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You might not be getting enough sleep...

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I'm sorry to say that when my dc were younger I did that so often that we had to develop a protocol for what the dc should do when that occurred. :001_huh: For us, the oldest proficient reader knew to take over, and the youngest knew that they'd have to fill me in on what happened in the book while I was sleeping. That's narration, right? :D I was doing them all a favor when I did that! :lol:

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"Dear Mom,

We left!


L & M"



My sign I'm not getting enough sleep:

I had a dream last night that I was sitting up in bed and didn't have room to lay down, as the bed was too crowded.

I woke up to find 10-year-old DS hugging on one side of me, DH hugging on the other side of me, 20 pound cat on my stomach and 5 pound kitten stretched over my ankles. :001_huh:

No wonder I dreamed I didn't have room in bed! :lol:

I promptly moved myself to the couch. Where I slept wonderfully, by the way.

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