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Ok gals.. how in the world do you drink that much water?

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I have been measuring EVERYTHING now... so far no weight loss, but we'll see in a another week. But I read here that people need at least 64 ounces of water a day??? I have a 32 ounce cup and even MAKING myself drink out of it every time I pass by it I didn't finish that throughout the day. The only think I had before that was 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I don't drink anything else. I'm guessing before I kept track that I maybe drank 16 ounces or something. I'm really having to force myself to drink... How do you do that??? I've always just had coffee in the morning and then water with meals.. I never drank any other time. How do you make yourself drink more. I'm serious, I can't drink more than a swallow at a time.. ( This is even true of other drinks.. If I get a large slushie at Sonic, it lasts me all day and by the end I've only had 1/2 of it.. Haven't had one in several months, though. )

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Your body gets used to drinking more. Start with 6 ounces or so before your first cup of coffee. Make yourself drink it just like medicine. I carry mine with me throughout the day and now refill several times a day, but when I first started trying to get a healthier amount, I had to make myself.

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Well, drinking water also keeps me from unnecessarily snacking. So, I've been trying for a lot. And there have been several times that I think the hunger sensation WAS from thirst.


#1. Room temperature

#2. Glass with a straw

#3. Smaller glass. Then, it's easier to say you are going to finish the glass before you ... (eat, leave, get back....etc...)

#4. Drink ALL day long. I drink a glass before I get my coffee, with my morning medicine. I drink a glass before meals (helps not to overeat). I drink a glass after dinner, with evening meds. This is an hour-ish before bed, so time for a last restroom stop.

#5. I take my cup with a lid and straw in the car with me.

#6. I don't drink much else. Milk or tea with some meals.

Edited by snickelfritz
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I don't know how to say it other than I make myself :confused:. I wake up and stand at the sink and drink a large glass of lemon water. Then I brush my teeth and any other morning routine. I have breakfast and a cup of green tea. Then I drink a cup of coffee. If I tell my self I cannot eat a meal, have my coffee or go to bed with out drinking the whole glass...it gets drunk.


When I stop doing this it is hard, but once I get back in the routine, my body craves it! The first couple days I crave a lot of salt, but my energy levels go up.


I consider lemon water and green tea w/stevia the same as water. I do not count coffee, juice or soda as water.



added: like another pp. It has to be cool water with no ice. Otherwise I cannot gulp it down.

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I drink more than 64 ounces of water a day, easily. It has to be really cold though. Once it starts to warm-up, I have to chill it down before I can drink it.


Drinking that much is easy for me, as I crave it. It wasn't always that way. I stayed with it, and now water is the only thing that satisfies my thirst. Other drinks, such as hot cider and such, are soothing and comforting. I have one in the evening. I'm not much of a milk drinker, and I don't drink any soft drinks (sodas as we call it).

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I drink more than 64 ounces of water a day, easily. It has to be really cold though. Once it starts to warm-up, I have to chill it down before I can drink it.


Drinking that much is easy for me, as I crave it. It wasn't always that way. I stayed with it, and now water is the only thing that satisfies my thirst. QUOTE]


But see I never really drink ANYTHING!!! I'm never thirsty..well unless we are outside and it is over 100, then yes the water tastes good. But right now when it is 50 outside, I'm just not thirsty.


But I am making myself. It just doesn't taste good. And I'm not used to drinking anything else either. I just don't like to drink.

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I don't drink that much either. I know I should drink more, but in winter all I want is COFFEE! At one time I drank at least a gallon a day. It was when I moved to the desert--west TX. I couldn't drink enough water to stop the thirst. It took me about a year to adjust.

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But see I never really drink ANYTHING!!! I'm never thirsty..well unless we are outside and it is over 100, then yes the water tastes good. But right now when it is 50 outside, I'm just not thirsty.


But I am making myself. It just doesn't taste good. And I'm not used to drinking anything else either. I just don't like to drink.


I understand. I was the same. In the beginning I had to force myself to drink it. It was horrible. I believe that I tried putting lemon juice in it and everything. I started slowly and added the quantity.


Eventually, it worked. I started to enjoy it. Now I get thirsty and look forward to it. The first thing I do when I get up in the mornings is get some ice cold water (it's the last thing I drink too).


Just stick with it. :grouphug:


Just want to add that I enjoy water in little containers. I don't want to buy bottle water all the time, but I use little bottles. I fill the little bottles with water and line them up in a drawer in my refrigerator. When I want one, it is ice cold and ready to drink. I don't like it too much out of a glass for some reason. I know it doesn't make sense. Each bottle holds about 16 ounces, so that is why I know that I drink more than 64 ounces, because I drink more than four bottles a day (more like 8).


If you want bottle water to try, I recommend the Nestle Pure Life. In a recent study, it ranked at the top of not having icky things in it. Save your bottles when you are finished. Reuse.

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But see I never really drink ANYTHING!!! I'm never thirsty..well unless we are outside and it is over 100, then yes the water tastes good. But right now when it is 50 outside, I'm just not thirsty.


