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Does your husband read?


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I voted No - it's really a bit of "other", but closer to No. He does not read books, he does not read magazines regularly. He will read huge tomes on C++ or the state electrical code manual when he wants to learn a specific thing from them. But I'm thinking that's not what the question referred to. :tongue_smilie:


I think my dad read lots of magazines, but I can't remember him reading a book.

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My dh reads as much as I do which makes for some great conversation! We will often read the same book--he on his iPad and me with a physical copy, lol--like Stephen King or a classic neither one of us has ever read or the Steig Larsson books recently, or a non-fiction topic of interest to both of us.


We have slightly different tastes in fiction, but sometimes they do overlap and I like that. :) It's so romantic to me when he goes to the library and comes home with a selection that he thinks *I* would really like..and usually he's right! heehee :D

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I voted yes. He grew up in a non-reading household & then he married me...:001_smile: He had never read a book until after we were married. Now he likes to read. I wouldn't say he is a voracious reader because he doesn't have much time, but when he gets the chance, I hear, " Read any good books lately?"

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Yes, if it has the words "Star Wars" on the cover. We have a dedicated bookcase in the man cave for books on intergalactic warfare.


You have one of those too? When we cataloged our books, we put them in chronological order and checked to see how many more we would need to have everything that is considered canon. It's not very many.


I think my husband and I knew we were meant for each other when we both started making references to classic short stories in our conversations. We both borrow a lot of library books, and we are frequent visitors at the local used bookstore and library book sales. I'm sure many people have wonderful relationships with spouses or significant others who don't enjoy reading. I just couldn't imagine my life without my husband and I snuggled on the couch reading while the children play and climb all over us, or rolling over in bed to read a particularly great line from what one of us is reading.

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Anything Tom Clancy. Anything related to history - particularly WWII at the moment. He loves to read. Loves his books. Loves his Kindle. A lot of nights will see him in the recliner and me in my office chair - each with our own book.


We have three boys who do not like to read. The oldest is dyslexic but the other two just aren't interested. :(

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This is somewhat of a spin-off of the "100 books" thread. I'm just wondering how many of us WTM ladies had a DH (or a significant other) who is a reader.


Mine is upstairs right now reading the Scarlet Pimpernel.


Oh yes. In fact the first time I ever came over to his place, he'd spent the afternoon rearranging his bookshelf to best show off what he had. I commented on one particular book that I'd also read. Thus it began.


I mean, what were the odds that I was going to find another nice guy who'd read TASS Is Authorized to Announce?


I noticed the other day that this is one of the only modern books in the glass fronted bookcase that holds really old books and special souvenirs. Made me smile.


(When we got married, one of my friends observed, "You're weird, but he's weird like you."

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I voted Yes, but what I really want to say is, "No, I try to keep him illiterate and chained to the stove. We only allow the females in the house to read." :lol:


He reads a lot of stuff for work (pt atty.), political blogs, and he's usually trying to keep up with a book or two either on parenting, business management, finances or spiritual/Biblical topics. Gosh, if I had kept him illiterate I might have more time with him. Hmmm . . . . ;)

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Not only does he read, he is a librarian. I guess there are librarians out there who don't read, but it's pretty hard to avoid when you are in a book culture.


He wanted his boys to be readers, so he made a point of taking over the nighttime reading. That reading is mostly interest led, by the three of them. So, my DH is quite an expert on juvenile fantasy, science fiction, and adventure, with the occasional classic thrown in. He thinks if boys are going to be readers, they need to see their father reading by choice, not just for work etc. He wants them to see it as totally normal that a man would have a book on his night stand or in his backpack. He knows too many men who never read.

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I voted other.

Dh is not a reader. He is a math person and reads slowly.

He reads some. More than magazines, but not much. He reads two magazines: Sports Illustrated and WORLD consistently and 2 or 3 theology books each year and a history or political book or two. He might read (and enjoy!) some fiction if I pester him too, but he would never pick it up on his own.


Having children to read to is widening his horizons! Next I'll have him doing some of our RAs! But he doesn't know that yet! ;) He does excellent character voices!

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