hilarious and appears pretty darn convincing on the show. I also know, though, how edited and faked "reality" shows can be, so I'm definitely not convinced she's the real deal. I do think people can be sensitive to the spirit world, but I'm not sure it's manifest the way people like her claim.


Yeah...there are plenty of remarkable incidents on the show, though. It does make me believe she gets information she couldn't know otherwise.


I absolutely love Theresa. I believe they are real. I believed BEFORE my son passed away and now even more than ever I would love to do a reading with somebody reputable. I just told my husband that I wanted to go see Theresa for my 40th birthday present! He was like, ummm... could you pick something I might be able to pull off? I have had some friends get angry with me for wanting to do this. I simply will leave it as unless you have lost your child - you have no idea how hard it is to still worry if they are okay. I see you have lost your daughter - so I know you understand.


:grouphug: I'm sure you would love to hear from Tim. For myself, I mostly just would like to have a concept of what my daughter is on the "other side," because she died at birth. I don't have a way to know if she could communicate because she did not live long enough to acquire language and knowledge. My sister died a few years ago, so the only concept I really have is of my sister taking care of my baby. Honestly, if someone like Theresa could give me a sense of what my daughter is on the other side and for me to know that she is safe and at peace would be a priceless and lovely gift. On the show, there are instances where people are alleviated of guilt or worry by hearing from Theresa and many times those are "impromptu" readings, not paid, planned readings. If she does do that as depicted on the show, I think it is a lovely and beautiful gift to share with others.

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As a Christian I believe the spirit world is very real. I believe some people access something. Wether or not it is the actual person/"ghost" I have no idea. I also believe that not all people claiming to have this power actually do. I would guess more are fakes/good body language readers than actual "mediums." Personally, I would not believe any "message" offered to me, because no one I know that is dead would want to contact me (like that.)


ETA: I have never seen the show you are referring to, so I can't say if I think she's a fake or the real, scary deal.



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I have always believed that some people, and many babies, maintain a connection to Heaven and that as we age and become more of the world we lose that ability. When my son was little and I'd talk to him about my brother (deceased) or even thought about all that my brother was missing, DS would sometimes turn his head and intently watch a completely different part of the room. If you only knew how hard it was for DS to focus on anyone other than me you'd know how odd that was. It would give me chills. I don't think most people who claim to be mediums are legit, no, but I wouldn't refuse that gift from a stranger who appeared to know things about my situation that are not widely known.

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I don't know to be honest. I know I had one expierence that will never be forgotten. I just found out I was pregnant and had yet to even tell anyone at all not even their dad knew yet when this total stranger told me I was pregnant and would have a baby boy sarcastically I said well I hope so because I do not want another girl.


She then stated in years to come I will be gifted with a little girl that I will have longed for. AS IF!!! I was not having more children I was having my tubes tied. It did not dawn on me how she even did know I was pregnant until I got in the car :001_huh: Like I said no one knew but I went on about my business and sure enough I had a baby boy. It was very traumatic. He almost died I coded it was bad. They said after there was no point in tieing my tubes the damage was so severe I would never get pregnant again.


There was no possibility with the damage done to the uterus of an egg implanting. My son was about 3 when I started feeling sad. I had a girl then two boys and I just had it in my head that it was sad I would never hold a little baby girl again. Low and behold I found out the day before Thanksgiving 03 I was pregnant.


Sure enough come July a baby girl was born and the nurse made the statement was a wonderful little gift I had been given. That phrase gave me chills.

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I stay away from people who practice that sort of thing. It goes against my beliefs completely. I do believe there is a spirit world out there that can be accessed, but as a Christian, I don't believe we should want to or try to access it. Most of the ones that are on tv and such though, I believe are fake.

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Really? You would actually be offended and impolite? I don't understand that. If they said something that would be hard for them to know unless they have some divine intervention, you would really be offended? I'm surprised.


I wouldn't be any more rude than Jesus was. I would answer with, "Leave me alone" and follow it up with "It is written" (Hey, it worked for Him! LOL) and a few verses. I absolutely believe there are people getting information from spirits. But the scriptures are clear that it could not be from dead loved ones and wouldn't be from God. What is not from God would be from...... So yes, I absolutely would be offended.

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I don't know to be honest. I know I had one expierence that will never be forgotten. I just found out I was pregnant and had yet to even tell anyone at all not even their dad knew yet when this total stranger told me I was pregnant and would have a baby boy sarcastically I said well I hope so because I do not want another girl.


She then stated in years to come I will be gifted with a little girl that I will have longed for. AS IF!!! I was not having more children I was having my tubes tied. It did not dawn on me how she even did know I was pregnant until I got in the car :001_huh: Like I said no one knew but I went on about my business and sure enough I had a baby boy. It was very traumatic. He almost died I coded it was bad. They said after there was no point in tieing my tubes the damage was so severe I would never get pregnant again.


There was no possibility with the damage done to the uterus of an egg implanting. My son was about 3 when I started feeling sad. I had a girl then two boys and I just had it in my head that it was sad I would never hold a little baby girl again. Low and behold I found out the day before Thanksgiving 03 I was pregnant.


Sure enough come July a baby girl was born and the nurse made the statement was a wonderful little gift I had been given. That phrase gave me chills.



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I wouldn't be any more rude than Jesus was. I would answer with, "Leave me alone" and follow it up with "It is written" (Hey, it worked for Him! LOL) and a few verses. I absolutely believe there are people getting information from spirits. But the scriptures are clear that it could not be from dead loved ones and wouldn't be from God. What is not from God would be from...... So yes, I absolutely would be offended.



:iagree: Even if the person is right in what they say and it actually comes to fruition, etc., etc., they are not getting that power from God. He's pretty clear in His Word not to mess with it and pretty clear on where that type of thing comes from. Anything I "need" to know will come from Him and His Word. The other information is dark!

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I have seen the show a few times and think Theresa and her family are hilarious. I am not so sure I believe any of this. Everyone she contacts is in a good place, all forgiving, never angry or upset with anyone. They have nothing but good messages for their survivors. That surprises me. I also question the editing, etc. I think she is a good talker and great at getting others to believe her. They all seem quite vulnerable.



Actually, she did one reading where she was in a group that had lost their mother. She said the mother was saying how she was a bit of a pain in the behind and had made many mistakes. She said that the mom wanted to tell them she was very sorry for not being a great mother, etc. Then there was one where the son had been separated from his mom for a while before her death. He was feeling guilty for not being in her life, etc.

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I believe in the supernatural. I believe there are spiritual forces because the bible says so. I believe in prophets.


I think the people on TV doing all that stuff are bogus. I just don't believe people who have a gift of prophecy from God are going to go on TV and make a lot of money doing it. It is very serious, and I fear for the people who "mess around" with the spirit world.


That said, lol, when I was 16, a guy I worked with asked to read my palm. I let him. I laughed at everything he said. 18 years later, I realize that everything he said has come true. Funny. Still doesn't make me a believer. ;)

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