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All right. Fine. You outed me.


It's not really a dog. Its a fox, which are illegle to keep as pet's here in Hubbard but the kid's trapped it and it was looking up at us with it's foxy eyes and I couldn't say NO!


I try to keep it Simple and not Sweat the small stuff. I mostly just throw Owen in the lake when I'm sick of him but he keeps swimming back!


So there's the truth.


Well with a board name like unsinkable it's no wonder the fox keeps coming back. :lol:

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These threads must be stopped.


I am sitting in the linen closet.


It seems the time I spent on that thread last night, laughing alone in my room while I was expected to be asleep, has caused some alarm amongst my family.


There is talk of intervention. And I heard someone mutter "crisis center".


On the upside, it smells like a lovely Spring day in here.

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I have a confession. :sigh:


My son's name is not really Z.







....It's Y. According the to the psychic we saw before he was born that was going to be his favorite question ever. Whew! I'm glad she was right. Everything is Y this, Y that, even after 13 1/2 years. We were hoping for twins though, which we would would have named X. It would have went with their middle names, axis, we were trying to reproduce a graph.




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I have a confession. :sigh:


My son's name is not really Z.







....It's Y. According the to the psychic we saw before he was born that was going to be his favorite question ever. Whew! I'm glad she was right. Everything is Y this, Y that, even after 13 1/2 years. We were hoping for twins though, which we would would have named X. It would have went with their middle names, axis, we were trying to reproduce a graph.





If you have triplets they can be Ala's, Aaque and Axis.

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OK, I am going to confess. Those are the kids' board names. To protect my identity. I'm sorry.


Here are they're real names: (the slash still indicates the nick/name)


Charlie/Bailey (4)

Julia/Julessey (3)

Claudia/Laceey (2)

Owen (dog)


Who nickname's a dog? Well, sometimes we do call him Marley. But its not official.


I love Party of Five! :thumbup1:

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Knock me over with the hair of a troll. Or the thread of a kilt.


I went to church today (it is Sunday, people!) and missed everything. I got online half an hour ago to find forty-'leven private messages on three different boards about WHAT WAS THE SMOKING GUN?????





It was like an episode of Lost. What did Dulcimeramy know??? (Why am I not always this popular? Shame.)


All I had was what someone mentioned elsewhere: Striking similarity between Anna Marie's sig and the sig that Tam in Az used at Sonlight for years.


They were sooooo similar. Exact same # of kids, same family structure for grandkid families, and age spans and everything. Only the genders were reversed almost 100%. Anna Marie's dropped the adopted kid and one grandchild (SL'ers were suspicious of that adoption of Tam's) and went with one fewer set of twins. More believable.


And get this: both Anna Marie and Tam finished the sig with, "Yes, they're all mine!"


Anna Marie 'confessed' within moments of my posting that, so we may indeed have been barking up the right tree. Except Tam never confessed anywhere that I know of.



Forty leven Crack me up:lol:

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Guest Dulcimeramy


Forty leven Crack me up:lol:


Did you get my pm? I thought you knew who I was! ROFL Weathertop from SL and FCT.

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I also spent the whole way to church and back checking the boards on my droid.


I said to my husband as I fell into bed after 2 a.m., "We got the troll! We are mighty troll hunters!" He said, "Mhmph? zzzzz."


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Board drama has too tight of a grip on us!!! But wouldn't I love to know some of you IRL!!


The poster's probably thinking he / she could've had a lot of fun if it weren't for us meddling kids. :lol:


:lol: And this is one of the things I love about these boards - the ability to ask and investigate to figure out what is REALLY what. About any topic that anyone brings up. You know, kinda like the little boy in The Emperor's New Clothes.


But I'm a little sweet, normally, right? Cuz I want to be sweet.

And funny.

But not mean. I don't want to be mean.


Oh sure, you're sweet and funny. It's just that I could tell, days ago, that you were unobtrusively trying to draw her out. It was entertaining for me to watch. It's great watching how people protect the freedom-with-responsibility that is allowed here.




No, no, it's Neva'eh (like Imp said, read it backwards). It's a Canadian troll.


DH thinks i have lost my ever loving mind because I am over her laughing my hind quarters off at these threads.


Well, tell dh you are about to be assimilated, mwaaahahahahahaha!


These threads must be stopped.


I am sitting in the linen closet.





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I've done more sleuthing while the boards were down. This person was all over the Heart of Dakota boards and the homeschool reviews forum.


Trying to get them on troll alert now.


Of course the person is denying everything. Katherine A posted on the HOD board and claimed to have 18 children there. Some twins, triplets, some other kids adopted due to cancer & suicide. Sheesh.

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I've done more sleuthing while the boards were down. This person was all over the Heart of Dakota boards and the homeschool reviews forum.


Trying to get them on troll alert now.