But I am making myself. It just doesn't taste good. And I'm not used to drinking anything else either. I just don't like to drink.



Sometimes you have to do things you don't like because it is good for you. :tongue_smilie:

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Your body gets used to drinking more. Start with 6 ounces or so before your first cup of coffee. Make yourself drink it just like medicine. I carry mine with me throughout the day and now refill several times a day, but when I first started trying to get a healthier amount, I had to make myself.


:iagree: This is my situation too. Exactly.


I still don't love water. However, like the pp said, I do it because I know it's good for me.

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I drink that much now and I feel so much better for doing so! I feel more alert, I don't have headaches and I just feel indefinably "better". As a PP said, once I started to drink, my body started to want the water. The only side effect I've had is having to run to the bathroom at times! What has worked for me is to put a splash of juice in my water (cranberry is my favorite) that and to drink it chilled. But other people have their own preferences. My dh, for instance, only likes his water if it is at room temperature!

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I don't drink any water at all. I do drink a lot of liquids but not water since I have lived here. Why? This water tastes nasty. Anyway, no one needs to drink 8 cups of water- that is a myth. No one needs to drink plain water at all. You can drink all kinds of liquids. You can also eat watery fruits. I drink coffee, milk, juices, and tea (either iced or not). Every so often I drink hot chocolate. Since I have Sjogren's Syndrome, I need to drink a lot but it doesn't need to be water which is good since except for one it is hot out, water makes me queasy.

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I have a 64 oz bottle that I fill in the morning with the faucet and I chug it whenever I think about it. I can drink more water if it isn't super cold. Tap-cold is about right for me. I also drink more if it is from a wider-mouth top than a smaller one like standard water bottles.

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Frankly I think (and have read) that's a bunch of hooey.




I don't drink a lot with meals. I need those digestive juices working well. :001_smile:


I have a few times a day I "chug" some water: first thing in the AM, midway between breakfast and lunch, and in the afternoon (once or twice.) It ends up being about 48 oz a day, but I drink extra if I sweat a lot that day. My urine is pale, and that is my guide.


I don't think there's one magic amount for everyone. It depends on your level of activity, your diet, your health concerns, etc.

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I chug it. Seriously.


I hate plain water. I'm not worried about a particular number of ounces, but if I don't chug a big glass (about 12-16 oz., I guess) of water at least several times a day, I won't do it at all, and I can tell the difference when I don't.


So, I force myself, and get it over with as fast as possible. I probably drink close to a gallon on the days I pay attention to it, but it's certainly not because I enjoy it!

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Here's my advice...

1. Don't get too hung up on counting ounces... just drink as much as you can, be it 30 ounces or the "recommended" 64.

2. Use a smaller cup; it seems more manageable.

3. Use a cup with a straw. 'Nuff said.

4. If you have some spare money (and don't we all? :lol:), invest in a fun, colorful cup/water bottle. Life's too short to be drinking from an ugly cup.



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I'm coming upon the final weeks of my pregnancy with twins, I'm sure I drink at least a gallon of water a day... and get all my exercise walking back and forth to the bathroom! :eek: I get up 4 times at night lately too, it's insane!! But it keeps contractions and swelling at bay so it works for me. :thumbup:

But my secret is to use ice + straw and carry my cup around with me all day. Tastes good to me.


And I suppose I'll have to continue drinking a bunch after they're born to keep up milk supply. :mellow:

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I chug it. Seriously.


I hate plain water. I'm not worried about a particular number of ounces, but if I don't chug a big glass (about 12-16 oz., I guess) of water at least several times a day, I won't do it at all, and I can tell the difference when I don't.


So, I force myself, and get it over with as fast as possible. I probably drink close to a gallon on the days I pay attention to it, but it's certainly not because I enjoy it!


I chug it because I like it. I like other drinks, but it's not good to chug coke, or ice tea. But water, perfect for chugging :).

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I have been measuring EVERYTHING now... so far no weight loss, but we'll see in a another week. But I read here that people need at least 64 ounces of water a day??? I have a 32 ounce cup and even MAKING myself drink out of it every time I pass by it I didn't finish that throughout the day. The only think I had before that was 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I don't drink anything else. I'm guessing before I kept track that I maybe drank 16 ounces or something. I'm really having to force myself to drink... How do you do that??? I've always just had coffee in the morning and then water with meals.. I never drank any other time. How do you make yourself drink more. I'm serious, I can't drink more than a swallow at a time.. ( This is even true of other drinks.. If I get a large slushie at Sonic, it lasts me all day and by the end I've only had 1/2 of it.. Haven't had one in several months, though. )


I just gulp down about 28 oz of water at a time. I do this several times each day. It takes just a few seconds.

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I hate drinking water. Cause then I have to pee, and you never have to pee when it's convenient. :glare:


But, what happens is that I'll get powerfully thirsty and drink two, huge glasses full. And I have a small glass of OJ with my vits in the morning.


And I do drink green tea all day long, and about 6 cups of coffee (which I also don't count as water).


