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How did you meet your husband or wife??

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I posted in the doll thread about how I first met my dh (pasted below is part of what I had wrote). I thought it might be fun to see how you all met your husband or wife. When, where, how? Did you know from the start that this would be "the one"?


I still remember when my mom told me that two young men (19 years old) had moved to our town and began attending our church. They were roomates. One was working for an auto mechanic and one was working for a cleaning company (owned by a man in our church). My mom hired the cleaning company to clean our carpets (she actually worked there too). It was my future dh who was the carpet cleaner. I didn't know until he got there that the furniture was to be moved in all the rooms. I was horrified because I still had my Barbies under my bed. I was 15. :ohmy: I didn't really play with them much by then...but I hadn't been quite ready to give them to my younger sisters yet. Well....that day I did. I told them to go get their Barbies out from under my bed. :smilielol5: For the record....I know I was super young. I didn't like him for a looooonnnnnngggg time. He grew on me over the next 3 years (which is a really weird expression...isn't it?). :001_smile: And....he no longer cleans carpets for a living (just for us...and he does a very professional job). :D


So....how about you?

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My husband sat next to me during one of my college classes. He would not. stop. talking. to me. I even tried to find a different place to sit each time, but the class before that one was in the science building on the other side of campus...so, I was basically late to this class every day with this one seat - next to HIM. :glare:


He even tried to talk to me during a test once...Dude, seriously!


Halfway through the semester, I didn't have the gas money to drive to school most of the week, so I was walking home (keep in mind this is Chicago). So, he started giving me a ride home after school. The rest is history!


4 kids later...:001_wub:

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It was our 2nd day of college (Bucknell Univ) our freshman year; we were 18. We met in the bookstore. Somehow I just knew he was the one. I told my roommate I'd met the man I was going to marry. She thought I was insane. We just celebrated our 26th anniversary...guess I was right, lol.

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It was kind of funny... my brother met my husband first, at a pool hall. They played pool together all night, chatted a lot, and became like instant best friends. My brother would talk about his new friend all the time, but I never met him. Then the new friend decided to move down to Florida where his mom lived. Asked my brother if he had any interest in going, too. And my brother did. Moved down to Florida for a year or two with this guy who was to become my husband without my ever having met the guy.


While they lived there, I got married to my ex. We'd been together since I was 16, we'd had a baby together when I was 18, and we got married when I was 21... even though it never was a good relationship. My brother flew down from Florida for the wedding. Last minute, he asked if his friend could come, too. I said no, that everything was already reserved and paid for and that I couldn't include a friend of his last minute.


Good thing, because it would have been weird for my second husband to attend my first wedding. :lol:


Two years later, my first marriage ended.


Not long after that, my brother moved back from Florida. Then his friend decided to move back too. I met him, there was a bit of flirtation going on, but of course I just ended a marriage and nothing came of it, we kind of went our separate ways, although we'd see each other now and then when my brother brought him by or something.


Over a year later, I ran into him at a bar. I hadn't seen him in a while. He came home with me that night (no we didn't do anything :P) and we talked a lot, and hung out, and started spending pretty much every free minute together after that.


Four months later, we got an apartment together. The rest was history.

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He lived in the dorm room next to mine our first year in college.


We were friends first. I'm not normally a sappy or romantic person, or a love at first sight person, but I actually told a mutual friend of ours that I knew I was going to marry him, about a month before we started dating. Somehow I just knew. Tomorrow is our eleventh anniversary, and we've been together for almost fifteen years.

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We met online through a dating site. I realize this is becoming more and more common, but I'm still a little embarrassed about it. :)


I understand....we were back in the pre eHarmony days when it was REALLY a weird thing to do. That, and we got engaged the second time we saw each other in person, but knew before we met in person that we were going to get married. That was 10 years ago :001_smile:

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On Easter of 1996, I went online at home for the first time to research for a sociology class. Dh had purchased a new computer and also went online for the first time. We were both bumped into a new member chatroom (I logged on after he did), and when I said hi he's the only one who responded.


