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s/o Please Read - What do people think of you?

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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start making everyone paranoid. Actually, I'm one of those people who often thinks others have her on Ignore! I'll admit, I do wonder if some people here are making stuff up, but that's just me. Like I said to Scarlett, my own personal biases shouldn't affect anyone else; heaven knows, I am well-known for having less-than-reliable instincts. I may wonder, but I try not to let it affect how I interact with anyone here, because in the end, who knows? And who cares? Odds are that the people I wonder about are completely legit and 100% truthful, and my skepticism has no bearing whatsoever on their lives. That's the reason I won't ever call "bull$h**" on anyone. Whether they are full of it or not is completely their own issue.


Do you know I have NEVER put any one on ignore? :D


I tried once for like a day on MDC, but I just couldn't handle not knowing what she was saying! :001_huh: :lol:


Funny part, over time we became friends. :)

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I think I am under everyones radar. :) I rarely post, lurk a lot, avoid all threads with conflict, and rarely post anything of importance.....just how I like it. I often wish I could make more "friends" online but I am not willing to put enough of myself out there for people to "get to know".


I do however think there are some people on here who are tolls (or at the very least bored with life and needing drama at every.single.turn). In fact I never knew I could block someone until now! Woot, I think that little tid bit just made my night since there is one person I would love never to have to read again. :D


P.S. It's not you.

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I think I am under everyones radar. :) I rarely post, lurk a lot, avoid all threads with conflict, and rarely post anything of importance.....just how I like it. I often wish I could make more "friends" online but I am not willing to put enough of myself out there for people to "get to know".


I do however think there are some people on here who are tolls (or at the very least bored with life and needing drama at every.single.turn). In fact I never knew I could block someone until now! Woot, I think that little tid bit just made my night since there is one person I would love never to have to read again. :D


P.S. It's not you.


Now I am thinking.....is it me??? :001_huh:






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I'm another one of those people who would probably not be noticed if I didn't come back. I usually avoid controversial threads, and I rarely have anything terribly witty or insightful to say that someone hasn't already said. I have even taken a few extended sabbaticals from the boards without notice. On the plus side, I was pretty sure I wasn't suspected as a troll.

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I'm probably listed by someone as a drama queen. So be it. My life has periods of intense drama, and I choose to share instead of going nutso, so that I can be covered in prayer, and with the hope that maybe something will help someone.

It does tick me off a little to be thought of so disparagingly. But so what? It's a message board. Can't please everyone, can't have a personality that is going to suit all.


I would like to clarify my "drama queen" comment - not directed to you specifically, Chris, but because I think when people are beset by carp in their life, they can feel as you expressed above.


When I say I'm sure we have drama queens, I mean there are some in every crowd who seem to go out of their way to set up drama and crises in their lives.


I do not mean that when our posters come here to vent, seek cousel/commiseration, or ask to be held up in prayer they are being "dramatic". Nor do I have anyone in mind as a drama queen. It was just an observation of social groups.

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I'm probably listed by someone as a drama queen. So be it. My life has periods of intense drama, and I choose to share instead of going nutso, so that I can be covered in prayer, and with the hope that maybe something will help someone.

It does tick me off a little to be thought of so disparagingly. But so what? It's a message board. Can't please everyone, can't have a personality that is going to suit all.


I like this and agree! Honestly, I really do not care a whole lot about what random Hivers think of me. I have made some great friends on here, I appreciate the Hive for what it is and what it is not.

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I don't have a blog.

But I also don't have a lot of drama (touching wood) so I guess I am probably not under suspicion.

I am always amazed people even think of such things. I just take everyone pretty much at face value. Even if they are a troll, I am not much into feeding trolls, or drama, unless I am in the mood, which isn't often.

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I don't have a blog.

But I also don't have a lot of drama (touching wood) so I guess I am probably not under suspicion.

I am always amazed people even think of such things. I just take everyone pretty much at face value. Even if they are a troll, I am not much into feeding trolls, or drama, unless I am in the mood, which isn't often.


Actually, Peela, it's precisely because you have so little drama that I suspect you toetap.gif

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First of all....I think this might just be the most popular thread I've ever started :)


Second, I think I've decided that it's my nature of being a people pleaser. I really just want people to like me.


