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Odd poll for the day

Do you believe in true evil, demons and/or possession  

  1. 1. Do you believe in true evil, demons and/or possession

    • Yes, I believe in demons but not possession
    • Yes, I believe a person can be possessed by demons
    • Yes, I believe there is an evil that exists in the world
    • Other, yes. Please expalin
    • No, I do not believe in deamons
    • No, since I do not believe in deamons I can't be live they possess people
    • No, I don't belive in possession
    • No, I don't belive evil exists in any form
    • Other, no. Please explain

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Yes, I believe in demon possession, but I do not believe a genuine Christian can be demon possessed. I also think it is a RARE event.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose (AKA) Anneliese Michel is a TRUE story. She was Catholic, therefore Christian and was possessed. So, yes Christians unfortunately do get possessed too.





FTR, I voted YES. I believe in demons and that they can possess. Although I must admit that my curiosity is piqued.

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I voted "no, I do not believe evil exists in any form."


I don't believe in demons or possession. I also do not believe in any outside force of evil. If I choose to murder someone, that was my own choice. Obviously, some with mental illness do not have that choice, but I don't believe demons or evil are involved in mental illness, either.


There are some truly evil people in this world though. What in their mind makes them do the things they do, no one knows. But I don't believe it is evil. They made bad choices, sometimes many, many bad choices. (I'm thinking really bad here, Hitler & Jeffs bad, not just a mean person.)

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I voted "no, I do not believe evil exists in any form."


I don't believe in demons or possession. I also do not believe in any outside force of evil. If I choose to murder someone, that was my own choice. Obviously, some with mental illness do not have that choice, but I don't believe demons or evil are involved in mental illness, either.


There are some truly evil people in this world though. What in their mind makes them do the things they do, no one knows. But I don't believe it is evil. They made bad choices, sometimes many, many bad choices. (I'm thinking really bad here, Hitler & Jeffs bad, not just a mean person.)


Do you believe that there is good?

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I do believe in evil in the world, not really in the corporeal sense of one embodiment of evil; I don't think I believe in Satan as a corporeal being. Demon possession...well it seems pretty far fetched to me. Biblically, I think they blamed possession for mental illnesses they did not understand.

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The Exorcism of Emily Rose (AKA) Anneliese Michel is a TRUE story. She was Catholic, therefore Christian and was possessed. So, yes Christians unfortunately do get possessed too.





FTR, I voted YES. I believe in demons and that they can possess. Although I must admit that my curiosity is piqued.


If I remember correctly, Anneliese herself claimed she was demon-possessed after suffering from a long bout of depression. She believed she was demon-possessed and after she began believing that was when she couldn't stand to be around Christian places and symbols. The priests her and her parents spoke to refused to perform an exorcism because they didn't see signs of demon-possession, but a mentally ill woman. She was prescribed anti-psychotics but whether she took them or not is unknown.


One priest said her seizures (thought to be epilepsy) didn't look epileptic and jumped to demon-possession. With the urging of her family and priest, she put all medical intervention on hold. She died of malnutrition and dehydration caused by the rites of exorcism.


I strongly believe she was just mentally ill and had the wrong kind of support and unfortunately, the people around her encouraged her, a mentally ill woman, to tell herself she was demon-possessed and not mentally ill.


I am interested in the paranormal even though I don't believe in evil. :confused::lol:

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I do believe in evil in the world, not really in the corporeal sense of one embodiment of evil; I don't think I believe in Satan as a corporeal being. Demon possession...well it seems pretty far fetched to me. Biblically, I think they blamed possession for mental illnesses they did not understand.




And I've been close to someone who believed he was possessed by demons. I believe he was in very deep grief over the death of his wife and had (HAS) an undiagnosed mental illness. It was horrible. :(

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Do you believe that there is good?




I believe there are good people and bad people. I don't believe there is any outside force that is either good or bad. The choices one makes (again, barring any mental illness) will make them either a good or bad person.


Sorry if that doesn't make much sense. I swear, it makes sense in my head :lol:


ETA: I realize by saying I don't believe in good that I sounded very pessimistic. In all honesty, by not believing that there is either an evil or a good force out there, I can be more grateful for the good people I see. When I make a good choice, I can feel much better about it than if I believed some outside force of good played a hand in it. This is just my experience, though. It works for me. I am not saying it has to work for anyone else. I respect and am interested in all beliefs.