We started chatting and exchanged emails, then phone numbers. He intrigued me from the beginning--I was having a Quarter Life Crisis and had been asking everyone what the purpose for life was. No one's answer made sense to me, but dh answered with "to glorify God and enjoy him forever". So, as a side note, even though I was raised Southern Baptist, I became a Christian as a result of the early conversations with my now dh.


Anyway, in June we met in OK to see if we liked each other in person. We did, so in July I moved 863 miles to the state he was living in. We were engaged in February of 1997, and married in May.

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We met in college.


I met him on my first day as a transfer student and thought he was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen and completely out of my league. He spent that semester abroad while I ended up making friends with all of his friends (I pledged to a sorority that did a lot of stuff with his). When he got back, I was dating a friend of his and we became good buds.


For the next two years, we dated pretty much all of eachother's friends while we just remained pals - almost brother/sisterish. But our senior year, we went on a motorcycle ride alone one day and that was pretty much that. We told all of our friends who said "It's about time".


We went on our first date on Oct 1, got engaged Jan. 3, and got married May 18th. Not a single person raised an eyebrow at the time frame, everyone just said "Yep, that sounds about right!"



And he still is the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen :D

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We met in college where we were both involved in Catholic Campus Ministry. I actually had a boyfriend from back home at the time and he was considering becoming a priest. We became friends, then good friends. Eventually I broke up with my boyfriend and he decided not to become a priest. We started dating a few months later. We got engaged 9 months later and were married 7 months after that.

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Met him at work ("The cutest little truck stop," as one trucker up from Texas put it). He was cute and did two things that made him insanely attractive.


1) Enthusiastically asked if they book I was reading was LOTR (it was actually Vickram Seth's A Suitable Boy, another hefty tome).


2) Came to work with the book he was reading - The Civil Wars by Appian. What's more sexy then a guy who reads the work of ancient Romans?


I had a crush on him for a year and a half before I saw him heading into town one night with a beautiful girl. I was heart broken. And then I found out the girl was his sister so I gathered my courage (and a few drinks of rum) at the local bar one night and confessed how I felt. He was interested so we started dating - my first ever boyfriend at 24 (I'm a late bloomer). A month and a half later we sealed our relationship with the knocking up of me and the rest is 14 years of history.


He's a fantastic guy and I'm blessed to have him. :001_wub:

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The very abbreviated version:


I was eating dinner alone in a bar (well, a brewery.)


He wanted to talk to me and just got the nerve to come say hello when I got up and left! However, the bartender told him my name and being a small-ish town, he tracked me down and left a note with his contact info on my front door several days later (he was able to find out my name and address, but couldn't find a phone number or email address for me.) At first I was a little weirded out, but eventually called him. I figured what kind of serial killer draws cute little cartoons and leaves them on girls' doors, LOL? We spoke on the phone several times before I eventually agreed to meet him for the first time.


That was in January 2002. By the December of that same year we had already purchased a house together and got married nine months later in September 2003. Thirteen months later (October 2004) our first child was born.

Edited by Wabi Sabi
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I met my Husband 12 years ago yesterday. I moved into a cottage about 2 hours from Sacramento where I had been living. I really craved country living and wanted out of Sacramento. I found this cute little cottage and moved in. The man I rented it from is now my father in-law. It took about six months to actually talk to his son though. I met all his family first, his nieces, his kids, his cousins. It was kind of funny. I had met him and seen him but we really didn't talk much. He helped his Dad out by plowing the orchard that the cottage was on. In fact there were about 10 of them and that was where he lived as a child..his whole family lived on the same street in these cottages on this almond orchard. Anyways, I had a bunch of junk outside my house one day and he couldn't mow where he needed to. I was set to move back to Sacramento because my Dad had been sick. I told him I would move everything and he just kept talking to me. He finally asked if I wanted to see a movie sometime and I said, "sure, sometime." He talked me into going that night. Apparently, he told his Mom that night that he had met the woman he was going to marry. We went out to dinner the next night and within the week I decided to stay and not move back to Sacramento. By the end of the year we were engaged and by April I was pregnant (it wasn't suppose to happen that quick) We were married in June, less then 1 year after we met and dd #2 came 14 months after dd#1. It all happened very quickly:001_smile:


Also, our kids ended being born while living in the same cottage that he did as a child. It was nice to be a part of something with so much history and start my family in the same way.