Maybe I need a social life - you know, one that doesn't consist of only online friends.....yeah, that's it.

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I know it seems really dumb but I usually only think about it if they have no blog. Most everyone here advertises their blog.


So a blog makes you real?? ;)


But what about a blog that you haven't updated in ... years. Does that make you real, but deceased?



Just to prove that I exist:


eloquacious.wordpress.com Back then I was more into diapers than schooling, but then you can see the progression there. ;)

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First of all....I think this might just be the most popular thread I've ever started :)


Second, I think I've decided that it's my nature of being a people pleaser. I really just want people to like me.


Maybe I need a social life - you know, one that doesn't consist of only online friends.....yeah, that's it.


:grouphug: me too!

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I have come to the conclusion that most people don't think twice about me. If I never came back here, I dont think a missing persons post would pop up. That's a good thing, because I really shouldn't invest emotionally in an online board. If I thought I mattered here, I would spend way more time and emotional energy on this. I've done that before and it was a bad thing.


I left for three months and, count 'em, one person missed me.:lol:


Yes, the thought crossed my mind as I have no avatar (lazy), no names in signature or pictures (DH in IT security = big no-no), no school-age kids (yet), and no one that I know on here in real life (though I can think of two people who may be lurking that could identify me).




You need a grill as your avatar or something!


Also I think if I suddenly wasn't here, people wouldn't notice (since I mostly lurk anyway) OR people would think "oh, see, she disappeared! We were right!"


(plus, my blog link was messed up for a while and I didn't realize it until someone PM'ed me; probably someone checking if I was real or not, LOL!) (it's fixed now, so if you clicked it when it was all chinese, you can go back now...)


I mostly lurk because this board moves way too fast, and I'm on the wrong time zone. By the time I see a thread, it's way back/far down in the list and I'm not sure I should revive it or not. Or, what I'd say has been said.


But -- after reading this thread, now I'm wondering -- curriculum choices are a red flag? The lack thereof?? I hadn't thought about that and now wonder if I should be more specific......


I always liked your name!


I just recently put some curriculum in my siggy. It takes too much space to list what all the dc do so I never really knew what to put there. Then I decided to only post stuff I really loved


Nobody thinks I'm a troll. Everybody here likes me. Well, all the good people, anyway. :D


I haven't posted to my blog in a year, though. I took it out of my siggy because I'm sure people got bored with it.


I never read vaccination threads EVER. I encourage you to add that to you list as well!


I'm probably the ONLY mom in America who gets pressure from her MIL not to vaccinate!!!! :tongue_smilie:It is a topic I do not discuss. Dh and I discussed it once, we made a decision, end of story.

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There'd isn't a single poster I could put on ignore. The problem i have is, i can't keep you all straight. For example, did you know Aubrey is a very different person then Audrey? I remember being proud and shocked that i managed to figure that one out.


I just have trouble connecting a name/avatar to a story/thread.


I will remember that someone is dealing with X or asking about Y. But I wouldn't remember that it's person A who is living in a shoe with more kids then she know what to do with, and person B is a crazy cat lady with only one child.

Edited by Julie Smith
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Well, I guess I need an avatar and a blog, lol. I didn't realize I was a troll until today, as I had no idea any of that was necessary to be real. But the good news is, I'm completely and utterly forgettable. Nothing I say creates drama - even when I'm trying to be witty - I barely gets noticed. I tend to be a thread killer, and my main topic of interest is curriculum:D




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I do worry occasionally that I seem suspicious. I have no blog, no siggy, and am purposely vague with personally identifying information. Of course I just remind myself that no one thinks of one as frequently as one's self, and then move on. (I know when we start back to school in September I'll be the only one who knows I'm not here! :) )


I lurk a lot here, and I learn and enjoy "hearing" from others who homeschool for reasons that are closer to my own than most homeschoolers I know IRL. I also have a not completely irrational fear of someone who hurt me very badly in the past finding my family. I walk a fine line, internally, when deciding what is *safe* to post; if it makes people raise an eyebrow about my legitimacy, I can live with that.


