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What is your biggest stressor?

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My biggest stressor is teens....


Followed by myself, in that I have a horrible weakness of not speaking up when I should, so I let "things" build up. I am making myself speak up regularly now and it is REALLY helping reduce my stress....


Followed by... mmm.... marriage, I suppose, although I don't often let it become a stressor... What if, though, it really is, but my horrible weakness of pretending that something is "just fine" is covering it up?? Oh, no! (Hey, that is my weak attempt at humor, there... marriage is at times a stressor, but not often... I think!)

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1. my husband (I never know what mood he's going to be in)


2. my boys' attitudes (I have no idea what to do to fix this)


3. feeling like I spend most of my day making people clean up after themselves (people never had to do this to me -- not even my mother -- so I cannot relate)


4. wanting my old body back -- pathetic, I know.

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Well - right now I'd say Boy Scouts. I'm committee chair and it seems to be constant drama.....


Yes! This is a big one for me too. I am the Chartered Organization Rep AND the Treasurer for our troop. I too feel as if there is constant drama. :glare: As COR I have to attend all meetings because I have the keys. Without me, no one gets in, so I don't have the option to take a break every now and then.


My son Eagle's in March. Woo Hoo!!! Just as soon as he Eagle's I am out of there! I will pass my wands on to someone else to deal with. I've given 100% for over 2 years now and I'm ready to be done! :tongue_smilie:

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Money, which is tied to dh's underemployment since losing his job about 5 years ago.


I'm stressed about our house, but we need more storage which costs money. (Much was lost/destroyed in the 2 moves last year and a flooded basement.) We've never had enough furniture (2 rooms here don't have closets) and it's a big expense.


I'm stressed about schooling--need money to provide activities or a class once in a while, or gas to go on a field trip even once a month, or enough MATERIALS.


I'm stressed about never getting to go anywhere but church and needing a *break*--our van is always near empty and I can only put $10-20 in at a time and we live so far from things that it goes FAST. Money.


It all comes back to money, as much as we try to make do and work around it. It just does.

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Our dogs (their fleas), their barking at everyone that walks by/comes in/etc out house, their constant need to bolt out our front door when the kids are walking out.


Ds7's FASD (behaviors, constant need to walk on eggshells around him)






fear that I'm not being a good enough mother

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I bet it has, Sparrow. We have dealt with Mom's mental illness for the past 5 or 6 years. She on good meds now but I always worry that she will slip back into the "hole". I'm so sad that so many of us face these problems. I'm sad that most of her friends abandoned her because they just don't know how to deal with mental illness. I try to be a spokesman for awareness now and help those who are dealing with depression in family members.

I hope you find some support and relief. What a heavy burden for you.

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My biggest stressor is being a parent. Since pulling my 16dd out of school two years ago, everything is better as far as attitude and behavior but I am still very stressed that she doesn't want to do anything when she grows up. But I remember when I was 16, I didn't know either. I only have the one child, I can't imagine having more than one. You know what they say, parenting is not for wimps.

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Right now, for me, it's loss. I just lost my dad and stepmom one month and three days apart. My stepmom just died on Tuesday after a 4 year battle with lung cancer. My dad died Sept. 22nd from matasticized bladder cancer and advanced Alzheimers. My dad was 68 and my stepmom was 67.


I lost my uncle 5 months ago and my beloved Grammie (who was my mother figure) 18 months before that.


I'm ready for some happy time.

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The economy, the political divide creating massive animosity on all sides, our financial security, and trying to do too much - splitshift parent while working a part-time (25-30hr) job, being the kids' only teacher (all four of em) and being the only one who does any of the doc appts., housecleaning, and all other arrangements.

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Right now, for me, it's loss. I just lost my dad and stepmom one month and three days apart. My stepmom just died on Tuesday after a 4 year battle with lung cancer. My dad died Sept. 22nd from matasticized bladder cancer and advanced Alzheimers. My dad was 68 and my stepmom was 67.


I lost my uncle 5 months ago and my beloved Grammie (who was my mother figure) 18 months before that.


I'm ready for some happy time.


me too...

My mom gone last year...my dad ....it's been a while, but....

Aunts and uncles all gone...



OY!!! I need to find a happy place!

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at the moment, and I really hate to say it... my youngest son. Oh my, this child is a whole 'nother animal. I absolutely adore him, but things would be much more peaceful around here if he relaxed a little.


On any other day, my own short-comings. :(

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