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Our local PS doesn't do World History in High School

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Dd 8th is doing modern history. We started with trying to make SOTW 4 work beefed up but that was way to babyish for her. So, since its late in the year I thought I would call and see what they had for High School World History that I might borrow and use as a spine.



So, I get a call from the librarian saying she had my book ready. I went in there and it was an American History textbook. I told her I needed world history and she said "this is what they told me they used for world history" :001_huh:


So, she called the high school world history teacher in for me to ask about it and he says "this is what we have used for World History since our students were not fairing well on end of year American History exams"


:001_huh: :confused: So-- they just don't teach World History. I asked when they do teach World History and he says "Elementary is more community helpers and state history, 6th grade does a little bit of middle ages/ kings/queens 7th grade does Ancient Egypt and Pyramids and 8th grade does American History along with some government topics, 9th grade is geography, 10th grade is World Perspectives"-- I asked what that was and he said "Cultural Geography" I asked if that touched on history and he said "no, just cultural acceptance issues/racism" then he went on to say "11th grade is our World History/American History with this book here (and pointed to the American History book) and 12th grade is Government and Economics" They do "World History" with a book called The American Nation :001_huh:


Is this normal? This really scares me. I asked- they do not teach WWI, WWII, the holocaust, nothing like that. He said "its to dark and we don't want to scar kids by teaching those things anymore. Since they stopped testing on it it has been cut out of our curriculum altogether"


I guess there is no real point to my post. Just horrified by this. Can not believe it.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Dd 8th is doing modern history. We started with trying to make SOTW 4 work beefed up but that was way to babyish for her. So, since its late in the year I thought I would call and see what they had for High School World History that I might borrow and use as a spine.



So, I get a call from the librarian saying she had my book ready. I went in there and it was an American History textbook. I told her I needed world history and she said "this is what they told me they used for world history" :001_huh:


So, she called the high school world history teacher in for me to ask about it and he says "this is what we have used for World History since our students were not fairing well on end of year American History exams"


:001_huh: :confused: So-- they just don't teach World History. I asked when they do teach World History and he says "Elementary is more community helpers and state history, 6th grade does a little bit of middle ages/ kings/queens 7th grade does Ancient Egypt and Pyramids and 8th grade does American History along with some government topics, 9th grade is geography, 10th grade is World Perspectives"-- I asked what that was and he said "Cultural Geography" I asked if that touched on history and he said "no, just cultural acceptance issues/racism" then he went on to say "11th grade is our World History/American History with this book here (and pointed to the American History book) and 12th grade is Government and Economics" They do "World History" with a book called The American Nation :001_huh:


Is this normal? This really scares me. I asked- they do not teach WWI, WWII, the holocaust, nothing like that. He said "its to dark and we don't want to scar kids by teaching those things anymore. Since they stopped testing on it it has been cut out of our curriculum altogether"


I guess there is no real point to my post. Just horrified by this. Can not believe it.


No, not normal, at least not around here. Our local high school offers (from their catalog):

world geography/cultures

world history

world history AP

Edited by Roadrunner
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Dd 8th is doing modern history. We started with trying to make SOTW 4 work beefed up but that was way to babyish for her. So, since its late in the year I thought I would call and see what they had for High School World History that I might borrow and use as a spine.



So, I get a call from the librarian saying she had my book ready. I went in there and it was an American History textbook. I told her I needed world history and she said "this is what they told me they used for world history" :001_huh:


So, she called the high school world history teacher in for me to ask about it and he says "this is what we have used for World History since our students were not fairing well on end of year American History exams"


:001_huh: :confused: So-- they just don't teach World History. I asked when they do teach World History and he says "Elementary is more community helpers and state history, 6th grade does a little bit of middle ages/ kings/queens 7th grade does Ancient Egypt and Pyramids and 8th grade does American History along with some government topics, 9th grade is geography, 10th grade is World Perspectives"-- I asked what that was and he said "Cultural Geography" I asked if that touched on history and he said "no, just cultural acceptance issues/racism" then he went on to say "11th grade is our World History/American History with this book here (and pointed to the American History book) and 12th grade is Government and Economics" They do "World History" with a book called The American Nation :001_huh:


Is this normal? This really scares me. I asked- they do not teach WWI, WWII, the holocaust, nothing like that. He said "its to dark and we don't want to scar kids by teaching those things anymore. Since they stopped testing on it it has been cut out of our curriculum altogether"


I guess there is no real point to my post. Just horrified by this. Can not believe it.


I'm not much into comparing with public schools for validation. Yet you just made my day.