Of course the person is denying everything. Katherine A posted on the HOD board and claimed to have 18 children there. Some twins, triplets, some other kids adopted due to cancer & suicide. Sheesh.


Were any of them named Nevaeh?

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I was thinking how you guys all need to start school already, so you are too busy to spend so much time on the boards, so I can go and do other things too. I spent hours on here last night reading, and laughing so much I was crying.

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Were any of them named Nevaeh?


She didn't post names. Just ages and how many she had, and her oldest was pregnant.


Found another clue. We already spotted the "toke" instead of "took". Now there's "threw" instead of "through".


The grammatical errors do make me think this is a teenager / young adult. And one obsessed with babies (pregnancy, dating, baby names, etc.).


I haven't seen where they're looking for donations, money or anything like that -- just attention.

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The grammatical errors do make me think this is a teenager / young adult. And one obsessed with babies (pregnancy, dating, baby names, etc.).



I agree with you. I was kidding about the Nevaeh :P


But she sounds very teenager, from the way she's obsessing over things about which kid should go where in her imaginary house. Also sounds like she badly wants to date and have a room of her own.

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She didn't post names. Just ages and how many she had, and her oldest was pregnant.


Found another clue. We already spotted the "toke" instead of "took". Now there's "threw" instead of "through".


The grammatical errors do make me think this is a teenager / young adult. And one obsessed with babies (pregnancy, dating, baby names, etc.).


I haven't seen where they're looking for donations, money or anything like that -- just attention.

HA there is a hsing mom in our local area that runs a sports thing and she has a saying about THREW JESUS,


it cracks us all up to read it.


She's real, She's an adult, doubt she trolls though

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Persistent little bugger!


Sticking to her stories, no matter how many folks are outing her.


The owner of HOD has locked the thread while she investigates it. Hope she comes over here. We'll give her enough posts to read about this drama to keep her awake for a week! :lol:

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I also have to say that having looked at some of the threads on homeschoolreviews, she's rather scarily obsessed with unusual dates (pregnant daughter's wedding on 11/11/11 etc.)


I wonder if the "21 weeks pregnant" here was setting herself up for a premature (lots of sympathy) baby on 11/11/11 and they could joyously celebrate his eventual emergence from the hospital and name him Soldier or something.

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Persistent little bugger!


Sticking to her stories, no matter how many folks are outing her.


The owner of HOD has locked the thread while she investigates it. Hope she comes over here. We'll give her enough posts to read about this drama to keep her awake for a week! :lol:


Wow, she certainly sounds familiar in the HOD post. There was a post linked here (or in the UGH thread--can't remember and I can't find it now) that sounded very much like that post at HOD but about SL instead.


She's so darn BUBBLY. I think that might be another clue that it is a young teen. Whoever it is isn't going for the shock/drama trolls usually seek. She's not stirring up trouble by posting inflammatory posts, she's not bringing up hot-button topics to start drama and then watch it unfold, she's not asking for help or $ (at least not yet) . . . none of the frequent troll MO's. Just attention, conversation, and (unwitting) cooperation with her as she plays grown-up.

Edited by Kirch
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Wow, she certainly sounds familiar. There was a post linked here (or in the UGH thread--can't remember and I can't find it now) that sounded very much like that post at HOD but about SL instead.


She's so darn BUBBLY. I think that might be another clue that it is a young teen. Whoever it is isn't going for the shock/drama trolls usually seek. She's not stirring up trouble by posting inflammatory posts, she's not bringing up hot-button topics to start drama and then watch it unfold, she's not asking for help or $ (at least not yet) . . . none of the frequent troll MO's. Just attention, conversation, and (unwitting) cooperation with her as she plays grown-up.


Yah, I seriously wonder if the '13 and doesn't get a lot of attention' was for real. It would fit.


She wants attention, and badly wants to be competent and the envy of mothers for her effortless management of an enormous household.


The children in your head are always more advanced and better-behaved than any you really have. :P


And I don't know why this is dwelling on my brain so heavily today.

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I'll bet her first name in day to day life is Nikki. That was the name of the 13 year old in the post.


And I'll bet her family took her camping at Horseshoe Lodge at Hubbard Lake.


I bet her parents are getting a nasty divorce and she's going to move away from her boyfriend named Matthew. And she probably does live in Michigan and they are going to leave to one of the other states via the other ID's...was it Texas or whatever?


Just my own theories on it.


When one is losing everything in the world, go make one up so you can keep it together or something like that.


Then again, it could be some drifter in Arizona like someone else said. It's just weird.


The person isn't very creative really; if you Google some of the sentences in the posts here, they appear on the other boards mentioned. They were just copy/pasting things at random boards.


I don't think that's the work of a full grown adult but a child. These are only guesses at reasoning it out.