Edited by BeatleMania
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The Bible talks about the man who was possessed by Legion (because there were many)...so yes, I believe that it is possible. I do not however, believe that it happens often. I would say that most people who have made the claim (or a claim has been made about them) are actually mentally ill.

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I believe the Bible when it says our fight is not against flesh & blood, but against principalities. Also, I've had some very unique personal experiences that make me say that yes, there is evil, there are demons, and people can be possessed. Do I think all mental illness is demonic? Certainly not, but some may be, and it's not my place to make that judgement. I also don't think that those who are possessed/influenced by demons necessarily show signs of mental illness either.

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I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.

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I believe humans have the potential to do great good or great evil, so yes, I believe there is evil in the world through the actions of humans. I don't believe in the idea of literal demonic possession, though - unless I witness something to change my mind.


My dh who is the most down to earth person ever - no fancy, imagination, whatever (he's German if that helps) had an experience one time that rocked his reality, though. It does make me wonder.

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I believe that we are in a constant battle for our soul against Satan. I do think that it is possible to become possessed, but I don't think it is very common. I do think it is possible to easily become under the devil's influence and to let him into your thoughts and actions.

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For the record I do believe in true absolute evil. I also believe a person can become possessed but that the actual happenings are few and far between.


I can't disclose what prompted the poll. I can say it is nothing that happened in my family.

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I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:




I have a friend with schizophrenia who has had the same sort of comments from certain Christian friends. Not all of them, but a certain group of them who attend an extremely conservative, fundamental Christian church.

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I do believe that someone can become possessed by a demon but I think it is rare. I do think there is evil in this world and do believe that the driving force behind it is Satan. I have had personal experiences with paranormal activity that have furthered my beliefs in this area. Not with a demon or possession but definitely with something from beyond, call it a ghost or spirit or whatever.

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I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.


All good hear. :) No bad memories brought up what so every.


I thought it was all kind of funny thing to say. Gives me a story to tell. I also will get to keep track of how many times I hear that comment. I am atheist, and have always been.

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I believe in God and Satan, so true good and true evil. In the past I didn't really believe in ghosts/spirits, but we have had some experiences that leave me with no doubt. MIL, stay away! I believe in possession. I do think that mental illness may have been the actual cause in cases of 'possession'. Especially in the past when mental illness was less understood.

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Interesting. I think pretty much the opposite.


I believe that many mental illnesses that modern medicine claims to understand are actually demon posession.


That is very insulting to anyone suffering from mental illness and those who love and care for them.

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I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:




I have a friend with schizophrenia who has had the same sort of comments from certain Christian friends. Not all of them, but a certain group of them who attend an extremely conservative, fundamental Christian church.


Interesting. I think pretty much the opposite.


I believe that many mental illnesses that modern medicine claims to understand are actually demon posession.


You are, of course, entitled to have whatever beliefs you have… but I hope that you can consider and understand how hurtful - and potentially dangerous - that belief can be for people who have mental illnesses. :(

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Interesting. I think pretty much the opposite.


I believe that many mental illnesses that modern medicine claims to understand are actually demon posession.


I'm sure you're in good company because I heard that incessantly growing up. I don't get behind that view, though.

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I'm not sure what I believe.


Biblically, I think they blamed possession for mental illnesses they did not understand.


It happens in modern times, too. I have a relative who, for certain reasons, was in and out of my family's life during my lifetime. This relative was labeled by certain Christians as being "demonized," and that was the explanation for why this person behaved the way he/she did (not harming anyone, though). I grew up believing that. A few years ago I was watching the movie, A Beautiful Mind, and I didn't know what it was about. I truly thought it was about espionage. So, in the part of the movie where suddenly reality changes, I got very confused. It took me ten minutes to figure out that all the espionage and chasing going on in the first part of the movie was all in the man's mind. I sat up and shouted, "That's EXACTLY how so-n-so acts!!!!!!!!" It was a tremendous revelation (and relief) to me. I still interact with this relative, and though the line between reality and unreality is evident, I wouldn't say the relative is "demonized." This relative actually has quite a lot of wits about him/her and is a blessing to society.


I have been diagnosed with MPD Multiple Personality Disorder, (now know as DID).