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I'm another one who "just knew." I met dh when I was visiting my best friend's college for her 21st birthday. It was summer, but her friends got together that weekend at their respective apartments to celebrate. We hit it off and he asked for my number. I went back to MY college, promptly broke up with my current boyfriend (it was a dismal relationship anyway and were only still together out of "convenience" I think). Told my parents I met the man I'm going to marry. 21 years later, we are still together! Although it took him 2.5 years to come to the same conclusion that I did after 1 day. :lol: At least I know now that he is like that for everything. If it takes him 6 months to decide on a new couch, I'm glad it took him 2.5 years to decide on a wife. :lol: I do blame part of the time lapse on distance...for most of that 2.5 years we lived 3 hours apart and only saw each other every few weekends.

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He showed up at work and I was put in charge of him.



Perfect! Nothing like establishing whose boss right from the start. :lol:


As for dh and I, he was a senior in college and I a sophomore though technically, I was the age of your average freshman and new to that college campus. I was there one week earlier than everyone except the resident assistants (dh was one) because I was doing a bunch of prep work for the music department. (Yeah, when you say, "Sure I'll be your teaching assistant!" What they hear is, "I will be your indentured servant.") The cafeteria wasn't open yet and I was fairly desperate for some nourishment besides granola, trail mix, dried fruit, and juice boxes. So I went looking for someone, anyone with a car. Dh was there. My roomate showed up to meet me and asked if she could go get pizza too. Dh drove us to the pizza place in exchange for pizza. We had a marvelous conversation and it turned out that he was a classical music lover with a competent set of pianistic skills himself. Apparently my new roomate was head over heels in love with him from first sight, but he had eyes only for me. :D


We didn't officially date for a semester, but we were pretty inseparable as friends and music lovers until he finally got up the nerve to make romantic overtures.



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He was my brother's best friend in high school. We also had French together. I went off to college but saw him on the weekends when I was home. They graduated. I used to work with him at one time. He still came over to visit Mom sometimes, usually on the weekends.


We didn't become a couple til the day after his 21st birthday though. We've been together 10 years this September, and will be married for 9 in October.

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I was working at a local drive-through icecream joint and he came through. He thought I was 'hot' and started coming for icecream daily, we flirted back and forth. Finally I asked him if he was ever going to ask me out and gave him my number. He was nothing like the guys I used to date, thank goodness.


That was around July, in two weeks time marriage came up, we were officially engaged in December, married the next July. Just celebrated 12 yrs and wonderfully happy.

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My story is similar to Parrothead's.


In grad school I was working in a small science library (Library and Information Science major). The librarian went on maternity leave and I was in charge for a few months. Our undergraduate student assistant quit, so I had to hire someone to replace her. The person I hired later became my husband (much, much later).

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We met at a mutual friend's house when I was engaged to someone else :blush:. It was truly electric as soon as our eyes met. We tried to just be friends for a few months, and well, that just wasn't going to happen. Finally, a hug good-bye morphed into something else. I called my engagement off the next day and we were married less than 8 months later.


Oh, and my ex was such a complete loser that I had no idea my parents had a plan in place to move me to a cousin's house in Alaska to get me away from him. When I called to say I broke off my engagement, my parents danced :D.

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Awwww...so many cute stories. Ours is kinda boring. It was the second semester of my Freshman year. I had just returned from Christmas break. There were three new returned missionaries (RMs) in our ward. DH was one of them. He had just gotten off his mission three weeks earlier and was in that awkward re-entry phase (there are very strict rules regarding LDS missionaries and romance). The first time we talked was at a dance. I asked him to dance during one of the slow songs and the conversation was brutal. It went something like:

Me: So where'd you go on your mission?

Him: France.

Me: Oh that's cool, what part of France?

Him: Paris.

Me: Fun! What was it like?

Him: Big.

Me: So where are you from?

Him: New York.

Me: What part?

