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Do your kids act crazy when using Skype?

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We don't do it often, but tonight dh got the kids on Skype to tell his mom happy birthday. Every time they act ridiculous. Like they pick up any odd thing and hold it up - "Look, this is a receipt!" :confused: They can talk to grandparents on the phone normally, but for some reason seeing them on the computer makes them not know how to have a conversation.


Tell me some of you have kids that do the same. :bigear:


And if you have a suggestion for teaching them how to use Skype without acting crazy, that would be good too.

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Absolutely, yes! Dd6 acts Like a complete nut every time she comes in the room and dh or I are using our video conferencing software. Something about seeing herself on the computer screen is just so exciting she feels the need to act silly. We have to tell this normally very obedient child over and over to stop sticking her tongue out....or jumping up and down or saying silly things while we're trying to talk.

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YES!!!! We do it every Friday night with the aunt and the kids act like circus clowns. It drives us slightly crazy (ok, really crazy). I don't know what causes it but we're almost to the point of doing the calls 2x month just because the craziness is more than we can handle.

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YES!!! We were using Skype to communicate with an aunt and uncle that moved away and it was awful. I dreaded making the call. Thankfully we then moved to a rural area with only dial-up internet and Skype became a thing of the past. We've since moved again and are back to high-speed internet but Skype has been forgotten :) :) :)

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Every time they act ridiculous. Like they pick up any odd thing and hold it up - "Look, this is a receipt!" :confused: They can talk to grandparents on the phone normally, but for some reason seeing them on the computer makes them not know how to have a conversation.


Tell me some of you have kids that do the same. :bigear:


Yes! :lol: My 9 year old gets like this.


I told her that if this is the way she's going to use her time on Skype, we may have to limit it.


I don't mind it once in a while, but it can get ridiculous. That and covering up the camera or putting her nostrils up to it. (rolling my eyes here!)


I swear she doesn't act like this in any other situation. Really. I cannot imagine why a videophone turns her into a monkey.

Edited by zaichiki
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I hate Skype!!!! Well, it's fine with DH when he is out of town, after the kids are in bed. But the obligatory hour long session every Sunday with my family is a nightmare. I hate being stuck on the couch with kids climbing all over me. I always end up banishing them at some point. I would much prefer the phone.

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yeah they do. I think it's something like adults don't know what to do with their hands in front of people, but kids don't know what to do with their whole bodies.


Not to mention, whenever they have looked at a screen, whatever is on their is moving around and providing entertainment. Well, now it is their turn to provide the entertainment!


Seeing themselves just makes it worse. They don't pay any attention to the conversation and just play to the screen.


I figure they will grow out of it.

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Mine too! Sadly, it makes me less likely to use Skype. I can't stand the craziness. :tongue_smilie: I agree that minimizing their ability to see themselves helps. Letting them be in the room one at a time helps too. They feed off the energy of each other. :lol: Inevitably, they get so excited and silly that their grandparents can no longer understand what they are saying.

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YES! I just thought my kids were little freaks lol. They get all nutty and yell and jump. All of a sudden they have "tricks" to do and amazing abilities they just. need. everyone. to. see. OVER AND OVER! We usually make the kids leave the room after a few minutes it is so loud and crazy and we can't even talk! I am SOOOO glad they are not the only ones!

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Yep, have skyped with my parents 3 or 4 times. My husband and my son both go bonkers and have to show off the cats, make faces, and other stuff. It's quite annoying and you really can't have a conversation. I'd rather just talk to my parents on the phone and avoid the theatrics.

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We've had to go to making them come on-screen one at a time. I start with the oldest and work my way down because DD2 is completely enamored with herself on screen and will. not. leave. once she sees herself. :lol:


We do the same thing for he same reason, but my dd is 3. Kid craziness is one of the biggest reasons that i can't stand skype.


Well that and b/c the computer w/ the camera is in my bedroom & I never have time to clean before the call happens. Drives me nuts to see the unmade bed on thebscreen!

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Ok, now you all have me worried. Is there anything wrong with my children if they act normal when using Skype?:tongue_smilie:


My boys seem okay with it. My toddler just loves to sit in front of the camera and watch (herself? othrs? I don't know.) It's my 9 year old who thinks it hysterically funny to be a clown. Go figure. (She's the one, in other situations, who is the most socially appropriate.)

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We don't have Skype but my husband and I both have iPhone 4's and he will sometimes "Facetime" instead of calling from work and the kids go ape**** crazy whenever he does this, dancing around, being loud, making goofy faces, trying to thrust silly things in front of the phone, cackling like hyenas. It makes me nuts. Sometimes I "refuse" the Facetime call and just call him back instead because I can't stand it lol.

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Mine are like that too. I hate skype! I hate that others want to skype with us. It never turns out well. The kids go nuts, they cry about who's turn it is to be in front, and I always just feel awkward wondering how much to discipline while the other people are on the screen.

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Ds's father finally decided to skype with ds a few days ago. The only other people with skype are my father and stepmother. Ds wouldn't dare act crazy because he knows he'll get his tushed kicked! So when his father skyped, I didn't think twice about putting the laptop in ds's room and leaving him alone.


A few minutes later I hear ds laughing really loud.


My ex was at his sister's house and was bringing the phone around to everyone to say hi to ds. Ds mooned all of them!

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