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okay, a very strange question

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My DH went camping a few times at the same campground. We started talking to a couple who seemed to have the same interests as us.


The last time we saw them we exchanged email addresses.


Yesterday, I get an email from both him and his wife letting us know that they own a cabin on 40 acres, and have a woodburning sauna. They would like to know if we would like to come up.


Okay, first we do not know them that well. But second. I think they might be swingers.:confused:


How do you politely ask someone that? Because what if their not? Then we would offend them.


There is another couple we know that is going. But again, we met them at the campground and have known them for about a year. Not sure if they are "like that" or not as it never occurred to me.


We don't "go that way". If you KWIM.


So, WWYD? (other then possible run in the other direction???:lol:)

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Hm, hard to say. We have been invited places by plenty of people who were decidedly not swingers. I tend to think assuming that they are could be a teeny bit presumptuous. And I would never ask someone such a question.


On the other hand, I tend to be a go with your gut type. So, if I felt like something was wrong, I would disengage.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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You think they are swingers just because they invited you to a cabin and told you about its features? I guess it's possible, but it's also a little bit of a leap, I think. Since you said "the last time" you saw them, I'm assuming you've spent time with them more than once, you've emailed back and forth with them, you have similar interests and get along- maybe they were just being nice and figuring it would be like camping but free since they own the cabin, and that it would be fun having another family or couple or two along to hang out with? If you want to go, go (you can always leave early). If you don't want to go, don't. But no I would not start asking someone if they are swingers, that would be just too weird and awkward.

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If you really think you might like them, I'd probably want to socialize with them more casually first. Even if they aren't swingers (and I agree it is presumptuous to assume that they are), I'm not sure I'd want to commit to a weekend getaway with couple friends I didn't already know well.


Like, maybe dinner and a movie first. :lol:


And if they are swingers, I don't think they are going to pounce on you or anything the first chance they get. Chances are they would bring it up with humor in order to feel you out, and you would diffuse it with humor, and that'd be the end of it.

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I wonder if the "Miss Manners" book has a section on this. :p


Here is the polite way to ask if somebody is a swinger:...




(Thank you for this thread. It will hopefully be unique and interesting)

I was hoping that if I highlighted the white space in your post, I would find the answer to "Here is the polite way to ask if somebody is a swinger:... :D

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Unless you have some gut reaction from meeting them I would not assume that they are swingers.


If you like spending time with them and the other couple then go ahead and go camping.


If, in the unlikely case, they turn out to be swingers just say no thank you and go home. It would be awkward and embarassing but I imagine they would also be embarassed that they read you wrong. :lol:


My husband and I used to travel with a friend who was a single woman. We all got along and she did not like to travel alone. She would sometimes share a room with us. We were friends, nothing weird ever went on, it was just a convenient way to travel.

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The whole 'swingers' question put aside, personally I think in the times we live in you can't be too careful. If you only have had a few interactions with them, but perceive them to be people you may want to establish a friendship with, I think that's great. However, I think I would want to 'ease' into the friendship a bit more to get a better "lay of the land" so to speak, before heading off to a 40 acre retreat. That sounds pretty isolated to me. Maybe I've seen one to many horror movies, but unless I was really good friends with the couple I'm not sure I would want to put myself in that kind of position. I agree with one of the pp when they said "go with your gut"...


As for the swinger thing? I have no idea... !?!? (I'm pretty clueless about picking up on those kind of things though!)

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The whole 'swingers' question put aside, personally I think in the times we live in you can't be too careful. If you only have had a few interactions with them, but perceive them to be people you may want to establish a friendship with, I think that's great. However, I think I would want to 'ease' into the friendship a bit more to get a better "lay of the land" so to speak, before heading off to a 40 acre retreat. That sounds pretty isolated to me. Maybe I've seen one to many horror movies, but unless I was really good friends with the couple I'm not sure I would want to put myself in that kind of position. I agree with one of the pp when they said "go with your gut"...


As for the swinger thing? I have no idea... !?!? (I'm pretty clueless about picking up on those kind of things though!)


:iagree: You don't really know them well to be going to an isolated place with them. But I'm the type to err on the side of caution.