I also erase 2/3rds of the posts I type out. Maybe if I self-edited less I'd seem more real? Or I might just end up getting banned b/c my first reaction is not always gracious. :tongue_smilie:



ETA- I almost deleted this post for TMI, but decided, WTH, let it ride!

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I also erase 2/3rds of the posts I type out. Maybe if I self-edited less I'd seem more real? Or I might just end up getting banned b/c my first reaction is not always gracious. :tongue_smilie:


I do that all the time! In fact, I just did it. :lol: On another thread of course!

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I know I have a decent amount of drama going on. I don't usually need help/advice on the good things, so I tend to post the drama. .


:grouphug: I had a time in my life with lots of drama and need of encouragement - but rarely ever posted about it because the responses were often less than supportive and helpful.


I think this forum is much better about supporting people.

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I was reading AngelBee's thread and somebody mentioned that there were several regular posters that she questioned the legitimacy of.


**okay, I'm going to say it - the dreaded phrase......just roll with me here - I KNOW I'm not the only one**


Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????


Maybe I'm just ultra self-conscious. Wait....yeah, I am. I know that. But still.

Me too. And I never catch on to who's being called out as a troll. I alway wonder. Sometimes it makes me think about leaving, but there's no way to do that--is there?

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I know it seems really dumb but I usually only think about it if they have no blog. Most everyone here advertises their blog.


Really?? I'm another one who doesn't post my blog. I do have one. It doesn't have much on it....I haven't had time to work on it much (and not sure if I ever really will). It was originally (maybe automatically) set on public when I was working on it. But, I never told a soul about it and then it kinda freaked me out when I could see that there were views to my blog. :confused: I have pics of my dd on there. It weirded me out to think that some who-knows-who could be sittin' in their living room looking at pics of my kid on their computer (I was imagining a creepy guy). :blink: So, I found out how to make it private and decided I'd only invite my family (which I have never even done yet). I was kinda bummed about that because there are some really cool blogs here and I wanted to be one of those cool people with a cool blog that I could share with cool ideas and pics of our cool homeschool. But, I guess that won't happen. :tongue_smilie: I don't have a picture of me as my avatar because the mamma bear is way more cuter than I am (I am actually a very private person and would never post a pic of myself....mostly because I don't like pics of myself). I had curriculum choices in my siggy....but took it out when I was switching what we were using (I may add our new stuff on there). I also don't do Facebook or Twitter or whatever. I have no IRL friends here to vouch for me....come to think of it, I really don't have many IRL friends IRL. :001_huh: I have sold and bought stuff here though. Sometimes I think I talk too much here or start too many posts about not very important stuff. To me...this place is a place to talk since the person I talk to the most is a 7 year old. But, I do notice that I think that I am pretty witty at times.....and no one ever thinks those comments are funny. I also notice that I kill a lot of threads. :nopity:I wonder if anyone will post after me here or if I'll kill this one now? I know I talk to much and I use a lot of smilies (because they are so darn cute).


I admit I had dread I was one of them. I am too insecure for my own good. I know I am not the type of person people like much, so when I see/hear things like that I automatically assume it's me. Not to mention the fact my life really is kinda crazy though when the really crazy stuff happens I try to post pictures to show I am not jsut looking for trouble. At the same time I know that if I left the hive I would not be all that much missed, and in some ways that is okay. I would rather be overlooked than hated. But that is my own insecurities talking.


of course the fact I am pmsing this week does not help as I am taking things far too personally.


I just wanted to tell you that I think your avatar is......AWESOME!!! :thumbup:


Now I'm worried that some of you might think I don't really have a horse!




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Me too. And I never catch on to who's being called out as a troll. I alway wonder. Sometimes it makes me think about leaving, but there's no way to do that--is there?


Honestly, I'm ticked off that i miss all of the drama! I only come here once a day, sometime only a couple of times a week. I hate missing good stuff! I was here when everyone was conversing with the lady with 17 kids, and then the other day I found out she didn't even exist! I came back today and everyone is talking about trolls. And all I'm trying to figure out is why! lol. What thread do I even need to read to know why Angelbee was even called such a thing! I feel totally lost, and it blows my mind how much I miss in such a short period of time! I need to do an hourly check-in:D



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I'm a troll.


