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Favorite line from a movie

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Mine is from American Beauty. Kevin Spacey is getting a fast food job and is interviewing says:


"I know there have been amazing technelogical advaces but surely you must have some sort of training program. It is unfair of you to presume that I can not learn."


LOVE that line. The look on his face is great.

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Mine is from American Beauty. Kevin Spacey is getting a fast food job and is interviewing says:


"I know there have been amazing technelogical advaces but surely you must have some sort of training program. It is unfair of you to presume that I can not learn."


LOVE that line. The look on his face is great.


Mine is:


"Can you fashion some kind of rudimentary lathe?" from Galaxy Quest.



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These posts frustrate me because all of my favorite lines are too naughty to post here. Just go watch History of the World by Mel Brooks. Here's a page that has a few...:laugh:



Yeah, ALot of my favorites are from the Monty Python movies. In fact, DH wanted to change my ring tone to a song from there...the one referring to a part of the MALE anatomy. :001_rolleyes:




The one I can reprint is from Nemo. Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep <insert need verb & repeat to self as many times as needed!>

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dd 13 - Jack Sparrow: You know, for all that pirates are clever-called, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.

Gibbs: Like?

Jack Sparrow: I once sailed with a geezer lost both his arms and part of his eye.

Gibbs: What did you call him?

Jack Sparrow: [pause] Larry.

Pirates 3


dd 11- "Then let's say God puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perchance, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the lady you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or, was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be? "From Ever After when the Prince was speaking to Leonardo


ds 7 - Boy on Tricycle: [after watching the Parr Family defeat Syndrome over their house] Oh, man...


Boy on Tricycle: That was totally wicked!

from The Incredibles


I can't think of one movie, let alone one line!

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These posts frustrate me because all of my favorite lines are too naughty to post here. Just go watch History of the World by Mel Brooks. Here's a page that has a few...:laugh:


Dude, I can relate!:D The majority of mine are from The Big Lebowski and they are riddled with the eff word! Not that I say the eff word, but I just think that movie is hilarious!


One of my favs, that my husband I say a lot is, "Some new sh!t has come to light, man."


And from Gladiator, "On my command, unleash hell." My kids say this in the morning before we begin school.:lol: (j/K, but isn't that what it feels like sometimes?)

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"Don't spit on me!" from Dog Show


"Like I was really gonna!" from One Crazy Summer


"Wink, wink, nudge, nudge" Monty Python


"Get of it Napoleon and make yourself a ques-i-dilla!"


Oh, so many more. This is a family passtime of ours, quoting movies, that is, not making ques-i-dillas. Quotes creep into our everyday speech.


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Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


- Monty Python and the Holy Grail


So many other quotes from that movie are also great!



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Some new favs...


The bad news is that time flies. The good news... is that you're the pilot -Cashback


Woman stands topless in front of you, "ma'am" could be taken as an insult.

In the Valley of Elah


I decided to stop pitying myself. Other than my eye, two things aren't paralyzed, my imagination and my memory.

Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)


I get turned down more times than the beds at the Holiday Inn.

The Lookout


We came over to sit.

That's what people do when tragedy strikes.

They come over, and sit.

Lars and the Real Girl

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Mine is from American Beauty. Kevin Spacey is getting a fast food job and is interviewing says:


"I know there have been amazing technelogical advaces but surely you must have some sort of training program. It is unfair of you to presume that I can not learn."


LOVE that line. The look on his face is great.


*You had me at "hello". Jerry Maguire


I have so many others but I would need to give detailed background info.



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"You're killing me Petey!" from Remember the Titans. I used this a lot when teaching geometry.


"There's no crying in baseball." from League of Her Own. My three year old quotes this to her 20 month old brother a lot.


"Goose, you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever!" from Top Gun, at which point I generally have to turn off the movie because it gets too sad.

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Dude, I can relate!:D The majority of mine are from The Big Lebowski and they are riddled with the eff word! Not that I say the eff word, but I just think that movie is hilarious!


One of my favs, that my husband I say a lot is, "Some new sh!t has come to light, man."


And from Gladiator, "On my command, unleash hell." My kids say this in the morning before we begin school.:lol: (j/K, but isn't that what it feels like sometimes?)


Elaine, The Big Lebowski is my favorite movie! But there is not a single line I think I could reprint here! I'll send you a PM about my favorite scene.

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I have so many floating around in my head. The latest is in my sig.


I showed the

to my family the other day, so this week its "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard." My dh got that song stuck in his head.




Galaxy Quest is another one of my favorite for one-liners.

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"You're killing me Petey!" from Remember the Titans. I used this a lot when teaching geometry.


"There's no crying in baseball." from League of Her Own. My three year old quotes this to her 20 month old brother a lot.


"Goose, you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever!" from Top Gun, at which point I generally have to turn off the movie because it gets too sad.


When my dh's best friend calls, dh answers the phone, "Talk to me, Goose."

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I will limit myself to just a few, but quotes from this movie have become a huge part of our family lexicon. Know it?


