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If You Don't Take Snacks to the Movie Theater

I don't bring snacks/drinks from home into the movie theater, AND  

  1. 1. I don't bring snacks/drinks from home into the movie theater, AND

    • I will take a water bottle, I don't think it's the same
    • A water bottle is the same, you're still violating the rule
    • Obligatory Other!

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:iagree: This is where we live too. I can't imagine anyone saying anything about people carrying a water bottle. It's just what people do where I am. I'm also ROFL at how this might feel like "cheating" the system. I guess this varies widely depending on where you are.


Personally with food allergies and sensitives, if people need to carry snacks for their kids I don't have a problem with that either. We always go for the big popcorn though! :D


It's not that I feel I'm cheating the system, I feel like I'm cheating myself. Around here people don't openly take in food or drinks. I'm not rigid about rules, and one reason we homeschool is to avoid following the rules of a school system. But if I'm trying to model honesty to my son and the sign states no food or drink, we don't take it in. I want to try and support my local businesses too. Around here the movie theaters are not making huge profits. We usually buy a soda to split and one popcorn.


I'm also the type of person that gets in trouble when I bend the rules. If I'm speeding 4 miles over the speed limit, I'll be the one to get a ticket. If my car tags are expired by one day, I'll get pulled over. I got busted with a water bottle at a racetrack, it was boiling hot and my ds was like 5. Dh was working at the track and they wouldn't let me in with my water bottle. So, yeah, if I walk in the theater with something I'll be the one the manager decides to make an example out of, I'm sure. :lol:


It's not a big deal, really, I don't care what other people do. I just made the decision to honor the theater's request a long time ago. Now if there is no sign, I'd be apt to bring in my own stuff.

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I am capable of going two hours without food or drink if I choose not to pay for expensive movie water. I'm superhuman that way.


:iagree: Food and drink are not requisite to watching a movie.


^^ What Kungfupanda said. If I don't want to pay for what they offer, I'm capable of waiting 2 hours.


:iagree: Considering that a reasonable length of time between meals is anywhere from 4-6 hours, one could even sit through the 10 Commandments with commercials and still not need to stuff one's face.


If you have to hide it, then you shouldn't be doing it.



:iagree: That was the part in the OP that spoke to me loudest. She felt she had to hide the water bottle. If you feel guilty about doing something, there's probably a good reason why.

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I am philosophically opposed the the geographic monopoly and corporate greed that lead to overpriced movie seats and snacks. I don't go to movie theaters; I watch movies at home.


You guys are lucky you don't watch Indian movies (average length about 3 hours). ;) I will not bother saying if I care if people bring snacks with them, as that's not really the point. Long live the DVD borrowed from the library!

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I bring a water bottle, but I usually have water with me wherever we go. We only go to the movies every few years and it's usually in the summer. In Louisiana you need your water in the summertime. My dh always gets a coke and popcorn so I dont' feel bad if I bring my water and a bag of nuts. For us, since it is SO very rare, the snack is part of the experience. If we went all the time we couldn't afford to get snacks.


ETA - I will not drink tap water away from home if I can possibly help it, unless I can get lemon with it. I find most city water tastes terrible.

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I don't drink much water, but if I did I don't think I'd want to spend such outrageous prices for a bottle of water. But I'll gladly pay for a cup of root beer instead of bringing it from home.


It is a tough call. Cinemas make most of their money on snacks/beverages.

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My comcession stand will charge you for a cup of ice (full price) and then tell you to fill it at the fountain. If you want bottled water on ice they will charge you full price for both.


Here too. No free water (not even pixie cup or snow cone cup), unless you want a sip from the water fountain. It is $3-5 for a cup of water at the theater.

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I have reusable water bottles that I fill at home with filtered tap water. I'd feel no moral qualms about taking it to the theater, because they offer tap water for free anyway. I guess if they made a stink, I could pour out my water and then refill it at the drinking fountain. I would feel uncomfortable taking a store-bought bottle of water, like what they sell at concessions.


my .02



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I don't think I or most of my kids need to carry a full bottle of water into a movie. If someone's thirsty and finds it important they can go to the fountain and get a drink.