I think you would have picked up vibes when you were with them before if they were thinking of you and your dh in that way.

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okay, I wll elaborate a little more. First, they do not have any kids. And no, the kids were not invited. Actually the last two times we have camped our kids have not been with us.


Now, even the past two times we have camped, we have probably talked to them for a grand total of 8 hours. And then we get this invite. They do not live to close to where we live. Their cabin is in another state. Not a long drive, but just seemed very personal to me. Maybe if we were invited to their home, I wouldn't be questioning it.


Not to mention, he seemed to like my belly piercing an awful lot.(I was lying on a chair sunning in a tankini, but my belly button was showing).


I highly doubt we will be accepting this invitation. But I wanted to get peoples thoughts that maybe I am reading to much into it.

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What makes you think they are swingers?


Asking us to a sauna "get together", from a couple we barely know.

It wasnt a dinner invite.


We do know the other couple well. But never really though about what goes on behind closed doors. These days, who knows.

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There is another couple we know that is going. But again, we met them at the campground and have known them for about a year. Not sure if they are "like that" or not as it never occurred to me.


Why not ask these mutual friends some questions? Ask what sorts of things are planned for the weekend (without coming out and asking "So, y'all planning some mate swapping?). Maybe the couple that is inviting you just likes a party. At least it's not just you and your husband that's been invited. In fact, maybe they invited you because they wanted to avoid any awkwardness with the other couple.


I know DH and I would love to expand our social circle but have no idea how to do it. If we had a cabin and all that we might consider inviting people over. And no, we aren't swingers.


And swinging isn't really a "these days" kinda thing, is it? It's been around for quite awhile.

Edited by OH_Homeschooler
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:iagree: You don't really know them well to be going to an isolated place with them. But I'm the type to err on the side of caution.


I think you would have picked up vibes when you were with them before if they were thinking of you and your dh in that way.


:iagree:This is the other thing that bothers me. In this day and age, going to an isolated place(40 acres) with no neighbors makes me a little nervous.


The guy was just obsessed with my belly piercing "wanting to get a closer look at that"..................my DH said............"It is gleaning in the sun, you can see it fine from here"


I have never had that reaction from anyone over my piercing other then one older woman who wanted to know if it hurt;)


<quickly pulling down my tankini and praying it stays put>

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Why not ask these mutual friends some questions? Ask what sorts of things are planned for the weekend. Maybe the couple that is inviting you just likes a party. At least it's not just you and your husband that's been invited. In fact, maybe they invited you because they wanted to avoid any awkwardness with the other couple.


I know DH and I would love to expand our social circle but have no idea how to do it. If we had a cabin and all that we might consider inviting people over. And no, we aren't swingers.



I want to. But not quite sure how to word it and maybe they will not come right out and say it. Then we get there and UH OH.


It is their "actions" in a lot of ways. I personally do not care. They are all nice people. And what goes on behind closed doors is their business. I just don't want to be in the middle of *that* business.


I am pretty open minded. Just not THAT open minded:lol:


Maybe I am just overthinking all of this.

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Yeah, I thought it was all paranoia until I read the belly button ring comment. I'm not convinced they are swingers, but the guys behavior toward you was not appropriate. How did he say it? "I want to get a closer look at that."?!?!

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Well... even if they are swingers hopefully they are harmless swingers and worst case scenario, you have to turn them down. //awkward



If one has a cabin with a wood burning sauna, it's worth mentioning the sauna. Most cabins don't have that and maybe they designed it or built it themselves. It's a conversation point, IMO. So I wouldn't read too much into that. I wouldn't bat an eye at the invitation the way they mentioned it. You obviously have gotten along in a camping environment and the cabin/sauna thing is a variation on the theme.


We do couple things with other couples all the time-notably especially our best friends now that we met through the internet years ago. They flew out here for a week's wilderness vacation with us without even knowing what we looked like! lol


The important thing is the vibe. Maybe you need to really think about the belly ring incident-you said your husband spoke up; putting up some boundaries. Did the guy back off or respect your husband? Notice your discomfort? Have there been other incidents? Has his wife put any subtle moves on your dh? Does it feel like two couples when you're together or does it seem like they're trying to mix? When we're with our couple friends, I talk to the wife and DH talks with the guy or we all talk as a group nearly all the time. Very little isolated conversation between opposite spouses...

