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Trouble with pediatric dentist

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Is it routine for a dentist to apply sealants and place fillings in a child's mouth without first consulting with the child's parents?


On three seperate occassions our pediatric dentist has applied sealants to a child's back teeth without consulting me first. I told him plainly after the first incident that I wanted to be consulted about any and all treatments before they were administered, but twice more my children's teeth were sealed without my permission. I only find out at the check-out window when I am billed for the sealants.


Additionally, today I found out that at their last visit the dentist placed a metal filling in my ds8's back molar without asking me! I noticed the discoloration on his back tooth a few weeks ago and when I mentioned it to the dentist this morning he told me it was the filling he placed at the last visit. I had no idea he had done so. I asked him why he didn't consult me and he said that he was sure that he had. Later, one of the hygienists apologized to me and said that it was her fault that I had not been consulted about the filling.


My chilld didn't even have a cavity. His teeth were also sealed at that visit (without my permission). Apparently the dentist wanted to build that tooth up a bit before applying the sealant, so he sanded the surface and applied a metal fillling, then sealed around/over it.


None of my children have ever had a cavity. Not one. Today ds13's back molars were sealed. The dentist didn't consult me, but told ds that he was due for sealants. I found out about the sealants when I was handed the bill.


Dh and I are both furious. Is it even legal to do those things without a parent's permission? I am switching dentists ASAP.

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No. Not routine. In fact, I might even fight payment since I wasn't consulted (I most likely would fight it and yes, agreeing w/ PP that you should consider reporting this behavior). Sounds like someone running up the bill, possibly. I had sealants as a kid but there's no way I would be happy with someone unilaterally making a decision like that without consulting me. It isn't as though it is a matter of life or death! You should have been allowed to weigh the pros and cons of having them done.

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I would be furious. Absolutely enraged. He has NO business doing ANYTHING to a minor child without the parent's full knowledge and specific consent, and he has NO BUSINESS billing you for services that you did not specifically agree to.


And I'm horrified that he would erode a tooth that was intact and healthy. That would leave me enraged as well.


Fire him.


Report him.


Refuse payment.

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I would be furious. Absolutely enraged. He has NO business doing ANYTHING to a minor child without the parent's full knowledge and specific consent, and he has NO BUSINESS billing you for services that you did not specifically agree to.


And I'm horrified that he would erode a tooth that was intact and healthy. That would leave me enraged as well.


Fire him.


Report him.


Refuse payment.



This, and add in additional anger for him using a mercury filling without consulting me.

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I was told by *three* pediatric dentists upfront that they will not consult me and I was not allowed back with my child, I kid you not.


Of course, I ran as fast as I could out of those places.


And Calandalsmom wonders why parents want to go with their child to medical visits?


We found a wonderful pediatric dentist who allowed me back with my child and who even talks to parents before doing any procedure. You'd think that was normal, but not in the area we were when my son needed a dentist. One dentist was even cruel to small children, IMO. It's a long story and still gives me chills.

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We tried a large pediatric dental clinic here in the area, they do not allow parents back with kids. I have two special needs kids and explained that they could not be seen without me, they refused to allow me back. I had already had concerns about this particular practice due to my ds (12) telling me they were "mean" when he went in. When they refused to allow me in with my kids we decided another dentist was in order.


We have now found a wonderful dentist that allows me back and of course does nothing without explaining and asking for permission first. In fact he only does work that is schedule. So if we go in for a cleaning that is all he will do. If they need further work he explains what is needed and schedules a follow up.


I would certainly report that dentist and immediately find a new dentist. Good luck to you.

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We have really good dental insurance so we weren't billed a dime for the filling, which is why I didn't know about it until I happened to see it in his mouth. Like I said, I thought the filling was a cavity when I saw it.


My dh contacted our insurance company which contacted the dentist's office. The dentist got on the phone and told him that as far as he knew I had been informed about the sealants and filling at our last visit. He said there was a note in our file saying that I was informed. Um...no. I was not. The insurance rep. said that we can change dentists if we aren't happy. I figured they be a little more interested in the fact that they are paying out hefty sums for unauthorized treatments. I guess not.