Almost every theater I've been to (upper Midwest) will give you a free small paper cup of water to carry with you (equitable to a theater small size).


My youngest has a special diet, part of which is the need to drink 50oz of water a day. I carry a drink for him everywhere. I've carried special popcorn into the theater, special pop, and a water bottle with no problems. I usually tell the front desk and we've never been questioned or turned away.

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Our boggest theatre is off a food court at the mall. You can buy whatever you want at the food court and take it in. I would take a plastic reusable wayer bottle amd fill it at the water fountain at that theatre, bit the others say no outside food or drink so I would not.


I do however generally buy food at the theatre.

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Where I live, everyone seems to have water bottles with them all the time. One place I go to allows sealed plastic water bottles, which you can open once you are in, or if you have your own refillable water bottle, you can bring it in empty, and you can refill them at water fountains as needed. I suppose they want to be sure you're not bringing in a quart of vodka.

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I don't take water or drinks in, and prior to food allergies we did not take snacks. We are rule followers. :)


Once DS developed allergies, I talked to the manager and got the ok to bring safe snacks for DS, but we do it discreetly & buy drinks there.


The prices aren't my favorite though!

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I'm starting to wonder how much of this is the culture of your area. Reusable bottles are such a way of life here that no one would bother to ban them or hide them for the movies. But I know that where my dad lives he didn't even know what the sigg bottles were and no one has them. For me, it's an environmental issue.

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Where I live, everyone seems to have water bottles with them all the time. One place I go to allows sealed plastic water bottles, which you can open once you are in, or if you have your own refillable water bottle, you can bring it in empty, and you can refill them at water fountains as needed. I suppose they want to be sure you're not bringing in a quart of vodka.


:lol: Now there's an idea!


Water bottles are common here too, it's very dry and people are very active. I think I've decided I'm just going to ASK. If it's a no, I won't like it but will abide by it. Just adding to my list of things I don't like but abide by!


It's good to know though that it's allowed in some places.


Thanks for the responses!

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The logic I was given by a theater, the one time I asked for a cup of water, was that the theater 'keeps inventory based on the number of cups' so the reason they won't give a cup for water is that it messes up their inventory. .....hmmm, then why not just have water cups?


I think that the idea, that we should have to pay for water, when a person is happy to bring in their own cup full of it from home, is over the top! It is not costing the theater a dime....not even for the water.


What is next? Are they going to charge people for washing their hands? Pay toilets? A 'walk on our rug' fee? A seat fee? Handling your money fee? A clean up fee (in case you spill a drop or two you know)? A fuel fee (the movie had to get there by truck you know!)?



I have never heard of a theater stopping someone from bringing in a water bottle. I can understand if they want to say "bring it empty and fill here, so we know it is not alcohol" (that is pushing it to me though) but other than that...a theater should not stop someone from bringing in a water bottle any more than they stop someone from bringing in a baby bottle.



If part of your moral dilemma is your need to conceal it...then just don't conceal it. I have never heard of someone in our area being discouraged from bringing in a water bottle.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I would feel no issue taking my bottled water in ... I often keep snacks in my purse because of major food allergies. If my blood sugar gets too low -- I will need to eat something or pass out -- and most often, I can't find anything to eat at places like that (because of allergies).

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Yes I would take a water bottle into the theatre -why wouldn't you :confused:


Considering that a movie ticket in Australia is almost $20 and popcorn is $10 and a drink is $8 Everyone here takes their own food unless they specifically want theatre popcorn.


You can take whatever you want into the cinemas here -the only signs I have seen are some that request you don't take hot food in because of the mess. Otherwise people take in grocery bags full of snacks and drinks from other places - nobody hides it and no one prevents it. (Unless it's alchohol - you can't take that in ) ;)


I haven't been to the movies in years though -it costs close to $100 for our family to go -and there hasn't been a movie released in the last 6 years that I thought was worth the price - we watch everything on DVD.

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