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Earthquake East Coast

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Long enough for my CA-raised dh to proclaim, "It's really an earthquake" and direct everyone to a doorway.




That's what my mother and I were thinking. We got under a doorway too when we realized the shaking wasn't going to stop for a bit. Usually in Mass. we get a few tremors, enough to make you wonder if a truck passed your house and you just weren't listening to it. This one was quite long though and enough to shake our walls even though we're quite far.

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We felt it here in the south east of VA. I was sitting upstairs working on lesson plans and my whole house started to shake. As I ran downstairs and to go outside to get hubby and DS pictures on the walls and things on the tables were shaking. IT WAS EERY! I even cried out Lord Jesus Come Quickly!

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We never get more than a 3 here, and usually a 1-pointer at that. Good thing she was from Alaska, but still what a shock! :001_huh:She actually blessed me out over the phone. Gah! As if I could remember everything - I was peparing her for Irene just yesterday. :glare: This reminds me, if it comes inland, I better get water, bread, and peanut butter. Hugo kicked our butt that one year. Not fun.


And toilet paper! :D

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We felt it up here in Northern New Jersey but no one in my house but me felt it. I thought I was having a dizzy spell since it just felt like my seat was shaking. The dog didn't even react, no walls or dishes rattling. I didn't realize what it was until I got on Facebook.

Edited by dottieanna29
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Felt in PA, an hour outside of Phila.


Bed shook, lamps shook, etc. I was nursing my youngest down for a nap and thought the dog was itching and kind of thumping/shaking the bed. DH felt it at work.


Isn't surrey nuclear plant down there? I wonder if they scrammed.


Actually, the epicenter was very close to the Lake Anna Nuclear Power Plant!!!

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And toilet paper! :D


I just had a neighbor stop on her way past the house & ask if I knew anything about all the cars heading to the Food Lion... That was my answer. :)


I was at work and it sounded like a semi was driving across the roof. Thankfully we only had 2 members working out at the time. One of them thought it was herself (she was on the treadmill)!


What a creepy feeling... It felt like the carpet was fine, but the concrete was moving under it. :blink:

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We felt it up here at the southern tip of NJ on the sand bar. Sand can really shake! :) We had 2 waves undulate through the house. I was standing up and watched my kitchen turn into the equivalent of a carnival fun house for about 30 -40 sec.


Long enough for my CA-raised dh to proclaim, "It's really an earthquake" and direct everyone to a doorway.



I ushered everyone outside.

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Oh my gosh I totally felt it here in Vermont!!! I was laying on the couch just after putting the baby down for his nap at 1:45 and it started to shake...I thought that that my body was just going crazy so I am really glad to hear my couch really was shaking and I was not imagining shaking.

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Felt it briefly in PA! Had no idea what it was! Thought my kids were doing something crazy like pushing on the side of the house...floor/my chair felt like it started kind of shaking, turned and saw water sloshing around in the fishtank, ran out to yell at the kids just to find them hanging out in the backyard doing absolutely nothing to the house. Didn't realize what it was til I read it on here!

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We, too, thought it could be something happening in DC again. Scary feeling. DS knew it was an earthquake right away, took me a bit longer (and still DH and I feared something had happened in DC, until we turned on the radio).


We are 60 miles from the epicenter.

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They are saying 5.8 to 6.0 centered between Richmond and Charlottesville. I live near there.


I got a text from my oldest son's dad (my ex-husband) and he was in Richmond when it hit. He said it was terrible and it scared them to death. That is a HUGE quake for this part of the country. I live in East TN and we did not feel the quake at all. He had texted to make sure we were okay.

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We are okay in Baltimore. I was at work, in my office on the 5th floor of an old, decrepit building. When it started to shake we thought the building might be failing, until we got outside and saw others evacuating. Running down that stairwell was truly scary.


My husband was driving with the kids. They didn't even notice it.

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WUSA9 is reporting there has been some damage to the Washington Monument. Unknown if it is significant or minor. Apparently the area around the monument has been evacuated. I can imagine that it is a fairly rigid structure which has not been designed to withstand much in the way of shaking from an earthquake.

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Now how come I didn't feel a thing if you felt it in Vermont? how did I miss this?:confused:


It might have depended on how you were sitting or where you were in your house. I was on the second floor, with my back against an outside wall, and that's how I noticed the swaying feeling. I might not have registered it otherwise. (And I can honestly say I never want to feel my house sway like that again!)

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Is there any possible correlation between the hurricane and this?


I would be very surprised if there was. Hurricanes happen all the time without quakes, and quakes happen all over the world where there are no hurricanes. I think it was a coincidence.


Now, is there a connection between the quake in CO and the quake here? Maybe...

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We're in PA an hour north of Baltimore....my parents (down the road from us) felt it and DH felt it at work (10 minutes away.) I had no idea until they called, apparently I'm not very observant. :001_huh:


I felt the same way about the poor people evacuating the buildings in DC. I can't imagine how they felt.

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I live in Upstate SC and I have heard from my co op that some have felt the shakes. I haven't yet.

Just for reference... where is the safest place to be during a quake? Doorway or outside?


The best info I've read is to shelter on the floor next to some large, heavy piece of furniture, like a couch. The idea is that anything large that falls will be held up by the furniture, leaving a space for the person. The info about doorways was based on old info where adobe houses fell down, but the wood frame doorways stayed up (making it seem that the doorways were safer than they are in modern construction). There is also a danger of swinging doors hitting people.


We went outside. That isn't recommended in earthquake prone areas where there are tall buildings, because you end up on the sidewalk, where you can be hit by falling glass. However, we can stand in the street and be far from any falling hazard since the buildings here are just houses.

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Distance does have a lot to do whether you feel it but for those further away, other things can affect whether you feel it. One of the most important factors is what kind of land you are on when the earthquake hits. Oh, and I am not surprised that eastern TN didn't feel it since there are a lot of mountains between that part of VA and over there. Same with us=even more mountains in between and we live on an escarpement so less likely to shake from a earthquake far away.


No, the hurricane has nothing to do with the earthquake- it has to do with weather and the storms that came off of central Africa about a week to two weeks ago.

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News is reporting here in West Michigan that it was felt in downtown Grand Rapids and other parts of the state.


Must be terrifying. :grouphug: to all of you who felt it!


People here in Detroit are saying they felt it too. But, they didn't post about it until after the reports came out, so I'm not sure they really did.

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