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So let's say I was going to let my husband talk me into half a tattoo sleeve.

So, which design?  

  1. 1. So, which design?

    • Flowers
    • Book Theme
    • Back to the drawing board
    • Don't do it!

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Hypothetically for now lol. And bear in mind I'm married to a tattoo artist who owns his own shop and already have a number of tattoos. :) (So the idea is not as shocking to me as it may be to some of you to begin with lol). As of now they're fairly spread out and I can cover most of them whenever I want to. I would not do a full sleeve, if I agree to this (he's dying for me to but I'm still undecided) it would be like a half sleeve so most of it could still be covered when I wanted to.


IF I were to go along with it, I was considering something floral...like mostly pink feminine stuff, magnolias with some other flowers mixed in, whatever.


OR I could do something a bit different, and an idea I was toying around with (since I've had my nose stuck in a book as far back as I can remember...since I was old enough to walk and talk, pretty much) was to do something like put an old fashioned looking storybook at the top, near the shoulder, with a short quote in cursive above it or on it (perhaps something like "We read to know we are not alone" by CS Lewis, or "I Am A Part of Everything That I Have Read" by Theodore Roosevelt), and underneath the storybook would be all different characters and scenes from several different well known books. I'd just pick a few, perhaps ones like Alice in Wonderland, Where the Wild Things Are, The Neverending Story, Goodnight Moon, Wizard of Oz...depending on how much we could fit, I'd pick 3-5 stories with a few characters/items/scenes from each.


So, if you were me...


Flower Theme because it's more girlie/feminine?


Book Theme because it's more original/meaningful?


Something else entirely/back to the drawing board?


Or more of a horrified "No, don't do it at all!!!" ...? :lol: (Okay, I'm expecting mostly these lol but curious to hear thoughts from people who DO like tattoos as well)! :)

Edited by NanceXToo
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Well, I wouldn't do it- but I like the book theme better....more original, I guess.


Although not completely original- I saw a guy last summer who had scenes from Where the Wild Things Are ALL over his legs. I mean ALL over. And he was wearing a kilt. I remember wondering if he was the illustrator or something- I couldn't imagine anyone else being THAT invested in the book. I was too timid to ask though.

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Well' date=' I wouldn't do it- but I like the book theme better....more original, I guess.


Although not completely original- I saw a guy last summer who had scenes from Where the Wild Things Are ALL over his legs. I mean ALL over. And he was wearing a kilt. I remember wondering if he was the illustrator or something- I couldn't imagine anyone else being THAT invested in the book. I was too timid to ask though.[/quote']


lol...yeah, I've seen/heard of people asking for some odd things and some people do seem to get really invested in particular characters or even bands and things like that. I wouldn't want to just do one particular book, just more reading/books in general.

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Would it be possible to have a little of both? Could you combine the books with meaningful flowers. I know there are certain flowers that are associated with Shakespeare. Check out the Shakespeare Garden in Central Park. Or during the Victorian era, certain flowers held meanings.


For me, if I were going to have flowers or books they'd have to be meaningful and pretty.

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I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.

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I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.



Ooh, I like this idea. If it were one or the other though I would go with the flowers because I think it would be more timeless. I have a couple tattoos and both are florals. I've had them for around 20 years and still love them.

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The book theme is very intriguing. Definitely original (if you wanted to bow to tradition, I guess that you can have him come up with a design that somehow weaves some vines or flowers in). I always have loved old libraries like Trinity College, Dublin's ... it would make stunning artwork, and be personal and unique, with a backdrop of books and then symbols here and there of specific books.

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I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.


I voted book theme, because flowers are...meh. Overdone I guess. But I really like the idea above!

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I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.



I like your original book themed idea (and, in a "I'm not that brave in the tattoo department" manner, I'm planning a quilt with similar theme), but have to say the above quoted idea really sounds amazing, too.


I'm so not brave enough to ever get even a half sleeve (been toying with the idea of an anklet though.....) but I like your ideas.


OH -- one thing I've seen done with flowers; a girl I sort of know on-line got the flowers that are the symbols for the months her kids were born. That might be kind of cool.


I'm all about tattoos with meaning, though, beyond just being pretty. So if I did flowers, there'd have to be some symbolism going on. Just my 2cents, though.


(and, for you this general rule might not apply, but maybe in the case of a half sleeve....a friend suggested, and I self-impose this rule: to think on design & placement for one full year before going ahead. Helps to prevent regrets down the road. Just a thought)

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I personally don't have any tattoos but I don't have a problem with grown adults choosing to have them. Since you already have several and are happy with it I say go for it. I would personally choose flowers even if they are more common. I would try to think long term. I know that I would ALWAYS love flowers. They will never get old to me. Books are great and I love them but I wouldn't want to decorate my body with them.


I am assuming your husband is a good tattoo artist and will do a lovely job with whatever you decide. Hopefully you will post pictures if you do go for it. :001_smile:


Elise in NC

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I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.


Something like this sounds very cool!

