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costume ideas for ds12?

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My son has no idea what he wants to be for halloween, but he wants to dress up. Any suggestions that are "cool" enough for a preteen boy, that will impress the friends, and won't cost an arm and a leg? Also, we are in florida, so it will probably be pretty warm. So no costumes that have you covered in fur or anything, he'd get heatstroke! Today was our first "cold front" and it was in the 80s.

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A few years ago, our eldest dressed up as a Blue Man - his friends thought it was very cool. It took some work to do the make up, but it looked great!


He did Gandhi one year, too - also a good one, but he was older than 12 for that one.


This year, 7 year old is considering Sherlock Holmes. :)

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Does he watch Dr. Who at all? My two 13yos are going as characters from Dr. Who... one is going to be a Clockwork Droid (spent ages making the mask), and the other wants to be an Empty Child.


My son is going as the Doctor, and my daughter is going as River Song. :)

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Oh, your dc are being such cool things. My two oldest are going to be zombies...again. They even talked their dad into ordering them weird contact lenses. EWWWW. I tried to get one of them to do the Alice in Wonderland and the other the Queen of Hearts from Johnny Depp's Alice but they'd rather be something gross.



To the OP, is there a favorite character from a book he could be? Or if he is into video games could he be a character from one of those?


Hmmm, how about TRON? Pretty simple with a black shirt, black pants and a frisbee attached to your back. Use glow in the dark paint for the strips and the frisbee. I'm trying to remember what they wore on their heads. The original version of TRON the helmets looked kindof like a baseball helmet maybe. Maybe they didn't have helmets in the new version.

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A few years ago, our eldest dressed up as a Blue Man - his friends thought it was very cool. It took some work to do the make up, but it looked great!


He did Gandhi one year, too - also a good one, but he was older than 12 for that one.


This year, 7 year old is considering Sherlock Holmes. :)


VERY cool! Great idea!!!

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What cool ideas. Little Librarian is going to be a gypsy. Maybe I can talk my blonde niece into being Rose Tyler. :001_smile:


I always thought it would be cool to go as Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter. Wear the kahkis like he used to and then carry around an inflatable crocodile or a bunch of fake snakes.

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if you aren't opposed to blood and gore, at the costume stores they carry these makeup kits that have a plastic screw and stuff like that that you apply to the skin like on the forehead and it looks like it is going thru the skin. its perfect for this age group. so the face is all gross, but he can still wear regular clothes. i think i got a white tee shirt and put some of the fake blood on it too to go along with the bolt in his forehead. he loved it!!!

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Last year, dsthen5 really wanted to be a white blood cell. (interest from sister studying for her PCAT) I even figured out an easy way to make it - a M&M costume turned inside out (white lining), with white foam "curls/stickies" hot-glued to the outside.


Then he saw the previous year's buzz lightyear costume and announced he could still wear it . . . .:tongue_smilie:

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How about a greek god? He could wear a sheet/toga and sandals, and carry a lightening bolt.


(Dd is going as Medusa, with a toga and fake snakes and lots of dramatic makeup.)


Ds once went as a tourist-y surfer. He wore a bathing suit, a Hawaiian shirt, white nose sunblock, and sandals, and carried a mini-ironing board. It was pretty funny, but it was also cold out and we are not near the beach, so it's probably not for you guys.

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My daughter is going in steampunk fashion. There are great choices in this for both boys and girls, and it is super cool, if a little off mainstream.


My 13-year-old son is hard at work on his steampunk-inspired costume, too.


I think I'm in charge of tailoring the vampire coat/cloak thing he bought so that it approximates tails, and he's been tinkering with his cyborg-like arm device and mask.


It should be pretty cool.

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Last year the kids considered dressing as lumberjacks and singing a line or two from the lumberjack song from Monty Python (my kids perform a song or somesuch at every house). There was also discussion about dressing as the various characters from The Spanish Inquisition sketch from Monty Python, although we decided against it since it could be considered offensive (plus, honestly, I don't think our neighborhood is that clued in to Monty Python television sketches).


They also kicked around the idea of a king with a squire who is clapping coconuts together, which I think would be hilarious for 2 kids to do. As a bonus, you could include a fake swallow somewhere in the costume.


If kids showed up at my door in any of the above I'd give them all the candy in the house.


