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Just for fun...Have you ever been fired from a job?

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The only job I have ever been fired from was, ironically enough, a babysitting job when I was 18. The parents were very by-the-book (although I don't remember which book), and I was, um, not. The mom frequently told me "Well, the books say..." It all came to a head one afternoon over an animal cracker I had given their 10mo to gnaw on. Not healthy enough, she said. I found myself out of a job that day. I wasn't too upset, however. I wasn't getting paid enough to deal with those kids.

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It was my very first job, working at a kennel that bred Scottish terriors. I cleaned out their dog runs, let them out for exercise, fed them. I had to walk to get there, and it was FAR.


There were 25 scotties there, and really, they all looked pretty much alike. On my 3rd day, the owner started quizzing me on their names. There were two dogs I wasn't sure which was which, so she fired me on the spot.


My total paycheck for all three days was $12. Hardly worth the stress and smell.

Michelle T

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I got fired from Chick-Fil-A when I was a teenager, for not smiling enough. We were supposed to stand there with big smiles plastered on our faces, even when no customers were there.


I was glad to get fired; that job was stressing me out because of all the required fake smiling at no one.



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Unfortunately yes.


I was a waitress. There was a scheduling misunderstanding. I honestly did not know I was supposed to work and the restaurant ended up being very busy. I went in that afternoon to pick up a check and the hot-tempered boss let me have it and fired me.


I was embarrassed at the time but it was one of those jobs from which I NEEDED to move on, so really the kick in the pants was a good thing.

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Funny title for the thread, because there was nothing fun about the time I got fired! :001_smile: I was working for a Veterinarian, and he was so intimidating, and judgmental, and grumpy, and mean that he made me nervous. And because I was nervous I would screw up. And because I would screw up he would yell at me. And because he would yell at me I was more nervous. And I'm sure by now you get the idea. As awful as it felt to be fired in some ways, it was really a relief. At my next job, I had the best boss ever.

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Yep because I was sleeping with one of the managers ;) of course I am still sleeping with that manager and no he did not fire me they brought in a district manager to do that job. LOL How about that for spicing it up some :lol::lol: Shocking huh?


Lori in tx who will go and hid back under her rock now

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Yep because I was sleeping with one of the managers ;) of course I am still sleeping with that manager and no he did not fire me they brought in a district manager to do that job. LOL How about that for spicing it up some :lol::lol: Shocking huh?


Lori in tx who will go and hid back under her rock now



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Yes, but I worked 20+ jobs in 5 years...sometimes three simultaneously.

I was fired from a drug store and one waitressing job (lori in tx, it was for NOT sleeping with the boss :tongue_smilie:). I didn't take most jobs too seriously. Spending money and car payment and who cared about the rest (wayyy back in the '80's).

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Yes - it was a temp job. I was supposed to be posting checks, and then taking receivables and going through large pieces of weird computer paper and highlighting the invoices that had been paid. Apparently I was really, really bad at it. I hated working there though so it was a relief when they didn't want me to come back.

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I was "fired" from a job at a huge grocery store, bagging groceries. We were supposed to carry out the groceries, I was pregnant, had back pain, and didn't think it was a good idea to carry out a persons groceries, when all the boys working with me were MORE than happy to let me do the bagging so they could carry the loads out and get the tips from the customers (we weren't supposed to accept tips, but lots of customers were VERY insistent). The Manager (capital M) of the store was watching me, and saw I was letting the guys take the groceries I had bagged out to the customers cars. He sent his assistant to order me to carry out the next order, or else clock out. I refused to do either. He asked me WHY I wasn't carrying the orders out, and I pointed at my belly and said, "I'm PREGNANT. It HURTS my back to take them out and load them into trunks and pick up trucks, and it's just not SAFE for me to have to climb up into some of the customers' huge trucks to load their groceries for them.) I didn't take that load out, and he "fired" me. Hahaha. After some research, and learning of the "pregnancy discrimination act of 1976" I filed a grievance through the union, and got back pay for it, and was "allowed" to work there again after dd was born.

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Thanks girls I am glad you are enjoying, it was a big scandal at the time considering dh is 16years older. The funny thing is this District manager caught us (a lot of people didn't know about it and we hid it for about 5 months) because he invited dh to a New Years Party. so dh went and took me (and that was how we got "caught") of course the look on that guys face when he saw us both there was priceless :D


Even better was when we ran into this guy about 10 years later at a store and I was pushing a cart with a baby or two and he said, " So you finally got married, great anyone I know?" Dh comes walking up behind him and said "Hey M- how is it going!"