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A woman I do prairie restoration with just added some touches to a halfsleeve (I had no idea that had a name, neat!) that is tree themed and represents deciduous trees throughout the seasons. She's a biologist though and this was a design she'd been planning since college.


I don't know what I'd do, honestly. Probably play with a few designs and see how they look first, maybe see how I felt about them a while down the road.


There's a neighbor down the block from me that has a full arm done of just van Gogh art; I think it's Sunflowers under Starry Night. That is gorgeous.

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I'm not a fan of pink girly stuff at all, but hey if you like it...

Books theme sounds nice to me.


But tbh I would postpone having it done until you find something you really love. A half sleeve is quite a lot of ink to get done for a design that you're only feeling so-so about!

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I have a little tattoo, and I like it.


But, I voted DON'T DO IT because I really feel that you shouldn't do something permanent to your body if your dh needs to talk you into it.


Will it ever end? Not likely, lol. Men are insatiable. LOL. If dh is really attracted to the major tattooed look, then I doubt there will ever be an enough point. Even if you only get a new tattoo every few years, they will add up quickly, esp. if they are so large as to cover most of a limb! So, I'd probably bite the bullet now, tell dh to get over it, and buy some really sexy lingerie or a wacky wig or a maid's costume or whatever fantasy he likes that doesn't permanently mar my body. . . Main thing is, I'd try to distract him from the disappointment of me not getting any more tattoos!


Just my 2c.


YOU do whatever YOU want to do with YOUR body. :) Enjoy whatever you choose to do!

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I would be up for a half sleeve. Your husband would be the artist right? I would go for my favorite quote, either one you listed and then your favorite characters from books, even if no one readily recognized them. I would have to go with a Wild Thing and Cheshire Cat though.

Good luck!

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Wow, that woman doesn't even need clothes!

I read a while ago about a man who got 100% of his body tattooed, even the inside of his mouth, eyelids, etc (not to mention more personal and, one would think, sensitive bits - eek!).


But if I were into tattoos, I would like every single picture/symbol to be something that is meaningful for me, rather than just something to fill up the skin that I happened to see and like the look of.

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Even as a "no tattoos for me kind of person" I really like the like the flower/vine/book idea that Tibbie posted also! It sounds meaningful and beautiful.


And as a little update for you, my dh still hasn't decided what sort of tattoo he'd like, nor has he let dd sketch on him w/ a permanent marker. She has taken to painting elves on her walls instead... :D

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Thanks for all of the feedback and responses! A lot to think about! (I'm still feeling totally wishy washy and may just go with doing nothing in the end due to indecision)! Not about which design but whether I want that much ink on one spot to begin with! I LIKE tattoos and I don't regret any of the ones I already have but none of them are so, well, in-your-face and I just don't want to get it and then wish I didn't. Or think it looks completely stupid 20 years from now compared to just some scattered individual more easily coverable pieces. Plus I spend more of my time around more conservative people than I used to. And now I've got that line from that Rush song going through my head: "And if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" lol. But we'll see!


I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.


This is an interesting idea to play around with. It's very rare that we ever attend formal occasions that require dressing up. But once in a while it happens. And I guess hopefully I'll be a mother of a bride some day come to think of it haha. The ones I've gotten in the past I did put consideration into whether they could be pretty easily covered and/or never have more than one or two showing at once because I didn't really want to look "heavily tattooed" even while liking tattoos. Maybe I just need to have someone paint me a picture instead LOL.


I voted back to the drawing board because I love the idea of it being more feminine, bit I think it would be lovely to have your book theme also i corporated.




Book theme left arm sleeve, flower right arm sleeve.:tongue_smilie:


I definitely wouldn't do two sleeves lol.


You'll definitely have to post pictures once you get it done.


I have a full sleeve of mostly German mythology. Starting at my wrist is Yggdrasil (the world tree) that goes up to my elbow with Ratatoskr around the roots. Flying through the tree is a large purple dragon that wraps around the middle part of my arm. He is shooting fire up, where a woodland fairy is riding the flames on an autumn leaf, with other leaves creating a crown/ending around my shoulder. And then there are a few Brian Froud goblins here and there.


I personally wouldn't want anything too feminine, so I voted Book theme. But you'd really have to choose the right books. And then what if you read a book a few years from now that really resonated with you - would you add to the tattoo??


That sounds really cool! Did you put a picture of it up anywhere? Would you here? :D


I'm not a fan of pink girly stuff at all, but hey if you like it...

Books theme sounds nice to me.


But tbh I would postpone having it done until you find something you really love. A half sleeve is quite a lot of ink to get done for a design that you're only feeling so-so about!


I know! It's not the design/s I'm necessarily so so about, it's the thought of doing it to begin with. Which probably means I shouldn't. Or shouldn't anytime soon/impulsively. He only just brought it up a couple of days ago! I started toying with ideas I thought might be kinda cool but....Stephanie, just below, has a really good point.


I have a little tattoo, and I like it.