Him: Upstate.

Me: Where upstate?

Him: Small town you've never heard of.


I remember thinking he needed a lot of help. I don't remember all that much about him, I had a crush on another guy. Me and the other guy went to the Valentine's Dance together. The next morning I woke up and decided I didn't like that guy anymore. Later that night I started crushing on DH, for a reason I still can't explain. But forever and for always, there was something different about him and I just knew we'd get married. My heart was literally broken in two when he said he didn't like me like that. The pain was unbearable. 9 months later we started dating and I was so, so happy!:D

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We were introduced by mutual friends. I had known these friends for close to 30 years...before they were married to each other even.. and my husband- to -be had known them for about 10 years.


We were invited to our friend's house for the purpose of meeting each other. We exchanged numbers and began texting back and forth that night. The next day he drove to my city after work and we met for dinner. We were married less than 11 weeks later.

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I was 28 and had just moved back to Texas after living in Los ANgeles for 5 years. Went back to college, shared a house with 3 other college girls. We threw a party but invited only guys. My dh came with the boyfriend of one of my roommates. We talked that night. The next day, I went with my roomie to watch her guy play basketball. Dh was also playing and he raced off the court to say hi. A couple of days later, we invited him and roomies guy to dinner at our house. Another one of my roomies actually cooked the dinner but first roomie and I pretended we did. Dh was working on his pHD , he was 26.


We have been together 29 years adn I still can't cook.

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Blind date. A good friend who lived in my dorm was dating a guy who worked with DH. They kept insisting that we would really like each other and tried three times to set up a blind date. Three times, I declined. Finally, my friend came to me and told me that this guy was great and I was being ridiculous and that she was only going to ask me one more time if I wanted them to set us up and if I said no, she would never mention it again. Something about that convinced me, I guess, because I finally agreed. I dragged my best friend along and the other couple was there too. We went to a movie and then bowling (at the other guy's suggestion). I knew when we played air hockey that he was awesome. He played a good game but was still a gentleman. I adored him from the start. He gave me butterflies like crazy. Still does. :001_wub:


To this day, we disagree about who won at air hockey that night. That was 18.5 years ago. :lol:

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Um, he was one of the other kids playing in the neighborhood...we were 11. :tongue_smilie:


My mil and fil ended up being playground supervisors during my 6th grade year at public school. How can you ever go back and improve on that kind of introduction? I hope I was "respectful" when I was playing! :001_huh:


We were friends through high school and started dating in college.

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Another interesting thread! I love reading these.:)


My mil introduced me to my dh. I had known her at work for about 6 months. We always talked about her daughter who, at the time, had four children 6yo and younger and was planning to homeschool them. I was very impressed by her and always asked about her. Then one day, mil said she had a son about my age and he wasn't married and would I like to meet him. We met in the church sanctuary of her church (dh and I went to two other churches) - sat on opposite ends of a pew with his entire extended family between us (aunts, uncles, grandparents). We got married in the same room six months later. Celebrated 25 years this past June.

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I met DH at work. I'd graduated from college 5 months before and this was the job I got after graduation. A co-worker was taking a training class and he was in it with her. We all went to lunch one day and that's how we met. We started dating a month later. I had no idea he was "the one" when we met, but we were engaged 3 months after we started dating, so I obviously figured it out pretty quickly.

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Seminary. I had made friends with a group of girls and boys who had pledged themselves to the courtship mentality. We were all just good friends who did mission/ministry work and had fun together. Many of the guys played soccer and we would make signs and hold them up at soccer games. There was one guy who was a bit of an outsider (he wouldn't take on the courtship dogma) but he was at seminary on a full scholarship and he was the team captain. I was always assigned this guy...whom I didn't know. Let's say his name was Daniel.


At the same time. at the very large church I was involved with I noticed the name Daniel came up quite a few times. The Pastors there thought highly of him and were trying to get him involved in various ministries.


I also had a slightly different group of friends who served in student government. When I hung around them I kept hearing this name, Daniel. Again, it was spoken with quite a bit of admiration and I could tell some of my friends had eyes for him....although I still didn't know who "him" was.