Now, my dh has a water bottle attached to him and god help us all if he forgets it anywhere. :001_smile:

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I drink a lot, I always have, and no I'm not diabetic. I could probably drink a gallon a day. I actually have to stop about this time otherwise I need to get up in the middle of the night.


You have to find the right temperature, add a little lime or lemon too. If you don't have a water filter, you might try that as well. There is a definite difference in filtered and tap water.


In the summer I keep my own jar in the fridge.

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Well, I drink a lot of water because I sweat quite a bit and get thirsty often. In winter, I don't get that thirsty..I don't drink the same volume.

IOW, I've not forced myself to drink water. But if you feel the need to, drink 1 glass(250 ml) of water 1/2 hour before meals and 1 glass 1/2 hr post-meal. That's 500 ml. Drink another 250 ml post-morning coffee.(Caffeine is a diuretic). Drink 250 ml before dinner or post dinner. You'll meet your quota of 2 litres in a day.


For what it's worth, In my opinion..you don't "need" to drink XX litres of water. Your thirst depends on the weather conditions where you live(dry/humid), season, if you're sick (cold/cough), you have water retention issues, you eat a high sodium diet/processed food.....

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I need to lose weight, so rather than go on any fad diet, I decided to drink water rather than Coke. That is the only change I've made to my diet & I have not started to exercise. In ten days I have lost 2.8 #s :hurray: Maybe it's water-weight, but I am drinking lots more water, so why would I lose water-weight?


I never likes drinking water, but would constantly drink Coke. For Christmas I bought myself a 16oz FlyLady water bottle. I fill it with tap-cold water & I find I now 'like' to drink water. I have been keeping track of how many bottles of water I drink each day & I drink 4+ most days. I do seem to be running to the bathroom all day, but at least I know I'm not dehydrated :tongue_smilie: I once was so dehydrated from drinking only Coke that I was unable to give blood (it was taking over an hour to fill a bag!)


My advice, for what it's worth,

#1---find a water bottle that you like

#2---make yourself drink at least a bottle before each meal

#3---stay commited, like any new habit, it takes 21 days to achieve


PS---this isn't my first time trying to lose weight, but this year I'm taking the baby-step route. My goal is to lose 1 pound a week & add one new, healthy habit a month.

Edited by Deb in NZ
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I have a 20oz water bottle I keep with me at all times.


I drink one while I'm on the treadmill in the morning. If I can finish one then, it makes the rest easier.


I aim to finish another before lunch.


One in the afternoon.


One with dinner/before bed.


I do feel better when I drink a lot of water. I also tell myself I can't have more cups of coffee than water bottles full. So I get up, and make my coffee, but I can't have a 2nd cup until I'm on my 2nd water bottle.

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I just gulp down about 28 oz of water at a time. I do this several times each day. It takes just a few seconds.



Umm, if I take more than a few sips I almost throw up. Seriously. I can only take a few sips at a time. How in the world do you chug anything??????? Once again, I have always just had water. ( other than my morning coffee)

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Make it a habit - if you drive a lot, have a drink in the car. On the computer? same thing. Make it the drink of choice at meal times.


Creating habit has been the only way I ever got anywhere near the recommended amounts of water into me.


OK, you guys keep acting like I am drinking other things. I have and continue to only have water with my meals. That has been true for YEARS. It is the only thing I have other than cofee first thing in the morning. I have a doctor pepper the one or two times a year that we eat fast food.

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i started to drink more water in my mid 20's. i hated it at first. hated it! over the years though, my body really craves it now. i have coffee in the morning & only drink water throughout the day. i'd say i average 5-8 (16oz) bottles. i absolutely can tell a difference in my skin, weight, and well being when my water intake is low. i'd say stick with it and give it time. your body will begin to crave it more... or at least that has been my experience.:) fwiw - my husband didn't drink water when we first married & now he also prefers it over any other beverage.

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OK, you guys keep acting like I am drinking other things. I have and continue to only have water with my meals. That has been true for YEARS. It is the only thing I have other than cofee first thing in the morning. I have a doctor pepper the one or two times a year that we eat fast food.


if water is your only beverage of choice, then it sounds like you're on track. if drinking more than your current intake makes you gag i would definitely not force the issue. everyone is different. i personally gulp drinks down, so my intake is easy & there is no force involved. for you though, it sounds like you would benefit more-so on sipping water throughout the day. i wouldn't measure your intake so much, as simply focusing on keeping it your beverage of choice.

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A straw does help.

I also like my water to be icy, slushy like.

I also munch on crushed ice.


I crave crushed ice during my pregnancies only to realize its a sign of anemia... duh. But it got me started on drinking more ice water... because I was waiting for all that luscious ice to get all melty at the bottom of my glass:drool5::lol:

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Umm, if I take more than a few sips I almost throw up. Seriously. I can only take a few sips at a time. How in the world do you chug anything??????? Once again, I have always just had water. ( other than my morning coffee)


I can't chug water or anything else. I have an esophageal problem and can choke even on water if too much is going down at a time.

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