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Twice. Both times I more or less pushed until I was fired. One was fast food work, which I hated with a passion....and the manager/owner told me to come in for a second shift later that day. I didn't want to. Told him...'nah. don't want to.' He said, 'you are fired then.' Okie dokie...I think I actually smiled at him on my way out.


The other time the man was just mean and old and gripey and I could not please him! I finally got enough and told him he was mean and old and grumpy and gripey! He fired me.


Shortly thereafter I got a good job which I kept for 13 years until I came home to be a SAHM.

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Even better was when we ran into this guy about 10 years later at a store and I was pushing a cart with a baby or two and he said, " So you finally got married, great anyone I know?" Dh comes walking up behind him and said "Hey M- how is it going!"





Cute story!

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The company was making cut backs. They had laid 3 people off a year earlier. One of those people - you'd have thought they gave her a check for a million dollars - she took it as a sign to go into the mission field!Then there was another set of lay-offs. Then the one where I got it.


It turned out to be a blessing! I was laid off on a Friday. The next Wednesday I supposed to go into the containment lab and work with phosgene - the mustard gas from WWII. Somewhere in that time frame I got pg with my first. I would have been a basket case worrying about the baby. Phosgene is carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic. And my respirator didn't have a great fit.

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My first job: I was working at a small, local department store in the shoe department. I was "trained" in about 30 minutes by the manager on how to do everything. About a month or so later, I had to do my first refund and I did it incorrectly so I was fired. The shoe department was a leased department and I gave the money from the parent store which was wrong and no one at the store that evening told me the right way. Oh well, it was completely boring! I found an even better job with great benefits (free video rentals) that I kept until I left for college and had a great boss who gave me several raises! :D

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I've been let go three times.


The first time, I was 16. I was let go, because I was the newbie and someone (they knew it wasn't me, though) was stealing. My parents got involved, and I was re-hired after they caught the theif (my trainer). I wound up working there for another 5 years.


The second time hacked me off more than I can say. I was telecommuting from AR to DC. I had just flown out for meetings, etc. for 10 days. I was pregnant, and they knew. I had been working for the company for 6 years -- was "due" a lot of materinity leave, and more. The Friday of the week I returned home, I received a call from my boss (the President of the company), that he was going to fly out to see me -- because we needed to "talk." I told him to go ahead and say what he needed to say, and that in my condition I wasn't going to be in a position to stress over it for 3 days. He said he didn't want to do this over the phone... I told him it was better this way. He faxed me my separation agreement -- which stated I was being let go due to financial cutbacks. The following Monday, the VP sent an e-mail to the office telling EVERYONE I worked with, that I was fired because of non-performance and due to customer complaints.:mad:


I immediately called up my clients -- and asked them -- and wound up taking half my clients with me, The end result was this: by letting me go for "financial reasons" I tripled my income and reduced my work load.:lol:


I still have the letters and a copy of the fax -- I toyed with the idea of filing a complaint, but decided we both got what we deserved when I took the clients.


The last time I was let go, was also for financial cut backs -- but I knew it was coming long before it happened. I really didn't care. I had just found out (literally JUST found out) that the baby I was carrying had died (IUFD... 22 weeks), so NOTHING was worse than that.


Hopefully, there will be no "third time" to this one! As I'm once again employed and pregnant:tongue_smilie:

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I was a Kelly Girl (temp agency) the summer after my freshman year in college. One morning I was getting ready to walk out the door to my assignment when the agency called to inform me the office didn't want me back. It seems I didn't talk loud enough. :lol: I got along great with everyone in the office, but the big boss would never pick up her phone when I called. She always used the intercom and expected me to yell into the phone to tell her what was up. I didn't think it was appropriate to YELL into the phone in front of a waiting room full of people.


One of the funnest jobs I had was replacing someone who had been fired. An employee took a week's vacation and while she was gone the employer audited the books. Oops. She had been padding her paycheck for quite a while, so they fired her first thing Monday morning and called the temp agency. It was kind of awkward when the gal's husband called to talk to her and wanted to know who I was. I got one of the regular employees to talk to him. I didn't think it was my place.


The longest and last job I had for the summer they let me know to just come work for them directly the next summer instead of going through the temp agency, but I got married instead.