The dentist's office did agree to reimburse us for the co-pays on today's sealants.


I will be reporting this practice. Thanks to whomever provided that link in their post. I will check it out.


The whole thing is stupid, really. I would have authorized the sealants each time. The filling, no. The sealants, yes. I don't know why they don't ask me first.


The thing is, I have been back with the kids at every. single. visit. This dentist encourages it. I never notice him doing the sealants because I'm watching four kids at once and I can't tell the difference between applying a sealant and just cleaning teeth. I missed the filling altogether because that was ds3's first visit and we were sitting is a seperate room, technically, though I was still just a few feet away from the other boys. I probably heard the drill when he did it. :glare:

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I'd leave. This is probably something that should be reported, but I'm too lazy/busy.


If your children have never had cavities, you don't need a pediatric dentist. I think they are valuable if you have a family history of dental issues, or multiple early cavities, but they are simply too aggressive for most people and you pay for unnecessary precautions.


I've always been required to go in with my pre-teen children. My 14-year old just has her first unsupervised check-up.

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Im glad you are following through with the reports! That is just crazy! My parents used to take me to a dentist that didnt allow parents in the back. He used half doses of novicaine and did lots of work that was not needed. I complained but my parents thought I was lying or overreacting. Later, charges had been brought up on him and he was in the paper and my parents couldnt beleive it! Crazy!! I am super picky with dentists now and I always go back with my kids.

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I would have left after the first time I wasn't consulted. In fact, I did. I took DD in to get two loose teeth pulled. It sounds silly, but she has fear issues and wouldn't let us pull them at home, and the teeth had broken. While she was in there, she decided to pull a third tooth that was starting to loosen without consulting me. Then she referred us to an orthodontist who said he couldn't start treatment because DD didn't have enough teeth to attach the braces too.


We've never been back. Unfortunately, that was over a year ago and the kids haven't been to any dentist since. I need to get on top of finding a new one.

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Our pediatric dentist has a room next to the exam rooms with a large glass window where parents can sit and watch their children. They did allow dd to sit on my lap a few times when she was little and scared. We have to sign before any procedure is done and usually have to schedule a separate appointment for that type of thing.

I would look online for this practice and write a review so others can know what they are really like. I would also complain further as others have suggested in previous posts.

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It is not legal. He is performing a procedure on a minor child. I would definitely switch dentists and report him to the General Dental Counsil... the governing board for dentistry.


Here's the link:






Do this right away please. If he's doing it to you he's doing it to others and needs to be reported.


ETA: I saw you're going to. Good.


Pediatric dentists...Another things you just never see around here. You Americans and all your medical specialties!

Edited by WishboneDawn
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I've never been to a pediatric dentist that didn't permit parents in the back.


My pediatric dentist asks permission for every procedure--I don't have insurance, so he also tells me the cost. I wonder in the dentist just did it because he knew he could bill insurance for it.


The situation is really messed up! Good luck finding a new provider.

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I would be furious. Absolutely enraged. He has NO business doing ANYTHING to a minor child without the parent's full knowledge and specific consent, and he has NO BUSINESS billing you for services that you did not specifically agree to.


And I'm horrified that he would erode a tooth that was intact and healthy. That would leave me enraged as well.


Fire him.


Report him.


Refuse payment.


Absolutely!!!! :iagree:

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Why didn't you leave the first time he did something without your permission? After you specifically told him to consult with you on the next time and he didn't, there's no reason at all to have returned. Clearly he has no respect for you as a parent.


I would look into the legal issues-this guy is bad news.


Parentalrights.org may be someone to consider talking to.

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no, this is not common. they need to consult with you before they do anything. also, alot of times this stuff is expensive and a plan needs to be worked out to get it all done. bottom teeth sealed on one visit, top on the next--stuff like that. i would have a serious chat with them again, or just switch dentist--and i would probably switch dentist.

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