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Are you a member of HSLDA?

Are you a memeber of HSLDA?  

  1. 1. Are you a memeber of HSLDA?

    • Yes I am a member
    • No I am not a member

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Like most people here, I don't agree with their ideology. When I lived in UT, I started out being able to just fill out a simple form, pay for a regular stamp and mail it in, 5 minutes. Then HSLDA stepped in and suddenly I had to pay a notary, pay for delivery confirmation, and running those errands meant dragging the dc around for up to an hour. HSLDA wouldn't have even represented my family that year because of our ideology and some of the educational choices that we made that were in the best interests of our children, but against their policies.

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I read both those posted articles... they were a bit different, but both painted the same picture. Interesting...


Like I said, not a member here, and I doubt we would unless our state's legislation suddenly got sticky. I do agree with the premise those authors were making, that our homeschooling rights should be natural, and we have no need of being "granted" those rights by the state.

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No. They won't receive a penny of my money. It's not the insurance it's touted as, and they will spend it pushing legislation that may have absolutely nothing to do with homeschooling. They do not speak for the majority, no matter their claims.


IMO your money is better spent on joining your statewide group or large local group. They will keep you informed on potential law changes and such.

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I don't agree with their ideology so no, nope.


Another :iagree: with this. They seriously creep me out. Like in a Carrie's mother kind of way and we are also cc. Just the whole running around shrieking about everyone being out to get us irritates me. :glare:

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Yes, we are members. We joined when we decided not to enroll our autistic son in special ed preschool and the district called several times to ask us to sign forms saying we were refusing all services. Nothing ever came of that but I felt more easy knowing I could make a phone call if necessary.


More recently we had another incident. My now 14 yo son melted down at the library and, when my dh attempted to remove him the security guard called the police claiming my dh punched our son in the face. Our son was flailing around and my dh was attempting to control him; he did not punch our son. Anyway, the police came and detained my dh and took pictures of our son's face (noting there were no marks or bruises) and I was called to pick up our son while the police continued to detain my dh. We were informed DCFS would be notified. :glare: I am a social worker so I am aware of how problematic this situation could be. We immediately called HSLDA who advised us what to do if DCFS showed up. That was in December and so far we have not heard from them, but I have had more peace of mind knowing I could call HSLDA if needed.

Edited by jelbe5
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No, I am not and never will be a member of that organization. I find many of their policies and motivations disgusting.


In addition, I think their business practices are misleading. People believe that they become members and are buying some kind of insurance, but the reality is that HSLDA has a specific agenda and will help only if you fit their narrow definition of the right kind of homeschooler.


:iagree: Yup. This. They will never see a dime of my money. I live in a low-reg state anyway, but if I had an issue I'd much rather pay for personal legal representation than put my money into HSLDA's pocket.

Edited by LemonPie
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We are members; it's the only way for us "prove" we are homeschoolers for those organizations that provide steep discounts on software and other items for educators ;)


I live in a state that requires absolutely NOTHING, so my membership card for HSDLA proves that I am a homeschooler.


I do also happen to agree with many of their stances on issues.





The section I bolded is the exact reason we joined. Even in my state, if I present a Declaration of Intent, I still have to be a "member of a recognized homeschool association" to get the educational discounts.

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Not a member. I think they scare people into paying to join their organization and thinking they need "representation" for every interaction they might have with school district or government officials. People should be able to self-advocate for most issues.



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I don't agree with their ideology so no, nope.

:iagree: and I also agree with what Jenny in Florida said, but I can't find her post to multi-quote it.


Yeah, it doesn't feel like they are mostly about homeschooling and homeschoolers to me. They have their own agenda and they use the money to support that.

Yes. I feel like HLSDA *realizes* that it is the main organization of its kind. It has a monopoly on its "industry". So even homeschoolers (in my neighborhood, at least) who don't agree with HLSDA join it anyway because they want to feel protected and they don't know of any similar options. That's why I'm grateful for organizations like HLA... they offer another option.