Then one Friday night my friends and I were planning to go out to dinner. We agreed to meet in the common area. I had one last class so I headed that way. As I walked up the steps to the Hall a young man opened the door and stoof there holding open for me. I looked up and quite seriously he seemed to glow. I know total cheeseball stuff, but he did, he had a sort of halo around his head :D. It stunned me and I froze on the steps. Eventually, his slightly perplexed smile snapped me back to reality and I quickly scurried inside.


Class ended and I headed for the Commons. I asked if we were ready to go and was told we were waiting for Daniel. All of sudden my stomach lurched. Like a lightbulb I realized that the daniel from church, full ride, soccer star, student government, Daniel were the same person!!!! Then the 2nd thought was, "Please, do not let it be the guy from the stairs!"


Sure enough that is who came strolling in the commons a few moments later. I tried to sink real low in the couch, but ended up sitting next to him in the back of a car.


We were engaged 2 months later and married 5 months after that. :D


added: what finally sealed it for me was when the guys in our group tried to get him to "officially" join their little group BTR and where the groups ring (Bachelors Till The Rapture, or whenever they found a girl who would agree to courtship.) Daniel's response, "I do not need a silly ring to remind me not to date every girl who crosses my path."

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We met online through a dating site. I realize this is becoming more and more common, but I'm still a little embarrassed about it. :)


Online dating site, too! :D I've been a little sheepish about it, but as you say I see it more and more often. First time we spoke on the phone, we talked for 5 hours. I knew we were going to get along famously then and knew for sure we were getting married when I met his family!

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added: what finally sealed it for me was when the guys in our group tried to get him to "officially" join their little group BTR and where the groups ring (Bachelors Till The Rapture, or whenever they found a girl who would agree to courtship.) Daniel's response, "I do not need a silly ring to remind me not to date every girl who crosses my path."


I love that! Good man. :D

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The first time we meet I waited on him at a restaurant. He says he remembers me because I am just that awesome. I remember him because he ordered chocolate cake as a appetizer then had a burger and fries. He got a job at the restaurant several months later. After my boyfriend and I broke up we became friends then started dating seriously soon after.

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We worked at two different places. Our bosses were friends. The bosses thought it would be a great joke to set us up because dh & I were *very* different from each other. We met briefly (5 min) at dh's workplace, then went to dinner about a week later. Two months later, we were engaged, and two months after that, we were married. We'll celebrate our 24th anniversary in Sept., so I guess the joke was ultimately on the bosses!

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Dh and I both worked at the same Navy medical clinic (me - Lab, him - Acute Care). We were both in the large group of single young 20 somethings that were stationed there at the time, so we would all go to the beach and stuff together. I always admired him because he was the one they would go to to stitch up or put casts on the scared kids. We even had to call him down to the lab sometimes to draw blood on the kids who were freaking out. He always calmed them down and got the job done.


I was telling my friend one day that I just couldn't believe that all of the girls were not going after this guy - why is he still single? He cooks, he sews, his apartment is always immaculate, and he is super hot! And she just looked at me like I was an idiot - "Why don't YOU go out with him if you think he's so great?" :blink:


We moved in together and were engaged less than one month later! :D

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Spring semester of my sophomore year of high school, my best friend threw a party and invited a bunch of freshmen. There was one guy who came late and sat next to me. Later on, when we were all outside in the front, he locked us out of the house. More than 2 years later, when now-DH and I were talking, we realized that we had both been at that party, he was the guy that sat next to me, and we'd completely forgotten the other one was there. :lol:


I don't actually remember when I met him after that. We were friends my junior and senior year of high school and shared a couple of classes. He broke up with his girlfriend in February of my senior year and I was so shocked - they were the "it couple." His ex helped hook us up when I started crushing on him at the end of the year. :D We started dating three weeks before I graduated. About a month into the relationship, he told me he loved me. Four months in (right after I'd started college), he was talking engagement rings and I told him NO, he had to be out of high school first!!


We were engaged 2 years after we started dating, married 8 months after that. :) If we had been older, I think things would have moved much faster.

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