I have had more then one Christian say something along the lines that a exorcism might help. :glare:


I had a friend whom I met just a few years before she died of cancer at age 34. She was a deep person, who really cared about her friends. We had many chats on the phone, and visits when we could, when our babies were young. She had a couple of older kids, too, so she'd casually tell me things like "Oh, things will work out, don't worry so much" whenever I was worried about some baby-related item. She was a Christian, but not like many other Christians I had known through the years - she was so down to earth and practical. So anyway, she ended up dying of cancer way too young and I felt privileged to be the last person to see her alive in the hospital. It's an experience I'll never forget, being around her in her last couple of weeks of her life. I loved her dearly. Well, one day months after she died, someone else who knew her in a more mentorly type of way told me that my friend had had MPD. I about fell over. I never knew that, never saw that about her (granted, I don't know anything about it) - she just seemed so normal to me. But this mentor person of hers was going on and on to me about how it had been so hard to "minister" to my friend, because of her MPD. And I don't know what to think about that. The mentor knew her longer than I did, and had helped her through some earlier marital troubles, I think. But still, I had a hard time accepting that my friend, who never gave me an ounce of "vibes," had been so difficult to "minister" to. I still don't know what was up with that. Maybe my friend did have MPD. But maybe she just didn't want people prying into her life?? Is there anything wrong with that? Maybe she was already getting professional help, I don't know. But it seems to me that the mentor may have been prying too much. This same mentor also tried to control when I would go visit my friend in the hospital, even though my friend's husband gave me the hearty AOK about visiting her whenever I was available to go.


I grew up hearing about demon possession, and guess what - FEAR was the biggest thing around it. So if I'm hearing that my relative is "demonized" or that my friend needed to be "delivered" (yes, I think that's a word the mentor used), or if I'm a 10 year old girl watching a man screaming and throwing chairs during a prayer meeting (yes, that 10yo was me), that fear is going to be big. I can't buy it anymore. Who wants to live a life of fear, looking for demons or explaining behaviours as being "possessed." Not me. I now think it's undignifying to people, to view people through that lens. I've seen other situations, which I won't go into, that preyed on this fear in order to manipulate people. THAT is what makes me be really skeptical now about this whole issue of "possession." I am glad Parrothead posted this poll, so I could read about others' similar thoughts.

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Yes, I believe in demon possession, but I do not believe a genuine Christian can be demon possessed. I also think it is a RARE event.


I have yet to read far. Just from the question and the first few posts, I will add my thoughts.


:iagree:I believe evil exists. I believe evil can effect Christians and their circumstances, but If the holy spirit dwells within (general) you, then there is no room for a demon :tongue_smilie:. I, too, believe that possession is not a common occurrence. And the overall fact remains that while God is omnipresent, Satan is not and is far more limited in power.


Now I will read the rest. :D

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That is very insulting to anyone suffering from mental illness and those who love and care for them.


Not only insulting but dangerous for those who are suffering from mental illness and aren't receiving proper care because of this type of belief.

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I voted "no, I do not believe evil exists in any form."


I don't believe in demons or possession. I also do not believe in any outside force of evil. If I choose to murder someone, that was my own choice. Obviously, some with mental illness do not have that choice, but I don't believe demons or evil are involved in mental illness, either.


There are some truly evil people in this world though. What in their mind makes them do the things they do, no one knows. But I don't believe it is evil. They made bad choices, sometimes many, many bad choices. (I'm thinking really bad here, Hitler & Jeffs bad, not just a mean person.)



Even though I believe evil exits, I still agree with the bolded. Bad choices and sin are not the direct result of evil, satan or demons. If I choose to murder someone (I don't currently have any plans to:tongue_smilie:) then it is not because the devil made me do it. There is one devil and, yes, many demons but people don't have to be possessed by them to engage in sin. I also believe you can sin and not be evil.

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I truly believe in demon possession. It's Biblical.....Jesus cast out demons, told us to do the same...."these kind go not out but by prayer and fasting".


My sister is a missionary in Africa...the spirit world is extremely real there. The stories she has to tell........


That said, I have a dear friend that is schizophrenic. When I first heard about it, I wondered about possession, but of course, never said anything. I did pray about it, though. I have had some very interesting conversations about the whole mental illness vs. demons issue with her. In one she said that she wished it was possession rather than an illness because then she could just get a group of people together to pray for her and that would be the end rather than a constant life trying to find the perfect balance of medications to keep her rational.


So, yes, I think possession is real. But I also know that mental illnesses are real so Christians need to tread lightly....and it never hurts to pray for a person whatever might be the case. God can heal the mind, the body, and he has power over Satan.


Just my thoughts. And I certainly don't think I have this all figured out....well, actually, I know that I haven't. And probably never will. It is interesting to her others' views.

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