I came here for the express purpose of coming up with super controversial crock pot threads.


I just haven't been able to come up with any good ones yet. :sad:


Someday.... someday....


Just start a thread with "Does the make you mad?" in the title.


Anything starting with "Does this make you mad?"....will. Half the board will be mad. The other half will be of three minds. (Not mad, might be mad depending on circumstances, and mad that others are mad.)
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Honestly, I'm ticked off that i miss all of the drama! I only come here once a day, sometime only a couple of times a week. II came back today and everyone is talking about trolls.


I missed the latest drama too, apparently another troll got banned last night/early this morning.

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There are a few very regular posters who I generally think, if not outright trolls, are total drama-seekers. And no, you're not one of them.


I agree with this. I always think when I read some of the threads that if I had that many problems I wouldn't have time to spend on the internet. :001_smile:


If I am the troll, I must be the strangest troll I met - no personal drama whatsoever, just a lot about math and science... THAT are the REALLY wacky trolls, watch out people.


Some people have no blog because they do not think they have SO important stuff to share with the world.


My life is too boring for a blog. 99% of my posts here are things like:

-What dishes would you buy?

-Is AAS a good fit for my kid?

-Where would you camp in Florida?

-Quick! Need recipe for chicken thighs?


If I'm a troll then I need to go back to Troll University because I'm a pretty lousy one.

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With all of the troll hunting, I've feared that I'm a suspected troll too. The problem with all of the suspicion is that it is extremely tough on new people. It's hard to feel welcome when you walk into the party and half of the people turn their backs in distrust and the other half stare you down suspiciously. :confused: I came here because someone told me it would be the best place to get some of my questions answered and they told me what great people you all are. I was encouraged because the board is so active. Then I started seeing the posts from classical homeschoolers who were hesitant to admit that was their style because they were getting jumped on. And then all of these posts about troll hunting. Most of my posts have gotten little or no response and there are some I can't even find. (deleted by someone???) It makes a girl feel like she might be on the troll list. I've put more info in my signature even though I didn't really want to have one. I've posted a better introduction hoping to prove I'm "real." I tried to post a lot to get my post count higher since that seems to be important to people. Maybe it's just too much work to gain trust here. Or maybe I'm just tired and will have a better perspective tomorrow... At the very least, it would probably be a good thing for everyone to remember back to the days, however long ago, when you were new here. How did people treat you and how did that make you feel?


I'm real...really... :001_smile:

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**okay, I'm going to say it - the dreaded phrase......just roll with me here - I KNOW I'm not the only one**


Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????



I have wondered that many times :001_huh: Seriously glad to know I am not the only one! When I read your post I considered PM'ing Angelbee and asking if I was one of those questionable posters (and I am not new) :001_huh: then I read the rest of your OP :lol:

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Oh, yeah. I'm such a loon that I question my own legitimacy.


Seriously, yes. I'm that insecure. Unless someone quotes me everyone once in a while I feel that people don't like me. Or that I've stepped off into it (yet again.) Or there was a clique meeting and I wasn't invited.


I've talked to Imp and Mommaduck on the phone, but all that proves is that I'm female. (Or a male with a really weird voice.)

Well, I like ya!


Honestly, as far as wondering if ppl think I'm a troll, meh.


My life is chaotic, and messy, and dramatic. It just is. I've said before that if I wrote my biography, I'd have to label it fiction, b/c nobody would ever believe it was true.




So, it wouldn't surprise me at all if someone thought I was a troll, but I'm not going to try to be someone I'm not just to avoid arousing suspicion maybe possibly, although trying to dampen who I am would likely arouse MORE suspicion than not!


Those that know me, know me. I just don't have the time or energy to worry or wonder if someone thinks negatively about me or not.

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I have wondered that many times :001_huh: Seriously glad to know I am not the only one! When I read your post I considered PM'ing Angelbee and asking if I was one of those questionable posters (and I am not new) :001_huh: then I read the rest of your OP :lol:


:grouphug: I keep hearing "I always feel like somebodys watching meeee!" since my dip in the troll pool. :001_huh: :tongue_smilie:

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Now I'm feeling paranoid, like some of the others. I have no avatar up yet, no signature listing kids and curriculum, no blog ('cause I don't do one), and the dreaded low post count ('cause I just joined a couple weeks ago). Oh, and I haven't formally introduced myself... am I missing the board or thread where people introduce themselves? I'd be happy to, if I knew where to do it.