I cannot fathom someone using the excuse that world history is too dark to teach. It's also an opportunity to focus on survival and triumph. On people doing right things in hard times. Not to mention all those long ago battles and ties that gives current history its foundation.


In a century where events in the middle ages were used to justify current animosity (Andalusia and Kosovo), not to mention the conflicts in the middle east that trace back to World War One, the 7th Century and the 1st Century; I cannot understand thinking that you can cover "world perspectives" without also - and first - covering world history.


ETA: World History and Geography is the standard 9th grade option for the high school down the street.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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I had no world history until college. It might have been offered, but if so it only would have been available to the highest track (I was in the middle). My HS history consisted of US history, Civics/Gov't and Psyc./Soc., and this was at a very well-regarded PS school.

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I think it is unusual. We spebt two years on world history, 9th was ancient civ up to middle ages, 10th grade used the same book, we just picked up where we left off and made it through ww2. 11th was US and 12th was optional European history.


I think they do world history in our district now....I am curious....

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I will be stunned for you. Not teach world history?? Even worse not to cover major world events in the 20th century??? I wouldn't touch anything they do with a ten foot pole. I had an awesome history teacher in high school, I remember spending copious amounts of time on WWII (we watched a lot of movies!) and ancient history too.



I just pulled the high school social studies from their website. I don't know what is required, but I believe 1 credit must be world history, 1 american history, then government. There are four social studies teachers.


American History





American History

World History


College History

Law & You

Political Science

US Government



American History

World History

Missouri History

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Our local high school cut out World history as of two years ago. They do teach World History in 7th grade, I'm not sure if it is a one year survey or if it continues into 8th. The high school offers American History I & II and American Government. I can't even find a listing for a fourth year of Social Studies. :001_huh:

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Wow. :001_huh:


Our local PS actually impresses me somewhat with what they do with history. For World History, they do three full years chronologically, starting in 7th (so, grades 7-9). They used to do grades 8-10, but they moved it down a year just this year so they could start doing two chronological years of US History (now 10-11, including optional AP). They also offer Western Civilizations, and AP European History as electives.


They also have US Government, Psychology and Sociology as electives.

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They do "World History" with a book called The American Nation :001_huh:


They actually call it "World History" but teach American history? And they don't see that as an issue of academic integrity?


FWIW, I have never had a course in World History, not high school, not in college, not for my M. Ed.


OTOH, I've had American four times.

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Wow. :001_huh:


Our local PS actually impresses me somewhat with what they do with history. For World History, they do three full years chronologically, starting in 7th (so, grades 7-9). They used to do grades 8-10, but they moved it down a year just this year so they could start doing two chronological years of US History (now 10-11, including optional AP). They also offer Western Civilizations, and AP European History as electives.


They also have US Government, Psychology and Sociology as electives.


I really like that schedule. I checked our local high school. World History is the typical 9th grade class. They have:


World History

H World History

AP World History


American History

H American History

AP American History


American Government / Economics

H American Government / H Economics

AP American Government / AP Microeconomics



And electives for a 4th credit (not needed to graduate)


Law Studies

Psychology I

Psychology II

AP Psychology

World Cultural Geography

AP European History


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Public high schools here are worse now than when I went, but they DO at least currently require a year each of American and World History, plus a year of Gov't/Econ.


Similar to above 2 posters, I went to a public high school (the best in our city at the time) at a time when next to no Social Studies was required. We only had American History and Government for our Social Studies -- no World History.


However, I got a *huge* dose of WW2 in those 2 classes, as the American History teacher was stationed at Pearl Harbor and saw the whole event in person, and the Government teacher was a Col. serving in Europe and helped liberate Dachau. He showed a number of films of the time showing the liberation of some of the camps; I will never forget it.


It was only when in the past few years when going over WW2 in high school with my own DSs did I fully appreciate what an amazing opportunity I had back then to hear of those events first-hand, as horrible as it was. Interestingly, at the same time I was taking those classes, I was working in the evenings at a restaurant with a little German woman who was a teen during WW2, and who married an American GI and immigrated to the US after the war. She had some pretty amazing stories, too.



Thanks for sharing, everyone! Warmly, Lori D.

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Our high school does a contemporary issues class in 9th, modern world history in 10th, American in 11th, and whatever you want in 12th.


The private school I send my son to is *very* American heavy (and it's an IB school with an "international" focus!). Ancient cultures and world geography in 6th, American and state in 7th and 8th, Western civ in 10th (not world), American again in 10th, and some IB history of the Americas thing in 11th and 12th. I pointed out to them that as an "international" school, a bit more focus on the history of the entire world might be in order. We'll see what happens.