But, I voted DON'T DO IT because I really feel that you shouldn't do something permanent to your body if your dh needs to talk you into it.


Will it ever end? Not likely, lol. Men are insatiable. LOL. If dh is really attracted to the major tattooed look, then I doubt there will ever be an enough point. Even if you only get a new tattoo every few years, they will add up quickly, esp. if they are so large as to cover most of a limb! So, I'd probably bite the bullet now, tell dh to get over it, and buy some really sexy lingerie or a wacky wig or a maid's costume or whatever fantasy he likes that doesn't permanently mar my body. . . Main thing is, I'd try to distract him from the disappointment of me not getting any more tattoos!


Just my 2c.


YOU do whatever YOU want to do with YOUR body. Enjoy whatever you choose to do!


:lol: Probably wise words. After sleeping on it, thinking on it more, reading what you guys have to say, I'm still undecided but leaning towards you're probably right. If it's not something *I* personally was feeling like I'd love to do, with an idea I was head over heels about, and I have this much indecision about it, I shouldn't do it just because he's trying to talk me into it. Not that I would let him talk me into it if I was really against it. I wasn't totally against it, just not totally in love with the idea and was trying to convince myself by coming up with something I might like enough to go for it, but I AM kind of worried that I would regret it later, so I have a feeling I prob won't end up doing it (although I tend to be impulsive sometimes lol).


Just to clarify... we're talking about books here, not bOOks, right? :D


Because although I'm not feeling the love for the books idea, I am definitely against tattooing an extra set of bOOks on your body.








haha. that is definitely too much for me!


Why can't you live in Nebraska?!?!?!


I would LOVE more ink. Personally, I lean towards the book idea, but I really like Tibbie's suggestion.


lol sorry. But if you ever want to visit PA and get a tattoo while on vacation, I know a good tattoo artist! :D


Even as a "no tattoos for me kind of person" I really like the like the flower/vine/book idea that Tibbie posted also! It sounds meaningful and beautiful.


And as a little update for you, my dh still hasn't decided what sort of tattoo he'd like, nor has he let dd sketch on him w/ a permanent marker. She has taken to painting elves on her walls instead... :D


lol well at least she's allowed to express her artistic nature on the walls! Some people are pretty impulsive when it comes to tattoos and are all gung ho and "let's do it!" and some people agonize and hem and haw and take forever to decide and sometimes never get around to doing it at all because they can't think of anything they want on them forever!

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Nance are there any "pens" that he could use to draw a "temporary" tattoo on your arm? I think that if he could offer something like that in his business, he might get a lot of customers who want the fun of a tattoo, but don't want to have it permanently. I know there's henna ones, but I hear some people have reactions to those.

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Just to clarify... we're talking about books here, not bOOks, right? :D


Because although I'm not feeling the love for the books idea, I am definitely against tattooing an extra set of bOOks on your body. ;)


I was thinking the same thing!!!!

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Curious... are you in north or south PA?? south PA is definitely close enough for a good artist... :D


I'd do the book theme. It's more personal than flowers and... sounds awesome. Then again, I'm getting a book quote tattooed on me soon, (as soon as I find someone to go to since my old artist left!).


But, it doesn't sound like you are particularly attached to either idea, so I'd wait. I only get the tattoos I can't live without, not the ones I can just live with. (You know, sort of like picking a mate. :lol:)

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Curious... are you in north or south PA?? south PA is definitely close enough for a good artist... :D


I'd do the book theme. It's more personal than flowers and... sounds awesome. Then again, I'm getting a book quote tattooed on me soon, (as soon as I find someone to go to since my old artist left!).


But, it doesn't sound like you are particularly attached to either idea, so I'd wait. I only get the tattoos I can't live without, not the ones I can just live with. (You know, sort of like picking a mate. :lol:)


I'm in what's considered Central Eastern PA. Schuylkill County. :)

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I think I'd want to go with a vine-and-flowers motif just because I'm afraid the novelty of actual book characters might get old quicker than you think. Also I'd want something that could be kind of dressy so I didn't feel I had to cover it up for more formal occasions.


I do have an idea of incorporating the two ideas, though. What if you used books heavily throughout, but they were very subtle? I'm picturing these jewel-toned or red and green and blue books as the buds on vines, and the leaves open up into flowers. So you see some full-blooming flowers, some books growing on vines, and some in transition.


From a distance, even across the room, it looks floral and feminine, but when someone says next to you, they say, "OMG, it's books."


If my artist son were home I'd have him draw what I mean...can you picture it? The tomes in transition would be big enough to put book titles, or suggest them.


That's a good idea! :)

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Nance are there any "pens" that he could use to draw a "temporary" tattoo on your arm? I think that if he could offer something like that in his business' date=' he might get a lot of customers who want the fun of a tattoo, but don't want to have it permanently. I know there's henna ones, but I hear some people have reactions to those.[/quote']


People usually react when the wrong type of henna is used. Being allergic to all of God's creatures I am sure there are people who are allergic to the good stuff but typically it is when the wrong type is used.

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