Every board has its own "feel". I'll be honest; as much as I've enjoyed reading the consistently intelligent thoughts and opinions on this board since I joined, I can't say it feels all warm and fuzzy and welcoming.


I'm hoping it feels more comfortable soon, though, because I really like it here overall!

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Now I'm feeling paranoid, like some of the others. I have no avatar up yet, no signature listing kids and curriculum, no blog ('cause I don't do one), and the dreaded low post count ('cause I just joined a couple weeks ago). Oh, and I haven't formally introduced myself... am I missing the board or thread where people introduce themselves? I'd be happy to, if I knew where to do it.


Every board has its own "feel". I'll be honest; as much as I've enjoyed reading the consistently intelligent thoughts and opinions on this board since I joined, I can't say it feels all warm and fuzzy and welcoming.


I'm hoping it feels more comfortable soon, though, because I really like it here overall!

:grouphug: welcome to the Hive. :) honestly, there are many wonderful men and women here. I am sorry we havent been very welcoming.

:lurk5: Snack? :D

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Now I'm feeling paranoid, like some of the others. I have no avatar up yet, no signature listing kids and curriculum, no blog ('cause I don't do one), and the dreaded low post count ('cause I just joined a couple weeks ago). Oh, and I haven't formally introduced myself... am I missing the board or thread where people introduce themselves? I'd be happy to, if I knew where to do it.


Every board has its own "feel". I'll be honest; as much as I've enjoyed reading the consistently intelligent thoughts and opinions on this board since I joined, I can't say it feels all warm and fuzzy and welcoming.


I'm hoping it feels more comfortable soon, though, because I really like it here overall!

:seeya: Welcome fellow Canadian! There is no thread where people introduce themselves. You can start your own intro thread if you want, but it's not a requirement as far as I'm aware.


In response to the OP, whenever threads like the other one come up I worry people think I'm a troll. In reality, I don't think anyone notices me very much, but I'm a wary wart so I always get a bit nervous.

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Aw, I was really hoping this thread would be one of those where you get to tell the person above you what you think of them and how great they are. And then someone could tell me that I always exude awesomeness and inspiration whereever I go (although in real life, I'm the misunderstood nerd in the corner who only talks when it has something to do with math, nutrition, or special needs kids. Wait - I do that here, too. :glare:)


This is a huge board. I can never keep up. I recognize many of your faces and names, and have enjoyed your posts. I've been a heavy poster in other forums and I think it's rather nice to have the option to stay out of the drama here. ;)

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Someone who misrepresents themselves for the sake of sympathy, pot-stirring, drama. There was someone a little while ago for instance who claimed she had 17 kids and was looking to buy a 10 bedroom house and had a LOT of threads started about the surrounding drama.


I almost miss it now. She/He(?) had picked such nice sounding names for the fake kids. :D I was sooo proud of myself when even I realized something was not quite right.

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Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????


Shoot, I wonder that all the time! Because of my disorders, I am by nature a negative, cynical person. I have a story for nearly all topics and have had many bad experiences because of the way I perceive things. It's really difficult to describe. There have been many times that people on the board freely admit they don't do people with disorders such as bipolar because all of their experiences are bad. There have been some who advise others to run, not walk, away from people with mental illness. Now, this is back to my negative and cynical nature, but I truly believe that those people probably have me on ignore because my life is just too much drama. I am not offended at the idea though. I sure would like to put me on ignore sometimes too! :tongue_smilie: But hey, as my counselor says again and again, It is what it is!

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If I am the troll, I must be the strangest troll I met - no personal drama whatsoever, just a lot about math and science... THAT are the REALLY wacky trolls, watch out people.


Some people have no blog because they do not think they have SO important stuff to share with the world.


Regentrude, if you are a helpful math/chemistry troll you may stay here. :lol:

Just kidding of course - but felt I needed to confirm that. Someone of your caliber would never be suspected of trolling. :001_smile:

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