Someone else said something ( I have no idea where it is now ) about the time span. Was/has this been going on for years? Someone will show up and do something weird like this...as in...this might all be just ONE single person who floats around from time to time with a new story/persona?


How many total personas are there now that folks think may be just ONE individual?


Someone build a cliff notes with dates/names/boards/details..


Anna Marie/August 2011/WTM- 17 kids

then persona 2

three, etc.


I sure can't keep it all straight.

Edited by one*mom
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Here is the post from HOD board. I tried to post last night but the site went down. This thread has been hilarious! I was so bummed when it went I couldn't get to the next page! Lol.



"Back to HOD!

by Katherine A. on Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:16 pm


I posted here a month ago? Asking about placement & such.


I have 12 biological children (3.5 year old Identical Twins (girls), 6 year old Identical Triplets (boys), 7 yos, 9 yod, 11yos, 14yod, 15yos, 16yod, & 18yod)


A couple thing's have changed since i sense posted; the biggest being we Added 6 more dc to our family (4 yod,6 yo boy/girl twins, Almost 9yod,11yos & 13yos) !

My neighbor (more like a friend) passed away from Cancer & her husband passed away too (he committed suicide ), the didn't/don't have anywhere to go, so they are living with us and we're in the process of adopting them.


A couple other things..

My 18 yod is engaged & expecting. My 11 yos wanted to do school during the summer, so i got him ACE. And he flew threw them. (the 7th grade one's)


This is we're everyone is academically now: 2 8th Grader's, 2 5th Graders, 6 2nd Graders, 3 Pre-Kers


I've gone back and fourth of *what* to do with them. I've changed my mind 4 times!


I eventually ended up back to HOD for the 2nd Grader's (BLHFHG), And for the 8th Grader's (Rev To Rev)!


Now I'm back to HOD for Everyone!


I'm going to be using; LHTH, BLHFHG, CTC, & Rev To Rev! And I'm excited!


Thing's have been pretty crazy, and will continue to be so (planning a wedding ), 18 yod having the baby, etc,etc. It's essential to use something open & go! I'm thinking this year will be great"

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My internet went down last night, MUCH needed thunderstorm and rain (YEAH!!!) and this is what you guys do without me? :001_smile:


So this troll was on the HOD board...hmmm. Very, very busy little troll. Not really spending much time guarding the cave! :D


I'm impressed with the troll hunters. I just don't have the computer savvy to do something like that. I was lucky to ever learn how to post on this board, use the little icons, and eventually insert a picture (I'm so proud of myself now :biggrinjester:).


Me thinks I need some more coffee to help me catch up on this thread.



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The HOD post is just over the top!!!


I saw that last night and called her out on the public board. 2 other people came to my defense to state that she was indeed a troll. The owner of the board came along and locked the thread and promised to look into it further.


But...seriously? How long would you have to look into it? Doesn't it just strike you as odd from the beginning??? 18 children? Twins AND triplets? Raising the neighbor's kids because of suicide?


The fact that she's a troll should be obvious? :confused:

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The HOD post is just over the top!!!


I saw that last night and called her out on the public board. 2 other people came to my defense to state that she was indeed a troll. The owner of the board came along and locked the thread and promised to look into it further.


But...seriously? How long would you have to look into it? Doesn't it just strike you as odd from the beginning??? 18 children? Twins AND triplets? Raising the neighbor's kids because of suicide?


The fact that she's a troll should be obvious? :confused:


I thought that too. I'm sure it will not take long at all!

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She will probably just go somewhere else after she gets banned from HOD. There are so many other boards and unfortunately not people like "you" who are troll detectives stalking the boards :)


Too true! I went looking for her because the boards here were down and I couldn't sleep!


Found her on the homeschool reviews forum under "chit chat", too. But she'd already been outed. It was Anna Marie with the list of 17 children from this board. AND someone nabbed her as a troll there within an hour of her posting her introduction! And it was on August 1st, too! The same day Anna Marie joined here. So methinks she's been doing this for awhile -- at least for most of the summer.

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Wow!!! I wonder where she will go next or where she is right now that has no idea?


No clue! I can only save the boards that I'm a member of. I can't chase her all over the internet. I have very important things to do today...like clean the bathrooms and take my kids to piano lessons. :rolleyes:



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No clue! I can only save the boards that I'm a member of. I can't chase her all over the internet. I have very important things to do today...like clean the bathrooms and take my kids to piano lessons. :rolleyes:




Yes and I must do laundry, vacuum, and bathe the dog....at least at some point today.

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I tend to think it is a young teen for because of the way she talks about her kids. In her posts introducing herself, she goes on and on about all the kids - names, ages, other details, what they are studying? Who does that? I haven't seen that very often. Most people are focused more on...guess what? Homeschooling!