"I knew. I knew like you know a good melon."

"You can't take it back, it's already out there!"

"I'll have what she's having."

"Who's the dog in this scenario?"

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I will limit myself to just a few, but quotes from this movie have become a huge part of our family lexicon. Know it?


"I knew. I knew like you know a good melon."

"You can't take it back, it's already out there!"

"I'll have what she's having."

"Who's the dog in this scenario?"

Love this movie!

When Harry Met Sally.


"Put your name in your books right now. Before they get mixed up and you don't know whose is whose. Because someday, believe it or not, you'll go fifteen rounds over who's gonna get this coffee table - this stupid wagon-wheel, Roy Rogers, garage-sale coffee table."

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I have so many floating around in my head. The latest is in my sig.


I showed the

to my family the other day, so this week its "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard." My dh got that song stuck in his head.




Galaxy Quest is another one of my favorite for one-liners.


My girls showed me that video clip a couple of months ago. Now I've got that song stuck in my head.


For me, any of the lines from Napoleon Dynamite are great!

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we do a LOT --a TON!-- of movie quotes;


we have entire conversations composed almost completely of movie lines adapted for our specific situation.... kinda like the toy in Small Soldiers that gives an entire speech comprised of cliches and commercial bits, lol. and of course, it's mimicking the voice that makes all the difference ;)


Star Trek and John Wayne flicks are the biggest contributors to our lexicon at home.


the ones heard most often:



"I know things about pigeons."


"Tis just a Flesh Wound!"


"You'll shoot your eye out."


Princess Bride [iNCONCEIVABLE! -you miserable vomitous mass! -HALLO! My name is Inigo Montoya! You keeled my father, prepare to die. - I do not think that word means what you think it means.]




"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!"


"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request"


"You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"


"It's alive! It's alive!"


"What is your major malfunction?"


"Wax-on, wax-off."


"Does your dog bite?"


"Yo, Adrian!"


"I've had better." ROTFLOL!


"What we've got here is failure to communicate."


Careful! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crQ7Y2alDxI]


any John Wayne one, Wah-hah!


Tim the Toolman grunt --even the 2yo and my 4yodd can do this.


if we break something "Things in this room don't react well to hitting the floor/ slamming against the wall" [said in a thick Sean Connery accent]


"You are now entering...... the _____ ________"


"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner."


"May the Force be with you."


"You talkin' to me?"


"I'll be back." "Hasta la vista, baby."


"To infinity and beyond!"


"Hello Dave." -2001


"Bond, James Bond"


Dammit Jim!! I'm a ________, not a ___________!

and kinda like 'What a mell of a hess!', dh has taken to cussing in pig latin, lol.

"ammit-day, im-Jay!" [in his best Bones voice]


anything from Star Trek or Star Wars is fair game. I never knew why he called the kids "plabneesters" till we watched the old Star Trek episode w/ the Yangs and the Coms --they pull out the flag, and the pledge is garbled. The beginning sounds like "EEE Plabneesters..."


lately the kids have been breaking out into the Potter Puppet Pals when we're just waiting or doing something routine... they're getting scary good at it too....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx1XIm6q4r4


Holy Blank, Blank Man!! [sky High]


Aren't you one of those guys with skills? Y'know, send them out in the woods with a q-tip and a pocket knife and they build you a shopping mall. You can't do that?

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My classic favorite- "Poor, poor Charlotte." (Anyone want to guess the movie?)


My new favorite-


Marion Ravenwood: I'm sure I wasn't the only one to go on with my life. There must have been plenty of women for you over the years.

Indiana Jones: There were a few. But they all had the same problem.

Marion Ravenwood: Yeah, what's that?

Indiana Jones: They weren't you, honey

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My classic favorite- "Poor, poor Charlotte." (Anyone want to guess the movie?)


My new favorite-


Marion Ravenwood: I'm sure I wasn't the only one to go on with my life. There must have been plenty of women for you over the years.

Indiana Jones: There were a few. But they all had the same problem.

Marion Ravenwood: Yeah, what's that?

Indiana Jones: They weren't you, honey


Was it "A Room with a View"?



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"It's a madhouse! A Madhouse!"- Planet of the Apes?


"I'm taking my union-mandated 15-minute break"- Employee of the Month

(lots of good uses for those around the house!)


"I asked for no salt (on my margarita glass)- NO salt, and there was salt all over it- BIG grains of salt."- Office Space (have to see it/understand the character)


Another from Office Space:

"So, you quit your job?"

"No, I just decided not to go anymore."


From TV:

"Serenity now!"- Seinfeld (good for around the house)


"That's what she said." The Office (you have to know when to say it). My dh is always impressed when I get him with one of these and he least expects it!


Many more, but I often can't think of them until a good opportunity arises to use them.

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"Walnut, Macadamia Nut, Peanut. Well that's really a legume." (This may not be an exact quote but if you've seen the movie you'll know what I'm talking about.)




Anyone? Anyone?



Know the movies?

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