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As a teenager, which celebrity did you have a crush on?

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I didn't seem to get crushes on tv stars, maybe cuz we didn't watch much tv? Anyway, my first crush was John Denver soon followed by Jackson Browne and James Taylor.


Oh but John. . . my best friend and I in 8th grade would go over to her house after school (her mom worked so she could put the record player up really loud) and we listened to Annie's Song over and over and stare at pictures of John.


I was really upset when he died in that plane crash. I hadn't thought of him for years but I grieved all the same!


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My first tween crush was on Ricky Schroder/Rick Stratton - I simply adored Silver Spoons. This was followed by Jonathan Crombie/Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables.


I then entered my Alex P Keaton stage. The character not the actor.


In my teens, I graduated to real people and had a crush on John Malkovich (Empire of the Sun, The Glass Menagerie, Dangerous Liaisons) ... although apparently this had some serious character driven overtones.


In my late teens it was all John LeClair.


Looking over this list I see parallels to those qualities that drew me to my DH, and I can't help but wonder how it will compare to the crushes my DD will surely soon develop!

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Kip Winger was (and still is) drool-worthy. Jon Bon Jovi, OK, but Richie Sambora was the one who got to me! He's not aged well. Sigh.


I'm more of an auditory person, honestly, so I identify more with voices - Steve Perry has probably the best voice in rock. LOVE him. Don Henley is another favorite.


When I was a tween I liked Rob Lowe, C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio - "The Outsiders" guys. I remember lots of "Teen Beat" posters.


I had a wall full of KISS posters for a long time. Then I figured out how.... icky they are.


I was obsessed with Elvis Presley for a long time - even though he died when I was 6. I'm thinking that's who my mom would bring up - and how could I forget? She loves to tell people that I used to write "Elvis" in mustard on my sandwiches, LOL! I can still sing all the songs, much to my dh's chagrin.:D

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Here he is, in all his feathered glory.........

Mr. Bruce Penhall, World Champion Motorcycle Speedway Racing Champion and more importantly to my teenage heart, Officer Bruce Nelson in the '82-'83 season of "ChiPs."




OH, there were others......Andy Gibb, Shaun Cassidy, Rob Lowe, (I still love me some Rob Lowe....even though he plays a Republican on TV! ;)) but my heart belonged to Brucie.


Blonde, feathered hair just gets me right *here,* you know?!

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And the Bugaloos! I wanted to be Joy!



LOL! Yes! I loved that show! Ahh the memories....I'll look that up later... I was just talking about this with my 16 year old and tried to sing the theme song to her...


The bugaloos, the bugaloos.. their in the air flying high, flying free... ... cant remember the last part.:D

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No way!? This is my husbands cousin!!! NO lie....


How funny! Not funny ha ha or wierd, but we know him...funny...


Here he is, in all his feathered glory.........

Mr. Bruce Penhall, World Champion Motorcycle Speedway Racing Champion and more importantly to my teenage heart, Officer Bruce Nelson in the '82-'83 season of "ChiPs."




OH, there were others......Andy Gibb, Shaun Cassidy, Rob Lowe, (I still love me some Rob Lowe....even though he plays a Republican on TV! ;)) but my heart belonged to Brucie.


Blonde, feathered hair just gets me right *here,* you know?!

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Don't recognize his name, lol?


He was the guitarist for the Police. Probably middle-aged, even back then, lol.


But I was so into him, I even got a book of his photography.


(I also had a crush on Sting, at another time, as well as a TON of other folks, at some point or another, but...for some reason Andy Summers sticks out.)


He's 65 now, and still looks and sounds good. So I guess when I saw The Police in high school, Andy was in his early 40s. I always thought Sting was more of a "fox"! ;)



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He's 65 now, and still looks and sounds good.


After I posted, I had to go and see how old he was. :-)


I'm sure he does still look good! I saw the Police in concert once, many years ago (Synchronicity tour).


Yeah, I guess Sting's okay, too. ;)

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I had a major crush on Johnny Depp in his "21 Jump Street" days. But I'm pretty sure that was before your time, Abbey.... :)


Ah, but when I was 11-12, it was on in syndication. 5pm every day... I'd go turn on the tv, and my mom would come in and say, "Is he on?" If the answer was "yes", she'd drop whatever she was doing and come join me on the couch. If the answer was "no", she stalk off, rolling her eyes and muttering, "I don't even know why you watch this trash..." roflol... ;)

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No one!

Way before we even got to that age, my aunts told my sister and I that we would be plastering our bedroom wall with posters of movie starts. That idea freaked us out so much that we swore we never would. And we never did.



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but my first crush was on Michael Jackson! I was obsessed. Posters, tiger beat magazines, 5th grade report on a famous person you admire (not what my teacher had in mind, no doubt). Thriller, Billie Jean, the videos on MTV, wowza!


Then it was Kirk Cameron, Judd Nelson, George Michael, Johnny Depp in 21 Jump Street! And Bruce Willis in Moonlighting.


BY the time I was graduating, I was all about Robert Smith and Morrissey.

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