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I want to. But not quite sure how to word it and maybe they will not come right out and say it. Then we get there and UH OH.


It is their "actions" in a lot of ways. I personally do not care. They are all nice people. And what goes on behind closed doors is their business. I just don't want to be in the middle of *that* business.


I am pretty open minded. Just not THAT open minded:lol:


Maybe I am just overthinking all of this.


How about: "Hey JimBob and PeggySue--are y'all swingers? How about ax murderers?"


At least you'd quickly know where they stand. If they are swingers or ax murderers and are inviting you up without letting you know, that's pretty presumptuous on their part. If they aren't, well, I'd just say "Didn't think so, but it never hurts to cover these things."

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Even if they are swingers, it's not like they'll just start taking clothes off. If they are swingers, they'd likely be asking some leading questions to see if you are. If they think you're into that and find out you're not, they'll be embarrassed and move on- much like if they offered you wine with dinner and found out you were a recovering alcoholic.


You could email your other friends and say jokingly that the whole sauna comment made you think they're swingers. They might clue you in either way.

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Because they're looking for their next victims :lol:.

:D Exactly.

If I had 40 acres with a cabin and a sauna, I'd not camp in campgrounds unless the campgrounds were on the beach or in the redwoods (since I know I can't even afford an imaginary 40 acres there). I also wouldn't invite swingers or ax murderers to my cabin.

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I have found myself in awkward situations a couple of times (not this, but other situations) because I didn't trust my gut. I have learned the awkward situation is FAR WORSE than looking like an idiot because you asked a question!


If they are swingers, and you assume the best about them and you show up at their cabin....that would be HORRIBLE. It's much better to ask them outright, or simply just decline their offer.


I think you should trust your gut, and I think the fact that the guy was so interested in your ring would REALLY send up a red flag to me. Something is definitely up with them.

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I'd think, if they were swingers, and looking for new hook-ups, it would be a whole lot easier to meet people on line, then to troll camp grounds on the off chance they meet some one. Plus they'd be much more sure the other people would be into it considering where they'd be able to meet people online.


Sort of like it's easier to find other homeschoolers online than to just wander your neighborhood during summer asking ever kid "Hey do you homeschool?" Nope, move on to the next kid then.


My you were the first pierced belly button he'd ever seen close up?

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I'm still waiting to hear how he phrased the whole belly button thing. It wasn't a rhetorical question! :D


He just said


"Let me get a closer look at that belly button ring"(not in any particular tone of voice, as in a curious voice, but there was an undertone) as he went to move closer, my DH stepped in

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Guest submarines
He just said


"Let me get a closer look at that belly button ring"(not in any particular tone of voice, as in a curious voice, but there was an undertone) as he went to move closer, my DH stepped in


Well, your DH sent a very clear message that you are not swingers. I they invited you after that comment, they clearly like you for other qualities. Maybe they are just looking for couple friends. In terms of safety. Do they know that you have kids? So they must know that you are not a couple they can easily kidnap :tongue_smilie:. The police would be on their property within hours, if you were not to make it home.


But it seems that *you* didn't like them, or are at least somewhat uncomfortable with them. There's nothing wrong with politely refusing.

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I have a friend that actually got invited by some swingers. They were friends through their kids sports activities. It started out just common interests, typical adult friendship stuff. But my friend noticed that both the husband and wife were very "flirty" with my friend and her husband, even when everyone was there. That was her first clue.


When they were invited to a party, she just asked flat out, well, what kind of party is it? Then they told her. She said, "No thanks, we're just not into that." and it seemed to be no big deal.


ETA, though, if I even had to "think" about the invitation, I would decline. Trust your instincts.

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He just said


"Let me get a closer look at that belly button ring"(not in any particular tone of voice, as in a curious voice, but there was an undertone) as he went to move closer, my DH stepped in


Maybe this wasn't clear enough for them. Maybe he wants another chance. :drool:


I think your gut is already telling you that you shouldn't go. It doesn't mean you can't meet them again and get to know them better in a less isolated spot.:001_smile:

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