I live in a fairly low-reg state, and my wife and I have a great lawyer, so I don't feel the need to secure any further "protection".

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I'm not a member because they use their money to advocate for things that don't necessarily have anything to do with homeschooling. I generally disagree with their stance on those issues, and don't want any of my money going towards an organization that discriminates.


:iagree: I don't choose to support an agency that says discriminatory things such as: "Same-sex marriage attacks the traditions of the family in western civilization. This is an attack on parental rights. This is a battle the homeschooling movement cannot afford to lose."


I don't care to fund that "battle." That, to me, has nothing to do with the "homeschooling movement." It's none of my business who another adult loves or marries. It's only my business who *I* love and marry.


:iagree: PLUS they do a lot of fear mongering to scare hs'rs. Before you join, make sure you understand their history, including in-fighting and their (non-hs related) agenda, to make sure you can swallow it.


:iagree: again.


I have never felt the need.


And then there's that. Even though I live in what's basically the most regulated state when it comes to homeschooling (PA) I just familiarize myself with the law, follow it, utilize local support groups and do what I need to do. I don't feel the need to pay any of my family's hard-earned money to a discriminatory, fear-mongering agency with a political agenda. I'm sure despite all that they've helped some people but fortunately so far I've been able to help myself or to find other help on my own when need be.

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No, I'm not a member for various reasons. I don't think I need coverage since I don't think it's likely that my legality to homeschool will be challenged. I have membership with another legal organization that could represent me if I needed it. I think HSLDA does a good job on some things, but they tend to overreach on other things. I also don't think I'd qualify to join them since I think you have to use one of their approved curricula, and I don't use a standard one.

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We live in a state that is easy to homeschool in and it is very common here, so we don't really have a need for it.



Aside from custody battles, I don't know of anyone in person, who has needed legal council for homeschooling.

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I looked into it when we started to homeschool.


The more I read, the less I liked them.


Legitimate organizations do not attempt to terrify you into "needing" them.


Many of their alert bulletins are manufactured emergencies, from what I read in them.

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I haven't joined.


I'm glad they've been there for some homeschoolers, but they are meddlers with their own political agenda and they employ a little too much fear-mongering for my taste.


This year they meddled with the Intent to Homeschool form in Wisconsin. They asked their members not to fill out certain parts, even though that form is the only necessity to homeschool in this state. The state homeschool league put out a bunch of emails asking people to please follow state law. The form itself is not intrusive (certainly less then any information you hand off to the public school system) and there's no interest here in challenging our very lenient homeschool law or dealing with the aftershock of some outsiders messing with our very lenient homeschool law.


Then came the back and forth emails. :001_huh: Really HSLDA, just MYOB.

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No, for a number of reasons. The big one, as others said, is that their ideology is far from compatible with mine. Also, they practice fear-based recruiting, their service is unnecessary (anything they do can be done by a local lawyer), they contribute to making homeschool laws in some states more restrictive, and they are involved in a number of activities that have nothing to do with homeschooling.

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This year they meddled with the Intent to Homeschool form in Wisconsin. They asked their members not to fill out certain parts, even though that form is the only necessity to homeschool in this state. The state homeschool league put out a bunch of emails asking people to please follow state law. The form itself is not intrusive (certainly less then any information you hand off to the public school system) and there's no interest here in challenging our very lenient homeschool law or dealing with the aftershock of some outsiders messing with our very lenient homeschool law.


Then came the back and forth emails. :001_huh: Really HSLDA, just MYOB.


This is not the first time that we've had this problem with HSLDA in Wisconsin. We've got a great inclusive organization in our state. The last thing we need is their outside agitation.

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No, for a number of reasons. The big one, as others said, is that their ideology is far from compatible with mine. Also, they practice fear-based recruiting, their service is unnecessary (anything they do can be done by a local lawyer), they contribute to making homeschool laws in some states more restrictive, and they are involved in a number of activities that have nothing to do with homeschooling.



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