The other thing that always struck me as odd (although I wasn't suspicious) is how she would ask for advice on silly things. Silly really for any mother, but especially one with that many kids! Or maybe it was the way she asked - sounded like someone very young and immature. She would lay out a problem in the simplest terms without analyzing it (or didn't seem to think on it too deeply!) and then say, "what would you do?", which just seemed weird to me. Like the one where she was wondering if her dead sister's kids should call her "mom". The posts sound like a young person trying to come up with fantasy situations to discuss.


The troll seems to want attention more than anything else. This sounds a bit dark, but I think an attention-seeking adult might focus more on tragedy and trouble. I think a teen would focus on things like an exciting pregnancy with interesting birth dates, big new house, where to put everyone. Big girl doll house.


If this is a 13 yo, I do wonder where her mother is in all this. Does she not monitor the computer? Is she on one of these boards as well?

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I tend to think it is a young teen for because of the way she talks about her kids. In her posts introducing herself, she goes on and on about all the kids - names, ages, other details, what they are studying? Who does that? I haven't seen that very often. Most people are focused more on...guess what? Homeschooling!


The other thing that always struck me as odd (although I wasn't suspicious) is how she would ask for advice on silly things. Silly really for any mother, but especially one with that many kids! Or maybe it was the way she asked - sounded like someone very young and immature. She would lay out a problem in the simplest terms without analyzing it (or didn't seem to think on it too deeply!) and then say, "what would you do?", which just seemed weird to me. Like the one where she was wondering if her dead sister's kids should call her "mom". The posts sound like a young person trying to come up with fantasy situations to discuss.


The troll seems to want attention more than anything else. This sounds a bit dark, but I think an attention-seeking adult might focus more on tragedy and trouble. I think a teen would focus on things like an exciting pregnancy with interesting birth dates, big new house, where to put everyone. Big girl doll house.


If this is a 13 yo, I do wonder where her mother is in all this. Does she not monitor the computer? Is she on one of these boards as well?


I agree completely! :iagree:


She struck me as very obsessed with a make-believe house, make-believe babies, large families, etc. But didn't appear to be out to scam anyone or start arguments over controversial subjects.


And I'm thinking she's homeschooled...hence the reason she's on homeschooling boards...and she DOES know curriculum, which makes me think that's because she uses it in her own schooling or her mother talks about it, etc.


I'm guessing mom doesn't post on WTM .. or she'd be wondering why her account never lets her log in because she's banned all the time! ;) Also...mom doesn't supervise her bedtime either -- or she has a computer in her room. Cause I couldn't sleep last night and this poster was hanging out on another homeschool board until 2 or 3 in the morning.

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And I'm thinking she's homeschooled...hence the reason she's on homeschooling boards...and she DOES know curriculum, which makes me think that's because she uses it in her own schooling or her mother talks about it, etc.



She could also just WISH that she were homeschooled, and have done enough reading around the internet to sound plausible.


You know, the 'if I had kids I'd do a better job than my mother' syndrome.

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I stayed up late last night reading the Ugh thread and then started reading this one. I woke up this morning and I just HAD to get back online to finish this thread.


I did try getting on WTM early yesterday and I read one page of a thread and then the forum shat itself. Now I know why!!


Good job troll hunting ladies :)


p.s It is 10:58am here and I reeeeeeally need to go and do DD's school.

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I stayed up late last night reading the Ugh thread and then started reading this one. I woke up this morning and I just HAD to get back online to finish this thread.


I did try getting on WTM early yesterday and I read one page of a thread and then the forum shat itself. Now I know why!!


Good job troll hunting ladies :)


p.s It is 10:58am here and I reeeeeeally need to go and do DD's school.


School? Who said you should do school? You'll never keep up with all the good stuff here if you actually plan to educate your kids. :D


I have one more week, and then we start, so I'm trying to get all the good stuff in before then.

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I stayed up late last night reading the Ugh thread and then started reading this one. I woke up this morning and I just HAD to get back online to finish this thread.


I did try getting on WTM early yesterday and I read one page of a thread and then the forum shat itself. Now I know why!!


Good job troll hunting ladies :)


p.s It is 10:58am here and I reeeeeeally need to go and do DD's school.


Shat or shartle?

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Am I a troll? Surely you jest. I am as true blue as they come chica!



Oh, you mean the poster I quoted? I don't know. She only has 3 posts, but she also only has 2 kids.


Not YOU! Awisha..? I have never heard that name and well...she "sounds" a lot like Anne Marie. And she shats things down. :lol::lol:

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Not YOU! Awisha..? I have never heard that name and well...she "sounds" a lot like Anne Marie. And she shats things down. :lol::lol:


That is freakin hilarious! I don't know. First post was asking for a penpal. So mention of Michigan or 17 kids. Also no inappropriate quotation marks or kitten killing. I hate to accuse someone. Maybe one of our detectives can look into it. I would rather go fantasize about my upcoming wedding to Alex.

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