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legal action by extended family member who doesn't like homeschooling?

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Wow, you must feel so unburdened, I can only begin to imagine! This is great news. I hope your father continues with a complete change of heart. It is amazing how some of the worst critics can becomes the biggest supporters after they are able to observe quality fruit.


May the Lord bless your home school efforts and restore all of your joy!

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I'm not sure if anyone cares to get an update on my personal situation, but here it is. The entire legal case has been voluntarily dismissed by the petitioner (my father). It is completely over. Not too clear what his reasons are and don't really care at this point. Now our family can get back to a normal life. I am truly thankful for the ways God moved in our situation and for all the people that supported us. It's not an easy place to be when your parenting skills and choices are challenged, but we are left a greater conviction now in those choices. Thanks for listening.


Thanks for the update; I missed the orig. thread.


I"m glad it worked out, but I'd be very protective and gun-shy dealing with your father.

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I'm not sure if anyone cares to get an update on my personal situation, but here it is. The entire legal case has been voluntarily dismissed by the petitioner (my father). It is completely over. Not too clear what his reasons are and don't really care at this point. Now our family can get back to a normal life. I am truly thankful for the ways God moved in our situation and for all the people that supported us. It's not an easy place to be when your parenting skills and choices are challenged, but we are left a greater conviction now in those choices. Thanks for listening.


I am so happy to read this! What a relief!

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Glad that worked out. I cannot imagine the stress of dealing with that or the hurt knowing your father would do something like that. What a blessing to have a loving supportive husband and great kids. Enjoy your homeschooling journey, and hopefully your father will see what a terrible thing he has done.

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I'm not sure if anyone cares to get an update on my personal situation, but here it is. The entire legal case has been voluntarily dismissed by the petitioner (my father). It is completely over. Not too clear what his reasons are and don't really care at this point. Now our family can get back to a normal life. I am truly thankful for the ways God moved in our situation and for all the people that supported us. It's not an easy place to be when your parenting skills and choices are challenged, but we are left a greater conviction now in those choices. Thanks for listening.



I have actually been stalking the thread, so I am really glad you updated! Thank you!


Your father has a lot to learn!

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I'm not sure if anyone cares to get an update on my personal situation, but here it is. The entire legal case has been voluntarily dismissed by the petitioner (my father). It is completely over. Not too clear what his reasons are and don't really care at this point. Now our family can get back to a normal life. I am truly thankful for the ways God moved in our situation and for all the people that supported us. It's not an easy place to be when your parenting skills and choices are challenged, but we are left a greater conviction now in those choices. Thanks for listening.


This would make him dead to me, even though he withdrew his case. I would NEVER speak to him again. Grrrrr. Hugs to you :grouphug:.

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I'm not sure if anyone cares to get an update on my personal situation, but here it is. The entire legal case has been voluntarily dismissed by the petitioner (my father). It is completely over. Not too clear what his reasons are and don't really care at this point. Now our family can get back to a normal life. I am truly thankful for the ways God moved in our situation and for all the people that supported us. It's not an easy place to be when your parenting skills and choices are challenged, but we are left a greater conviction now in those choices. Thanks for listening.


Thank goodness! I am so sorry you had to go through this, and I can't imagine the emotional upheaval it must have caused, but at the same time I am just so relieved it is over! :grouphug:

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This would make him dead to me, even though he withdrew his case. I would NEVER speak to him again. Grrrrr. Hugs to you :grouphug:.

Or at least in a deep coma. I don't know that I could ever trust him again. But I'll support OP however she needs.


Sharon, I'm glad it is over and your family can start to heal. :grouphug:

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Somehow I missed the original thread. I am so relieved for you. I sat here reading the thread (not noticing the dates), and kept getting more and more angry. When I got to your update, I felt such relief (and I'm not even the one that has been living it!) I can only imagine what a huge burden this was, and how good it feels now that it's over. However, I hope that you do have your guard up with this individual. I truly feel that this would be a dead relationship for me at this point. I wouldn't be able to trust him, and I would feel on edge anytime he was around. I can't stand living with the feeling of "waiting for the other shoe to drop." Best of luck in however you decide to handle that relationship.

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I haven't had to deal with this type of situation, but I have won several court cases. Here are my strategies:


1. Be the sane party. Judges have to deal with all kinds of craziness, petty-ness, and rotten behavior all day, every day. Be the breath of fresh air in the court room by:


Being calm at all times.

Being courteous without being wimpy.

Stating your facts calmly. Sticking to the facts - don't over-explain.

Defending yourself without attacking the other person.


Let the other crazy party hang himself with his own craziness.


2. Come completely prepared. Bring letters from the umbrella organization, keep meticulous track of your educational activities. Prepare a plan for the next few years for the kids (the judge most likely won't look at it, but it shows you've thought this through.) Perhaps get letters of recommendation from people who are looking in at your situation.


3. Be prepared to show how normal you are. In other words, you know the "socialization" question is going to come up. How are you going to answer it? What activities can you point to, etc. You also know the question of qualification will come up. I.e., are you qualified to teach your child math? Be prepared to answer "Yes" with quiet conviction. Don't feel the need to over-explain. Point to results.


4. Expect to win. We all hear about the bad cases where justice isn't served, but we don't hear about all the cases day in, day out, in which justice is served in a normal, timely fashion. You have the right to homeschool your child. You are following the law. You feel committed to the endeavor. Expect to win and your calm confidence will do half the work for you.

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I hope the case was Dismissed with Prejudice and not just "Dismissed." The "with prejudice" phrase will mean that he cannot re-file the suit.


I am very happy for you that the case is over. It is your family and your father, so whatever "forgiveness" you feel is merited is your own decision. However, I would urge you to be forever mindful of the character that this incident has revealed about your father.


While you may not have been bitten by a rattlesnake this time, I would still always be wary of and never turn my back on a rattler.


(Obviously, I am not too trusting especially once I have been betrayed.)


I hope you guys can manage to return to some "normalcy" now.

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Um, how on earth does an extended family member get court time (whatever it's called) for something like that?


So the family member is suing? Or what? How exactly does that work?


I'm baffled.

I'm also curious how this person has standing? Even a grandparent doesn't have standing to challenge the schooling choices for the grandchild. There must be more to this story, but I haven't read all the posts yet.


If there is not more to the story, your attorney should simply file a Motion to Dismiss. There is no cause of action here (without more).

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I'm not sure if anyone cares to get an update on my personal situation, but here it is. The entire legal case has been voluntarily dismissed by the petitioner (my father). It is completely over. Not too clear what his reasons are and don't really care at this point. Now our family can get back to a normal life. I am truly thankful for the ways God moved in our situation and for all the people that supported us. It's not an easy place to be when your parenting skills and choices are challenged, but we are left a greater conviction now in those choices. Thanks for listening.


Thanks for posting the update -- you must be so relieved!


But I'm terribly sorry that your own father would have even considered taking this kind of action against you. You must be so sad and hurt. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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