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Nope! I've always been scared of getting in trouble!!:lol: But, I have to admit that I've only had to real jobs.....my first was at a bank when I was 15 (part-time). I worked there until I was about 18. I quit when I started college and got married. Then I worked a year at Terminix part-time and quit before starting my junior year in college. Other than my student teaching of which I didn't get paid, I haven't had a paying job since!

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Yes, in front of my PARENTS, too. They came in to eat at a restaurant I was waitressing at in college and...well, suddenly, I was eating with them. We didn't leave a tip--the service was lousy. They were short a waitress.


I have a pretty good idea why I was fired, though.

I'm a lousy waitress.

I got fired from more waitress jobs, too. But usually not in front of my parents.


:lol::lol::lol: That is so funny!

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My first job was at a bowling alley where all of my friends worked. I wanted to be a pin chaser, but since I was a girl, and only 15, I got to be the snack bar girl.:glare:


It was a morning shift, and some guy wanted his eggs poached. I had no idea what to do, so I asked the manager. When I served the guy he seriously FREAKED and started yelling at me that I was a horrible excuse for a woman. I had some choice words for him, as well. Over the PA. For which I was immediately fired.


It wasnt until later that I found out the manager had instructed me in how to make basted eggs, not poached eggs. He felt so bad that my friends and I bowled for free for the next three years :lol:



In retrospect, Im not sure what was wrong with me, because my 12yo dd knows all her eggs...

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I got fired from Chick-Fil-A when I was a teenager, for not smiling enough. We were supposed to stand there with big smiles plastered on our faces, even when no customers were there.


I was glad to get fired; that job was stressing me out because of all the required fake smiling at no one.



This reminds me of Andie's signature line quote! :-)

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Yes, in front of my PARENTS, too. They came in to eat at a restaurant I was waitressing at in college and...well, suddenly, I was eating with them. We didn't leave a tip--the service was lousy. They were short a waitress.


I have a pretty good idea why I was fired, though.

I'm a lousy waitress.

I got fired from more waitress jobs, too. But usually not in front of my parents.

LOL!! THat is too funny, Patty.

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Yes, once. :( I was working at an Auto and RV lot. The mechanics guys, one of the ladies I worked with and I got along famously. Then another lady came in---with the sole idea of being top dog. The owner called me one time to go do a job that SHE wanted to do. Ever after that she constantly nagged me and yelled at me....unless the boss was around. At that point she was very nice, especially to him (is there a throw up icon???)! One day, as all good stories END, the boss went on vacation. While he was gone she took it upon herself to fire me. I, as well as everybody else, was shocked, cuz I hadn't done anything wrong! I asked her why, and she said I filed things too slow. That was true to a point. The point being I wasn't FAST, but I had been told before that I was doing a great job. At any rate, I didn't file for her!


The other people were livid, but I guess she'd fanagled him into putting her in charge, and she wanted to make sure I was out of her "climb to the top" before he got back. I went in to see "the guys" and the other lady a few months later (after I had my baby), and they said she was gone not all that long after I was fired. The owner wasn't happy about it, but never rehired me. That's okay, I preferred being a mom anyway!:001_wub:

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Nope. Can't say that I have. Though I have quit one or two in a rather cowardly fashion... sort of like I quit the softball team in Jr. High just before they made the final cuts because I was afraid to be cut. :lol: (Oh, and I hadn't been cut, ironically enough!)

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Before our kids were born I worked for a diet center. They fired me for being too thin, said I could never relate to the overweight women. Five babies fixed that!


I would be glad to be fired for that reason!


I haven't ever been fired from a paying job, but my dh fired me as the dishwasher. He washes everything until it is clean enough to eat off and then just puts it in the dishwasher to sterilize it. Apparently I left too many crumbs on the dishes. I have been trying ever since to get fired from mopping and laundry, but have yet to suceed.

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Yes, I was fired from dishwashing


at a fancy restaurant.

I didnt have the right subservient attitude in the hierarchy of the kitchen, especially towards the head chef.



I am sorry, I am just enjoying these smileys too much.



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I would be glad to be fired for that reason!


I haven't ever been fired from a paying job, but my dh fired me as the dishwasher. He washes everything until it is clean enough to eat off and then just puts it in the dishwasher to sterilize it. Apparently I left too many crumbs on the dishes. I have been trying ever since to get fired from mopping and laundry, but have yet to suceed.


Dh does the same thing! Sometimes he "fires" me from a job when he doesn't like how I do it, but then I get re-hired because he doesn't want to do it, either!

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