According to my son, the students in his American history class don't seem to know much history.

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I will be stunned for you. Not teach world history?? Even worse not to cover major world events in the 20th century??? I wouldn't touch anything they do with a ten foot pole.



Absolutely not! I was floored. I think I left with the most stunned look on my face because as I was leaving he says "Are you ok?" :001_huh:

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They actually call it "World History" but teach American history? And they don't see that as an issue of academic integrity?




They must because that is what I kept calling it and asking "you use THIS for WORLD history?" Evidently they don't mind. I know I made myself very clear. I don't know how they can do this. Especially since it doesn't sound like they add in World History topics :confused:

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I graduated in '94 and I don't remember taking world history. I do remember a semester of Oklahoma history in 8th or 9th and some American in 8th, but that is all. I did go to 3 school districts between 8th and 10th so it is possible I missed it, but I doubt it. I also didn't take geography. My education was abysmal. Hence the homeschooling. A school that doesn't teach world history? That doesn't surprise me in the least!

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Most freshman at my son's high school take World History their freshman year followed by a full year of Modern World History their sophomore year. My son will then take APUSH, AP European History and AP Econ. The only requirements are World History and U.S. History, but many kids take at least four courses. The school offers over 20 history courses (with different tracks) which I am sure is not typical for most high schools.


World History

World History / English (called Team)

Modern World History

U.S. History / APUSH

U.S. History / English (Team)

Political Science / AP Poli Sci

Topics in International Relations: 9/11 and the Modern Middle East

Popular Culture

Psychology / AP Psych

Topics of Psychology and Sociology


Econ / AP Econ

Law and Justice

Modern America

Integrated Studies: History and Science

Current Issues

AP European History

History of Art

IGSS (Integrated Global Study School) U.S. History

Independent Study


We were also lucky enough to have a good history program in middle and junior high.

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My son is taking what appears to be a good course on actual world history next year, 9th grade. Then his school requires THREE years of US History (plus available US government electives). They believe another year of US is essential, since history has lengthened. Apparently, the rest of the world has a much shorter past, and has stagnated in these last 30 or 40 years! :tongue_smilie:

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My son is taking what appears to be a good course on actual world history next year, 9th grade. Then his school requires THREE years of US History (plus available US government electives). They believe another year of US is essential, since history has lengthened. Apparently, the rest of the world has a much shorter past, and has stagnated in these last 30 or 40 years! :tongue_smilie:




Well other than the World History in 9th I was going to ask if you lived in my little town :lol:

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Why not teach your child how to read a newspaper and in doing so teach world history that way? I would start by using National Geographic. I tell you I have learned a lot of world history from that magazine. So, your child can learn current events and world history from periodicals, etc.





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Why not teach your child how to read a newspaper and in doing so teach world history that way? I would start by using National Geographic. I tell you I have learned a lot of world history from that magazine. So, your child can learn current events and world history from periodicals, etc.








Oh we do alot that way as well. I am just putting this together myself after all the looking I have done. Our newspaper only comes out once a week though.

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They must because that is what I kept calling it and asking "you use THIS for WORLD history?" Evidently they don't mind. I know I made myself very clear. I don't know how they can do this. Especially since it doesn't sound like they add in World History topics :confused:


But see, if you were answering a thread like this and just read their course titles, you would say "Yes, our p.s. teaches World History". And you would have been none the wiser.

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I was rather shocked by the lack of world history at our local high school too. The only thing that's required is a semester long class called "Global Studies" in 9th grade, which looks like a bit of history with world geography, although it doesn't seem like you could cover too much in a meaningful way in only one semester. They do offer AP U.S. History but no other AP history classes. There are 2 other semester U.S. History classes, both emphasizing the 20th century. The only other world history class is a one semester class on Russia and Eastern Europe. I guess that's more than no world history, but I'm certainly glad we are homeschooling!

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But see, if you were answering a thread like this and just read their course titles, you would say "Yes, our p.s. teaches World History". And you would have been none the wiser.


Haha, you are right! Except in my case my dd is taking AP European History and Honors Humanities this year on top of Sociology as an elective so I have tangible proof. She is planning on AP History of Art and APUSH in the next two years.

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But see, if you were answering a thread like this and just read their course titles, you would say "Yes, our p.s. teaches World History". And you would have been none the wiser.




Yeah, that is true. Scary though. I wonder how my 4th grader would do against the high schoolers on a world history test?? :confused:

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