A few years ago they were bacteria and dressed like the plushies from Giant Microbes.

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What cool ideas. Little Librarian is going to be a gypsy. Maybe I can talk my blonde niece into being Rose Tyler. :001_smile:


I always thought it would be cool to go as Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter. Wear the kahkis like he used to and then carry around an inflatable crocodile or a bunch of fake snakes.


The year he was killed I saw a tasteless yet creative costume....two college aged kids went as Steve Irwin and the Stingray.....totally awful, yet wonderful in a gallows humor kind of way. I can't help but think Steve would have laughed.

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Last year, dsthen5 really wanted to be a white blood cell. (interest from sister studying for her PCAT) I even figured out an easy way to make it - a M&M costume turned inside out (white lining), with white foam "curls/stickies" hot-glued to the outside.


Then he saw the previous year's buzz lightyear costume and announced he could still wear it . . . .:tongue_smilie:


This reminds me of my nephew's costume story from a few years back. He and his mom worked on a homemade marshmallow costume. They filled the costume with balloons so it would look big and marshmallowy, colored his face and sprayed his hair white.


But he couldn't move in the thing! So he found his mustard bottle costume from the year before, donned a Darth Vader mask, and went as Darth Mustard.

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My 13-year-old son is hard at work on his steampunk-inspired costume, too.


I think I'm in charge of tailoring the vampire coat/cloak thing he bought so that it approximates tails, and he's been tinkering with his cyborg-like arm device and mask.


It should be pretty cool.


Awesome! I'm so glad someone else gets the steampunk thing. My poor daughter has been so excited about us putting together this costume. But then every time she says "I'm doing a steampunk costume" to anyone, they just look at her with huge question marks in their eyes. Literally not ONE person we've said it to has had any idea what we're talking about.


Best of luck with your costume! Let's start a halloween pics thread around the 31st to show off what we've all come up with!

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Awesome! I'm so glad someone else gets the steampunk thing. My poor daughter has been so excited about us putting together this costume. But then every time she says "I'm doing a steampunk costume" to anyone, they just look at her with huge question marks in their eyes. Literally not ONE person we've said it to has had any idea what we're talking about.


Best of luck with your costume! Let's start a halloween pics thread around the 31st to show off what we've all come up with!


My son has been trying really, really hard to get all of his friends excited about the steampunk thing, with limited success thus far.


I'm not terribly involved with his costume this year, but I'm definitely up for a picture thread at the end of the month!

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My boys also considered various Monty Python characters, especially the Spanish Inquisitors. They decided it would need too much fabric though. And those hats! oh boy!


They ended up settling on going as Paul Revere and Abraham Lincoln (my older son is very tall and skinny). We found most of what they need, including some really spiffy jackets, from the thrift store. We did buy hats online though. After much debate, DS who is dressing as Paul Revere decided to carry lanterns with him to help with the Paul Revere connection. Currently he is trying to decide whether or not to use a hobby horse. The whole process has been a lot of fun. :)




Last year the kids considered dressing as lumberjacks and singing a line or two from the lumberjack song from Monty Python (my kids perform a song or somesuch at every house). There was also discussion about dressing as the various characters from The Spanish Inquisition sketch from Monty Python, although we decided against it since it could be considered offensive (plus, honestly, I don't think our neighborhood is that clued in to Monty Python television sketches).


They also kicked around the idea of a king with a squire who is clapping coconuts together, which I think would be hilarious for 2 kids to do. As a bonus, you could include a fake swallow somewhere in the costume.


If kids showed up at my door in any of the above I'd give them all the candy in the house.


A few years ago they were bacteria and dressed like the plushies from Giant Microbes.

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A few years ago, ds14 was a 'quarterback'--he wore a football jersey from his favorite team and then a huge homemade quarter on his back. I bought a large silver serving tray from the dollar store and he drew the face of a quarter on it with a sharpie. Totally easy but his friends thought it was way cool.

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My boys also considered various Monty Python characters, especially the Spanish Inquisitors. They decided it would need too much fabric though. And those hats! oh boy!




If you come live in my neighborhood I'll help you make the costumes! Seriously, I keep finding such interesting people on this board, and wondering why I can't find any of you in real life. Wah. :001_huh:

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